This is the 50th Anniversary of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer appearing on network TV. I really am old. Watching this show was always a highlight of the Christmas season for a little kid in the 60’s and early 70’s. We only had about 8 TV channels in those days. For a little kid still believing in Santa Claus, this was an almost magical show. It still holds up well after all these years.

I think TBP is like the island of misfit toys. The people who read and comment on TBP don’t fit in. We are simply misfit for today’s warped delusional society, so we have taken up residence on the island of TBP. As I watch in wonder what passes for truth and economic policy in this empire of debt, I feel like a Charlie in a Box. Does anyone else feel the same?

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December 9, 2014 11:53 am

I feel EXACTLY the same. Lies are pretty and the truth is just that, a misfit lie. We had three channels and finally got a used color tv when the local motel changed theirs out. When we got cable it was a set-top box, I was the remote –

December 9, 2014 12:57 pm

Rudolph and his deformity can go suck my shiny Christmas balls.

First of all, why should he be given the lead job due to nothing more than some genetic fuckup? Isn’t that discrimination? Wait until the Equal Opportunity folks hear about this!

Second, it’s pure arrogance to say he is “the most famous reindeer of them all”. Ask 100 people to name all the reindeer and only 5% can name them all ….. BUT …. ONE HUNDRED FUCKIN’ PERCENT can name Donner and Dancer. This is nothing but yet another MSM propaganda campaign to create some Media Buzz for this Socialist reindeer.

And what do we ACTUALLY know about this creature?? What’s his favorite food? Who is his best friend? Where was he actually born? When is his birthday? You can’t answer any of these questions. He suddenly … just appears, out of NOWHERE. And then assumes command. Based on what? Nothing more than name recognition. Next thing you know he’ll be running for POTUS. Speaking of which …

Why doesn’t the story acknowledge that all the other reindeer were Neegrow reindeer?? We know they are Neegrow because Santa – (a mysterious character who is thrust into the plot, but never heard from again) – asks Rudolph to guide his “sleigh tonight”… and only then did these former bullies (they didn’t let Rudolph play in “reindeer games” … which sounds as tad bit homosexual, don’t you think?) oh yeah, ONLY THEN “all the reindeer’s loved him”. Lazy-assed muthafuckers! And let’s not pretend that we don’t know they work just one goddamned day …. In exchange for 364 days of Free Shit!!

Lastly, let’s discuss the central flaw in this tale. We basically know only two things about Rudolph. First, his nose is red. Second, that it “glows”. We also know the weather conditions for the day it question; it was a “foggy Christmas Eve” (presumably in every fuckin town on earf, no less). What good would a glowing nose do?? At BEST, it would provide luminescence for someone only very close to the light source to be able to see at all through the fog. Maybe 20 feet … if the high-beams on my Hyundai are any indication. But, it’s worse than that! There is no indication whatsoever that this nose actually, you know, SHINES .. as on my Hyundai. Nosiree, it merely glows. So, I’m calling bullshit on this guiding-the-sleigh-through-the-foggy-night crapola.

We never hear from Santa after he aks the question. Right? Here’s what I think happened. Philadelphia was even foggier than the rest of Earf’s towns and Rudolph got lost in an area known as The 30 Blocks Of Squalor. The Neegrow reindeer, seeing an opportunity to never have to work again in their lives (not even one day a year) played one of their reindeer-games know as Polar Bear, and put a cap in Santa’s head.

Then they hired some guy named Robert L. May to write a song about it, but told him to leave out the bad shit. And that’s where we are today …. Admin loving a song that represents A Lazy Animal, Free Shit and a Dead Santa.


December 9, 2014 1:02 pm

Here is the REAL story about Rudolph. Question is; can you handle the truth?

December 9, 2014 1:20 pm

@ Stucky


December 9, 2014 1:26 pm

Damn, I needed that today, Stucky.

Put me down as the spotted elephant.

December 9, 2014 1:44 pm

Admin, need to print and sell t-shirts ,….”I read TBP everyday, and I am proud to be a misfit!” John

December 9, 2014 2:13 pm

I can’t figure out which toy best represents a revolted, disgusted misanthrope.

I told the kids Christmas would be light and needed to be made in America.


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
December 9, 2014 2:15 pm


December 9, 2014 3:35 pm

Good one Stucky, Human Fund, love the Seinfeld references, I try to slip one in everyday at work, most of the time it goes right over everyone’s head, but I get it and that is good enough for me.

December 9, 2014 3:56 pm

i think stuckey missed his calling. Wit and talent.

December 9, 2014 4:01 pm

I think you’ve nailed it, Admin. And TBP IS like an island for all of us shit-throwing monkeys.
Of course you guys all know why the networks/tv stations dig up Rudolph/Frosty and “It’s a wonderful life” every year don’t you? The copyright expired long ago; free programming!

December 9, 2014 5:08 pm

I’ve always felt part of that island. That part of the show would, more often than not, make me tear up. Those toys were perfect toys, they just didn’t fit the adult-reality that we live with.

Exactly like most of us.

The Isle of TBP’s Misfits, I really like that.

December 9, 2014 5:14 pm

“I feel like a Charlie in a Box. Does anyone else feel the same?”

Only every minute of every day.

December 9, 2014 7:21 pm

I used to.love the holidays. Now there’s always a sense of DREAD.For what it’s worth i’m glad the TBP is still here even though some of you really get on my nerves.Cheers.

December 10, 2014 1:20 am

Where’s Billy? There’s a whimsy looking for a jigsaw puzzle.

December 10, 2014 1:47 am

If some Obama loving libs show up and act all weirded out here. I may be guilty. I suggest coming here for some truth about things. The mainstream stuff is just terrible.So many people are in some kind of trance or something. Plus, i figure the site needed some fresh meat to shoot at. I almost felt sorry for them. The truth can be a horrible thing.

December 10, 2014 8:35 am

I feel like the train with the square wheels,I keep going and going but I’m not getting anywhere!

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 10, 2014 9:42 am

In the spirit of TBP/misfit toys/rebellious souls, I declare that WE DO WHAT WE WANT:

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December 10, 2014 1:09 pm

The title said misfits not juvenile delinquents

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 10, 2014 1:59 pm

Fuck the title, I DO WHAT I WANT.

December 10, 2014 2:23 pm

I suspect failed potty training.

December 10, 2014 2:24 pm

@Rise Up, those are epic!

I have a child demon that lives inside me, actually he lives inside everyone, most just don’t realize or won’t admit it. And yes, I classify mine as “male,” even though I’m not, I justify that by believing that testosterone not only keeps your stomach flatter, it is the element that feeds my inner demon.

I can keep the little beast under wraps most days/times, but occasionally I have to let him romp and play!

Signs like those make him CRAZY, and apparently, I am not the only one.

Your pics have inspired me. From now on when I see Stupid Sign Bureaucracy (SSB), and the risk is not a felony and lifetime of punishment, I’m going to start documenting my demon’s antics. Maybe.

thanks for the smiles!

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 10, 2014 6:59 pm

@TE – Remember I told you once I was a rebel…

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 10, 2014 7:00 pm

(Actually I think that was T4C who I told…but now you know too!)

December 10, 2014 8:41 pm

The pics clued me in. Are you Irish?

Rise Up
Rise Up
December 10, 2014 9:23 pm

EC says:

The pics clued me in. Are you Irish?

Blow me.