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Via Knuckledraggin

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Steve Zengel
Steve Zengel
August 17, 2015 12:47 pm

By the order of Supreme Archon Yaldabaoth:

August 17, 2015 12:52 pm

I had one fuck of a weekend and today is worse, every story about doom is one more story that I get closer to shutting down emotionally.

I decided to step out for lunch and sitting in a booth right across from me was a fatass waste of human flesh with two boys age I guessed were 7 and 9 and very well behaved.
She sat there the entire time on her phone texting or FBing or who knows what while the boys talked to each other.
I felt sorry for the boys that their mother was ignoring them, then I thought maybe this is for the best, what could she teach them anyway.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 17, 2015 1:14 pm

This is sad…..

Ever wonder if they will wake up one day and ask themselves why they spent the best years of their lives staring at a device? Will people begin to behave as people again?

Card802 is correct that this behavior is tearing away natural human interaction.

August 17, 2015 1:20 pm


For the last 17 days, I’ve had my sister’s twins visiting me. They are 16 years old and will be entering the workforce in a few years so they are perfect specimens to “study”.

Having had them here 100% reinforces what I already believed: I have zero to fear from the up and coming generation – zero. As long as there is work to do and money to be made, those not enamored with their gadgets stand the best chance of maintaining their position within the middle class.

Seriously, it was interesting to watch them scan for an open outlet when we went to a restaurant or friend’s home or department store. They even carried extra battery refill charging devices as they would drain their phones within an hour once out and about.

Even more interesting is the fact that they are from rural Alaska and have never seen anything like S. California before. Still, a video of a twerking skank was more interesting to them then the actual twerking skanks running around in Hollywood.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 17, 2015 1:22 pm

Sorry about your weekend (and today). Sometimes things are just fucked up and bullshit. Maybe think about something good – like really good pizza. You will laugh again.

August 17, 2015 2:14 pm

Giving an iGadget to a young child is like giving them a drug. The dopamine levels in their brain go haywire as they derive incredible amounts of pleasure from the visual stimulus. Try taking it away and they’ll go into withdrawal and get agitated. I’ve seen it with my own kids.

Growing up, I was told to go outside when my parents wanted a break from me and my sibling’s shenanigans. Now, the default option is to put a show on the television or hand them the iGadget to occupy their attention to get a free moment. Lazy parenting on my part I admit. They are too young for a phone and I intend to prolong the day they possess one until they can work to afford the device and the monthly carrier bill on their own.

What I will never understand is people’s need to bring their device into the toilet stall. Seriously – aren’t you worried about fecal matter getting onto the screen or dropping that puppy in the bowl? Is no place safe from these things?

August 17, 2015 2:27 pm

Nothing screams societal dysfunction like that last picture. As an adolescent male, if I had three flavors of eye candy available, the last thing I’d be lookin’ at would be an electronic screen. Unless maybe that screen had four flavors of eye candy. Naw, not even then. Life size and real vs. digital? No contest.

August 17, 2015 2:28 pm

RULE #1.

When you visit me, you turn off your electronic device and leave it on the vestibule table.

I find that since I instituted this rule over a year ago, visitation by those irksome relatives has greatly diminished. As an added bonus, those relatives who had tended to over-stay their welcome, now cut short their visits!

Its a lot of fun watching them grabbing their “toys” and fumbling to turn them back on, before they are out the door! We time them to see how long they take to leave the driveway and whether they continue to play with their “toys” while attempting to drive at the same time!

My phone is connected to the wall by a wire. If I’m not home, on the ‘John’ or out in the garden, no one answers. Least of all another friggin machine! I’m contemplating cutting that wire, but Gramma likes to chit-chat with her conies.

August 17, 2015 2:33 pm


Could be the kid is confused sexually and is looking at man-on-man porn on his device instead. Or maybe those are his sisters. Or maybe he’s asexual and has no interest, instead spending his time looking up ideas for his next costume for the upcoming Anime convention.

I had a hard time comprehending that last photo as well when I first saw it.

August 17, 2015 3:02 pm


If your conjecture is accurate, then I rest my case. Epitome of societal dysfunction.

August 17, 2015 3:26 pm

Hopefully that last picture was him just finished taking pictures of the hotties and was sending them to his buds saying look whats going on at my place.

August 17, 2015 4:09 pm


If your scenario were true, he’d have a GIANT grin on his face the whole time he was texting. He appears completely oblivious to the temptations in front of him. I’m disqualifying your scenario based on the fact that he’s wearing two very different colored socks, too. My asexual theory or disinterested little brother theory still hold water…

August 17, 2015 4:26 pm

@Irish. I never worry about fecal matter on my screen bc most of what is displayed on rhe screen is already fecal matter.

August 17, 2015 5:26 pm

Look on the bright side: at least they are not watching nothing but ads and total crap on the boob tube.

August 17, 2015 5:36 pm

That young man in the last picture has his head in the wrong place.

August 17, 2015 6:43 pm

You are probably right, just seems sad that this is what has become of the younger generation.

August 17, 2015 8:49 pm

As to the expectant Mom smoking…the norm in the 1950’s and hey our leaders of today turned out just fine!!

August 17, 2015 9:08 pm

Card , go to the gym for a little while. Exercise always makes me feel better. Give it a try.

August 18, 2015 12:30 am

‘murica ????

Sadly I can report that it is like this in many countries.

August 18, 2015 4:02 pm

It took me a long time to find out whats wrong with the last picture.

For those who can’t find it, the blonde is making that stupid duck-face.

PS: Ever since my wife went down to part time she has been losing her phone.

Its fucking amazing. No more conversations or dinners interrupted by work, no more drawn out conversations in the car with her mother.

Mine has turned into an iPod more or less, I only make about three phone calls a day:

1) One work related.
2) To my wife, lunch?
3) To my wife, do I need to pick up anything on the way home for dinner?

At this rate I should cancel my damned plan and just switch to pigeons.

August 18, 2015 4:53 pm

I have not experienced a happy, friendly, “customer service” rep in ANY non-tip/commission business in quite awhile. I’m one of those annoying people that go out of my way to “fake it until I make it” and use the chance to be in public to be friendly and nice. Used to be that most people would follow my lead and *shock* a nicer experience would be had by all. I’m now hard-pressed to get a freaking smile and this is when MY money is crossing through their hands.

So, it dawns on me, with the advent of virtually “lived” social communities, we are either forgetting, or don’t have the actual emotional and spiritual energy left to interact in person.

While we think we are the most social ever, everyone of those pictures proves we have never, ever, been further apart. No good will come from this.

@card, I am so sorry about your rough time. @bb is right, except substitute “go to the gym” with “take a walk” outside in your beautiful part of the state. The Michigan light is changing my friend, the sun is noticeably retreating, now is the time to take a peaceful walk and breathe in the warm summer breeze before the snow is flying and we are freezing our asses off. I’ll even say a prayer for you when I do the same! And, if you prefer a scientist to verify what should be common sense, they are proving that walking in nature has a double good effect on mood and health, more than just exercise alone. Hugs friend.

August 18, 2015 5:04 pm

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