THE HOUSE I LIVE IN …. (or, why can’t we all get along?)

Newark was a relatively nice place when we first moved there around 1958. It was clean and it smelled nice. You had a Portuguese section (still there), Pollacks, Dago’s, Irish, Krauts, Russians, and Jews all in close proximity, and getting along just swell. Sure, some of the kids didn’t like me, the nazi Kraut, but that was usually after their parents told them I was evil. Five year old kids, left to themselves, are generally not political and/or racist. We were happy just to get a team together for stick-ball (in the streets), or even for a good game of hide&seek … nationality or color really didn’t cross our young minds. Anyway, the choices of various ethnic foods from all the tiny mom&pop deli’s was simply astounding, and delicious. Not many kids have an amusement park a stone’s throw from their house! It was a nice way to grow up, considering Newark is a big city.

By 1968, all those shops were gone, the blacks rioted and burned down nearby Springfield Avenue, and other areas … and they ruined everything. The lovely ethnic diversity never recovered, as Newark today is a one or two color shithole. Oh, noes … you’re a raayccisss prick! Bite me! That’s exactly what happened. I was there, saw it with my own eyes. To answer my own question, I think I could get along with any group of people, except blacks. They really need their own state. In another thread I proposed we give them New Jersey …. and throw in Connecticut, if necessary.


Multiculturalism and diversity were once our strengths, according to Frank Sinatra. In 1945, everyone in America basically got along. Below is a 10 minute short film starring Frank Sinatra, “The House I Live In”. It received an Honorary Academy Award and a special Golden Globe award in 1946. In 2007, this film was selected for preservation in the United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant”. (Skip the first song, it’s irrelevant, and go to the 2:35 mark.)

The plot is simple. Sinatra heads outside for a cigarette break during a recording session. He sees a gang of young boys chasing and cornering another kid, getting ready to beat him up. Sinatra intervenes, and asks what the trouble is. They explain that they want to beat the kid up because they don’t like his religion. One tells Sinatra “he’s a dirty -” … but before the kid can say “Jew”, Sinatra cuts him off. Sinatra then has a talk with the boys telling them; — “Look, fellas, religion makes no difference. Except maybe to a Nazi, or somebody that’s stupid.” Sinatra then goes on to explain that we’re all Americans, no matter what we believe, and “prejudice” and “intolerance” are wrong, because even though we all may not see eye to eye on religion, and we’ve got to stick together to fight “the Japs.” The kids then stare wide eyed as Frank breaks into a rendition of the title song.

In the film, Sinatra sings the title song, which eventually became a huge national hit. Below is the song, sung by Paul Robeson. It’s only 3 minute long. Listen to the words. The words present a wonderful imagery; of America as a land of opportunity and “of wealth and beauty”, where people got along and there was “goodness everywhere”, where the people worked hard so there was “enough for all to share.” It seems like the America of my youth. One can understand why this song was, at one time, such a huge hit.

Then again …. hold on a damned minute! The music was written by Earl Robinson, and the lyrics by Abel Meeropol, a couple of years prior in 1943. These two names are quite interesting.

Robinson was later blacklisted during the McCarthy era for being a member of the Communist Party. Ronald Reagan, then head of the Screen Actors Guild, kept in touch with the FBI about “disloyal” Hollywood artists, including Robinson. Robinson was one of the notorious Hollywood Ten, who were blacklisted for refusing to tell Congress whether or not they had ever been members of the Communist Party. Many years later, Paul Robeson sang the song written by Earl Robinson ……. at the inaugural ceremonies for Ronald Reagan! Sweet irony.

Robinson would go on to write “Ballad For Americans”. Just as in “The House I Live In”, the main theme is that race and religion don’t matter. It was performed at the Communist Party national convention of 1940 …. as well as the GOP convention that year! Strange bedfellows. He also wrote “Black and White”, which celebrated the Brown vs. Board of Education case which is either a victory or travesty of jurisprudence, depending on your worldview. The group Three Dog Night in 1972 recorded a watered down version of Black and White.

Regarding Meeropol, in 1957 he adopted two orphaned boys, , Michael and Robert, after their parents were executed in 1953. Who were the parents? The infamous Commie spies who were executed for giving our atomic secrets to the Soviet Union …. Julius and Ethel Rosenberg.

Soooo, the guy who wrote the words to the song that inspired the movie, and the guy who wrote the music were both affiliated with Communism. Anyone else? Well, there’s also the guy who wrote the screenplay for the movie. His name was Albert Maltz. And …. surprise, surprise, he also, “was a man on the rise both inside and outside of the Communist Party.”

So, what about the movie? Notice anything unusual about the message? Most Americans today won’t because the message of the movie – “tolerance” and “diversity” is considered mainstream. Everybody loves that! But here’s the $64,000 dollar question; was it mainstream back in 1945?? The answer to that is an unequivocal, “No!”.

Forced racial integration was considered to be a Communist plot. Conservative churches in the era between WWII and the 1970s railed against racial integration. Not one in a thousand preachers would have conducted an interracial marriage. Conservatives and Christians weren’t OK with marching with Dr. King. Even Billy Graham didn’t take a prominent position in the Civil Rights crusade, because he knew it would kill his ministry. America was very segregated back then … and most people liked it that way.

So, who didn’t like segregation? The idea that race and religion were meaningless trivialities was being pushed by four groups; radicals, Jews, libtard politicians, and Communists. The message of the movie isn’t primarily that we shouldn’t go around beating up Jews. Most everyone would agree with that without hesitation.

Rather, the message was that religion and race are meaningless trivialities, and anyone who disagrees is either “a Nazi” or “stupid”. That was THE radical Communist idea in 1945. Now, in 2015, it is the mainstream view embraced by all Democrat and Republican politicians, and their fawning sheep followers. The circle has been completed. Maybe Khrushchev was right after all, about selling us the rope we’d hang ourselves with.

I might actually vote next year if we had a politician with the balls to say, “Segregation was a great idea. Let’s try it again.”. Were that to happen, I could stop being a racist prick.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 30, 2015 9:03 am

This article by Stucky is one of the best ever to appear in TBP. Every word is accurate. He correctly details the true history of the so-called “civil rights” movement and who was behind it. Those crazy old preachers and racist rednecks saying integration was a Commie plot? Totally and absolutely correct. The entire movement was designed to destroy the unity, history and moral strength of the American people and it has succeeded brilliantly. It may be too late to save America but if we do there will have to be a goodly number of hangings when the smoke clears.

August 30, 2015 9:05 am

(sarcasm with a grain of truth)
Why would a black want to be with whites? Whites are vile racist pigs. We have caused every problem in the world. Every problem a black, latino,or any brown person has was directly caused by us. Without whites in the way, every black kid would be at least an astro physicist. WE just need to get out of the way. Let the minorities run the world. Then our country could be as wonderful as the one they left.
That being said…
The term “racism” was invented by communists, and is used to destroy cultures and defuse (and render impotent) those with differing points-of-view on “racial” issues.

That being said . . .
True “racism” is desirable as it merely cements cultural and social bonds that are necessary for a society to function and flourish.

True “racism” merely denotes commonality of purpose and advancement within each respective racial group.

Blacks have the NAACP and Congressional Black Caucus, Hispanics have La Raza and Mecha, Jews have the $PLC, ACLU and ADL. These are all “racist” organizations that serve to promote the interests (and political power) of their respective races.

It is only whites who are castigated and threatened for attempting to show any signs of racial solidarity.

Let’s look at what us “evil, privileged” whites have done for Western society and the world:

1. “Civil-rights (for some)” laws (that effectively destroy “freedom of association” for whites, but not for other races) and do not apply to whites–only “people of color” are covered by these so-called “civil-rights (for some)” protections, (Ask “Attorney General” Loretta Lynch about that).

2. “Affirmative action” policies (that push better qualified whites out of positions and jobs that they would ordinarily qualify for) in favor of lesser-qualified minorities. In fact, “affirmative action” policies actually damage those minorities who are quite capable of “making it on their own” because they get “lumped in” with the groups that cannot make it on their own without “help”,

3. “Contract set-asides” (that are specifically targeted for minorities (that white people are prohibited from bidding on) and immigration policies (that specifically exclude whites, most of who have skills that would benefit the USA) in favor of those from the third-world (with no marketable skills).

4. Scholarships that specify particular ethnic groups are looked upon favorably by most people, save one–scholarships that are intended for whites only are looked upon as being “racist”, and therefore impermissible and improper in today’s racially-charged climate of “political correctness”.

NO OTHER RACE (BUT WHITES) HAS BENT OVER BACKWARDS to assure that all non-white races receive a “fair shake” in being a part of American life, even to the detriment and social well-being of “our own kind” (whites).

Whites possess an externalized altruism that no other races possesses. This externalized altruism that “looks out for the other guy” will be the demise of the white race. This altruism needs to be internalized and focused inward, just as other races have done. There is NO SHAME in looking out for one’s own kind.

“Multiculturalism” and “diversity” are code-words for white genocide.

I blame those of the “greatest generation” for selling out our birthright with the passage of the “Civil-Rights Acts” of 1957 and 1964, and the “Hart-Cellar immigration act of 1965”.

August 30, 2015 9:13 am

To the black race ((USA))
Apology to the Black Race:

To the entire Black race living in America, we, the Adamic, pink complexioned race (better known to you as the White race) that came to these shores from Europe, England, Scotland, Ireland, and Iceland, apologize for freeing you from slavery by fighting a horrible war among ourselves that cost the lives of almost two million of our own race. We apologize for continuing to fight among ourselves over that very issue, even though you’ve never told us you appreciate our freeing you.

We apologize for splitting to pieces our entire race the world over to take sides with you to help you survive and become a freer race. We apologize for forcing the rest of the world to outlaw the slavery which your ancestors had practiced for thousands of years, even though many nations on your home continent still practice it today.

We apologize for thinking we could civilize you when you have proven that it is indeed an impossible feat, a feat beyond anything we could have ever imagined.

We apologize for introducing Christianity to you and dragging you away from the Voodoo you previously followed, although you have managed to sneak that religion back into cultic Christianity and our people have accepted it, which is witnessed by their animalistic whooping and hollering and stomping and screaming instead of respectfully worshiping our God as they ought to.

We apologize for teaching you to add and subtract (what little you can), thereby enabling you to run a household and pay your bills (what few you will) and count your children other than on your fingers and sometimes toes when you have so many you run out of fingers.

We apologize for providing you with medical care instead of leaving you under the witch doctors you used before we arrived, as a result of which you have been able to survive all sorts of diseases to multiply in massive numbers beyond what you could have without these aides.

We apologize for building schools for you which we have had to repair over and over after you vandalized them beyond use. We apologize for inventing computers and the Internet, neither of which you use very much, but when you do use them it’s mostly to bash our race.

We apologize for building factories and businesses that employ you, if you so desire to work. We apologize for creating millions of bureaucratic jobs within our government system simply to give you employment, instead of leaving you to find work on your own.

We apologize for promoting and buying your music, although you refuse to buy ours. We apologize for talking and acting as you do, although you refuse to talk and act as we do.

We apologize for placing you in our movies and TV shows and elevating you to a fictional, heroic level that you have never reached in real life. We apologize for creating this false image of yourselves in your minds, for we realize after 400 years of trying to help you that you cannot solve problems and provide leadership and create original thoughts; and the image we’ve placed in your minds causes you to live in a delusional world. For that we truly apologize.

We apologize for creating quota systems and forced employment programs to make sure you have the best jobs, if you so desire to work. We apologize for thinking we could educate you so that you could learn to build and help others, when you obviously have only the ability to tear down and take from others.

We apologize for giving you welfare and food stamps, with the result that for four generations over half of your race has not had to work, except in makeshift type of jobs in our governments and bureaucracies.

We apologize for promoting your children in school as if they could understand basic arithmetic and grammar, such as multiplication and past participles, when we should have made sure they were accustomed to manual labor so that we would not have had to make up jobs for them in our governments dusting seats with their butts.

We apologize for developing farms in our own lands which you have never been able to do, and that to this day feed most of your race still living in Africa. We apologize for coming to Africa and building farms, from which you have now run us off of and have devastated beyond use, forcing us to continue feeding you.

We apologize for creating the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB) and U.S. Government Foreign Aid Programs and hundreds of charities that funnel billions of our tax dollars and charitable donations to nations around the world run by your race, all because your race cannot take care of itself by itself anywhere you live.

We apologize for giving you the right to vote so you could take over all our major cities and turn them into high-taxed, crime-ridden cess pools that no civilized human being can live in.

We apologize for creating the term “reverend,” which your leaders use to give themselves credentials and which their actions have denigrated beyond repair, with the result that no decent person would call himself “reverend,” much less a Christian

We apologize for trying to come up with an AIDS vaccine to stop the epidemic spread of AIDS in Africa, AIDS being a disease that you created and passed on to us after having sexual intercourse with monkeys and then with one of our idiotic race-mixers who then passed it on to the rest of the world.

We apologize for providing you with warm, custom-made garments instead of the animal skins and leaves that you wore before we arrived. We apologize for providing you with shoes instead of leaving you barefooted as you were before we arrived in Africa.

We apologize for teaching you how to clean yourselves and your homes, and how to sanitize the water you drink to keep you from getting even more dreadful diseases than the rest of your race gets that still lives in Africa. We apologize for teaching you to cook your foods, which keeps you from getting the hundreds of parasitic diseases that your race gets that still lives on your home continent of Africa.

We apologize for providing you with solidly built, heated, and cooled homes with grass yards instead of the straw huts and dirt yards you were living in before we arrived, and in which most of your race is still living in in Africa.

We apologize for inventing sports so that you can make millions of dollars and live like kings, then kill and rape people with impunity, as O.J. Heisman-Trophy-Winner Simpson and Mike Heavy-Weight-Champion-of-the-World Tyson have done, as well as many others among your race.

We apologize for producing such beautiful people for you to race-mix with, and if they won’t voluntarily mix, you often casually rape them as if you were eating a piece of fried chicken.

We apologize for building thousands of prisons around the nation to house dangerous criminals, of which your race makes up over sixty percent even though you’re only thirteen percent of the U.S. population, and this at an expense of billions of dollars and manpower every year.

We apologize for taking precious metals from the earth on your home continent of Africa, metals which you neither knew were there nor how to use them if you had known they were there, but which you love to puncture and cover your bodies with in the most tawdry way imaginable.

We apologize for those among us who have established charitable organizations, donated billions of dollars and hours of time, and have devoted their entire lives to make life easier and better for your race, although most often to no positive result.

We apologize for all the stupid White ministers whom your race has martyred in Africa where they were trying to evangelize you to a faith that you can’t understand nor do you want to; yet when you claim to join it soon pervert it with the voodooistic concepts you have inherited from your forefathers.

We apologize for building highways and railroads and for inventing flying machines that you could never have invented but which you use everyday to move about, yet without thinking or appreciating their origins in the least.

We apologize for paying the majority of both federal and state taxes, to maintain the governments which protect and promote you but fight against our own people at every turn.

We apologize for defeating the major part of the communist threat which cost us several trillion dollars and hundreds of thousands of lives, but whose doctrines you still wish to have implemented on the backs of our race to further torture us and tear us down.

We apologize for spending trillions of dollars on welfare and food stamps in the last sixty years, funds which your race received the majority of, although you are a small minority among us.

We apologize for introducing you to the rule of law under a republican form of government, a government that has gone abroad to keep your own warring nations from slaughtering other members of your race by the hundreds of thousands as they did year in and year out before we arrived, and still do every time we leave them alone and do not intervene.

We apologize for teaching you to read a language that contains more than a few words and a couple of hand signs, which has allowed you to take part in our philosophies, our culture, our art, our industry, our collegial nature, and our freedom, even though as soon as you get around them you pervert them.

For surely, if you could not read, how could you have learned the teachings of Karl Marx, Mao Tse Sung, Joseph Stalin, Leon Trotsky, Nikolai Lenin, Howard Zinn, the Damocrat Party, the Neo-cons in the Republicoward Party, and others who hate our race, and have brainwashed you into believing our race is evil and that you are severely oppressed?

We apologize for placing you under the form of government that our own forefathers died to create, and for which you are helping to destroy, instead of leaving you under the anarchy you lived under before we arrived.

For all these wrongs we’ve carried out against you, we apologize deeply and unreservedly, and if you will please accept our apology, we shall happily and immediately take back all of the above mentioned evils we have cast upon you and return you to your home continent, if you so desire.

We would with the greatest of glee and cheer even provide you with a nice, little stipend for traveling money, if you’d go and take your race-traitor wives and husbands and Mulatto children with you.

We have enjoyed having you here, but because you claim we’ve been, and are still being, so mean to you, we’d like to atone by helping you get back to where you came from.

You could live in peace without our persecuting you anymore, and we could save ourselves trillions of dollars over the next few years by shrinking our governments and emptying our prisons. We could take hundreds of thousands of security guards and police officers around the country off their jobs and put them to more productive use, and we could celebrate our own culture without offending you anymore.

The white race traitors who hate their own culture and heritage could go with you, and we won’t offend them anymore either. For after a few generations of mixing with your race they would disappear into the dark tar-mix which your dominant design-genes make up.

August 30, 2015 9:26 am


Anyone know the actual percentage of blacks in this country that are direct descendents of the slaves as opposed to those with tiny percentages of questionable connections to them (like the Indians claiming Indian blood when they had one ancestor in their family history several hundred years ago)?

To elucidate, Obama would not fall in this category.

August 30, 2015 11:08 am

Occidental observer website :Jews as a Hostile Elite ….sums it up nicely.

The most insidious power the media has , is the power to ignore. Chris Plante

This has been the goal from day one .To infiltrate and subvert the nation from within with the intention of totally destroying the identity it’s people once held dear.Jews and other radicals accomplish this destruction with lies and words like ..liberty , equality , freedom , tolerance – all the words with a whole ideology of destruction behind them.

August 30, 2015 11:22 am

I say it’s not just Jews . It has also been White Anglo Saxon Protestants in corporation with Jewish interest. The Rockefellers , Morgans ,Mellons. To name a few.The Rockefellers have admitted to being behind the So called sexual revolution of the sixties.
Where ever you find secular leftists atheistic Jews you will find secular leftists atheistic Protestants.

These bastards seceded from the constitution long ago.In heart they are traitors to our REPUBLIC. In this life they will probably never be held accountable for their treason.

August 30, 2015 11:51 am

Damn Stuck…

That’s some good shit right there. I come back and WHAM!!! Wasn’t expecting this…

Whole boatload of thumbs-up… Even a halfhearted apology to Sage.

Shit.. has hell frozen over? Or are folks finally realizing the whole Snivel Rights Bowel Movement was a fat load of shit that was never about “equal” treatment – it was and still is all about “preferential” treatment. And that those Snivel Rights marchers back in the 50’s/60’s were a bunch of lying pieces of crap. I suppose some were just dupes, but the movers and shakers? The decision makers? Lying shitbags, to a man (woman) and likely communists…

Sort of like Mike King’s handler – that jewish guy that was exposed as being a straight-up Communist. When that got out, he was “fired”, then quietly rehired doing “something else” – anyone want to wager a guess as to what his real job probably was?

Anyone ever hear of a guy named “Ashley Montagu”?

He wrote a book called “Race: Man’s Most Dangerous Myth”, and it was widely regarded as the “bible” of the equality movement.

Sounds nice, right? Eh, not so much. When you pull aside the curtain and start looking, you find things that are not so nice…

“Montagu” is a very old aristocratic, WASP-y, Anglo Saxon name going all the way back to the Middle Ages.

And it’s not his name. The guy known as “Ashley Montagu” was born one Israel Ehrenberg.

Adopting a very old, Anglo Saxon aristocratic name lent automatic weight and respect to his argument. Using his real name? He knew if he did, it would be dismissed out of hand.

Just a small snippet into the “How we got here” story… use the information as you see fit…

August 30, 2015 12:00 pm

The greatest achievement of ‘integration’ was the disintegration of the black family and the demoralization of the black race. We forget that in the ‘bad old days’ black men and women got married and had families. Black men held jobs. Maybe not the best jobs but there is dignity in work that many of today’s black men do not understand because they’ve never tried it. There wasn’t much of a lure for the ‘streets’ because police enforced vagrancy and loitering laws and if you wanted to eat and were an able bodied man of any race you had better be willing to work.

I submit that segregated schools gave their students a better education. I recall a photo essay of segregated schools in the South designed to appall modern sensibilities because the school was shabby but the students weren’t. The black girls wore dresses ( perhaps made by their mothers) and the black boys looked sharp with their clean shirts tucked into a pair of slacks. The classroom may have been heated with a pot bellied stove and schoolbooks second hand but the pythagorean theorem was over 2000 years old and the Declaration of Independence reads the same no matter the age of the text book. The black teacher may not have been paid as much as the white school teacher but she kept order in her classroom and any student who dared curse at her was going to be expelled… disparate impact or not! Blacks were expected to be able to read, write and speak the English language and speaking ‘ebonics’ was as much a sign of ignorance amongst blacks as speaking ‘hillbilly’ was amongst whites. Nothing to be proud of.

Segregation worked. Black neighborhoods may have been poor but they weren’t littered with the bodies of young black men. The black middle class enforced their values on the black underclass not the other way around because they lived in and ran black communities. They even owned the businesses in them. Blacks became accomplished musicians rather than ‘rap stars’ snarling vulgar doggerel.

The only real flaw in segregation was the unequal allocation of public funds and employment opportunity. Blacks could accept that they were not going to be as successful economically as whites. They still aren’t but denying those blacks who did meet white standards access to the jobs they were qualified to do or paying them less than whites doing the same work was what needed to be reformed not the principle that both races would get along better and have better communities they controlled exclusively and interaction between races was voluntary not compulsory.

August 30, 2015 12:35 pm

One thing I have had to learn in my own life is that guilt can be a destructive thing. It is good if it is used to measure the discomfort of our conscience and thus be an impetus towards better behavior. If guilt is allowed to fester, however, it demands to be fed continuously. Eventually self-destructive events will occur as attempts to assuage the guilt can never be successful. If not stopped, eventually guilt can end in destruction at some level, kind of like an emotional addiction.I have observed parents that severely hinder their children because they try to offer guidance from a foundation of guilt (usually because of divorce).

I think we are where we are in the black/white mess because of white guilt over slavery. This guilt has undoubtedly been fanned in the flames of rhetoric by those who have agendas much larger than peace among people – in fact they work for quite the opposite. Unable to simply acknowledge the error of slavery, end it, and move on to restore constitutional rights to its victims, the white culture has spent generations trying to assuage its guilt by providing more and more “assistance” to the black community. This paternalistic, patronizing campaign, rooted in guilt, is in fact extremely racist and has resulted in the devolution and destruction of the black community. It has been effective in reminding blacks in a most coherent way that they are indeed inferior – otherwise, why would they need all this special help? The lack of accountability that is required of others is also racist and has proved to be catastrophic. Black voices claim victimhood because of white racism, which is exactly true, but they use it to demand yet more accommodation. And round and round it goes.

August 30, 2015 1:03 pm

Excellent work Stucky! And based on the quality of the comments you really got people thinking 🙂

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
August 30, 2015 1:04 pm

Stucky- I take a road trip today and WOW ,I find something I thought I would never see before I died and went on to my “Great Reward”. A truthful account of the divershity illusion in America, I am still pinching myself.

There is not much that I could add to the outstanding comments the others have posted . I would add that in addition to your “it has come full circle” thoughts, deez joos have our WH loaded up with Communists and that includes the oval office. Full circle indeed.

The Communist World Government dream is and has always been a tribal project of world domination. Exposing the evil to sunlight has the same effect as with vampires in the movies so I give you my heartfelt thanks. Great job Stuck.

August 30, 2015 1:14 pm


“White guilt” was dreamed up by those wanting to leverage whites. Whites are altruistic. Other races, not so much. Guilt plays heavy on altruism. If blacks reject white culture, reject our work ethic, even reject our language (and make up their own nonsense “ebonics”), then I am absolved of any altruistic requirement towards them.

“Guilt”… for what? For being born? For advocating for my own people and advancing their interests? Other racial and ethnic groups advocate for their people, so I advocate for mine unashamedly…

We donate to charities. Not because of any alleged, mythical “guilt”, but because I judge those charities worthy. We’re not in great financial shape, but we do okay. And we give what we can. That I don’t shout it from the rooftops – have literally never mentioned it before – is part and parcel with altruism. I don’t need anyone else looking on what I do and issuing approval. Those who do, they are not performing altruistic acts for the sake of doing good, but because they want the recognition. So fuck them.

“Black voices claim victimhood because of white racism, which is exactly true, but they use it to demand yet more accommodation.”

Half right. They claim “victimhood” because it absolves them of any and all responsibility for their own failures and no matter what happened in the past, it is not happening now, which negates their claims of “raaaycissms”…

Whites – specifically straight, white males – are today’s preferred whipping boy. That the left has co-opted some of us to be Judas Goats does not lend any weight to their argument – it merely means they found some whites soft-headed enough to ally themselves with their scheme to bilk even more treasure and power out of us by playing the “victimhood because RAAAYCISS!” card… How many of us heard “Well, I’m white and I think (fill in the blank)”? Same shit as “Well, I got this black friend who..” as if one anecdotal bit automatically negates the entirety of history and disproves the rule…

Meh… this will end badly. All of it.

Why can’t we all get along? Because humans are tribal. The only group who embraces Suicidal Altruism – advancing other racial groups causes over their own people, even unto their own people’s extinction – are a small sect of whites who have learned how to exploit other Whites altruistic tendencies by playing the “guilt” card for shit that happened hundreds of years ago…. shit that every other race on Earth is equally guilty of, but somehow only Whites are held accountable for…

There will be blood. A tidal wave of it….

A Black
A Black
August 30, 2015 1:30 pm

Dear “stucky”,
If American blacks are your lame excuse for not being rich and happy, not only are you a loser you’re a sorry excuse for our local representative of the “master race”.

August 30, 2015 1:46 pm

Tim Wise, is that you? Or are you Noel Ignatiev?

Either way, fail troll is fail…

[imgcomment image[/img]

August 30, 2015 2:03 pm

Galye ,as to what GUILT.I have never met one white who has ever told me they feel guilty over slavery or any kind of so called racism. This to has been shoved down the throats of whites thru the Mass Media. If anything it is Fake ,false , misplaced guilt coming from these worthless liberals in the media.Fuck these self condemning pieces of shit.

August 30, 2015 2:20 pm

To all ,read this interview with Harold Rosenthal done in 1976.If even half of what this man says is true then we were already doomed then .They were able to buy the real assets of the country using central banking system. They basically printed the money and bought what they wanted.Most of this was accomplished by 1976.

It is well worth your time to read.

August 30, 2015 2:25 pm

You nailed it in your last paragraph. I was not intending to make any excuses for the black population, but the fact is, when you reward people for irresponsiblity and indolence, you are bound to get back more of the same, and resentment about it at the same time. There is a not-so-fine line between altruism and enabling. Not expecting this population to manage as well as any other group has done irreparable harm that under the best of circumstances will take generations to fix.

A tragedy is that we have a president who had the political capital to change the whole dynamic for “his” people. He wishes instead to keep them in their infantile state, asking nothing of them except more dependence on the government, his god of choice. Oh yeah – there was that one White House ceremony where he encouraged black boys to get an education. I’ve never heard him encourage black boys to pull up their pants, stop listening to depraved music, stop beating up white people or stop shooting other black boys. He has zero commitment to elevating anyone except Muslims as far as I can tell. Evil is abroad in the land.

August 30, 2015 2:26 pm

What makes me unhappy is the contemptible God Damn stupidity of blacks like you and the liberals that use your kind as

August 30, 2015 2:31 pm


Good point, but we don’t feel individually guilty. It’s a social guilt that has been taught to all good little girls and boys in public school for generations now. As I tried to point out, guilt must be acknowledged and then we must move on, and I was arguing that this is precisely what was not allowed to happen, largely for nefarious purposes. The results are entirely predictable.

the tumbleweed
the tumbleweed
August 30, 2015 3:06 pm

Minorities (and their allies feminists, gays, lesbians, transgenders, and freaks of all other kinds) have really overplayed their hand. They should have stuck to their previous strategy of accepting handouts and organizing a march every couple years. The current ultra-uber-P.C. culture has gotten so insane that it is paralleling the debauchery of the late Roman Empire or the latter half of the French Revolution.

Normal whites for the most part do not want to be called racist. They will go to great lengths to follow the “rules” laid out for not being considered one. But since the insanity has ramped up in the last 5 years or so, the freaks have made this practically impossible. Don’t support BLM? You’re a racist. DO support BLM, and you’re a racist for stealing the limelight from their movement. Don’t have gay friends? You’re a homophobe. Do have gay friends? You’re trying to deny your straight privilege. Turn a female down for a job? You’re a misogynist. Hire a female? You should have hired her years ago. And so on with a million other micro-interactions.

The minority-freak alliance has finally learned the power of argumentation and is taking it to ridiculous extremes. They are like problem children raiding the cookie jar and will not stop devouring the goodies inside until they are called out on their bs and relentless mocked for their delusional rhetoric. Nothing, literally nothing, you can do or say, or NOT do or say, is not an affront to them. And the answer is always more handouts, a larger piece of the pie, backed by government force. By exposing their true agenda, not for equality, but for what you have, Americans are finally waking up. If every white person is a racist homophobe intolerant bigot, who really cares if you get called one anymore.

August 30, 2015 3:21 pm

Great job, Stucky, and it hits home for me as the civil rights movement obliterated what was once one of my favorite fun spots on Earth, Fontaine Ferry Park.

Built by Louisville Gas and Electric at the turn of the century (1900 not 2000!), it was designed to showcase and promote the use of electric power. Complete with a fun house (Hilarity Hall), wooden roller coaster (the Comet), and the usual fun rides, Fontaine Ferry was a “look forward to” trip for families in and around Louisville and Sou Indiana.

It’s demise came as the park was forced to allow Blacks to attend, along with subsequent violence which resulted in Whites being afraid to attend. Although it passed through several companies that attempted to revive it, the park was bulldozed by the early 70’s to make way for another city park.

August 30, 2015 3:25 pm

Gayle, you’re dead wrong. There is no guilt that needs to be acknowledged. Problem starts right there.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 30, 2015 3:56 pm

Anonymous says: Anyone know the actual percentage of blacks in this country that are direct descendents of the slaves..

I jokingly suggested this same question when I wrote that they be required to produce a Certificate of Slave Blood, same as LLPOH had to produce or fuck off.

Which is what you would say to a person asking for special treatment on the basis of being a descendant of a former slave.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 30, 2015 4:17 pm

Maybe Khrushchev was right after all, about selling us the rope we’d hang ourselves with. – Stuck

I think it was a criticism of capitalists, they will sell Russia the rope to hang America.

Anyway, since I had an epiphany last night (heh) I can see the man you want is Trump. He is pushing back against everything you deplore in the current America. The crowds around him are blond, not these rainbow groups surrounding the other candidates.

I have suggested jokingly that we need a crook like Trump in the WH to match the crook in the Kremlin. I say jokingly but I wasn’t foaming at the mouth about it.

The bible tells us not to befriend an angry man lest you learn his ways. What that means is that you absorb another’s attitudes by association with that person.

I have changed my opinion about many folks here. I told AWD that my admiration for him was growing.

Here’s the take-away from Billy’s gospel: some folks are better than others at certain jobs.

It doesn’t mean they should be forced to do only those jobs but it is a mistake to put a black person in the WH when no blacks have proven themselves capable of managing anything more challenging than a decrepit, defunct, degenerate, decadent shithole of a city.

Does that opinion make me a racist?

August 30, 2015 4:24 pm

EC, not a racist, rather a keen observer of the human condition. What to do with blacks? Simple stuff. No social promotion in schools. Bring back blue collar work from china and mexico. Stop funding black causes with my tax money. Hold them totally accountable for their actions. What else you want me to fix?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 30, 2015 4:28 pm

Looking at my last statement from the other side, when you see a black man running for office, you can bet the farm that city is on the ropes.

Oh, let me go deeper into this racist hole: (I grew up in a time when this was a normal attitude) when you see a white or hispanic woman with a black dude, you can be sure she is a whore. America consorting with a black dude is not looking too honorable right now.

I argued with AWD about his claim that hispanics put Obama in the WH. I asked further, where is the economic proof? As things have played out, perhaps the influx of illegals is the payoff.

If so, it is not what hispanics would want, certainly not Cesar Chavez who opposed wetbacks, illegal alien labor competition in the fields.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 30, 2015 4:49 pm

The things Stucky has said about me remind me of what my dear old Mama used to say about me. Happiest day of my life is the day she made parole.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
August 30, 2015 4:50 pm

Mr. Black

Welcome to TBP. I suggest for your fragile grip on sanity that you get your mind right before you continue to read what is printed here.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 30, 2015 4:59 pm
August 30, 2015 5:18 pm

What?! A communist plot? Jew traitors? I am shocked, shocked I tell you! (Nice essay Stucky.)

I just found out today that FEMEN, the radical feminist group, known for taking a shit on Christianity, is funded by Jews. I am shocked, shocked I tell you!

Every. Single. Time.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
August 30, 2015 5:23 pm

Stucky, I feel I should break character here and offer you genuine praise on a well researched article. You are excellent when it comes to pointing out just how totally screwed we all are.

Yer wife still wants you to git a job, but I’d prefer yer write more racist articles like this fer jimmy q.

August 30, 2015 5:38 pm


A more succinct way would be the way my Daddy put it: “The world needs ditchdiggers, too”.

In other words, don’t be a post turtle. If someone plays to their strengths, then they will go far. Or far enough to make good. Nobody should tell another what they’re limited to, but what you’re born with pretty much dictates how far you’ll go.

If someone is born with an IQ of 70, they should be happy with a job scrubbing shitters or sweeping floors or whatever… unless they’re gifted with athletic ability and sharp reflexes and make good a different way – say, as a boxer or some other sport…. Or something similar. But still, it’s playing to ones strengths.

Blacks have been sold a bill of goods – they’ve been told that everyone, everywhere is exactly the same – with the same abilities, strengths, weaknesses, intellectual abilities, etc… which means if that false narrative is true, then there has to be somebody, or a group of somebodies, keeping them from succeeding. And in the US, that means Whites. Which is the schwerpunkt of the whole victim mentality – because they fail, they must be “victims” by default, and the now-shrinking majority of Whites must be responsible for it…

Which explains the whole “Polar bear hunting”/Knockout Game thing, as well as the greater War Against Whites that has been waged since the late 1960’s…

Snivel Rights was never about “equal” treatment. It was and still is about preferential treatment. Creating preferential treatment, then a protected class, then seek the reigns of power. A systematic, incremental march towards what they want – driven by an agitator class (guess who?) who took a page right out of the Fabian Socialist playbook – and those guys invented incrementalization. Lie, obfuscate, etc, in order to snow the rubes into supporting you, wrap your arguments in soothing, cooing words like “common sense” and “reasonable”, always advancing towards your ultimate goal… nothing less than the destruction of Western Civilization…

Whites built the foundation for Western Civilization on the bedrock of the Enlightenment. Being overrun with swarms of illegals who do not share our values or our culture – they could easily have voted and agitated for a US-style Constitution, free markets, etc, back home. They didn’t. And they won’t here, either… blacks are part and parcel with that – they want the good life, but don’t want to make the effort at working for it. Illegals might work hard, but frankly they reject the Western (read: White) model – instead embracing Communism, Socialism, Tribalism… (NB – Kitty Werthmann was at a peace summit in Switzerland back in 1985 and, dressed as a grimy old hippy, marched with Pelosi, Jackson, Bella Abzug, etc. She ran into a bunch of communists who had been forbidden entry by the Swiss, so they infiltrated. They admitted straight up their goals were to take Nicaragua, Venezuela, etc, then Mexico.. ultimate goal was to infiltrate the US and “take back” the Southwest… timeline: 2004 or 2008… remember, this was back in 1985…)…

All this shit ties together… we’re being allowed to be invaded, the blacks are being encouraged to target Whites, to seek protected class status – they’re tools to an end, and not intelligent enough to realize it… along with every other kind of deviant, degenerate, fringe, outlier…

Here…. watch Frau Werthmann – she’s Austrian (YOU HEAR THAT STUCK?!!) and lived through that shit back in the 30’s.. she’s got the chops to back up what she says.

Most important parts, I think, are after the 20 minute mark…. fuckin’ blew me away…

August 30, 2015 5:39 pm

Shit… double post.

Hey Mr. Admin – think you could delete the first post of mine? Sorry about the inconvenience… being rushed because of my wife wanting me for some shit… soooo, be back later.

August 30, 2015 5:57 pm

As far as guilt is concerned I suppose I should have more than most, having descended from a prominent slave trading family on my father’s mother’s side. Sorry, I feel no guilt whatever. Disgust, yes. Remorse, perhaps. But since blacks enjoy a life much better than their African brothers and sisters, I think instead of receiving a guilt trip, I should just get a “thanks” and maybe a check each month from blacks.

For whites sick of blacks, and who want to take their hatred out on me whose ancestors ruined this land, please write hate to:

Grouchy Archie
Bumfuck, Maine

Don’t worry, your correspondence will reach me.

August 30, 2015 6:00 pm


Admin, you deleted the wrong one… I wanted the one with the video kept up…

Here… I’ll put the video here.

August 30, 2015 6:07 pm

Any of you ever see the musical “South Pacific”? It appeared on Broadway in 1949, and was made into a musical film in 1958. The music was by Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein. It was a huge success on both stage and screen.

This is one of the most politically correct (before there was PC in America) sack of egalitarian bullshit I’ve ever seen. I watched the movie for the first time about a year ago and was thunderstruck at the propaganda in it. Don’t believe me? Watch it. It has it all, inter-racial marriage, inter-racial dating, ‘White people don’t know what the good things in life are, but the coloreds do’, and all that crap.

Yes, the music is beautiful, but you have to look at the context it was applied to in this piece. No wonder the White Race is fucked, the PTB started immediately after WWII with the brainwashing.

You can tell the religion of Hammerstein easily enough, but what about good ol’ Rogers? Here’s a line from his wikipedia bio:

“Born into a prosperous German Jewish family in Arverne, Queens, New York City, Rodgers was the son of Mamie (Levy) and Dr. William Abrahams Rodgers, a prominent physician who had changed the family name from Abrahams.”

Welly-Welly-Welly, how about that? What a great American name Rogers is. Not like Abraham, which would leave no doubt as to the ethnicity of it’s bearer.

August 30, 2015 6:08 pm

Billy, you know that the Jew ashley montage was a student of the Jew frank boas right? Look at that guys work. Absolute rubbish. Jews: corrupting the academy since forever.

By the way, look up, by way of precedent, a fella by the name if Magnus Hirschfeld. He started it all as far as my research shows.

August 30, 2015 6:16 pm

Lysander, good stuff. Did not know that but I am hardly surprised. Once on the trail, with a good hunting dog, equipped with a decent sniffer, you find out a lot. And gentile names, associated with, sometimes, gentile religions, do not quite add up. Check out the guy who murdered Huey long.

August 30, 2015 6:24 pm

I appreciate the irony in the current Iowa poll which puts Dr. Ben Carson right behind Trump (18% to 23%) among likely caucus voters. Not only the race factor is in play, but Carson couldn’t be more opposite from Trump in ego and performance dynamics. What will the GOP do with Ben Carson?

August 30, 2015 6:43 pm

“Maybe Khrushchev was right after all, about selling us the rope we’d hang ourselves with.”
—-Stucky, in his article

I haven’t checked (honest), but I think Lenin said that. And the quote (not exact) is, “The capitalists will sell us the rope we will hang them with.”

August 30, 2015 7:00 pm

Well, I looked it up, and I was right as usual. Being right all the time is such a chore and a truly heavy burden, but I handle it well. Heh. Lenin said …….

“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”

On one website, there was an ad for “Rope Hammocks For Sale” on eBay posted right after the quote. Amazing.

August 30, 2015 8:32 pm

Radical Jews

Libertarian Jews

Communist Jews

Take your pick. What do they have all in common?

August 30, 2015 9:34 pm

The problem isn’t race at all. It’s culture. I still along just fine with every guy I know, as long as they get up and go to work every day, and sneer at the entitlement scumbags. The white anglo-saxon prodestant culture is simply the best one ever created, free for all to share, if anyone else is smart enough.

August 30, 2015 9:34 pm

“Segregation was a great idea. Let’s try it again.”

No need, the US is riddled with de facto segregation. The US is tribal.

Percentage wise, blacks do most of the murdering in the US, but when it comes to mass-murder, the blacks can’t hold a candle to the country’s judeo-christian, kleptocratic war mongers, who have killed millions of brown folks all over the world. For what? In fact, white folks have been killing brown folks since they first landed on this continent. Except for possibly the Quakers, there ain’t many Americans who should feel self-righteous about casting the first stone.

TPTB have worked very hard to divide and conquer this nation of debt slaves, and they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. They have no reason to worry about the peasants revolting, because the Red Staters, Blue Staters, Bloods, Crips and the Aryan Nations will not be rising up together to storm the gates of the castles. This is a nation serfs hating surfs, but the haters are hating their fellow serfs while worshiping their liege lord masters.

August 30, 2015 9:36 pm

Gayle no irony in Dr. Carson at all. He grew up steeped in WASP culture. He is in fact, one of us.

August 30, 2015 10:21 pm

Dr. Carson is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

I used to think highly of him until an interview on FOX News showed his “true color”.

Dr. Carson was being interviewed on one of the Fox News shows about the Zimmerman case. I damn near fell out of my chair when Dr. Carson defended Trayvon Martin and declared that “Zimmerman should have been convicted of something”. Once again, an intelligent, accomplished individual uses the “race card” to justify abhorrent behavior based on skin color.

Upon further investigation, it was noted that Dr. Carson is no friend to gun owners and would like to see Chicago-style gun control imposed on law-abiding gun owners. He has stated that semi-automatic weapons have no place in urban areas.

Of course, since Dr. Carson espouses political aspirations, he has attempted to “back-pedal” on his remarks on the Second Amendment.

Dr. Carson is a good human being. However, due to his small “race card” and his initial views on the Second Amendment, he cannot be trusted…

August 30, 2015 11:46 pm

Thanks anarchyst. 2nd amendment stuff is bad. Trayvon is like you say, disqualifier. Next

August 31, 2015 1:34 am

What a load of racist rubbish – I’ll bet most of the posters here are proud of being Christians & going to worship. Christianity is what has fucked the USA. Your whole rotten political class are Bible thumping a$$holes who have set most of the Middle East on fire & have killed millions just over the past 10 years. Americans are hated around the Word & rightly so. Too stupid to get rid of the a$$holes enslaving you et happy to blame shitloads on the Blacks. Most of you should shoot yourselves.

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