//**\\ K-AAAA-BOOM!!! //**\\

All this talk in the past week about nuke bombs …. well, it put me in the mood to see shit getting blown up.

Best watched in full screen and with the volume way up … so you can appreciate fully the KABOOM!!

I just love the one at the 1:20 mark … all those flames!

Sometimes things don’t go according to plan. lol




Disclaimer:  I do NOT believe the official government story about 9-11. Why? Because the USA!USA!USA! government is a den of fucking liars … about everything. This is now established fact, and requires no proof. 

HOWEVER, that does not mean I have to believe the incredibly wacky, illogical, and demonstratively impossible idea that explosives brought down the towers.

1. Notice that NOT ONE SINGLE demolition collapse ….. STARTS AT THE TOP, as is the case with the WTC towers. Not. One.  Ultimately, it is not the explosion that brings down a building, it is gravity. And that’s why ALL demolitions focus on destroying support columns at THE BOTTOM, and middle (for taller buildings), and NEVER at the top.  Is that fuckin’ clear enough!!??



Truthers just love their SQUIBS!  They even circle the little fuckers, in case you might miss them.  Truthers say it is an explosive charge going off … and a SURE sign of a “controlled demolition”.

They say that these squibs increase with time as the building collapses. Indeed, in the above picture they event say “Oops … too early!”. Horseshit. Sadly for them, this is the exact reverse of how these explosions work! The strongest point in the explosion is the moment the charge is set off, and when ALL the squibs have detonated before the building starts falling.  They don’t go off AS the building is falling (as the above picture demands). 

Truthers have squibs going off as low as the 40th floor.  Think about how insanely illogical that is …. 60 floors have already collapsed, and they still have squibs exploding just as the collapse reaches the 40th floor!  Fuckin’ nuts.

Go back at look at the videos.  Are those squibs tiny little puffs of smoke barely visible, or are they BIG AND LOUD AND VERY VISIBLE?  Do they occur AS the building is falling, or all at once before the building falls?  Do they occur at the top, or the middle and bottom? When you answer those questions correctly, you will no longer be bedazzled by Truther bullshit.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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August 12, 2015 7:07 pm


We are now hours into this and you have yet to answer any of my questions. Simple minds and fuknuts parrot the official story. Stop hiding behind IraK.

August 12, 2015 7:07 pm

— ” I could go on…”

No you couldn’t.

August 12, 2015 7:12 pm

On Building 7, compare:

The Mandarin Orange Hotel in Beijing, Feb. 9, 2009. No large portion of the structure collapsed:

comment image

August 12, 2015 7:16 pm


What do you think brought them down?

If you say airplanes and fire then…

August 12, 2015 7:17 pm

Bea, irak is playing a part here. He posts under several names. In this case he is being sarcastic, unless I have not been paying attention.

As for 9/11, and the trufer movement, I largely agree with stucky. The usg account is laughable. However, I don’t know what to make of other theories. It would not surprise me one bit if the Mossad were involved, in cahoots with dual nationals who have penetrated our government, or the sayanim amongst us. After all, the Jews have been betraying Uncle Sam since the 1930s. And It looks like the traitor Jew pollard will be set free soon. Big surprise. Who runs this country again?

That’s why I am advocating, along the lines of white nationalist matt heimbach, that the Jews be given ny shitty in exchange for the rest of the country. I’d throw in Long Island too, since the Jews have ruined that (formerly) WASP colony. All Jews must either be deported to Israel or go there. It will be renamed new Israel, ny new tel aviv. A giant fence/wall should be erected around the area, along with checkpoints, armed personnel, etc. they should have their own passports. They will not be allowed to enter the states unless escorted.

Rayciss? Barbaric? Well, just ask the Palestinians how life is in the Jewish concentration camp that is modern day Israel.

August 12, 2015 7:17 pm

Trying again, never posted pictures before:
[imgcomment image[/img]

August 12, 2015 7:29 pm

IraK aka Stucky is not being sarc here Archie

This is typical for Stuck to play doppler BS and then start insulting me instead of answering my questions!!! You don’t fool anyone Stuck now start answering.

I have submitted a very strong case here and I pointed out that Marvin Bush could be key to how they had months to wire the three buildings. Stucky has presented bupkiss.

August 12, 2015 7:38 pm

Stucky, you seem a bit upset. Can I say that, just 9 years ago, I would have been totally unwilling to believe that some powerful people within the government could and would deliberately murder 3,000 of their fellow citizens for personal profit and to muster support for a war? The idea is obscene. I don’t think I just woke up one morning and decided that I wanted to believe that psychopaths wielded extreme influence within my government, but if that’s where the evidence leads… what can I do?

August 12, 2015 7:43 pm

— “You think I have nothing better to do…”


What do you think brought down the triple towers?

August 12, 2015 7:58 pm

1) You don’t think planes and fire brought the triplet towers down (the official story)…

2) You don’t think that they were brought down on purpose by someone…

?) Then what did do you think brought them down?

3) Your rage boner?

August 12, 2015 8:00 pm

So how does a building fall through the point of most resistance? I played Jenga and that never happened, of course I never lit it on fire or crashed a paper airplane into it. Sadly 911 talk typically devolves to the lower two layers of the pyramid.
comment image

Jehobah, Jeebus' Dad
Jehobah, Jeebus' Dad
August 12, 2015 8:03 pm

Dear Bea, T4C, and ilk,

I just talked to my Son. He’s depressed because not even his blood can cure you all of your retardedness. I asked Him why He felt that way, and all he said was this;

[imgcomment image[/img]

Can’t wait to see you. Heaven is filled with retards. A few more won’t make a difference.


August 12, 2015 8:21 pm

Stucky… and others…
You know who I am because I’ve openly stated it several times in TBP comments.
I’m IraK, Jackson, *R*O*D*N*E*Y*, NoShitSherlock, and An Anonymous.
Each of my personas has a different point of view about political and social matters.
Obviously IraK is my exposition of the NeoCon, I-believe-the-government, and Machiavellian point of view. *R*O*D*N*E*Y* is my response to JQ’s brilliant 30 Blocks of Squalor essays. Jackson’s the more anlytical and less controversial me. As for the other two, and a couple of other posting names I’ve forgotten over the years, they’re just names I’ve used when what I want to post doesn’t fit my first three personas.

One other thing.
I like reading the jabs and punches that The Administrator and TBP commentators throw at one another and me now and then or more frequently. But I like them best when the remarks are witty and nor coarse and churlish. Sharp wit is enjoyable and festoons the critic, billingsgate only identifies a guttersnipe

August 12, 2015 8:22 pm

Jebus knows that you are just talking shit to dodge the questions…………

Can you at least admit that the evidence points to 9/11 was an inside job? We can lay this whole shitfest to rest right here and now if you will just validate which way the evidence is leaning or do you want to continue the namecalling and act like our opinion is not worth consideration.

At least answer one of our questions man.

August 12, 2015 8:43 pm

I think Occam’s Razor is appropriate – but I would like to see it applied to the observation, i.e., “what did we see?”

The central columns were massive, and got bigger as they got closer to the earth.

If these donut shaped concrete floors were “pan-caking” down, gaining weight [and apparently speed] with each successive floor – I would think that the connections to the interior columns would have been snapping like twigs, the more the weight the more the connections would be obliterated, leaving at least some of those massive columns standing.

And yet not one remained vertical.

If the desire was to create “fear porn” so we could have our 9/11 forever wars and one believes the Alphabet ass-holes have technology so advanced as to appear magical then the “how” is most likely unknowable but the “why” is pretty obvious.

My two cents.

August 12, 2015 8:45 pm

Fine….take your blankey and go home but BEFORE YOU LEAVE, I have been referring to B7 as the smoking gun. If you can watch the video of B7 coming down ,which defies the law of physics as buildings just don’t fall down by themselves and in their own footprint,and not declare it is a controlled demolition…well then who is the fuknut?

August 12, 2015 8:57 pm

My point was if “pan caking” was taking place then why were NONE of the massive, central columns even partially standing?

August 12, 2015 9:07 pm

So let me summarize this thread:

“Blah blah blah dem towers been blowed up intentional like. Buildin’ 7 done proved dit.”

Stuck: “You dumb cunts”

“Blah blah blah”.

Damn, amazing how many generally smart folks go dumb as a bag of hammers whne the towers come up.

Bea – it is this shit that results in me ignoring you. I tend to ignore folks too stupid to pour piss out of a boot.

Stuck – loved the ka-boom stuff. I get all nostalgic about the M-80s I used to hoard. What we used to do with those things would be a felony today.

Hey – maybe a bunch of kids with M80s brought down the towers!

August 12, 2015 9:11 pm

Where’s David Pierre when you need him?

August 12, 2015 9:12 pm

IMO the destruction of the towers was certainly designed, as best they could, to resemble “pan-caking” – but with so much dust/debris/action it’s impossible to actually “see” it.

Our minds go there – we “see it”- because it makes sense, we are familiar with the process AND because we were “told” that was what happened – but then it also makes sense that the continued addition of the weight of each subsequent floor would have left at least some of the central columns at least partially standing.

And yet none were.

August 12, 2015 9:17 pm

Stuck – I appreciate you kicking crap out these folks. It has been fun to watch. But gotta say, the competition just is so poor recently. The old days there were heavyweight champions everywhere. Today, folks like you swat away the wannabees like annoying gnats.

I am gonna have to do something to really piss you off so as to give you some real competition. But more the merrier is more fun. Maybe I can rope billy and SSS in, too. And Cynical – he was great poo flinger. Sure miss AWD. And Smokey. And Colma. And Punk. And SAH. Hell, since Clammy started making sense, one of my favorite targets is gone. Hell, I would even settle for slapping flash around some.


August 12, 2015 9:29 pm

llpoh says: I tend to ignore folks too stupid to pour piss out of a boot.

Says the guy who thought spoofing an IP address took some mad computer skillz.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 12, 2015 9:31 pm

Conspiracy theorists have been accelerating at a faster pace since the JFK coup. They only keep coming fast and furious. The more the MSM tries to cover for the gov, the less cretinous people become.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 12, 2015 9:51 pm

Loopey and Stookey need to see who has the downers syndrome here. All those two need is Spooky to pipe in and we will have the return of “The Holy Trinity of Bullshit”.

August 12, 2015 10:01 pm

If we step back, and put the event in a broader historical context, as we are now able, with passage of time. We can observe patterns of behavior the event made possible.
The ‘loot’ of the event( gold, destroyed records, insurance claims, stock maneuvers, bearer bonds, ect), has been absolutely dwarfed by the ‘loot’ after the event. Shockingly.
Decades of multiple wars, with absolutely fabulous armament and support contracts, glorious war spoils in terms of raw resources and reconstruction, the complete multi billion dollar heroin trade, all off the books in dark pools, all the expansion of the Federal Government any statist could wish for, with attendant disenfranchisement of the polity based on security needs eviscerating the Bill of Rights of Constitution.
Any discussion of squibs or tapes or physics that leaves the aforementioned out is focusing only on the opening scene of a movie, missing the big picture.
911 is not to be measured in hours, but decades, and for some it was the best fucking thing ever.

August 12, 2015 10:08 pm

Yeah Stuck I am a trufer fuknut, so in your 7 foot mental midget capacity, explain to me what happened to a pile of rubble that should have been about 30 stories high??? You know the rubble that turned to dust from a fire started by aviation fuel. What a thoughtless fool, talk about a brainless fuknut.

Finnegan the second.

August 12, 2015 10:20 pm

Anarch – first time I think I have ever addressed you. Shows what I have thought of your idiotic posts so far. Ignorance is one thing, but stupidity another. And you have the second in spades. How you do not starve to death while you try to figure out how to get food into your mouth is one of the great wonders of the world.

Bea – I am now back to ignoring you. As I said, I tend to stay away from batshit crazy.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 12, 2015 10:23 pm


Williebee is correct that all that remained was dust and as you said where are the support columns? If it pancaked, why are there no remains of the 110 floors stacked to a height of say 25 or 30 floors?

August 12, 2015 10:37 pm

Sage almost got there, but anyone care to realize what company had overall responsibility for the WTC – not security by individual companies.


I don’t believe Demolition Companies use Thermite (military grade).
Many, many, many months to plant explosives – very true, go back to my statement at top.
Was there a drawing on the wall of a prison cell of a plane flying into WTC Tower, 1 year before the event?

Just info and questions

August 12, 2015 11:13 pm

If you were planning a false flag operation against the WTC by crashing planes into them, it would be kind of stupid to bring them down from the base, right? The only thing I am certain of is that our wonderful ally Israel knew about it in advance and was there to observe it. Whether or not they were in cahoots with the CIA is a matter of speculation, as is whether the towers collapsed on their own or were assisted. What is FACT is that since then neocon Pearl’s pre-9/11 “clean break” strategy has been followed perfectly. Iraq, destroyed. Syria, destroyed. Only Iran is left. God help the Persians.

Fred Hayek
Fred Hayek
August 12, 2015 11:17 pm

Just a couple quick points.
1) Who says you have to wire a building for demolition in secret? They had signs up in those buildings for months before 9-11 for work that supposedly had to do with the elevators. They also replaced a shitload of ceiling tiles.

2) Regarding the collapse of WTC7, when they finally, several years later came out with an explanation for the nature of the collapse, the official version said that the left and right sides of the building would collapse dramatically in toward the building center. But this didn’t happen at all on 9-11. Not at all. But this was the patter of structural failure that would have resulted from the official story’s sequence of events.

3) If WTC 7 actually collapsed according to the official story, why weren’t building codes changed? My god, a 47 story building could just be there and then several seconds later be a pile of rubble if a fire happened in just a certain way. All previous experience, including skyscrapers that were *completely* engulfed in flames said that a steel skyscraper could not fall apart like that. None ever had. So, if the authorities in charge of building codes actually believed the official story, then why didn’t they change the code? Because they didn’t. And that’s pretty amazing if a 47 story skyscraper is actually at risk of collapsing like that from what outwardly looks like fairly small fires. Why are they taking chances with peoples’ lives like that, not changing the building code to address this supposed risk of collapse.

Oh, that’s right. Because everyone in the engineering world knows the official story was bullshit. They all know that nothing changed and fire doesn’t suddenly take down steel skyscrapers.

4) As to the contention that WTC 7 collapsed because it was hit by debris, please spare me or at least explain why the smaller buildings between it and the twin towers, the smaller buildings that got hit by multiples more debris didn’t collapse.

August 12, 2015 11:58 pm

Fred H, facts don’t seem to matter here. I guess it is hard to believe what you see. If WTC7 was truly damaged by the towers on the one side. It would be reasonable to say it should have fallen over to the side in the direction of the damage. The undamaged side should have kept the building from falling thru itself as that area was still structurally sound.

Many bitch and complain about the state of the state and all of its corruption and misdeeds. Yet when it comes to 9/11, the official story, and the dozens of witnesses who saw things that were abnormal to the official line. Many still refuse to open their minds that perhaps once again the official line is just official bullshit. The SOP of our “leaders”.

The only thing I can think of that contributes to this mindset is cognitive dissonance or Stockholm syndrome.

August 13, 2015 12:02 am

Stucky says:


I also appreciate you, T4C …. greatly so.

I have already stated I don’t believe the government’s official story.

My disagreement with Trufers is very very specific; —- their belief that demolitions brought down the towers. It would have taken a small army of demolition folks, and miles and miles of wiring, and tons of equipment, and SEVERAL MONTHS to pull this off. To think that this was done in Total Secret is so completely absurd (imho) that it wouldn’t even make a good Twilight Zone episode.

Demolition. That’s it. No more, no less.

It would take people with access to the central core columns around the elevators. Blow the central core columns and the curtain wall buckles and collapses.

August 13, 2015 12:08 am


Everyday with this “Bea, I am ignoring you”……….fine, go ahead and ignore me and shut the fuck up…….but no, you just keep yammering that you are ignoring me which IS NOT ignoring me. You are like a festering boil on my ass that i CAN’T IGNORE because you keep reminding me that you are there.

Please fucking ignore me Loopey, I don’t give a shit, never have.

August 13, 2015 12:10 am

Stucky writes,

1. Notice that NOT ONE SINGLE demolition collapse ….. STARTS AT THE TOP, as is the case with the WTC towers. Not. One. Ultimately, it is not the explosion that brings down a building, it is gravity. And that’s why ALL demolitions focus on destroying support columns at THE BOTTOM, and middle (for taller buildings), and NEVER at the top. Is that fuckin’ clear enough!!??

What kind of idiot thinks that random chance could bring down these buildings from the top down in a neat fashion, but that demolishon experts couldn’t?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 13, 2015 12:18 am

llpoh says: Anarch – first time I think I have ever addressed you. Shows what I have thought of your idiotic posts so far.

I had this long response to Anarko but lost it on a restart. Briefly, it said:
You took LLPOH’s comment out of context, rather than say EC is a total dumbshit when it comes to computers, he humbly suggested that both he and EC are deficient to some degree when it comes to the internets.

Anarko can’t read for understanding. He is like the ignoramusi who call out a misspelled word in a University level article because they can’t understand the thesis.

August 13, 2015 12:22 am

It blows my mind that so many of you TBP commentors seem to think that a prominent Jewish American, Larry Silverstein, CIA representatives, Marvin Bush, and government officials were involved in the destruction of the Twin Towers.

I suppose you nut jobs also think that Presidential Medal of Freedom winner and United Sates Vice-President was involved in this act of treason.

August 13, 2015 12:22 am

Z- Another question is why was there red hot molten steel under the remains of the twin towers 4 months after the event?

August 13, 2015 12:34 am

Stucky, since you were smart enough to stand down on the rhino thing, I got you here. I know architecture, too. Zara, flaw in your info also. The trade centers were unique. Up until their construction, towers were always built around a solid core elevator column (zara). The towers were built in a radical new approach, a steel mesh exoskeleton. The floors were