Via Townhall

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August 15, 2015 10:57 am

Is this another Love Canal that poisons the Animas River, San Juan River, Colorado River, Lake Powell, Lake Meade and the California Gulf? If so, a massive amount of Western water will become unfit for drinking and irrigation for years or will the EPA just say it is OK for the Goy schmucks to use it?

August 15, 2015 11:09 am

Besides, what difference does it make? TPTB have been Geoengineering metals into the sky making Chemtrails for decades. The EPA should be warning us not to drink the water or breath the air (that they are busy legally polluting) and the FDA should be warning us not to eat the GMO food they promote and protect or let ourselves be poisoned by vaccines they approve for the diseases Fort Detrick (good name job: Ft De Trick) creates.

August 15, 2015 11:10 am

Sad situation for the affected people and the environment. Great example of EPA taking charge and causing this catastrophe – we have the best and brightest minds at the EPA.

August 15, 2015 12:53 pm

Lotta local people there seem to think this may be a deliberate action by the EPA to force them into a Superfund status which they have been resisting since it isn’t needed and would kill part of the local economy.

Till the EPA messed with that mine it has been sealed off for a very long time and has not caused or indicated it might cause any problems.

Not that the EPA would ever be held accountable for this if it were to ever become openly known.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
August 15, 2015 1:00 pm

I’m pretty sure we’ve been schooled on the Ka Boom thread that the government is not capable of doing anything like this.

All kidding aside look for the EPA to blame this on lack of funding/the government shutdown/not enough hollow point bullets for their department, etc.

August 15, 2015 1:50 pm

I am going to explain to you The Insanity of the Anti-Carbon League.

(This might be the first in a series of HZKsplaining, heh.)

Carbon is the essential building block of Life. All life on Earth is carbon based. This is no accident but relates to the nature of the carbon molecule itself to form fortuitous bonds with other atomic elements, which then form more complex chemical chains. (Presumably silicon has the same properties but nobody has created life from it, yet.) These carbon chains increase in complexity and configuration until you get a functioning cell, then, viola’ – you are on your way to trilobites, tyrannosauruses, tarantulas, and Humans.

Unless it is all Intelligent Design, then bah humbug, we were MEANT to have AGW.

Carbon is also part of cellular respiration for all aerobic organisms on the Earth. Carbon goes IN and Oxygen comes OUT and vice versa. This is part of the photosynthesis thingy that plants do. Carbon is also recycled on a planetary scale between the atmosphere and the oceans. In fact, Earth is really a ginormous carbon recycling machine in some respects.

Since the AGW crowd is composed of mainly liberal progressive moonbats, what is the underpinning of liberal progressivism?

It is a hatred of Life, particularly human life, and most especially human lives that disagree with their (moonbat) philosophies. Their trumpeting of animal rights and environmental issues over human rights and needs is merely an overcompensation for their deeply buried hatred of humans, and by extension, themselves.

(Evidence: Their support for abortion on demand, coddling of criminals, silence on Islamic Jihad, support for DDT banning, enthusiasm for all kinds of sexual fetishes, cheerleading for euthanasia, appeasement of dictators, etc….to be fleshed out, lol, in a later post.)

So therefore, the War on Carbon is really a War on Life.

The AGW crowd has real cognitive dissonance here because they Believe that reducing carbon will actually “save the planet”. In Reality, reducing carbon not only reduces Life in general, but most specifically, will reduce HUMAN life that depends on a functioning carbon cycle to exist.

It is merely a feature, not a bug, that the War on Carbon will hurt most ESPECIALLY the white-Judeo-Christians, whom are the eternal target of the misdirected self-loathing of the liberal progressives, by basically shutting down civilization as we know it.

And civilization as we know it, since it supports 7 billion humans, Must. Be. Destroyed. And the people that invented it as well.

There are other spin-offs to the AGW insanity as well.

WARNING: Delve not too deeply into the minds of the insane lest ye’ fall in and drown in their madness.

1) Since carbon is expelled with EVERY BREATH you take, the AGW crowd seeks to control YOU, on the most basic level imaginable. This goes for all the cows/pigs/lambs you (evil) meat-eaters consume – gotta control that as well. ‘Course, if we ate all the plants on the planet, we would have no oxygen and thus we all would die (oops). It is difficult to reconcile the “human rights” bloviating of the libprogs with their desire to control every breath you take, but, cognitive dissonance strikes again.

2) That China, India and the rest of the non-Western Civ world is pouring carbon out like madmen, since that is the power generation that fuels civilization as we know it, is totally ignored by the AGW crowd. I guess this is rationalized away since these countries were all the “victims” of white supremacy/colonialism/imperialism and it would be racist to NOT allow them to catch up, even if it means producing more carbon in 1 month that the US does in 1 year. This fits with the libprog axiom of “It it is a non-white doing it, it can’t possibly be bad/wrong/immoral” and is in direct contradiction to the libprog worshipping of Equality In All Things. Oops.

3) That the toxic chemicals floating down the Animas river are not CARBON is perfectly fine with the AGW crowd. After all, all those chemicals are essential components of computers, the libprog’s most potent weapon, and computers don’t kill people, so that’s all right. Besides, those chemicals are just going to end up on some counties that went Republican in the last election and who cares about them? I guess if a libprog or Big Government does it, it CAN’t be wrong/immoral/bad because they CARE sooo much, about the environment or the Little People, or something, and as long as you CARE, it matters not what mayhem you leave in your wake.

4) Very little, if any, of the core temperature readings collected by the AGW crowd has been outsourced to independent or dissenting scientists. Instead, the dissenting scientists have been smeared as deniers, or worse, and some in the AGW crowd have called for killing “deniers”. Anybody remember the commercial showing children having their heads blown off in a classroom for questioning the teacher on AGW? (There’s that pesky Death Cult thing again.) That is not scientific consensus; that is French Revolution mob tactics, upgrading a guillotine for a FEMA camp for deniers.

And finally, but not least of all….

5) If AGW is real, have the AGWers forgotten we Humans have frontal lobes and opposable thumbs? That we are one of the most adaptable and persistent species on this planet? That we have remade the world to serve us and not the other way around? That we have actually left the surface of this planet and walked on another world? Their basic view of Humanity is that we all dumb struggling beasts, mucking in the mud in a desperate zero-sum game for survival, with the odds rigged to our disadvantage from the moment of our (regrettable) births. Hence their desperate and pathetic attempts to control every single aspect of Life on this planet instead of accepting the wonderful unpredictability and beauty and challenge that life has to offer.

The AGWers and the libprogs are like demented 2 year olds afraid that the cookie jar will run out and instead of learning how to make their OWN cookies, they propose to ration the remaining cookies to the very last crumb. A fine example of what happens when a person is stuck at 2 years old emotionally and intellectually.

Just spank these children and send them to bed without their dinners. Then the adults in the room can get on with their day.

August 15, 2015 3:45 pm

hatchet job

a maliciously destructive critique or act:

August 15, 2015 6:13 pm

““Whenever I worked for them, I always dreaded it because they have such a know-it-all attitude. That’s how they got in trouble on this deal. They just didn’t think,” Taylor says.”

They don’t think because they get paid and promoted regardless of their results. When pay depends on results there is quite a bit more friction between brain cells.

August 15, 2015 11:31 pm

It was actually 119 here today, but there’s no global warning /sarc (denoted for BB)

August 16, 2015 7:55 pm

119 degrees
Guessing thats summer in the southwest. I lived awhile in arizona, texas, and even a year in the mideast. And deserts do get hot in the summer. Must be globull warming.