Watch: Former U.S. General Calls For Rounding Up and Interning “Radicalized” and “Disloyal” Americans

Guest Post by Mac Slavo

Creative Commons Photo Credit: KamrenB Photography

Thank your lucky stars that the former Supreme Allied Commander For Europe and one-time U.S. Presidential candidate Wesley Clark never made it to the highest office in the land. Because if he had, there is a distinct possibility that he would have used our military to take the so-called domestic war on terror to a level not seen since World War II.

Clark shows his true colors and justifies why Americans should be rounded up and interned if they disagree with government policies. As you watch the following video keep in mind that there are thousands of people just like him, many with dreams of one day becoming powerful politicians and high level government bureaucrats.

In World War II, if someone supported Nazi Germany at the expense of the United States we didn’t say that was freedom of speech, we put them in a camp. They were prisoners of war.

So, if these people are radicalized, and they don’t support the United States, and they’re disloyal to the United States as a matter of principle, fine that’s their right. It’s our right and our obligation to segregate them from the normal community for the duration of the conflict.

I think we’re going to have to increasingly get tough on this.

Kurt Nimmo of Infowars notes that the difference between World War II and now is that we actually declared war against a uniformed enemy, whereas in the war on terror the government arbitrarily picks and chooses who to classify as a potential threat to the United States:

Clark is in essence advocating a life sentence for people who have not committed a crime but merely engaged in speech — often reprehensible, yet constitutionally protected — the government considers radical and in opposition to its foreign policy.

Within the context of this interview Clark is talking specifically about Islamic religious extremism. But it is important to keep in mind that terrorism in America has been redefined to mean whatever people like Wesley Clark think it should mean.

No matter what topic the training session concerns, every DHS sponsored course I have attended over the past few years never fails to branch off into warnings about potential domestic terrorists in the community.  While this may sound like a valid officer and community safety issue, you may be disturbed to learn how our Federal government describes a typical domestic terrorist.

Source: Do You Qualify as a Domestic Terrorist?

Scores of seemingly innocuous activities are now red flags for the federal government. If you home school your child, discuss big government policies in a negative light, or simply declare the U.S. Constitution as the law of the land, you are a threat.

A federal prosecutor who recently prosecuted a man for selling gold and silver coins as an alternative to the U.S. dollar said the man was engaging in a conspiracy against the United States and treated the case as domestic terrorism.

Congressman Rand Paul has previously warned that even people who store food in their closets or keep extra ammunition are now suspected of terrorism.

Given the broad definitions purposely included within laws such as The Patriot Act millions of Americans could be identified as threats to national security and subsequently imprisoned without cause should people like Wesley Clark have their way.

And perhaps that is exactly where all of this is going.

As we’ve noted previously, the Jade Helm 15 military exercises taking place over the next couple of months across the United States include training for the rounding up of dissidents and subversives. There is a significant amount of evidence and insider information indicative of a scenario that includes Gestapo-style tactics like secret arrests, interrogations and detentions. In fact, a Texas Ranger recently dropped a bombshell and said that train cars with shackles were part of this summer’s military training.

Obviously, this training isn’t designed for foreign threats in rural areas of the middle east.

Perhaps Wesley Clark is already privy to the plan and it is now being seeded into the minds of millions of sheeple who will be convinced of the need to round up dissident Americans should the right crisis strike.

And be assured that, just like the German people under the Nazis, the majority will not question their patriotic duty to turn in suspected enemies of the state when told to do so.

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Russia Is Strong
Russia Is Strong
July 19, 2015 8:59 pm

“In World War II, if someone supported Nazi Germany at the expense of the United States we didn’t say that was freedom of speech, we put them in a camp. They were prisoners of war.”

In 2015 Amerika, with it’s legalized torture, legalized kidnappings, legalized financial fraud, legalized war crimes, legalized massive surveillance of absolutely everyone & everything, a legalized system of privately run Prisons-For-Profit, legalized market data manipulation, legalized highway robbery (aka Civil Asset Forfeitures), legalized secret FISA courts that use legalized secret interpretations of law to issue legalized secret warrants that no one will ever know about thanks to legalized secret gag orders, legalized police brutality, legalized drone bombings of children playing soccer on some beach 7422 miles away from here, legalized military invasions of foreign nations based on false pretenses & fabricated evidence, legalized benefits for illegal immigrants, legalized purposeful dumbing-down of the entire national educational system, legalized usury, legalized bail-outs of failed private corporations at public expense, a completely corrupt judiciary operating a two-tier ‘justice’ system, legalized assassinations of 16 year old U.S. citizens with no judicial review whatsoever (Abdulrahman al-Awlaki), a completely corrupt legislative arm, a completely corrupt & ineffectual president who seems to believe he possesses dictatorial powers, a completely corrupt and subservient news media that only reports what it is told/allowed to report, legalized blacklists, legalized censorship, complete elimination of Constitutional Rule of Law and legalized forcing of the population into buying worthless overpriced “healthcare” plans practically at gunpoint….YOU Herr Clark are “the Nazis”.

You POS.

July 19, 2015 9:16 pm

Us or them.Iceland put an end to abuse.US blacked out jailing their politicians and bankers

July 19, 2015 9:31 pm

Please pardon the well and truly senile ex-general. The most humane treatment for his incurable affliction, is to be shot with a ball of his own frozen shit at dawn.

July 19, 2015 10:11 pm

Poor bastard was pitching grilled cheese food trucks six months ago. That failed (ya think?) So he’s trying to prove his worth to TPTB that he will pitch even the most traitorous ideas on national TV for one more d’s hot at a couple of pieces of silver. Fuck you eeasley.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
July 19, 2015 10:57 pm

Someone send Wesley Clark a mirror so he can get real good look at what a traitor who needs to be rounded up looks like.


July 19, 2015 11:09 pm

Russia…good list of the activities under our totalitarian gov’t. May I add:
Fuck You to Wesley Clark, Obama, Holder, Nuland, McCain, Bohner, McConnell, Reid, and so many more traitors to the U.S. Constitution.

July 19, 2015 11:31 pm

Anybody want to take a guess as to which people the increasingly undisguised communists would like to round up and send to Hillary’s fun camps?

Take this man at his word. He wants you dead, so do the the people that own him.

July 20, 2015 10:35 am

Senile old piece of whale shit Wesley is IRRELEVANT to ……. anything. I hold MS-NBC, and their icky competition, in far more contempt for even giving such guest-cocksuckers their 5 minutes of fame.

July 20, 2015 1:37 pm

Stucky –

I would not call them “cocksuckers”. Since after all, they are useful! They are more like a waste of good oxygen. Without morals, integrity, honesty, conscience, compassion. nor even souls. They are “card board people” temporary. Upon close inspection they melt in the first honest rain.

July 20, 2015 3:04 pm

going to beat the loyalty into us ? foad

July 20, 2015 6:30 pm

predictive programming ? idiot? who knows . I just don’t think that you give people no option and expect it to work out for you . who was it ? Gerald celeste who said people who have nothing to loose , loose it !!! take awayeverything you have want need and um people will go not quietly into the night .