The MSM is ecstatic about May’s “tremendous” surge in existing home sales to a 5.35 million annual rate. The recovery has arrived. All is well. Those Obama waiter jobs at Ruby Tuesday are leading to a dramatic housing recovery. Please note a few things on the chart below. There was a spike in 2013 to this level and then it petered out. There was a spike to this level in 2009 when the Obamanistas were offering the first time home buyer credit to dupes, and then sales predictably crashed. 

So annual sales are now where they were in 2007, after a 25% crash from the 2005 high. Annual sales are back to the 1999 through 2001 range, before Greenspan created the biggest housing bubble in history. After six years of 0% interest rates, foreclosure suppression, Wall Street hedge funds doing much of the buying, and Chinese billionaires buying everything they can get their hands on, this is all we have? I noticed the percentage of first time buyers went up to 32% from 27% last year, while the percentage of investors dropped to a four year low. You can thank the government, as Fannie, Freddie, and the FHA are now pushing 3.5% down payment mortgages to the poor ignorant masses. The smart money (Wall Street) is exiting and the dumb money (average schmucks) is being lured into the market by low down payments and delusions of future price increases.

With mortgage rates already rising above 4%, artificial demand from investors in reverse, a stock market crash in the not so distant future, prices out of reach for most people, and stagnant real household incomes, this does not mark the start of a housing recovery. It marks the beginning of the end for the latest bubble in real estate. Anyone who bought a low end home in the last year is already underwater, as you can see in the chart below. At least the .1% are still reaping the benefits of ZIRP and QE, as high end homes are booming. Welcome to the Bernanke/Yellen housing recovery. 

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June 22, 2015 12:12 pm

After the crash I intend to use my cash on a two room cardboard box….at least it’ll be paid for .

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
June 22, 2015 3:22 pm

Put your money on at least a ten acre lot so you can produce some food; the box should be your splurge on a luxury.

June 22, 2015 5:33 pm

I wonder how much of the home buying in these spikes is Chinese or other foreign money?

June 22, 2015 7:46 pm

No gov’t, gov’t agency, any NGO that receives funding from Gov’t, any NGO that receives funding from special interests tied to that NGO’s service, any multi-national corporation, etc. IS NOT TO BE BELIEVED.

What they do best is LIE, and purposeful deception = Lie.

Wyoming Mike
Wyoming Mike
June 23, 2015 10:30 am

This, like the stock market is too difficult to logically predict at this point as not only does the government handle most of the loans now, but the banks own most of the houses as well, and they aren’t willing to part with any inventory as you all know.

June 23, 2015 5:48 pm

My sis-in-law, a realtor, just cashed out their home on a lake in a far-flung “suburb” of Detoilet. It sold for about $200,000 more than I would ever consider paying for such a place.

She says the homes in the “lower executive” range, so $300k to $600k are finally selling. Which if I remember was EXACTLY what happened before the last downturn.

The managers and executives of the unions finally feel secure again, which is freaking amusing because they are out of their minds.

Wayne County is now considering bankruptcy, the Detroit Institute of Arts blew through over $100 million in state funds, plus received a crap load in the De’toilet “bankruptcy,” and is now threatening bankruptcy even though I pay them a $20 a year fee voted into my property taxes about three years ago.

There is never enough money for these people and they are out enjoying the freely granted government credit for government employees. There pension funds look flush, they largely got blessed by Obamacare, their vendors have continued to be offshored, their bonuses very, very, large and things are going great. Except for the 85% of us that have to pay for them all.

The number of these fools is limited, the end is nigh, nobody has noticed yet.

I can well imagine the panicked headlines once more union/governments go bankrupt and the inevitable stock market correction hits their pensions.

Housing walk aways 2.0 will begin anew. As will, by my best guess, Government Bank Bailouts 5.0xxxx will double or triple or quadruple down. Worked so freaking well last time so let’s try it again.