“Hi, This Is Michelle Obama …”

Guest Post by Bill Bonner


Going Broke

“Hi, this is Michelle Obama…”

You hear the most amazing things on the streets of Baltimore. On Election Day, a loudspeaker mounted on a white van makes its way up and down the streets with a recorded message.

As near as we could make out, Mrs. Obama was urging grown-ups to vote. As they say on Wall Street, she was “talking her book.” The political elite needs the voting masses like a tractor-trailer needs diesel fuel – to get where it is going.

In the Wall Street Journal last week our spirits were buoyed when we realized that we had more life left than we thought. New figures show a man who reaches age 65 will likely live to be 86.6 years old – a full two years more than the last forecast.

Two more years? What will we do with them? Run for public office? Learn a foreign language? Rob a liquor store and serve 24 months in jail? Wait. There must be a cloud to go with this silver lining. “The new estimates […] could eventually increase retirement liabilities by roughly 7%,” says the Journal.

The last time we looked, the US was already so far underwater it was almost sure to get the bends. According to GAAP accounting, Washington owes about $212 trillion – most of it in money it doesn’t have – to pay pensions and health care benefits.

If people are living longer, those liabilities must increase. Let’s see, 7% of $212 trillion… Hmmm… You can do the math as well as we can. The new total should be about $15 trillion more. And if that is so, what does it mean for government pension and health care systems throughout the developed world?

What it means is that they are all going broke. Led by those aging pacesetters: the Japanese. Yes, in the race to see which modern, debt-funded social welfare state will go broke first, Japan is in the lead.


1-Japan-soc-secProjected cost of social security benefits, Japan


Armed Robbery

As longtime Diary sufferers already know, the essence of government is armed robbery. Coaxed to the polls by Michelle, voters may fantasize that they set the course for the United States of America. But it is the elite who are in the driver’s seat.

That is our observation … and the conclusion of two university studies reported recently in these pages. The public merely votes for whichever candidates have done the best job of hoodwinking it.

Then the elite use the police power of the state to transfer wealth and power from the voters to themselves. Which is why the paramilitary buildup of local police forces is so alarming: It suggests they are going to strong-arm us all.

In the old days, they were unapologetic about it. Even as late as the 19th century, Napoleon’s army stomped over Europe with Liberty, Equality and Fraternity on its lips. But larceny was in its heart. The soldiers of the Grande Armée stole everything they could cart away.

Modern government demands more fraud than force. Capitalism depends on complex, trusting relationships and long-term fixed investments. Stealing things outright disrupts it. Output goes down. Nations that have no respect for the requirements of capitalism have weak economies. And weak economies can’t afford much firepower.

That was what led China and Russia to abandon their Communist creeds in the late 20th century. Command economies are weak economies, and weak economies can’t compete militarily.


2-mil-spendGlobal military spending 2013


Wolves and Lambs

After the French Revolution, almost all major countries found they needed to make the common people feel that they were in charge of government. And after Bismarck, political parties found they needed to offer the voters some form of social welfare. Otherwise, they faced a “revolt of the masses.”

That is what turned today’s governments into huge kleptocratic insurance companies. They run grossly inefficient health care and pension programs; the elites steal a large part of the cash flow (sugar subsidies, QE, Fannie Mae, pharmaceuticals, bailouts, etc.).

This model has worked reasonably well for the last 150 years. Capitalists added more meat to the average man’s diet and more leisure to his time. Wealthier, he demanded… and was able to support… increasingly ambitious insurance programs.

But Bismarck’s model reached its peak in the last half of the 20th century. In Europe and the US, substantial real income gains ended in the 1970s. The old Fords and Rockefellers were gone. And the new capitalists were so fettered with taxes, rules and regulations that they found it hard to move ahead.

Debt and demography, too, reduced growth rates. But people still wanted more benefits. They looked to the government and the credit industry to supply them. Presidents Johnson and Nixon cut the dollar loose from gold in 1968 and 1971 – making it possible to go deeper into debt than ever before.

As benefits rose, the more important they became to the people receiving them… and the more costly they became to the governments. Politicians found they could not raise taxes or cut benefits. All they could do was borrow more. As is recounted superbly by former Reagan budget adviser David Stockman, in the fight for balanced budgets in the early 1980s the Republican Party took a dive.

Thereafter, there was no serious opposition to deficits. By early in the 21st century, more than half of the voters were receiving support from the government. The wolves outnumbered the lambs at the polling stations; the dinner menu was a foregone conclusion.

In the US, cutting military spending could still finance social welfare spending. But the security industry too has been turned into a giant part of the insurance complex – with millions of wolves relying on jobs, contracts, health care and retirement benefits.

And now – with graying populations, falling birthrates, heavy debt and slow growth – claims rise. The insurance company model is headed for a bust.
The good news from last week’s life expectancy numbers is that we have a good chance of living long enough to see it.


3-Medicare_&_Social_Security_Deficits_ChartThe pre-programmed end of the welfare state – click to enlarge.


stv-171_bismarckGerman chancellor, General Otto von Bismarck – the inventor of the welfare state

(Photo via Wikimedia commons)


Charts by: Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (IAA), Korea Herald, Wikipedia
The above article is from Diary of a Rogue Economist originally written for Bonner & Partners. Bill Bonner founded Agora, Inc in 1978. It has since grown into one of the largest independent newsletter publishing companies in the world. He has also written three New York Times bestselling books, Financial Reckoning Day, Empire of Debt and Mobs, Messiahs and Markets.
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November 5, 2014 11:48 am

Bonner’s great as usual.

Of course his Magnum Opus column was, “Everybody Hates Capitalism.” There, he explained in terms a child can understand why successful capitalists rapidly turn into the malevolent crony version, joining hands with the Stalinists in trying to destroy free markets and honest competition.

There are two systems available:
1. An honest system of competition and openness.
2. A political system.

Political systems CANNOT be honest, open or free. They are each a monopoly based on coercion, a system of organizing men into those who are allowed to do what is a CRIME if done by anyone else, and the victims of those “approved” criminals.

November 5, 2014 12:10 pm

Point 1….I’ve always wondered why the hell anyone listens to the First Lady. She should have a $200 a month allowance for stamps….that’s it. Not one frick’in person elected her for squat. How many millions have been spent funding these un-elected women ?

So I hear the figures 60 trillion,120 trillion…212 trillion in unfunded liabilities…the total doesn’t matter…we don’t have the money.

Finally…women live longer than men now….I guess from a healthcare stand point there’s a war on men….at least according to the Demorat’s .

November 5, 2014 12:16 pm

“As near as we could make out, Mrs. Obama was urging grown-ups to vote.” —— article

Let’s be more accurate. She was urging BLACK people to vote.

What the goddamnfuk? What if a Republican — or even a Dem — specifically targeted WHITE people? Can you imagine the OUTGAGE!!!????! Raaaayyyyycisssss! They would skewer that poor sumvabitch like a rat.

Fucken motherfuckin double-standard sack of ratshit. This neegro in charge and his penis-vagina wife have turned me into a rabid racist like never before. I can at least thank him for that.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 5, 2014 10:41 pm


I’m rather new here. Has anyone every done a pole on TBP as to how many think Mooshell has a penis or vagina? You know, thumbs up for penis and thumbs down for vagina. Just wondering.

November 5, 2014 11:04 pm

Bea – many pols on Mooshell have been taken.

Its species is most likely wookie, but some kind of blood-sucking alien bat-thing also drew a lot of votes.

Hermaphrodite seems to leading re its gender.

November 5, 2014 11:11 pm

Kick that cunt in the fuck!!!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
November 5, 2014 11:17 pm


Whatever that thing is, it’s uuuggggly and big.