Released Hillary Clinton Emails Reveal… She Was Reading A Book On How To Delete Emails

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

As I’ve said many times before, the best part about Hillary Clinton running for President, is that she’s so unbelievably corrupt and shady, not a week goes by without a new scandal or embarrassment. It makes the insulting charade of U.S. elections at least somewhat comical.

In the latest gaffe, we learn (through her own emails), that she asked to borrow a book titled, Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better.” Chapter Six of this book is titled, “The Email That Can Land You In Jail,” which includes a section titled: “How to Delete Something So It Stays Deleted.”

You can’t make this stuff up.

From ABC News:


The last batch of Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department included one from Clinton asking to borrow a book called “Send: Why People Email So Badly and How to Do It Better,” by David Shipley and Will Schwalbe.


Clinton has not said why she requested the book, but it includes some advice that is particularly interesting in light of the controversy over her unconventional email arrangement at the State Department and her decision to delete tens of thousands of emails she deemed to be purely personal.


Take, for example, Chapter Six: “The Email That Can Land You In Jail.” The chapter includes a section entitled “How to Delete Something So It Stays Deleted.”


The chapter advised that to truly delete emails may require a special rewriting program “to make sure that it’s not just elsewhere on the drive but has in fact been written over sixteen or twenty times and rendered undefinable.”


But Shipley and Schwalbe warn that deleting emails could lead to future legal troubles.

Here’s a screenshot of the email from ABC:

Screen Shot 2015-08-13 at 2.35.07 PM

Smell blood yet Bernie?

Bernie Sanders Takes the Lead from Hillary in Latest New Hampshire Poll

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August 14, 2015 9:30 am

LOL… still doesn’t matter. Video could surface of Hillary taking a steaming shit into a basket of puppies, then throwing them one by one into a blender, and she’d still be the Dem nominee, because obviously the video was doctored.

August 14, 2015 10:08 am

Oh yeah, the new defensive claim by the clinton machine is the emails she claimed to never have received, were in fact sent by someone else and never labeled as top secret.

So all the emails she claimed did not exist, were sent by somebody else, innocent.

Clear as her shit covered blended puppies to the liberal dem faithful.

August 14, 2015 10:36 am

TC the really sad thing is that at least 49 % of voters are free shitters who’s would enthusiastically support her. At this point what difference does it make? N O N E !

August 14, 2015 11:47 am

Time for some jail time so she can be alone and think things over. John

John Angelo
John Angelo
August 14, 2015 12:42 pm

I came of age politically when the Clintons were in office. Although troubles lingered throughout their presidency, they had a way of making problems (i.e. people) disappear. Unfortunately, those were the days before alternate media sites could beat the war drums while the best thing available was talk radio, the Washington Times, and the nascent days of Faux News. Hillary is finding it isn’t as easy when the world is online and she no longer gets the benefit of the doubt from the media. I still think she’ll get the Democratic nod, but the longer this plays out the less chance I think she has to win the presidency. Or at least one can hope.