I’m surprised the principal didn’t get promoted for creativity. We all know that Common Core would give a child an A for spelling December with an i, as long as they felt good about their answer. If you ever wonder why our public school system produces morons, dolts, and idiots while spending $15,000 of your tax dollars per year per child, just look at that sign. Now if you will just give the teachers union an extra $2,000 more per child, they’ll surely be smart.

Via Doug Ross

Best Public School Signage Evah

A post by Leslie Eastman at Legal Insurrection set me off an a hunt for the signage behind this story. It didn’t take long:

I suspect Santa will be bringing former New Jersey principal Antoinette Young a dictionary for Christmas this year.

A large sign outside a New Jersey elementary school that misspelled “December” appears to have cost the principal her $108,000 a year job.

The Bergen Record says the sign outside School 20 in Paterson also notified people of the date for “progress reepor” and contained a backward numeral 1.

City school board member Corey Teague circulated a photo of the error-filled signage and complained why nobody noticed for more than a week. December was spelled “Dicember.”

“If this is how the administration takes care of signage, how can we expect the students to do better? We must be held to a higher standard,” he wrote in an email accompanying the photo.

Days after Teague brought up the sign, education officials announced that the principal, Antoinette Young, was being demoted and transferred to another school.

By all means, libs, let’s make sure that the poorest kids and their parents have no choice when it comes to their education.

Let’s lock them into failing public schools where there’s literally no accountability for teachers or administrators.

Because teachers’ unions are for the children, right?

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a cruel accountant
a cruel accountant
December 27, 2014 8:47 am

She did not loose her job. She got demoted. She should have been fired outright.

December 27, 2014 9:26 am

White spelling is an unfair constrict, yet another example of white privilege. Ya reap what ya sow… Note to self. Get more ammo.

December 27, 2014 11:39 am


Someone misspelling the word “lose” as “loose” while bagging on a school Principal for having words misspelled in a sign…

On a related note, I can probably guess – with 98% certainty – the race/color of the Principal with a name like “Antoinette Young”…

December 27, 2014 2:13 pm

Some student asswipe changed the sign thinking it would be funny.

December 27, 2014 4:02 pm

“On a related note, I can probably guess – with 98% certainty – the race/color of the Principal with a name like “Antoinette Young”…”

The school is in an inner city black neighborhood. Your 98% certainty is now 100%.