THE HOUSE I LIVE IN …. (or, why can’t we all get along?)

Newark was a relatively nice place when we first moved there around 1958. It was clean and it smelled nice. You had a Portuguese section (still there), Pollacks, Dago’s, Irish, Krauts, Russians, and Jews all in close proximity, and getting along just swell. Sure, some of the kids didn’t like me, the nazi Kraut, but that was usually after their parents told them I was evil. Five year old kids, left to themselves, are generally not political and/or racist. We were happy just to get a team together for stick-ball (in the streets), or even for a good game of hide&seek … nationality or color really didn’t cross our young minds. Anyway, the choices of various ethnic foods from all the tiny mom&pop deli’s was simply astounding, and delicious. Not many kids have an amusement park a stone’s throw from their house! It was a nice way to grow up, considering Newark is a big city.

By 1968, all those shops were gone, the blacks rioted and burned down nearby Springfield Avenue, and other areas … and they ruined everything. The lovely ethnic diversity never recovered, as Newark today is a one or two color shithole. Oh, noes … you’re a raayccisss prick! Bite me! That’s exactly what happened. I was there, saw it with my own eyes. To answer my own question, I think I could get along with any group of people, except blacks. They really need their own state. In another thread I proposed we give them New Jersey …. and throw in Connecticut, if necessary.


Multiculturalism and diversity were once our strengths, according to Frank Sinatra. In 1945, everyone in America basically got along. Below is a 10 minute short film starring Frank Sinatra, “The House I Live In”. It received an Honorary Academy Award and a special Golden Globe award in 1946. In 2007, this film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”. (Skip the first song, it’s irrelevant, and go to the 2:35 mark.)

The plot is simple. Sinatra heads outside for a cigarette break during a recording session. He sees a gang of young boys chasing and cornering another kid, getting ready to beat him up. Sinatra intervenes, and asks what the trouble is. They explain that they want to beat the kid up because they don’t like his religion. One tells Sinatra “he’s a dirty -” … but before the kid can say “Jew”, Sinatra cuts him off. Sinatra then has a talk with the boys telling them; — “Look, fellas, religion makes no difference. Except maybe to a Nazi, or somebody that’s stupid.” Sinatra then goes on to explain that we’re all Americans, no matter what we believe, and “prejudice” and “intolerance” are wrong, because even though we all may not see eye to eye on religion, and we’ve got to stick together to fight “the Japs.” The kids then stare wide eyed as Frank breaks into a rendition of the title song.

In the film, Sinatra sings the title song, which eventually became a huge national hit. Below is the song, sung by Paul Robeson. It’s only 3 minute long. Listen to the words. The words present a wonderful imagery; of America as a land of opportunity and “of wealth and beauty”, where people got along and there was “goodness everywhere”, where the people worked hard so there was “enough for all to share.” It seems like the America of my youth. One can understand why this song was, at one time, such a huge hit.

Then again …. hold on a damned minute! The music was written by Earl Robinson, and the lyrics by Abel Meeropol, a couple of years prior in 1943. These two names are quite interesting.

Robinson was later blacklisted during the McCarthy era for being a member of the Communist Party. Ronald Reagan, then head of the Screen Actors Guild, kept in touch with the FBI about “disloyal” Hollywood artists, including Robinson. Robinson was one of the notorious Hollywood Ten, who were blacklisted for refusing to tell Congress whether or not they had ever been members of the Communist Party. Many years later, Paul Robeson sang the song written by Earl Robinson ……. at the inaugural ceremonies for Ronald Reagan! Sweet irony.

Robinson would go on to write “Ballad For Americans”. Just as in “The House I Live In”, the main theme is that race and religion don’t matter. It was performed at the Communist Party national convention of 1940 …. as well as the GOP convention that year! Strange bedfellows. He also wrote “Black and White”, which celebrated the Brown vs. Board of Education case which is either a victory or travesty of jurisprudence, depending on your worldview. The group Three Dog Night in 1972 recorded a watered down version of Black and White.

Regarding Meeropol, in 1957 he adopted two orphaned boys, , Michael and Robert, after their parents were executed in 1953. Who were the parents? The infamous Commie spies who were executed for giving our atomic secrets to the Soviet Union …. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

Soooo, the guy who wrote the words to the song that inspired the movie, and the guy who wrote the music were both affiliated with Communism. Anyone else? Well, there’s also the guy who wrote the screenplay for the movie. His name was Albert Maltz. And …. surprise, surprise, he also, “was a man on the rise both inside and outside of the Communist Party.”

So, what about the movie? Notice anything unusual about the message? Most Americans today won’t because the message of the movie – “tolerance” and “diversity” is considered mainstream. Everybody loves that! But here’s the $64,000 dollar question; was it mainstream back in 1945?? The answer to that is an unequivocal, “No!”.

Forced racial integration was considered to be a Communist plot. Conservative churches in the era between WWII and the 1970s railed against racial integration. Not one in a thousand preachers would have conducted an interracial marriage. Conservatives and Christians weren’t OK with marching with Dr. King. Even Billy Graham didn’t take a prominent position in the Civil Rights crusade, because he knew it would kill his ministry. America was very segregated back then … and most people liked it that way.

So, who didn’t like segregation? The idea that race and religion were meaningless trivialities was being pushed by four groups; radicals, Jews, libtard politicians, and Communists. The message of the movie isn’t primarily that we shouldn’t go around beating up Jews. Most everyone would agree with that without hesitation.

Rather, the message was that religion and race are meaningless trivialities, and anyone who disagrees is either “a Nazi” or “stupid”. That was THE radical Communist idea in 1945. Now, in 2015, it is the mainstream view embraced by all Democrat and Republican politicians, and their fawning sheep followers. The circle has been completed. Maybe Khrushchev was right after all, about selling us the rope we’d hang ourselves with.

I might actually vote next year if we had a politician with the balls to say, “Segregation was a great idea. Let’s try it again.”. Were that to happen, I could stop being a racist prick.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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August 31, 2015 6:00 am

The roots of today’s “American Exceptionalism”?

“The mind races, wondering if any of those currently shocked by the depravity either of some Iraqis or some U.S. soldiers might be related to one William Tucker, as in Captain William Tucker, a good Christian to hear him tell it, I’m sure, who in 1623 took his soldiers to negotiate a peace treaty with the Powhatan Indian nation. Afterward, Tucker persuaded the Powhatans to drink a toast with poisoned wine. Two hundred died immediately and his soldiers killed fifty more, bringing back heads as souvenirs.

Or perhaps some of those appalled at the inhumane actions of certain Iraqis or certain soldiers are either related to, or at least still enamored of Thomas Jefferson, who said of the indigenous of this land: “Nothing will reduce those wretches so soon as pushing the war into the heart of their country. But I would not stop there. I would never cease pursuing them with war while one remained on the face of the Earth.” This is, of course, a call for genocide, as purely evil as anything uttered by Hitler, yet we are still taught to revere this man: a criminal and a moral reprobate in every sense of the word.

Or perhaps we might ruminate on the character of Andrew Jackson, who, after the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, supervised the mutilation of over 800 Indian corpses, including the cutting off of noses, and the slicing of strips of flesh from their bodies for use as bridle reins.
Fifty years later, the Third Colorado Volunteer Cavalry massacred Cheyenne and Arapaho noncombatants at Sand Creek. The victorious cavalry, fighting on behalf of the life-respecting white government, scalped the dead, severed the male genitals, used severed testicles for tobacco pouches, and then paraded in the streets of Denver with severed female genitals stretched over their hats.”

Flash forward:

“General Interest

My Lai massacre takes place in Vietnam
Share this:
On this day in 1968, a platoon of American soldiers brutally kill between 200 and 500 unarmed civilians at My Lai, one of a cluster of small villages located near the northern coast of South Vietnam.

During the Vietnam War, U.S. troops frequently bombed and shelled the province of Quang Ngai, believing it to be a stronghold for forces of the National Front for the Liberation of Vietnam, or Viet Cong (VC). In March 1968, a platoon of soldiers called Charlie Company received word that Viet Cong guerrillas had taken cover in the Quang Ngai village of Son My. Led by Lieutenant William L. Calley, the platoon entered one of the village’s four hamlets, My Lai 4, on a search-and-destroy mission on the morning of March 16. Instead of guerrilla fighters, they found unarmed villagers, most of them women, children and old men.

The soldiers had been advised before the attack by army command that all who were found in My Lai could be considered VC or active VC sympathizers, and told to destroy the village. Still, they acted with extraordinary brutality, raping and torturing villagers before killing them and dragging dozens of people, including young children and babies, into a ditch and executing them with automatic weapons.”

And yet, we Americans were so shocked at what happened at Sandy Hook. Was America not a nation settled by psychopaths? Did the Founding Fathers version of the original US Constitution not count blacks as 3/5s of a human being, and not guarantee women the right to vote?

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

August 31, 2015 7:10 am

very well done Stuck…very lucid , especially for a reformed Republican.

August 31, 2015 7:42 am

Toldja Stuck…

Speak the truth? DASS RAAAYCISS!!

It’s all they fuckin’ got. They cannot argue their position on the strength of it’s own merit – and they know it – so they sit back and lob shit at you…

The DASS RAAAYCISS! line of shit is based on social shaming – playing the guilt card on us. Once you realize it for the sham it is, you just dump it like a bag ‘o bricks… their Words of Power have no more mojo…

August 31, 2015 7:46 am

Bury the hatchet,Stuck? And just how does that raciss charged expression make Loopy of the Red Anus feel?

i hold no grudges, Stuck , only a tight grip on reality …or like everyone else , reality as I can best comprehend it.

That said we’re good , but the sensitive element of the easily offended tribe seems to have reach the level of cacophony here on TBP and the flame has not died , but certainly waned. We’ll see where it goes. On that note I’ll leave this spark complementing your thread…and spread the word…see ya later.

Why School Reform Failed

History is rife with false beliefs that are deeply held despite strong evidence to the contrary. Sometimes false beliefs are held even if they are at odds with common sense.
My father, who fought in the First World War, and my paternal grandfather, who farmed virgin land in Kansas, were not disciples of Charles Darwin. But they believed that racial differences were obvious and consequential. They disapproved of bigots and told me to treat everyone respectfully. But they also knew there was a difference between equality of opportunity for individuals and equality of results for groups. They sensed something that has become ever more apparent with the passage of time: that the different races of mankind inherently differ statistically in the distribution of certain traits. My own generation was taught the opposite; that any statistical differences are the result of privilege, discrimination, or lack of opportunity.
But what about my grandchildren and their progeny? What will they think? It’s hard to know. My hope is that they will become acquainted with modern research in the social and genetic sciences. If they do, they will understand that social reform that attempts to usurp human nature will inevitably fail. They will understand why one reform after another has failed to close the racial and ethnic gaps in academic achievement. They will understand that the United States of my time was in the grip of what John Derbyshire has called ‘a collective delusion.’ And when they understand all that, the opinions of my grandchildren and great grandchildren will resemble those of my father and grandfather more closely than those that have prevailed in the United States since the 1950s.

August 31, 2015 8:05 am

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August 31, 2015 8:11 am

Sorry… couldn’t resist.

It IS funny, though…

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August 31, 2015 8:19 am

when a simple protest march isn’t enough.

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August 31, 2015 8:35 am

Flash, I only know you through your posts, but you strike me as a truth seeker. If I am correct in that assumption, I suggest you might check out the “Flynn effect”, and the possibility that it might just control “the warrior gene”. Even Herrnstein and Murray, authors of the book, “The Bell Curve”, recognized the Flynn effect. Just consider the possibility that there is hope beyond genetics,

As a former teacher, I have encountered plenty of smart blacks, dumb Jews and Asians, and lazy Anglo-Americans. However, I still work daily on deprogramming myself, when it comes to stereotyping whole groups of people, and that ain’t easy for a born again Southern bubba, with a visceral dislike for the New Jersey carpetbaggers, who believe that most of us down here are inbred, ignorant rednecks.

Now, if you will excuse me, I see I’ve got to go and discipline my 12 year old daughter, who doesn’t seem to have the good sense not to smoke in front of her kids.

August 31, 2015 8:51 am

Click on any city name below to get a report

Rank City
100 Madera, CA
99 Orlando, FL
98 Pueblo, CO
97 Sumter, SC
96 Norristown, PA
95 Schenectady, NY
94 Council Bluffs, IA
93 Cincinnati, OH
92 Baton Rouge, LA
91 St. Petersburg, FL
90 Worcester, MA
89 Canton, OH
88 Bridgeport, CT
87 Chattanooga, TN
86 Lawton, OK
85 Poughkeepsie, NY
84 Lauderdale Lakes, FL
83 Desert Hot Springs, CA
82 Lima, OH
81 Carbondale, IL
80 Albany, GA
79 Lawrence, MA
78 Minneapolis, MN
77 Texarkana, AR
76 Miami Beach, FL
75 Rochester, NY
74 San Bernardino, CA
73 Anderson, SC
72 Riviera Beach, FL
71 Holyoke, MA
70 Springfield, IL
69 Nashville, TN
68 Houston, TX
67 Richmond, CA
66 Oklahoma City, OK
65 Lansing, MI
64 Jackson, MS
63 Fall River, MA
62 Beaumont, TX
61 Weslaco, TX
60 Paterson, NJ
59 Monroe, LA
58 Odessa, TX
57 Springfield, MA
56 New London, CT
55 New Bedford, MA
54 Philadelphia, PA
53 Rocky Mount, NC
52 Fort Myers, FL
51 Salisbury, MD
50 Jackson, MI
49 Gary, IN
48 Springfield, MO
47 Gadsden, AL
46 Miami, FL
45 Hartford, CT
44 Niagara Falls, NY
43 East Palo Alto, CA
42 East Point, GA
41 Brockton, MA
40 Stockton, CA
39 Indianapolis, IN
38 Chelsea, MA
37 Kansas City, MO
36 New Haven, CT
35 Tulsa, OK
34 Lake Worth, FL
33 Daytona Beach, FL
32 Compton, CA
31 Buffalo, NY
30 Newark, NJ
29 Washington, DC
28 Atlanta, GA
27 Trenton, NJ
26 Birmingham, AL
25 Bridgeton, NJ
24 Jackson, TN
23 Milwaukee, WI
22 Fort Pierce, FL
21 Spartanburg, SC
20 Rockford, IL
19 Little Rock, AR
18 Baltimore, MD
17 Homestead, FL
16 Cleveland, OH
15 Newburgh, NY
14 St. Louis, MO
13 Harvey, IL
12 Myrtle Beach, SC
11 Alexandria, LA
10 Memphis, TN
9 Wilmington, DE
8 Atlantic City, NJ
7 Flint, MI
6 Bessemer, AL
5 Oakland, CA
4 Saginaw, MI
3 Detroit, MI
2 Chester, PA
1 Camden, NJ

August 31, 2015 8:58 am

Sorry, should have posted the inter-active crime rate chart:

August 31, 2015 9:52 am

I despise these minorities. I remember Allentown, Pa. In 1960 is was named an ‘All American City’ (I was 12 at the time). Since then all of eastern PA (Philly, Lancaster, Reading, etc) has been overrun by Puerto Rican’s and Porch Monkeys.

Until they can learn to behave like humans I have no use for them.

August 31, 2015 10:11 am

“Your daughter is twelve years old … and has kids??? I think smoking is the least of her problems.”

Stucky, that was supposed to be a joke, but, as you probably know, sarcasm doesn’t always come through in print.

August 31, 2015 12:47 pm

Really like your blog. Would you be intersted in a blog roll exchange? Please checvk me out and I hope you add me.

August 31, 2015 1:27 pm

Thanks Stuck, I dunno about stronger than ever , especially after this weekend….but on good side I was disconnected from the internetz buzz..

@ rich I don’t deal in exceptions , just the facts.You correct in pointing out that IQ may in fact have little to do with a being a warrior,but having a warrior gene in your genetic twist does not denote a propensity for being undisciplined , destructive, violent, observe and compulsive,all traits more strongly represented in African culture more-so that nay other.This may be from having more of the human DNA of the Sub-Saharan African and too not enough Neanderthal DNA to to damper the low IQ fulled aggression of the dominate human DNA. It is apparent to all but rabid race deniers that cultures are created by the mindest of those live the lifestyle and most certainly DNA plays a great role in the sameness of mindsets of entire races of people.

BTW, the average IQ of the Sub-Saharan tribes is 68. Maybe they are candidates for Neaderthal DNA therapy.

Why School Reform Failed

After documenting the extent of the flight, Coleman offered an explanation that infuriated erstwhile allies in the civil-rights movement. He said that in the 1960s he had mistakenly assumed that if middle-class students remained in the majority, they would continue to set the tone for an integrated school. “In that situation, both white and black children would learn.” As it happened, however, “the characteristics of the lower-class black classroom” often took over and constituted the values of the integrated school, even if middle-class students remained in the majority. Middle-class parents then transferred their children to private schools or moved to predominantly White suburbs. The problem, Coleman said, was “the degree of disorder and the degree to which schools … have failed to control lower-class black children.” It was “quite understandable,” Coleman said, for middle-class families “not to want to send their children to schools where 90 percent of the time is spent not on instruction but on discipline.”[16]

“A landmark 2010 study suggested that not only did ancient Neanderthals breed with modern humans, all modern groups except for sub-Saharan Africans possess a small percentage of Neanderthal DNA.”

In Defense of Neanderthals

Top Ten Myths about Neanderthals
Neanderthal DNA lives on in modern humans.
10. Neanderthals were our direct ancestors
There is a common misconception, often propagated by mistaken media reporting, that Neanderthals were the direct ancestors of Homo sapiens. In fact, Neanderthals and modern humans existed side by side as two separate groups. DNA studies have found that the Neanderthals came from a distinct evolutionary line, and are therefore often referred to as the ‘distant cousins’ of humans. Nevertheless, the genetic mixing between the two species which came about as a result of interbreeding, undoubtedly contributed to who we are today.

August 31, 2015 2:02 pm

Flash, here are the countries with the highest IQs:

1 Hong Kong 107
2 South Korea 106
3 Japan 105
4 Taiwan 104
5 Singapore 103
6 Austria 102
6 Germany 102
6 Italy 102
6 Netherlands 102
10 Sweden 101
10 Switzerland 101
12 Belgium 100
12 China 100
12 New Zealand 100
12 United Kingdom 100
16 Hungary 99
16 Poland 99
16 Spain 99
19 Australia 98
19 Denmark 98
19 France 98
19 Mongolia 98
19 Norway 98
19 United States 98
25 Canada 97
25 Czech Republic 97
25 Finland 97

Notice that Israel, at 95, didn’t make the cut.

Breakdown of Israeli IQs:

Ashkenazi Jews: 110
Sephardi Jews: 98
Mizrahi Jews: 91
Ethiopian Jews: 68

Still, in spite of those charts, I disagree with idea of IQ tied to DNA. Here’s what Brink Lindsey of the libertarian leaning CATO Institute has to say about it:

“Among the strongest evidence that IQ tests are testing not just innate ability, but the extent to which that innate ability has been put to work developing specific skills, is the remarkable “Flynn effect”: In the United States and many other countries, raw IQ scores have been rising about three points a decade. This rise is far too rapid to have a genetic cause. The best explanation for what’s going on is that increasing social complexity is expanding the use of the cognitive skills in question – and thus improving the opportunities for honing those skills. The Flynn effect is acutely embarrassing to those who leap from IQ score differences to claims of genetic differences in intelligence.”

August 31, 2015 2:10 pm

Where the fuck is Ireland?

August 31, 2015 2:11 pm

Black, Stucky can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. However he has equal dislike for welfare queens be they black or fascist corporations and bankers. He don’t like FSA and hypocrites. That is pretty much makes him a love able eccentric.

August 31, 2015 2:48 pm

Stucky, you cant give em NJ. Where else am I gonna catch Stripers chasing the Blue’s chasing the Bunker fish. Plus I love the ocean and blacks cant swin. How about North Dakota or Utah where its fucking hot in summer and freezing in winter. There isnt any jobs there anyways and since they don’t work, stick em there.

August 31, 2015 3:23 pm

Serious question for Archie or Bea or one of the other authorities: granted, Jews are drastically over-represented among the banksters, lying media bosses, cultural Marxists, and other scum; still, I know of a number of Jews who seem to be decent, honest people. Should I assume they’re all secretly in on the conspiracy together, or that they just have the misfortune to be ruled by psychopaths, just like the rest of us?

Flash – interesting take on the origins of white DNA, but an alternative view is Neanderthal Predation Theory, in case you’re not familiar with it. I’m not fully convinced of it but the archaeological evidence doesn’t suggest that Neanderthals were more intelligent than Mediterranean humans:

August 31, 2015 3:23 pm

T4C, according the David Duke, your post is 100% wrong. In fact, what you posted doesn’t even spell Khazar correctly:

This is just one of the many studies Duke posts. Remember, if anyone would like to discredit the Jews’ Semitic ancestry, it would be David Duke:

This latest, most massive study of the Jewish genome was a worldwide effort of geneticists, both Gentile and Jewish, to analyze Jewish genetics. Researchers from laboratories around the globe, including Estonia, Russia, Italy, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Armenia, the US, and Israel, gathered together the largest Jewish DNA data set ever yet assembled. The paper explained as follows:

“Here, through integration of genotypes on newly collected samples with data from several of our past studies, we have assembled the largest data set available to date for assessment of Ashkenazi Jewish genetic origins.”

“Employing a variety of standard techniques for the analysis of population genetic structure, we find that Ashkenazi Jews share the greatest genetic ancestry with other Jewish populations, and among non-Jewish populations, with groups from Europe and the Middle East.

“No particular similarity of Ashkenazi Jews with populations from the Caucasus is evident, particularly with the populations that most closely represent the Khazar region. Thus, analysis of Ashkenazi Jews together with a large sample from the region of the Khazar Khaganate corroborates the earlier results that Ashkenazi Jews derive their ancestry primarily from populations of the Middle East and Europe, that they possess considerable shared ancestry with other Jewish populations, and that there is no indication of a significant genetic contribution either from within or from north of the Caucasus region.”

August 31, 2015 4:23 pm

T4C, theocratic states, by any measure and regardless of religion, are, by nature, non-inclusive, intolerant and cruel. Although Israel claims that it is a democracy, it is, in actuality, a theocratic state. Non-Jews (other than folks like Donald Trump) don’t even have the right to own property in Israel, as evidenced when that property is taken from them, by the state, at will.

Diaspora Jews, like diaspora Chinese, are a classic examples of Darwin’s principal, “survival of the adaptable”. They are, indeed, disproportionately successful. Zionists, on the other hand, are examples of the theory of Social Darwinism (having little, if anything, to do with Darwin’s theory); survival of the fittest, aka big fish eats little fish. The big fish, who eats the little fish, is a predator.

“Man·i·fest Des·ti·ny


the 19th-century doctrine or belief that the expansion of the US throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable.”

Now doesn’t that sound a lot like Zionism, with all same illegitimacy? Funny how we never learned that in History class.

August 31, 2015 4:39 pm

Rich, the first five are Asian, the next seven Caucasian and DNA is not involved in the IQ process?
The reason the Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ amongst the Jewry is because they are of European ancestry. AGAIN DNA.

Surprise: Ashkenazi Jews Are Genetically European

How many amongst US have noticed the Wal-mart minions getting smarter?
I call bullshit on your Flynn Effect It ain’t happening.

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Why do Asians have higher IQ than most other races?…could it be becasue of DNA?…nah..can’t be.

A New Theory on How Neanderthal DNA Spread in Asia
Now two teams of researchers have come to another intriguing conclusion: Neanderthals interbred with the ancestors of Asians at a second point in history, giving them an extra infusion of Neanderthal DNA.

BTW Rich, I take any thing emanating from the stink hole of the Koch sucking Catonites with about as much seriousness as I take with another agenda driven assholes…none.

August 31, 2015 5:01 pm

@AnarchoPagan , the author has it wrong. The overly aggressive, , but not particular intelligent cannibalistic human came out of Africa and preyed upon the flesh of the Neanderthal and keeping captured women as slaves and concubines began to bread the modern human man.

The possibility that early humans attacked, killed, and drove small bands of Neanderthals to extinction has intrigued anthropologists and fascinated the public ever since Neanderthal bones were first studied in the mid-19th century. At first naturalists were not sure what to make of the funny-looking humanlike bones. But with publication of Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, the idea that the bones were from a species closely related to us began to make sense. Eventually scientists recognized that Neanderthals were an extinct species that shared a common ancestor (probably Homo heidel­bergensis) with Homo sapiens. For thousands of years, Neanderthals were the only hominids living in Europe and parts of Asia. Then, around 50,000 years ago, early modern humans migrated into Europe from Africa. By 28,000 to 30,000 years ago, the Neanderthals had disappeared.

For more than a century after their discovery, our robust relatives were depicted as dumb brutes, but the Neanderthals have had something of a face-lift in recent years. They are now considered to have been intelligent (as smart as early modern humans, some anthropologists think), perhaps red-haired and pale-skinned, and capable of speech. They might even have created their own language. The more we learn about Neanderthals, the more familiar they seem. But one deep mystery remains: Whatever happened to them, and why did they disappear?

Here’s a little light reading on the Neanderthal question that might interest you.

How then do we explain the different success of populations as a whole, with populations with Neanderthal heritage being more successful? This is related to why the Neanderthal traits entered the modern human population in the first place, and stayed as balanced selection. It is obvious that natural selection favored a certain level of Neanderthal ancestry because these traits confered an advantage to the population as a whole. It is called hybrid vigor.

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August 31, 2015 5:43 pm

Just a thought….

So I read the article and also many of the comments, the ones now, and in other threads. I just want to point something out. Some of it won’t be popular with many. Why? I guess, just human nature, self delusion in some cases. Maybe both? I’m not sure.

The point is this: I agree that the current narrative about race that includes ignoring the crime rates in the black community, the issues with unregulated immigration, black on white discrimination and crime, etc., is wrong and distorted. What isn’t? Should they be adressed? Of course. There is more to the story, though. I read here in the comments about the many contributions that the white race, in it’s totality, has done for humanity, and how many rush to point it out, as a sign of pride. As if they personally had created them. The are correct. How can that be denied?

But, how about the other side? To use just one example, the hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of displaced people in the middle east due to the conflicts started by western leaders (mostly white, if not all). Now fleeing to…Europe. I mean, just because they might not have the technology to extract the natural resources from their land, does it justify taking them by force? So when it comes to contributions and great things these people are surely white and proud. But when it comes to some morally wrong acts, then that has nothing to do with them? These individuals benefit from the spoils of those conflicts, as I do, indirectly. But, that is ok? Nothing wrong there….That’s just one example.

How about the damaging propaganda itself about race, sexuality, etc? Is that all the product of the amazing creativity and power of all those nigger and brown countries? Last time I checked the political propaganda machine, the morality, and values destructing machine that are Hollywood and Washington (to mention only two places, many organizations) aren’t being run to any significant extent by niggers, spics, towel heads, etc. Why aren’t any of these commenters taking pride in that destructive power that harms everyone?

Anyways, I say this because in their comments is seems evident they have a sense of right and wrong. How do they reconcile this? Anyhow, if anyone thinks I’m wrong do let me know. This is not an attack, but genuine curiosity. Perhaps I’m missing something.

Don’t bother if it’s just insults, please.

August 31, 2015 6:46 pm

Spinolater, in 1095, the killing of brown Muslims by white folks was called The Crusades. Today, the killing of brown Muslims by white folks is called the War on Terror. In the US of A, killing brown indigenous heathens was called Manifest Destiny. White folks have got to kill brown folks in order to make the world safe for the world’s one true religion.

America has invaded countries populated by brown folks for the last 70 years, resulting in the deaths of millions of those brown folks. Few of those millions were Christians. Perhaps there is a pattern.

August 31, 2015 7:06 pm

Rich, .I call bullshit. Germany and Italy tied? Ever have a german car? Ever have an italian car? Mongolia? Please. lots of colonialism in that top 5

August 31, 2015 7:27 pm

Anarcho, I will give a brief answer here to your query. Perhaps it won’t be satisfactory as such. But here it is. Yes of course there are normal, ordinary Jews, who have nothing to do with the demonic machinations I speak of. My favorite professors in college and grad school were Jews. One of my best friends is a Jew, albeit an assimilated one. So the first point I make is when I speak about the Jews, as a collective, in no way do I talk about the various individual Jews who are like everyone else. Llpoh has made a similar statement regarding blacks.

And yet, whenever you have a movement, destructive in nature, like communism, or radical feminism, it is jewish through and through, from top to bottom.These movements are harmful to Christian or western culture. This is why the Jews have been expelled from dozens of towns, counties, districts, and even whole countries, including Arab ones, throughout human history. This stems from the fact that Jews have no culture of their own, inasmuch as it could sustain a whole society. This is why Israel has an Arab population of ~20%. Because someone has to do the physical labor. You cannot have a society consisting wholly of lawyers, doctors, bankers, and other professionals. The Jews are, strictly speaking, parasites.

So the the Jew must latch himself onto a host country. He then, through ferocious ethnocentrism, networking, work ethic, and aggressiveness, after a while finds himself at the top of the heap in every endeavor. The Jew has succeeded in taking over all of the high paying professions. This happened in Weimar Germany. It is presently happening here. However, there is a problem. The Jew, whether subconsciously, or not, overplays his hand, in not only securing immense wealth for himself, but ridiculing and undermining the culture of his host. Think of the tv series “madmen”, written by a Jew, which, as I understand it, (I only watched the first episode) is a condemnation of WASP culture in the advertising industry. WASPS are portrayed as drunken, pill popping, womanizers. Excuse me, my maternal grandfather was a well known advertising executive. He was none of those things. Even if he were that, it would not be gracious for a tiny minority, living on the good graces of his host, to point it out, let alone make gobs of money from doing so. And yet this is what the Jew does over and over and over and over.

The upshot of all this is, paraphrasing a certain writer, a hypothetical Jew moves into your house, a perfectly normal one, consisting of a nuclear family. Not too long after, your son proclaims he is gay, your daughter is dating a kneegrow, your wife wants a divorce, and you are sued into bankruptcy. Your life ruined, the Jew walks away and moves on to the next unwitting host. That’s it in a nutshell. I could spell it out more clearly but I must be going now.

More in the coming months.

August 31, 2015 8:36 pm

Amazed at what has transpired since I left Newark in 1969.. not NJ, but OH…always thought we were settled by you refugees fleeing west.

August 31, 2015 8:47 pm

wow so much material here so little time lol . jews / niggers etc. ya im taking a day off from supporting all of those parasites and drinking a beer . seriously considering not filing taxes anymore due to the fact that I , as a white male , am voraciously discriminated against , and why the fuck should I pay for this? What could I lose? could a cessation of consciencnence fuck I cant spell lol really be that bad? rhetorical question actually ,as I live for my 2 children only .AND I DO NOT UNDERSTAND GIVING UP NO MATTER HOW HARD IT IS ! so anyway I will struggle , for is not this the human condition ?

August 31, 2015 8:52 pm

“Rich, .I call bullshit. Germany and Italy tied? Ever have a german car? Ever have an italian car? Mongolia? Please. lots of colonialism in that top 5”

Yeah, that had me puzzled, also. I’m thinking that if they were just counting the IQs of West Germany, that number would have been a lot higher. Think about comparing the IQs of those who live in East LA with those who live in West LA, or those from East Palo Alto with those from West Palo Alto. East Germany, at least in the past, in terms of work ethic and also probably IQ, may have dumbed down Germany after the amalgamation. .

August 31, 2015 9:27 pm

True indeed. Thanks Stucky, Rich. As the title says, why can’t we all just get along? Maybe Rodney King had a moment of clarity in his drunken troubled life. Maybe he just thought it was some cool sounding shit to say. Or he was just reading what he was told to say. Who knows…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 31, 2015 9:27 pm

James says:

What a load of racist rubbish – I’ll bet most of the posters here are proud of being Christians & going to worship. Christianity is what has fucked the USA. Your whole rotten political class are Bible thumping a$$holes who have set most of the Middle East on fire & have killed millions just over the past 10 years. Americans are hated around the Word & rightly so. Too stupid to get rid of the a$$holes enslaving you et happy to blame shitloads on the Blacks. Most of you should shoot yourselves.

James is back. Yay.
Coincidentally, so is flash
We should get together to form a misogynists club.
But we”ll be fair to Clammy and the rest, they’re nice.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 31, 2015 10:01 pm

2 points:

Stuck is by no means an ‘eccentric’.

Spino – there are folks who have no conscience, the only right they know is their own. They are ghetto scum who follow the law of the ghetto, which is to say no law. EL Coyote came out of such a place and knows that there are decent folks there and there are crooks there also. Cops police in such a way as to protect middle class folks from the ghetto folks but not necessarily to protect ghetto folks..

One person noted that there is a lot of undiagnosed mental illness in the ghetto. Listening to the radio and seeing on TV, there is a lot of superstition that masquerades as folks wisdom. You’ll note the Spanish priests took heathen Indians and converted them to a syncretic version of Christianity. One still hears ads on Spanish language TV advertising for ‘curanderos’ (as) witch doctors, and psychics.

I’m surprised to hear you speak so disingenuously of blacks and browns; wondering if they can really discern between right and wrong. They may not have the IQ of a run of the mill hillbilly or cajun but they are human and do have a soul and conscience. I suspect that some of these crazy blacks were inbred deliberately by slave owners; AWD noted that Africans are nowhere near as stupid as some American blacks.

Of course, if we were to judge women around the world by American women, we might doubt women have a brain or soul, all they seem to have here is an insatiable appetite for material goods and big dicks.

August 31, 2015 10:07 pm

EC says- “they (American women) seem to have an insatiable appetite for material goods and big dicks”.

That leaves you out. heh

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 31, 2015 10:17 pm

A slut is a woman who sleeps with everybody but you. I hate those bitches.

August 31, 2015 10:31 pm

Keep trying EC, I know one day you will get lucky……….but with your luck it will be the day you ran out of Viagra. Who knew that life is wonderful yet so tragic? Aren’t Latins supposed to be HOT blooded or sumpin?

August 31, 2015 10:31 pm

T4C, e. Michael jones is fantastic. Thanks.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 31, 2015 10:41 pm

Latins, as in Italians, make A. Weiner look like a swollen clit.
I’m a beaner, Hispanic not Latin. They call it Latin America but Latinos are not Latin. Weird, huh?
Viagra can cause blindness, I had enough pussy to last a lifetime one night a long time ago. Don’t ask.

August 31, 2015 11:18 pm

And if I’m not mistaken, Jonas is black.

August 31, 2015 11:47 pm

His articles blow me away most of the time, he is one reason I like to venture over to VT every once in a while.

September 1, 2015 2:28 am

Repeating yesterdays post – — ( Thanks to the likers:)

What a load of racist rubbish – I’ll bet most of the posters here are proud of being Christians & going to worship. Christianity is what has fucked the USA. Your whole rotten political class are Bible thumping a$$holes who have set most of the Middle East on fire & have killed millions just over the past 10 years. Americans are hated around the Word & rightly so. Too stupid to get rid of the a$$holes enslaving you, yet happy to blame shitloads on the Blacks. Most of you should shoot yourselves.

Additional thoughts: Ever wondered how all you white supremist clowns would have fared if by that lottery of birth you had been born BLACK ?- – oh & to an impoverished family ? Scary eh?

Additional info – I’m white Australian & dislike ALL previous & current Australian Govts because they fucking jump to join in when your criminal fucking Govt wants help with killing innocents.

September 1, 2015 5:10 am

James sounds like another leftie Greenie latte-sipping welfare queen. I love Oz, but morons like James are to be avoided at all costs. He is an Aussie nigger. Color of one’s skin matters not.

September 1, 2015 6:15 am

Kumbaya bitchez.

‘Stalk them and kill them,’ Farrakhan says, calling for 10,000 volunteers to kill whites

“Farrakhan said “I’m looking for 10,000 in the midst of a million. Ten thousand fearless men who say death is sweeter than continued life under tyranny. Death is sweeter than continuing to live and bury our children while the white folks give our killers hamburgers. Death is sweeter than watching us slaughter each other to the joy of a 400-year-old enemy. Death is sweeter. The Quran teaches persecution is worse than slaughter. Then it says retaliation is prescribed in matters of the slain. Retaliation is a prescription from God to calm the breasts of those whose children have been slain. So if the federal government won’t intercede in our affairs, then we must rise up and kill those who kill us; stalk them and kill them and let them feel the pain of death that we are feeling!””