Guest Post by Anthony Sanders

Federal Debt Has Breached The $18 Trillion Level, Up 68% Since Obama Took Office In 2009 (Real Incomes LOWER Too!)

US Federal government debt has breached the $18 trillion level.

debt to the penny Dec 2014

That represents a 68% increase since President Obama took office in January 2009.


Now, while it is easy to point to the sitting President for the increase in Federal debt, Congress is also to blame along with past Presidents and Congresses who keep spending like drunken sailors in port.

And what has America seen with 68% more Federal debt? Lower real median household income.


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December 2, 2014 11:38 am

But, but, but they keep telling me Obama brought the deficit down. Who am I to believe Obama or my lying eyes.

Golden Oxen
Golden Oxen
December 2, 2014 11:46 am

Title should be Trillions not Billions

Billions have become chump change overnight in our land of fiat money.

December 2, 2014 12:08 pm

From what I’ve been able to discern on the interweb, the added debt is really congress’s fault.

IF obama would have been able to implement HIS economic plan back in 2013, HIS deficit reduction plan would cut more than $1.1 trillion from the government’s projected deficits over the next 10 years.

A reduction of $1.1 trillion dollars over the next decade. Think about that, yeah, not chump change is it?

Fucking joke.

December 2, 2014 12:44 pm

Even more ridiculous considering Reid, Pelosi and Co tried to jam the biggest kitchen sink budget into the final year of Bush. At least Bush refused to sign that budget, but the numbers still count against his tenure.

December 2, 2014 2:59 pm

I would wager All politicians are lining their pockets and Swiss bank accounts.Holder declared money laundering legal for banks-Biden gave a no bid gov contract for Iraq to his brother whom is not a contractor-Its the wild west looting show-Tax payers get the bill and the shaft

Golden Oxen
Golden Oxen
December 2, 2014 3:16 pm

I would wager All politicians are lining their pockets and Swiss bank accounts.Holder declared money laundering legal for banks-Biden gave a no bid gov contract for Iraq to his brother whom is not a contractor-Its the wild west looting show-Tax payers get the bill and the shaft

Michelle Obama And Her Entourage Living It Up In China – On Your Money

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As you may know, First Lady Michelle Obama is in China on yet another vacation paid for by the American tax payers.

The First Lady, her mother, and her daughters are staying in the presidential suite at the Westin Beijing Chaoyang, a 3,445-square-foot suite designed with the ultimate luxury in mind that costs a whopping $8,350 a night.

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Ah, but that’s just for the Obamas. An assortment of her retainers and Chicago and DC hangers on have additional rooms in the hotel, and the Secret Service and lower level help have an entire floor booked.

Mrs. Obama’s previous luxury romp in Spain cost close to half a million of your tax dollars, and according to the UK Daily Mail, Judicial Watch reports that it cost more than $11 million for President and Mrs. Obama to travel to Africa for Nelson Mandela’s memorial service in December, where the president and his wife and their entourage were in Africa for less than 13 hours. This week-long China trip will come with a heavy tab, what with the increased flying time to Beijing, the five star accommodations and meals and all the additional security.The entire spectacle amounts to over 70 people getting a luxury trip to China on the American taxpayers for what is essentially a tourist excursion with no official business involved at all – yet it’s being billed as an ‘official trip.’
Yep, real warriors for the middle class! There’s a quaint expression that comes to mind here, but I digress.


December 2, 2014 7:12 pm

Every year I buy gifts and give them to the annual USMC Reserve Christmas “Toys for Tots” program. It’s easy to donate at the recruitment office at the local mall. Anyway, I bought two gifts on Sunday and delivered them late this morning.

During the past two years, I simply walked in and placed the items in one of the two (big) donation boxes without anyone even noticing. Usually the boxes were already full (or even overflowing) by this time in December. Not this year though as I saw very few gifts. Hardly anybody is donating this year.

Also, I no more than got through the door when the NCOIC appeared out of his office, shook my hand and personally thanked me for coming. I had never seen that before.

I think it’s going to be a disappointing Christmas for some kids this year.