//**\\ K-AAAA-BOOM!!! //**\\

All this talk in the past week about nuke bombs …. well, it put me in the mood to see shit getting blown up.

Best watched in full screen and with the volume way up … so you can appreciate fully the KABOOM!!

I just love the one at the 1:20 mark … all those flames!

Sometimes things don’t go according to plan. lol




Disclaimer:  I do NOT believe the official government story about 9-11. Why? Because the USA!USA!USA! government is a den of fucking liars … about everything. This is now established fact, and requires no proof. 

HOWEVER, that does not mean I have to believe the incredibly wacky, illogical, and demonstratively impossible idea that explosives brought down the towers.

1. Notice that NOT ONE SINGLE demolition collapse ….. STARTS AT THE TOP, as is the case with the WTC towers. Not. One.  Ultimately, it is not the explosion that brings down a building, it is gravity. And that’s why ALL demolitions focus on destroying support columns at THE BOTTOM, and middle (for taller buildings), and NEVER at the top.  Is that fuckin’ clear enough!!??



Truthers just love their SQUIBS!  They even circle the little fuckers, in case you might miss them.  Truthers say it is an explosive charge going off … and a SURE sign of a “controlled demolition”.

They say that these squibs increase with time as the building collapses. Indeed, in the above picture they event say “Oops … too early!”. Horseshit. Sadly for them, this is the exact reverse of how these explosions work! The strongest point in the explosion is the moment the charge is set off, and when ALL the squibs have detonated before the building starts falling.  They don’t go off AS the building is falling (as the above picture demands). 

Truthers have squibs going off as low as the 40th floor.  Think about how insanely illogical that is …. 60 floors have already collapsed, and they still have squibs exploding just as the collapse reaches the 40th floor!  Fuckin’ nuts.

Go back at look at the videos.  Are those squibs tiny little puffs of smoke barely visible, or are they BIG AND LOUD AND VERY VISIBLE?  Do they occur AS the building is falling, or all at once before the building falls?  Do they occur at the top, or the middle and bottom? When you answer those questions correctly, you will no longer be bedazzled by Truther bullshit.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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August 13, 2015 11:29 am

— “Sorry, folks, but the timeline/logistics of a controlled demolition strains all logic far beyond reasonable doubt.”

The only thing statements like this do is reinforce the boundaries of your own creative problem solving capacity… not others.

There are excessively smart people out there who have priorities vastly different from ours. The “greater good” has gotten a lot of people killed throughout history.

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
August 13, 2015 11:29 am

“an honor many want, but few can attain……the elite designation of………BIG DOG”.

That is beyond lame and you are deluded, DAWG.

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
August 13, 2015 11:32 am

Wait til Stucky figures out DRUD is actually a contrarian to his bullshit.

  Bea Leaver
August 13, 2015 11:37 am

DRUD applies the coup de grace of logical thinking to the TBP 9/11 Truther Brigade. That’s gotta hurt.

August 13, 2015 11:44 am

Stuck is just being a tease… walking around wearing a skirt that short and flashing all that ass… but when pinned up against the wall for a real kiss blows the down vote whistle and runs away looking for his absentee Ancient AI parent.

— “You didn’t answer my question regarding which mental disorder you have. Answer that first.”

Honesty. It’s a heavy burden. I don’t expect you to understand and want nothing more than for you to fully enjoy your unencumbered life.

Now that that’s out of the way… what part of the official collapse story do you disagree with?

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
August 13, 2015 11:56 am

Keep waiting for critical thinking ADULTS to give a serious thought about your middle school minded big dog club. We are capable of having a real discussion without reverting to the level of children. In the words of Joan Rivers “Grow Up”.

August 13, 2015 11:59 am

Stucky, Jim, whoever else – I don’t know exactly what happened on 9/11, but I do know that the official government story is infinite bullshit. Their version doesn’t add up – not even close. The Commission’s report is basically 2+2 = 739,232,534,866,333,189,999,000,000.00001. It’s so over the top ridiculous that it makes the “ancient aliens” meme look like hard science.

So, you can mock those who disagree, call names, scream out “LALALALALALALAL I CAN’T HEAR YOU” all you want, but that doesn’t magically fix the gaping holes in the official story.

I continue to find it ironic that for a site that cuts under the official propaganda in so many other areas, you have bought it whole in this instance.

August 13, 2015 12:01 pm

Okay, so here’s one that’s really wanged-out. I mean REALLY far out there.

I heard a guy named John Lamb Lash on a podcast once, long ago. I think that particular Boomer did a little too much, and stayed in his own reality. At any rate, he had some crazy theories about 9-11. I found this on his website:


A few highlights:
1) It has been said that the main obstacle to accepting what happened on 9/11 is the refusal to believe that anyone could be so evil.
2) the perpetrators of that event employed the technological equivalent of supernatural power to pull it off.
3) such technological magic exists for use against the general public in a “psy ops” or mind control operation, combined with overwhelming lethal firepower (“shock and awe”) is crucial to the liberating view
4) I am convinced that the 9/11 Solution of “no planes” is correct.
5) the no plane theory that proposes the use of CGI-cloaked missiles
6) All of these questions are consistently answered in the 9/11 Solution: the events of that day involved remote-controlled CGI-cloaked missiles, that is, military aircraft holographically disguised as airliners. No planes were used on that day. This is the 9/11 Solution. Wild and ludicrous as it may appear, this is the single, inclusive explanation that most conforms to scientific analysis of the evidence. It is a definitive answer to HOW the events of 9/11 were done.

That’s the highlight of it. You can read the post for yourself. Interesting theory, no doubt.

August 13, 2015 12:09 pm


Of course there is a coverup regarding 9/11 and the commission’s report is bullshit.

The coverup is about the government’ incompetence in seeing the plot, stopping the plot, and going after the true culprits – the Saudis.

We rail on this site everyday about the complete incompetence and cluelessness of our government, but you want to believe they pulled off the most intricate diabolical murder plot of all time?????

Give me a fucking break. People on this site who are usually logical in their arguments act batshit crazy with no logic or facts when it comes to 9/11.

9/11 was then used by the neo-cons to further their agenda of controlling the ME and locking down the home front.

The Patriot Act was already written and ready to be implemented when the right opportunity arose. Just because the neo-cons took advantage of the attack, doesn’t mean they committed the attack.

August 13, 2015 12:14 pm

— “razzle refuses to answer which mental disease he has.”

Integrity. It’s a heavy burden. I don’t expect you to understand and want nothing more than for you to fully enjoy your unencumbered life.

— “2) reverses the argument by accusing the questioner of being stupid!!!”

I accused other people of being extremely smart and having different priorities.

August 13, 2015 12:15 pm

I got a little awkward with my grammar, T4C, but I don’t even know what you’re trying to say.

“Shouldn’t it read “but the timeline/logistics TRUMP weird and a little too perfect” in order to support the self-appointed “Chief Designator Of Status” of Knighting Rights?”

Razzle says:

“The only thing statements like this do is reinforce the boundaries of your own creative problem solving capacity… not others.

There are excessively smart people out there who have priorities vastly different from ours. The “greater good” has gotten a lot of people killed throughout history.”

It is NOT about creative problem solving and NOT about being “smart.” It is about controlling variables that are by their very nature unpredictable. I like The Usual Suspects as well as the next guy, but it is complete bullshit in the real world. Too many variables to predict…too many actions by too many people–who by their very nature are unpredictable–that need to happen exactly the way they are predicted or the the whole plan falls apart. There are no Keyser Soze’s in the real world and not because nobody is “smart” enough or “diabolical” enough…but that no one (by definition) can predict the precise outcome of a chaotic system.

As far as the logistics of controlled demolition, consider this: engineering is very much a trial and error proposition. You can do all the math, design to the nth degree, then get your prototype and 9 different things you never considered (COULDN’T consider because you didn’t have all the information beforehand) pop up. Same thing with trying a controlled demolition. Sure you can run the numbers, you can evaluate comparable buildings (very few compare to twin towers), build models…and still get nowhere near perfection on your (necessarily) first test. Not impossible, but again strains logic.

Planes hit buildings, gravity takes over, buildings fall down.

Now, drones are a different story (couldn’t watch the video, T4C, as I have no sound at work) but again, to build such drones one would need dozens of engineers and hundreds of techs working for months or years, building prototypes, running tests, etc. And not one of these people talked in 15 years after the horrors of that day. Again, not quite impossible, but far afield in the realm of logic.

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
August 13, 2015 12:19 pm

“The annoying little yapper” and the ARMY of truff have gotten you ever sooooooo close to the 200 comment marks …………are you spanking the monkey in anticipation? You should be thanking us as I am sure you and the 3 other guys who hold your opinion could only garner maybe 10 comments tops by yourself. I’m outta here DAWG.

August 13, 2015 12:25 pm


I admit it. I built the jetliner sized drones in my garage and hatched the plot.

I was bored working with numbers at IKEA and wanted to make the world more interesting, so I decided to bring down the twin towers and murder 3,000 people.

I decided at the last second to pull Building 7 for shits and giggles.

The ultimate goal was to drive my visitor count higher on my future website. Notice the name “Burning” in the title of my website. Clues everywhere.

I feel so ashamed.

August 13, 2015 12:28 pm

And yet despite all those unpredictable types of variables… a nuclear bomb was designed, built, tested on American soil, and eventually detonated over a population all in total secrecy up to the moment it was advantageous to brag about it.

August 13, 2015 12:28 pm


If you are batshit crazy enough to believe those were military planes hitting the towers, where the fuck are the two airliners?

Answer that fucking question in a logical manner. No bullshit. WHERE ARE THE FUCKING AIRLINERS??????

Jesus Christ – the idiocy is astounding on this issue.

August 13, 2015 12:37 pm

— “…the idiocy is astounding on this issue.”

A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

August 13, 2015 12:43 pm

@razzle – Manhattan Project was a radically different scenario in a radically different time. It was contained on a single compound, with a tight-knit group of scientists working with towards single scientific goal. To compare the scenarios one would also have to assume that the Manhattan Project REMAINED a secret for 15 years after Hiroshima. It was, in fact, publicly disclosed in 1945. In no way is this comparable to ANY 9/11 conspiracy espoused here.

August 13, 2015 12:46 pm

Also, justifying conspiracy of 9/11–WITH ZERO SUPPORTING EVIDENCE–because conspiracies have occurred in the past is NOT logic. It is, in fact, a Massive Straw Man.

August 13, 2015 12:49 pm

— “It was contained on a single compound…”


“The Manhattan Project began modestly in 1939, but grew to employ more than 130,000 people…”

“Research and production took place at more than 30 sites across the United States, the United Kingdom and Canada.”

“The project was also charged with gathering intelligence on the German nuclear weapon project.”

“Manhattan Project personnel served in Europe, sometimes behind enemy lines, where they gathered nuclear materials and documents, and rounded up German scientists.”

— “It was, in fact, publicly disclosed in 1945.”

Exactly. It was *disclosed*. Because it was advantageous to do so.

August 13, 2015 12:52 pm


Three towers in one day collapsing into their own footprints is evidence.

You can choose to *reject* the evidence… but just because you can’t prove what type of gun was used to shoot someone just by looking at pictures… you can still recognize bullet wounds when you see them. Especially three of them.

August 13, 2015 1:08 pm

How come Copperhead and T4C haven’t explained to me where the actual airliners which didn’t hit the twin towers or the pentagon are?

I’m flabbergasted that they don’t have a reasonable explanation for their disappearance.

Or maybe they never existed and the people on-board were part of the plot too. Along with the airlines. The airlines provided the fake video surveillance of Atta and his buddies getting on the plane that did not hit the tower.

Are the 4 airliners parked in Area 51?

I’m dying to know the answer. I’m sure it’s coming. Right conspiracy brigade?

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 13, 2015 1:07 pm

Frankly, I don´t give a shit what brought the towers down. That argument misses the point. The point is that “our closest ally”, Israel, had AT THE VERY LEAST guilty prior knowledge of what was to occur. They wanted it to go forward to allow the Neo-Con lunatics to push us into the Iraq War. That is a fact. Full stop. I personally believe that the Mossad has manipulated the Sunni Islamic extremist movement from the start in order to enmesh us in their fights with their neighbors. The fact is, shortly after the fall of Iraq to our forces we were gearing up to invade Syria, Israel´s other bugbear. Only the personal intervention of George Bush the Elder stopped it. The Neo-Cons surrounding his moron son had blocked him from stopping the Iraq invasion but he finally shoved them aside and demanded that his son listen to reason. Finally he did. Anybody who claims anything different does not know what they are talking about.

August 13, 2015 1:13 pm

T4C – What I was doing is constructing a Full/Rogarian Argument. I admit it seems strange, the way the towers collapse (if it did NOT seem strange, there would be no argument anywhere and no thread here), BUT I ultimately draw the CONCLUSION that while strange a conspiracy of controlled demolition is FAR stranger, in fact, a practical impossibility.

That’s it. Planes hit buildings, buildings fall down.

How the planes got there, who orhcestrated/funded hyjackers? I do not now.

That the US govt missed/ignored evidence of attack, that they covered up massive amounts of evidence in th e9/11 commission report, how they abused the shit out of the crisis to implement already written tyrannical legislation and wage radically unjust wars…these things I am virtually certain occurred.

August 13, 2015 1:21 pm

Every 9/11 thread and every OWS thread at the time end the same way – regulars pissed off at other regulars. Usually someone vows to never come back.

I lost my thin skin years ago. There is no insult that bothers me anymore.

There is a major disagreement on this issue. There always will be. Get over it and stop being pussies. Cool off and then come back to fight another day.

This is TBP, not a kindergarten play area.

August 13, 2015 1:14 pm

— “Are the 4 airliners parked in Area 51?”

Don’t be absurd. Area 51 is a limited hangout so nothing important is there.

The story behind the 4 airliners is Kennedy’s clone was revived and forced to put “Operation Northwoods v2.0 the MegaBux Edition” into play so that Bush cold have plausible deniability.

August 13, 2015 1:19 pm

— “Now, if only razzle would set himself on fire”

Why would I leave such easy picking’s?

August 13, 2015 1:22 pm

Yes, razzle, many people were in support positions for the Manhattan Project. Of course…My company makes pretty simple devices and I have a whole host of “support personnel” as well, ie. Vendors. That does not mean they know the intimate details of my work, and I have only the slightest policies towards secrecy. Just because people all over designed/machined a widget or two, does not mean they had full knowledge of the project. Only a handful of people knew the really juicy details…shit, only a handful of individuals could even understand the juicy details. But, FUCK, this has NOTHING to do with the actual argument. You are simply proving a point (or attempting to) that has NO relevance. How well secrets were kept in 1939 has ABSOLUTELY ZERO bearing on how well and what secrets were/are being kept around 9/11.

Jesus, I need to post a list of logical fallacies and you ALL need to fucking read them.

August 13, 2015 1:22 pm

I never said that the WTC wasn’t hit by airliners, I was questioning the pentagon strike. Something about that one seemed weird. Is it true that the plane hit the accounting dept or have i been given false information? 2.3 Trillion unaccounted. Why wait 5 years to release that video if it proved the offical story.

August 13, 2015 1:23 pm

OK, so I will, given it is a minimal effort…I am trying to pretend to work here:


August 13, 2015 1:28 pm

So you think the governments of the world have gotten less adept since the 1940’s at having disconnected units unaware of the ultimate goal all contributing efforts toward creating compact devices designed for maximum targeted destruction where only a small group of people is required to connect the final dots?

August 13, 2015 1:34 pm

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said “it’s distressing to see a plane full of people hit” the Pentagon.

But Fitton said he hopes the video ends conspiracy theories that it wasn’t actually American Airlines Flight 77 that hit the building.

He said dispelling such rumors is a way to honor the memory of the victims, adding that so many people are looking for the video that his group’s Web site has collapsed.

The government had previously withheld the video, claiming that it might taint the jury pool in the sentencing trial of confessed 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui, CBS’ Bianca Solorzano reports. The tape had been provided to the Justice Department as evidence in criminal proceedings, the Pentagon said.

Now that Moussaoui’s trial is over, some families of 9/11 victims are seeing the Pentagon video for the first time. As Solorzano reports, at least one family member is saying he’s satisfied with the release of the tape.

“We fought hard to obtain this video because we felt that it was very important to complete the public record with respect to the terrorist attacks of September 11,” Fitton said.

August 13, 2015 1:41 pm

— “it’s distressing to see a plane full of people hit”

It agree. It was also pretty intense seeing Ultron use a levitating city as a weapon.

August 13, 2015 1:43 pm

“Building 7 was NEVER hit by a plane Stucky and you would have to be blind or stupid not to admit it came down in a Vegas style demolition fashion. This is just some factions here purposely ignoring the obvious as they don’t want TBP to get the rep that it is a truther site. Truth hurts.”


Just for sits and giggles can someone explain how the fiberglass nose of a commercial airliner punches through 3 levels of the most secure building on the planet? Never mind it would have been shot down if lord Cheney were not in control watching for 90 minutes.

Screw New York the Pentagon alone screams inside job. Oh the plane just happened to hit where all the records of the missing trillions were kept. LMAO

August 13, 2015 1:44 pm

Is ignorance bliss Stucky? If yes maybe I will just submit and free my mind like you.

August 13, 2015 1:47 pm

If 911 was an inside job, does that mean we suffered a bonafied coupe d eta?
Is that what makes the anti-truthers so uncomfortable? Once culpability is acknowledged one finds himself/herself in a very uncomfortable narrative. Who prosecutes the establishment, acting with impunity in full Fascist Take Over Mode ?
No one.
Lest they get a letter filled with Anthrax from a US government lab.
Wonder what the letters actually said…

Just like in Germany after Krystalnacht, the Fascist have secured control, we are along for the ride.
It doesn’t matter what your ‘feelings’ or ‘beliefs’ tell you.

August 13, 2015 1:55 pm

9/11 didn’t have to be an inside job for the coup d etat to happen. It was used as the excuse for the coup. Why is that so hard for the truthers to understand?

Those using logic and facts obliterate the truther inside job conspiracy theory. Truthers never have answers, only questions.

August 13, 2015 1:48 pm

“So you think the governments of the world have gotten less adept since the 1940’s at having disconnected units unaware of the ultimate goal all contributing efforts toward creating compact devices designed for maximum targeted destruction where only a small group of people is required to connect the final dots?”

Yes, razzle, that is exactly what I said…unless you speak and read English. Jesus Christ can no one actually read for comprehension?

August 13, 2015 1:49 pm

No the coup was November 22, 1963

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
August 13, 2015 1:50 pm

Semester had birthday dinner last note…sorry I missed the simian feces n popcorn flinging fest!

You all will regret this moment. ~Stuckeroo

Did Sticks just do Finnegan there?
I jest. ?

August 13, 2015 1:51 pm

I hate auto correct. *seester had birfday…

August 13, 2015 1:52 pm

In all seriousness part 2…

My leading guess as to what was used to bring the towers down was vertically directed vibration.

No need for wires, just individual devices (with seemingly benign uses on the surface) placed throughout the building to help with its “green rating” set to activate on a timer in the worst case scenario and a signal in the best case scenario.

Fundamentally no different from shattering a glass but a frequency far more intense and targeted at weakening specific materials. All of the vibrations would be directed away from ground level and other buildings resulting in a relatively clean break. However the heat would still be absorbed into the materials being affected resulting in some unique signatures being left behind in the rubble.

Something like this, but way cooler since as we know the cool kids were video conferences in the 1960’s while most people still did their math homework by hand with pencil and paper.


August 13, 2015 1:53 pm

Thats probably the same article I read early when researching about the government releasing it. The statement from the government on why they didn’t release it sooner doesn’t make any sense:
“The government had previously withheld the video, claiming that it might taint the jury pool in the sentencing trial of confessed 9/11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui, CBS’ Bianca Solorzano reports.” So that grainy video will taint the jury pool, but all the clear footage of the WTC attack will not taint the jury pool, yeah right that makes sense.

August 13, 2015 1:57 pm


Where’s Flight 77?

August 13, 2015 1:53 pm

Above Anon was I…as should have been obvious from content.

Fuckin-A, Stucky…T4C stick around. Shitfests here do get ugly and tempers flare…but we are family. You write tremendous original content and I always keep an eye out for your posts.

Un-bunch your panties (strange, I usually say that only to guys) and get back here on TPB. This thread, however, should be allowed to die an easy death…there is nothing more to be gained by continuing this particular shitfest.

August 13, 2015 1:54 pm

FACT #1: There ARE Big Dogs on this site. Been that way from the get go. – Stucky


Give me a break… big dawg my ass. I have made you take your ball and go home twice.

And unlike you, I believe T4C will not be back, which is a shame. She was not name calling, but having a discussion. Then this supposed big dawg (which in reality, is just a synonym for being good at slinging insults and name calling) lets loose with CUNT. Really stuck, you should know better.

It is amazing for someone that thinks he is so awake, how asleep you really are.

Now you can go fuck yourself. I will NOT be commenting further. You were 3 comments from taking your ball and goin home already , until admin jumped in to save your ass. So it would be too easy on this one to finish the job.

Hope your proud of yourself. T4C was a class act. You sir, are not.