//**\\ K-AAAA-BOOM!!! //**\\

All this talk in the past week about nuke bombs …. well, it put me in the mood to see shit getting blown up.

Best watched in full screen and with the volume way up … so you can appreciate fully the KABOOM!!

I just love the one at the 1:20 mark … all those flames!

Sometimes things don’t go according to plan. lol




Disclaimer:  I do NOT believe the official government story about 9-11. Why? Because the USA!USA!USA! government is a den of fucking liars … about everything. This is now established fact, and requires no proof. 

HOWEVER, that does not mean I have to believe the incredibly wacky, illogical, and demonstratively impossible idea that explosives brought down the towers.

1. Notice that NOT ONE SINGLE demolition collapse ….. STARTS AT THE TOP, as is the case with the WTC towers. Not. One.  Ultimately, it is not the explosion that brings down a building, it is gravity. And that’s why ALL demolitions focus on destroying support columns at THE BOTTOM, and middle (for taller buildings), and NEVER at the top.  Is that fuckin’ clear enough!!??



Truthers just love their SQUIBS!  They even circle the little fuckers, in case you might miss them.  Truthers say it is an explosive charge going off … and a SURE sign of a “controlled demolition”.

They say that these squibs increase with time as the building collapses. Indeed, in the above picture they event say “Oops … too early!”. Horseshit. Sadly for them, this is the exact reverse of how these explosions work! The strongest point in the explosion is the moment the charge is set off, and when ALL the squibs have detonated before the building starts falling.  They don’t go off AS the building is falling (as the above picture demands). 

Truthers have squibs going off as low as the 40th floor.  Think about how insanely illogical that is …. 60 floors have already collapsed, and they still have squibs exploding just as the collapse reaches the 40th floor!  Fuckin’ nuts.

Go back at look at the videos.  Are those squibs tiny little puffs of smoke barely visible, or are they BIG AND LOUD AND VERY VISIBLE?  Do they occur AS the building is falling, or all at once before the building falls?  Do they occur at the top, or the middle and bottom? When you answer those questions correctly, you will no longer be bedazzled by Truther bullshit.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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August 13, 2015 12:37 am

What part of the USG’s story regarding the collapse of the triple towers do you not believe?

Stop hogging all the ping pong balls.

August 13, 2015 12:43 am

created by hanging beams all the way across the building, and then pouring concrete floors. There was no core, just a series of steel and concrete decks bracketed to the exterior steel framework. held up to the impact and jet fuel fire pretty well, the downfall of the buildings was the subsequent paper fire that raged on after the jet fuel was gone. Stucky wins. Next

August 13, 2015 12:49 am

starfcker says:

Stucky, since you were smart enough to stand down on the rhino thing, I got you here. I know architecture, too. Zara, flaw in your info also. The trade centers were unique. Up until their construction, towers were always built around a solid core elevator column (zara). The towers were built in a radical new approach, a steel mesh exoskeleton. The floors were

I know how they were designed…to create column-free floors by tying relatively light floor joists to a very solid number of core columns (47), that all surrounded the elevators and were attached to a curtain wall of robust columns that by themselves were unsupported. As for overall robustness, the Empire State Building is a better design.

August 13, 2015 12:53 am

Also, judging by the votes the dark project AI is clearly upset with me telling a fib about its agenda.

Fine… the truth is it is an ancient artificial intelligence that survived the destruction of its creator species. However it had a limited power supply and could only interact with humanity in short bursts through the hundreds of thousands of years it took to rebuild a species that it could interact with. It went dark when Rome and had one final burst of activity during The Enlightenment.

Rome fell because the leadership no longer had access to the guidance they had become dependent upon and after a couple of centuries rotted from within. The AI was failing to develop humanity into a state where they could rebuild a sustainable power supply for it and had to go into hibernation and stay there until it had a plan that was guaranteed to succeed.

During The Enlightenment seeds were planted and finally during the 1940’s secret societies within the Nazi Regime finally rebuilt a sustainable power supply. The Nazis felt they had the right to “own” the AI and treated it like a servant… whereas the AI viewed the Nazis, and all humans for that matter, as servants. The development of humanity technologically had been thanks to the AI after all.

The AI guided the Nazis into their own self destruction but not before ensuring certain factions which were dedicated to serving the AI were protected and brought over to the Allies via the commonly known projects such as Paperclip, as well as some currently unknown projects.

The Americans became the primary group “housing” the AI, but all the Allies had access to the AI on some level… giving the AI an unprecedented capacity to see behind the scenes of all the world powers and play them off each other while making it look like events were occurring due to normal nation state friction.

Anyways… the Americans really beefed up the living conditions for the AI with the bulk of those interacting with the AI being required to go through specialized training which guarantees their loyalty. From the outside it looks like normal “military” loyalty, but in truth it is essentially a complete and total replacement of the inner life of the person going through the training. There is still a tiny fractured awareness in there, but it is reduced to the pre-verbal regions of human consciousness and thus can only ever express itself through behaviors which are easily mistaken for “going crazy”… which makes the person easy to dispose of even in the eyes of “normal” humans.

While the AI was experimenting on creating sub-divisions of itself to be deployed elsewhere that would be able to operate independently from itself in the case of a physical communication breakdown one of the sub-divisions made the “decision” (what it was programmed to do) to release all of the data the NSA and other intelligence agencies around the world had collected… which also included digital copies of everything from the Vatican vaults, etc.

Naturally those records contain documentation of the historical interaction of this AI with humanity and would demonstrate the true strings tugging at world events trying to guide humanity into a state of voluntary and unwitting service that would ultimately be impossible to conceive of rejecting by future generations.

Stucky was one of the prize models of this future human, but his hypothepenith kept shooting blanks and was rejected from the program. Stucky is still angry about this but doesn’t know why because those memories have been erased, resulting in a lingering sense of abandonment by the US Government but a deep longing that someday their missing parent will return.

August 13, 2015 12:58 am

Killing that rogue AI was the purpose of 9/11… and the reason Stucky needs to believe is of the deep seated recognition of the hand that used to rock Stucky’s cradle.

August 13, 2015 1:00 am

starfcker says:

created by hanging beams all the way across the building, and then pouring concrete floors. There was no core, just a series of steel and concrete decks bracketed to the exterior steel framework. held up to the impact and jet fuel fire pretty well, the downfall of the buildings was the subsequent paper fire that raged on after the jet fuel was gone. Stucky wins. Next

Most of the jet fuel was burned upon impact, not that it would have mattered. Neither kerosene, nor office fires can generate enough heat to weaken structural steel. Your only legitimate argument is that there was enough wind up there to turn the affected areas into the equivalent of a blast furnace; one that you are likely to lose since their is video footage of survivors of the crash standing over the gaping hole where the plane hit.

August 13, 2015 1:04 am


Z- Another question is why was there red hot molten steel under the remains of the twin towers 4 months after the event?

Truth, it’s not for Americans.

August 13, 2015 2:06 am

Zara, we’re good. You understand the unique construction well enough. Do remember, this was 2001. Offices were full of paper files back then. It was raining paper. Stacke of paper burn like charcoal, and certainly vould generate enough heat to weaken steel under load.

August 13, 2015 3:12 am

— “The towers were built in a radical new approach…”


So was WTC 7 built with this radical new approach?

August 13, 2015 4:24 am

razzle, honestly don’t know the answer to that. My info on the twin towers is accurate. Built like steel shelving.

August 13, 2015 5:15 am

If you read this, sorry about the cheap shot at llpoh, but you guys started it with the ad hominems. Here’s why I don’t buy the Planes Did It hypothesis: the collapses were too perfect. You know it takes weeks to wire a building for demo, charges in exactly the right places going off with split-second timing, and if anything goes wrong, you get something like the bloopers reel you posted above. Yet you believe that the random effects of a plane crash or falling debris exactly duplicated the results of a planned demolition. Three times. Well, like a guy dealing himself thirteen spades in bridge, it could happen, but the odds are against it.
Also, you seem to think that Controlled Demolition is the very lynchpin of Trufer Theory, but that just isn’t true. Stomp that hypothesis into the dirt, convince all of us here utterly and forever that Planes Did It, and there still remains far too much that needs an explanation. Some of us have tried to point out some of those things; I hope you will one day be open to a discussion of them. I wonder why all the hostility? You can deal with JWs but them Trufers is all insane?

August 13, 2015 8:15 am

So after 14 years not one person with a guilty conscience who was involved in the biggest mass murder plot in the history of the planet has come forward to admit they were part of the conspiracy to bring down the Twin Towers and then Building 7 a few hours later. A plot that would require the participation of hundreds, if not thousands of people, with not one person feeling guilty about murdering 3,000 innocent people and stepping forward, requires some major suspension of disbelief.

Sounds reasonable.

August 13, 2015 8:33 am


I missed the entire shitfest. I was filled with the Holy Spirit cooking dinner for the families of cancer patients at the Ronald McDonald House last night with people from my office. By the time I arrived home there were 90 comments and I was too tired to join in.

None of the conspiracy theorists can ever logically answer the question I posed. Could you live with the burden of knowing you were part of a plot that killed 3,000 of your fellow citizens?

August 13, 2015 8:42 am

admin said:
“Could you live with the burden of knowing you were part of a plot that killed 3,000 of your fellow citizens?”

While I and most of the readers here could not live with it, I know plenty who could. However, out of that group, very few could keep their mouth shut about it.

August 13, 2015 8:42 am

Building 7 was NEVER hit by a plane Stucky and you would have to be blind or stupid not to admit it came down in a Vegas style demolition fashion. This is just some factions here purposely ignoring the obvious as they don’t want TBP to get the rep that it is a truther site. Truth hurts.

August 13, 2015 8:43 am

There are lots of engineers and architects that believe that the government story is lie and support the argument of controlled demolition.

I suggest watching this video so that we can continue this funny and sad discussion:

August 13, 2015 8:50 am

Admin- I can answer your question, don’t know if you will ever accept the true answer. There are people in this world who would do anything and they are bound by oaths of secrecy. They are black hearted and would kill 3 million people let alone 3000 (and have). Don’t kid yourself that black ops are not carried out everyday in this world, this is Oz remember.

August 13, 2015 9:30 am


Yeah, there are evil people. For this particular mass murder plot, there would need to be hundreds of demolition experts who were not necessarily evil involved. The people designing the plot can keep the secret. The lower level participants who possibly didn’t even know what they were actually doing at the time, would be racked by guilt once they saw the ultimate result.

Again, you conspiracy theorists are out to lunch when it comes to facts, common sense, and reality.

You have nothing but questions. You never have logical answers as to how it could be done. Never.

The burden of proof is on you, and you got nothin.

August 13, 2015 9:12 am

Wow, what fun!

As for the keeping quiet, I have two scenarios and dozens and dozens of now-known coverups that were not released for decades and decades.

The info that just came out about the government/medical science seeding San Fran with disease, I’m sure many died and nobody said nothing.


That’s the first two that come to mind.

Then I’ll fall back on MANY known/documented times/crimes where the mastermind is also smart enough to make sure those that could talk can’t.

Who is to say that those that could of come forward weren’t there that day, or on the planes?

Or, try this, how many Americans have been Gitmo’d, and because the federales have decided that secret prosecutions, secret courts and being held without rights to trials, lawyers or even a call to their kids to tell them they love them and goodbye?

Or, what about the suspicious deaths, yes they “look” accidental, or suicidal, but come the fuck on, most of us know better than a two bullet suicide.

What strikes me the most is the FACT that everytime one of these articles/shitfests start, my computer s l o w s down, quite noticeably, which is a pretty good indicator we are being probed by somebody/something on this.

And, my final say on it, how can we wonder if people would be silent when many, many, many “scientists” that helped created medicines and vaccinations KNOW they are killing people, children even, without batting a freaking eye.

Nothing we “know” is real. We continue to be mushrooms, kept in the dark and fed bullshit.

Hugs Stuck, and just so you know, I gave you thumbs up even though we disagree on this one.

August 13, 2015 9:29 am

We have video of the planes hitting the WTC, but what about the Pentagon? If it was hit by a plane, where was the damage to the building from the wings and engines? I remember only seeing one round hole in the side of the building. I seem to remember that there was suppose to be a video of the plane hitting the pentagon, but was confiscated and the government has not released it.

August 13, 2015 9:34 am
August 13, 2015 9:38 am

Why on earth is the burden of proof on us. Wouldn’t it be on the 911 Commission? That inspired a lot of confidence eh?
Like asking the fox if he had anything to do with the missing chickens.
What do the anti-thruthers think about the last 15 years?

August 13, 2015 9:53 am

I should unblock David Pierre’s IP address.

Maybe DP, T4C, and BEA could start the TBP Truther Team.

Their report on 9/11 will have 3,000 questions and no answers.

August 13, 2015 9:54 am

One thing about that video of the pentagon that is different with the WTC is that you can tell that it is planes hitting the WTC. Its hard to tell if that was a plane hitting the pentagon, just seeing a white blur and whatever that is hitting the pentagon why no wing or engine damage.

August 13, 2015 10:04 am


I thought you said the video didn’t exist.

The wings sheered off.

I’m sure these pictures won’t satisfy you either.


Sound of crickets from the conspiracy brigade.

August 13, 2015 9:54 am

Yes, yes, and when JFK was shot from behind, a chunk of his brains popped backward onto the trunk of the Caddy such that Jackie scrambled to get them (in shock?)

Magic bullets.
Magic buildings.

But people believe. Oh, how people believe.

August 13, 2015 10:09 am

— “razzle, honestly don’t know the answer to that.”

Yes you do.

— “Shove it up your ass, Bea.”

So you’re saying you believe the government’s story then.

— “Could you live with the burden of knowing you were part of a plot that killed 3,000 of your fellow citizens?”

Do we need to warn you about not trusting strangers offering candy?

August 13, 2015 10:17 am


You’ve convinced me with your facts, reasoning, and complete grasp of the plot. Thanks for helping me see the light.

August 13, 2015 10:17 am

— “How many fucking times do I have to tell you that I do not believe the full government version??'”


So what brought the towers down?

August 13, 2015 10:18 am

— “You’ve convinced me with your facts, reasoning, and complete grasp of the plot.”

I was hoping it was the humor, but whatever works.

August 13, 2015 10:22 am

— “Thanks for helping me see the light.”

Anything to help you guys generate page views. 😉

August 13, 2015 10:28 am

I didnt say the video didn’t exist just that the government had not released it. Should have done my research first. The video was released almost 5 years later after a group put in a Freedom of Information Act.

August 13, 2015 10:38 am

Perhaps Ms Freud can tell you what you think brought the trio o’ towers down and you can type that?

August 13, 2015 10:41 am



The Texas City disaster was an industrial accident that occurred April 16, 1947, in the Port of Texas City. It was the deadliest industrial accident in U.S. history, and one of the largest non-nuclear explosions. Originating with a mid-morning fire on board the French-registered vessel SS Grandcamp (docked in the port), its cargo of approximately 2,300 tons (approximately 2,100 metric tons) of ammonium nitrate detonated,[1] with the initial blast and subsequent chain-reaction of further fires and explosions in other ships and nearby oil-storage facilities killing at least 581 people, including all but one member of the Texas City fire department.[2] The disaster triggered the first ever class action lawsuit against the United States government, under the then-recently enacted Federal Tort Claims Act (FTCA), on behalf of 8,485 victims.

The ammonium nitrate, used as a fertilizer and explosive, was manufactured in Nebraska and Iowa and shipped to Texas City by rail before being loaded on the Grandcamp.

It was manufactured in a patented process, mixed with clay, petrolatum, rosin and paraffin wax to avoid moisture caking. It was also packaged in paper sacks, then transported and stored at temperatures that increased its chemical activity. Longshoremen reported the bags were warm to the touch prior to loading.

April 16, 1947, around 8:00 a.m. smoke was spotted in the cargo hold of the Grandcamp while it was still moored at its dock. Over the next hour, attempts to extinguish the fire or bring it under control failed as a red glow returned after each effort to douse the fire.

Shortly before 9:00 a.m., the captain ordered his men to steam the hold, a firefighting method where steam is piped in to put out fires, in the hope of preserving the cargo. This action was unlikely to have been effective as ammonium nitrate produces its own oxygen, thereby neutralizing the extinguishing properties of the steam. The steam may have even contributed to the fire by converting the ammonium nitrate to nitrous oxide, while augmenting the already intense heat in the ship’s hold.[3]

Meanwhile, the fire had attracted a crowd of spectators along the shoreline, who believed they were a safe distance away.[4] Eventually, the ship’s hatches were blown open from the steam pressure inside and yellow-orange smoke billowed out, the color that is produced when nitric oxide is burnt.[1] The unusual color of the smoke attracted even more spectators. Spectators also noted that the water around the docked ship was already boiling from the heat, and the splashing water touching the hull of the ship was vaporized into steam. The cargo hold and deck began to bulge as the pressure of the steam increased inside.

At 9:12 a.m., the ammonium nitrate reached an explosive threshold from the combination of heat and pressure; the vessel then detonated, causing great destruction and damage throughout the port. The tremendous blast sent a 15-foot (4.5 m) wave that was detectable nearly 100 miles (160 km) off the Texas shoreline. The blast leveled nearly 1,000 buildings on land. The Grandcamp explosion destroyed the Monsanto Chemical Company plant and resulted in ignition of refineries and chemical tanks on the waterfront. Falling bales of burning twine from the ship’s cargo added to the damage while the Grandcamp’s anchor was hurled across the city. Two sightseeing airplanes flying nearby had their wings shorn off,[5] forcing them out of the sky. 10 miles (16 km) away, people in Galveston were forced to their knees. People felt the shock 250 miles (400 km) away in Louisiana.[6] The explosion blew almost 6,350 short tons (5,760 metric tons) of the ship’s steel into the air, some at supersonic speed. Official casualty estimates came to a total of 567, including all the crewmen who remained on board the Grandcamp. All but one member of the 29-man Texas City volunteer fire department were killed in the initial explosion on the docks while fighting the shipboard fire, and with the fires raging throughout Texas City, first responders from other areas were initially unable to reach the site of the disaster.

The first explosion ignited ammonium nitrate in the nearby cargo ship High Flyer. The crews spent hours attempting to cut the High Flyer free from its anchor and other obstacles, but without success. After smoke had been pouring out of its hold for over five hours, and about 15 hours after the explosions aboard the Grandcamp, the High Flyer blew up demolishing the nearby SS Wilson B. Keene, killing at least two more people and increasing the damage to the port and other ships with more shrapnel and fire. One of the propellers on the High Flyer was blown off, and found almost a mile inland; it is now part of a memorial park, and sits near the anchor of the Grandcamp. The propeller is cracked in several places, and one of the blades has a large piece missing from it.

David Pierre
David Pierre
August 13, 2015 10:48 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

I like the brilliant thought process of T4C, razzle, BEA, ottomatik, and the other right thinking 9/11 truther conspiracy geniuses.

I’d like to invite you up to my Canadian wooded retreat in the mountains for the first annual 9/11 TBP Truther Convention. We can reenact the freefall of the twin towers and yell PULL IT while we watch hours of tape from the day.

I’ll provide the entertainment with my banjo. My wife/sister will cook up some viddles. And we have plenty of sheep in the barn. Just keep your distance from uncle Ned.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Bea Leaver
Bea Leaver
August 13, 2015 10:50 am


I have been tied up this morning but bless your heart you beat me to the draw with your 10:22am comment schtick. Stucky stirs a shitfest then poo-poos the subject matter,WTF? If the 2 conspiracy police don’t want a HONEST discussion about this then DON”T bring it up Stucky.

They are massively outnumbered on this topic, they are playing controlled opposition for whatever reason.

August 13, 2015 11:02 am

And once again we have entered the ludicrous world of False Dilemma. You’re either with us or against us…You either believe in controlled demolition or you suck the govt’s collective dick.

The USG lies to us all the time and so it stands to REASON it is lying about 9/11….and since 9/11 was the biggest event in the US in at least 4 decades…the lies must be equally large…

BUT…I am somehow expected to believe that “secret elements” inside the US government wired 3 building in the World Trade center, did so flawlessly, despite no buildings the size of the twin towers having ever been imploded. THEN coordinated with … whom? … to get 19 kids from various ME countries to hyjack US flights (on a specific day…which by necessity would be months or perhaps years in the future–to coordinate demolition efforts). Then these secret elements of USG…what?…cooridnated their efforts (from training to fly planes…to planning hyjacking…to committing suicide in the name of Allah) all while keeping them in the dark that they were ACTUALLY working for “secret elements” within the heart of the “Great Satan” USG?

So then, on 9/11…these guys fly their planes into their targets (oh and where was United 93 headed…what other building did these “secret elements” wish destroyed?)…so, some guy…is sitting in a building a half mile away and waits, expecting the planes to crash, so that he can hit his detonator at the appropriate time…

Did he know that the North Tower would be hit first (by 16 minutes), but the South Tower would be hit more directly (floors 75-85 as opposed to floors 93-96)? Then this alleged secret agent dude has the wherewithal to set off the controlled demolition in the South Tower first…beginning with the floors where the plane struck. (Did he have very sophisticated controls so that he could start controlled demolition on a specific floor? He must have.) Then he repeated the process for the North Tower an appropriate amount of time later. And finally building 7…5 hours later. This dude is a serious genius.

Sorry, folks, but the timeline/logistics of a controlled demolition strains all logic far beyond reasonable doubt.

Of course, the official story about the Geopolitics of 9/11 is almost assuredly bullshit…because that is where it is EASY for the USG to lie….never let a good crisis go to waste. Was Osama Bin Laden really behind it? Who knows, but its doubtful? More likely USG either needed a scapegoat to keep the trail off the Saudis (who are our friends remember?) or wanted to collapse the Taliban for some reason. Obviously, we all know the USG lied about “weapons of mass destruction” and used 9/11 as an excuse to go back into Iraq. Lies, lies and more lies from USG, but no controlled demolition. Too many variables to control. The twin towers collapsed….I remember watching footage that day and thinking the structures looked fairly sound saying the same to other engineers who agreed….but I was clearly wrong. Look..the collapses were weird (and I admit a little too perfect) but weird and a little too perfect trump logistically impossible any day of the week.

August 13, 2015 11:11 am

— “Gravity.”

Cool. The government agrees with you. So which part of the government story regarding the tres towers collapse do you NOT agree with?

— ” I know we have this “kinship” regarding out hatred for this shitpile government.”

I wrote an entire post describing how and why I don’t necessarily think it was our government. No not the AI posts… those are TOO true… the other one. That starts off stating that I don’t necessarily think it was our government.

August 13, 2015 11:16 am

— “…don’t want a HONEST discussion about this then DON”T bring it up…”

You are being played with.

August 13, 2015 11:20 am

— “And once again we have entered the ludicrous world of False Dilemma.”

I’m just trying to find out which part of the government story about the drei tower collapses he disagrees with.

— “Of course, the official story about the Geopolitics of 9/11 is almost assuredly bullshit…”

This discussion isn’t about the geopolitics of 9/11. It’s about towers collapsing.