Australian Scientists Caught Rigging Climate Number to Fake Global Warming


In Australia, the scientists have been caught red-handed adjusting the number to pretend the climate has been getting warmer. Let’s get real here. There are natural cycles within climate. How did the Ice Ages end before without cars? Guess it must have been a lot of cows farting as Europe has declare cows posed the second greatest threat to the environment next to cars. Keep one thing in mind. Creating a climate crisis means they get funding. The money flows to them for investigating what does not exist.

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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 30, 2014 12:40 pm

Liberals think lying is OK if it’s for the right reason. It’s liberal taqqiya.

September 30, 2014 12:41 pm

Yup, follow the money, these fucktards know who butters their bread and they will say or do anything necessary to keep their cushy government paid positions. (couldn’t say jobs)

In my shittown we have a local university that, using government money, created a fuel cell generating research facility a few years back.

Then wind blew into michigan under the last democrat governor, with new federal and state money to study wind.
GVSU immediately threw out their taxpayer provided fuel cell generator for pennies on the dollar, fired the fuel cell researcher’s and went all in with wind.
After hiring wind power fucktards GVSU even bought a buoy to place in Lake Michigan and ya know what?
They discovered that the wind fucking blows out in the big lake and reported it would be a great place to put up windmills!


Must be great to be such fart smellers…….I mean smart fellers.

September 30, 2014 12:59 pm

Must suck to have to whore your intelligence and credentials out for a bunch of fucking enviro-fags and goobermint fuckhead drones just so you can keep the grants granting and the funds funding…

But, I guess Billy’s Universal Theorem: “People SUCK!” holds true for the egghead crowd too… There’s probably more than a few “scientist” types whose sole goal in life is to get credentialed just so they can suck off the goobermint’s tit, saying whatever it is the fuckhead drones want them to say…


“Dr. Demento? This is the Super Secret Government Department of Crisis Invention. We need you to make up another “crisis”, complete with phony-baloney “study” and signed by all your egghead “peers”…”
“Okay, sure. What kind of “crisis” do you need invented? Killer asteroid? Zombie plague? Weaponized ebola? Oh! I know! Weaponized ebola carried by terrorists! How’s that?”
“Pretty good… we’ll send some drones over from Homeland to back you up and give advice on the right buzzwords to use… have to use the right words to shock the “MURKINS!” into believing anything..”
“Not a problem. The funds will be transferred to my Cayman account, as usual?”
“Expect them by Friday…”


September 30, 2014 1:09 pm

“Weaponized ebola carried by terrorists!”


I bet 90% of the population……. and 90% of politicians would fall for that one!

September 30, 2014 1:28 pm

“How did the Ice Ages end before without cars?” ———- from the article

Ice Age
Dinosaur FARTS
Dinosaur die off
Another Ice Age

I trust you see the connection … dinosaur farts!!

September 30, 2014 1:52 pm


Don’t give them any fucking ideas…. some douche will read that and then fly to some glacier in Greenland, drill some ice cores, then say that he found elevated levels of methane because Dinosaur Farts….

Then we’ll see some UN shit about how Dino Farts locked in various ice shelfs, glaciers and ice bergs are causing the Atlantic Conveyor to stop, which will make Polar Bears stop hugging trees, which will be THE END of all life on earth…. and some shit about honey bees all flying to Antarctica….

September 30, 2014 2:10 pm

Stucky , aren’t these some of you kin people. You Damn want to be Germans never let me down. ha ha

September 30, 2014 2:34 pm

The funniest thing?

These are not the first set of “scientists” to be CAUGHT playing fast and loose with the data. NOAA has been accused of the same thing, including both decreasing historical temp records (make it look warmer now) AND removing weather stations while simultaneously moving the remaining ones closer to buildings – which are directly affected by the heat bank phenom.

Not to mention the UN guys emails showing, “change stats, make it look worse, call them names and drown them out when they speak truth”

And, the infamous upside down hockey stick chart.

And the fact the Artic ice shelf is near record thickness now

And, and, and, and, and…

Hard to keep the lies straight when the entire premise is based upon them.

But will it matter one iota to our dear leaders or the true-believers?

Nope. No it most certainly will not.

We humans are a bizarre and oft misunderstood species.

September 30, 2014 4:14 pm

Most of you are climate deniers. Everyone knows that cavemen running their CFC cave heating heat pumps created the hole in the ozone layer which caused the end of the ice age.

September 30, 2014 10:42 pm

People – please make the distinction.
Climate change is universe-wide and has been occurring since the birth of the universe.
Anyone who denies that is an effing idiot.
Anthropomorphic warming of planet Earth is totally different and as should be apparent to all now, totally wrong and a feeble cash grab from the moronic majority by world governments.

Some further reading for those interested:

The 800 year lag in CO2 after temperature – graphed

September 30, 2014 10:43 pm

The data and findings made by the Bureau of Meteorology are peer reviewed. That process is robust. No effort was made to hide the fact that they homogenise some of their data and raw data is not lumped in with homogenised data.

What is the problem? Oh right, wingnuts think there is a conspiracy. I’ll tell that to all my dying apple trees, the ignorant fucking liberals are wearing their death bloom at the moment. That can’t possibly be the unseasonal weather, it must be politics.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 1, 2014 1:11 am

Homer Simpson voice: “peer reviewed” , “robust” , “homogenized”.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: climate change? Who fucking cares ? Last time I looked, there were still apples at the grocery store.

Mike Moskos
Mike Moskos
October 1, 2014 1:59 am

The only realistic way to quickly bring carbon levels back to pre-industrial levels is through regenerative agriculture. But, the reductionist scientists running the show don’t care about it.

Instead, they want politicians to raise the cost of energy to force the very lifestyle changes they themselves won’t do on their own. Fat chance politicians will raise the price of energy.

The Repubs–who thought they could delay the whole thing by studying it to death–set in motion a vast bureaucracy preparing for climate change. Would have been cheaper for the Feds to buy an increasing percentage of renewable energy every year to activate the private sector research to bring costs down further.

Last I read we’re on target to meet the Kyoto Protocol standards (standards politicians outright rejected) for the U.S. primarily because energy costs more already and we’re driving less. ‘Course if you’re not employed, there’s no reason for a long commute in your heavy moving living room.

October 1, 2014 9:35 pm

Martin Armstrong? That guy lost it a long time ago. Nutcake.