A Ghanaian immigrant defrauding the U.S. taxpayer of $3.6 million warms the cockles of my heart. This is Obama’s most successful program. Who else could increase the number of SNAP recipients by 12 million AFTER the recession was officially over? The government drones running this corrupt program don’t give a shit about fraud. It is all about getting votes for Democrats. 

Do you realize how many people had to be involved in this fraud to reach $3.6 million? The people giving away their cards at a discount for cash are then using the cash to buy cigarettes, booze and drugs. So they are guilty of fraud too. You can bet the clueless government drones running the SNAP program did not uncover this. It was probably a citizen who observed what was happening.

Every government program is racked by rampant fraud, malfeasance, waste, corruption, and ineptitude. And the willfully ignorant masses want them to run more of our lives.

Let’s bring in another 100,000 muslim refugees per year to keep the SNAP program growing.

By the looks of that fat ass bitch, she certainly ate well off those foodstamps.

A US Based Ghanaian Woman-Vida Ofori Causey Pleads Guilty to $3.6 Million Fraud | You Won’t Believe What She Did

Vida Ofori Causey

Trust certain Ghanaians to take their ‘shenaniganism’ to the backyards of whoever opens his country for them and while at it, they are sure to make global headlines with their ‘get rich schemes.’

A Ghanaian based in Worcester, USA has pleaded guilty to $3.6 million fraud after she was busted for screwing the United States food stamp benefit system, which is to help support people of low income.

Vida Ofori Causey, 45, pleaded guilty to “federal court charges in connection to the theft of $3.6 million in food stamp benefits after she allegedly created numerous bank accounts and bought benefits from eligible people for less than full value,” reports Masslive.Com.

On Monday, Vida pleaded guilty to “one count of conspiracy to commit SNAP benefits fraud, one count of SNAP fraud and one count of money laundering in U.S. District Court” the website states.

The U.S. Attorney’s Office in Massachusetts said Vida Causey committed the fraud over four years—and this is how she reportedly did it:

Vida who owns a J&W Aseda Plaza, a convenience store on Main Street in the city bought Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP) funds from people, paying 50 cents for a SNAP worth a dollar and then later have the USDA electronically deposit the full money into bank accounts she owned.

So she is cunningly doubling her investments in less than a minute—paying 50 cents for 1 dollar worth of SNAP and then asking the government for 1 dollar to be paid into her bank account.

Perhaps, you may be asking at this stage, what’s the big deal? The owners sold the SNAPs to her and she paid a good consideration for it, so what’s the fraud here?

The SNAP program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was formerly called the food stamp program and this is for low- and no-income people living in the U.S. It is a federal aid program to support the poor—and receivers of SNAP cannot sell, trade or give away their stamp benefits.

Since SNAP money allows people to buy food at authorized vendors, Vida Causey would instead buy the SNAP dollars at a cheaper price and then request the full payment from the USDA—the money would be electronically deposited into many of her bank accounts .

According to the U.S. Attorney’s Office said she defrauded the USDA out of $3,638,900 in SNAP funds.

What did she do with all the cash? Perhaps, build mansions she does not even live in, in Ghana—that’s what most of these people living abroad do.

– See more at:


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October 1, 2015 8:55 am

I saw a car with a “Bernie 2016” sticker on it today. I wanted to ram it at the light.

October 1, 2015 9:05 am

You have to love living in Massachusetts. The food stamp fraud in this state is rampant and the state government up until now could give a shit as to how much of my taxes are stolen by the like of these “vibrant ” immigrants who come here to diversify our culture. It is so easy to track which stores are obviously stealing the taxes that are stolen from us, but they refuse to. Also all of the impoverished, poverty stricken masses that so desperately need these benefits to “survive” will never be prosecuted even though they obviously sold their cards, and they will continue to get these essential benefits with no recourse. They will just go down the street and sell them elsewhere to the next immigrant scammer who knows the penalty will be a slap on the wrist and their ill gotten gains will be long gone. I fucking hate this government.

October 1, 2015 9:58 am

And even if she winds up in prison (call me optimistic) it’s probably still as good as or better than living in her native Ghana.


I think Trump’s comments on immigrants will be considered moderate in the very near future.

October 1, 2015 10:05 am

Diversity is our strength


October 1, 2015 10:10 am

The first thing die-hard liberals will use to defend this is to scream “you can’t throw an entire system out because of a FEW bad apples.”


“you don’t know what its like” “you don’t know their story” and other assorted things along that line.

Here’s the simple truth, and the reason I, a mother-fucking scientist, am valuing my anecdotal experience over the proffered data:

Everyone is fucking the system. Every last person I know who is in the system is milking it for all it work.

Now keep this in mind, I’m not that likable of a person. I really don’t know that many people. I’m not pulling from some extensive facebook database and parsing only the data I want to present.

Out of all of the people whom I know are accepting governmental assistance they all admit to gaming the system for greater benefits.

And why not? Whatever pride they had is worn away when they realized they just increased their fucking income by $2-$20,000 depending on individual circumstances. These are people with jobs, people with no college debt. Just a couple of kids and a baby mama.

I’m in a building right now with 4 other people. 2 of them are guys who have been in long term stable relationships, (8+ years) and have kids with the woman.

They live together, and each guy has 2 kids by the gal he is with. He claims one, she claims the other. The guy maintains a separate mailing address, either a rental property or mother’s house. Up until recently, mama didn’t work in either case, but daddy made ~$50-70k a year.

Both maintain a small side-business that always loses money through the wonders of accounting, so they pay next to nothing in taxes.

By the time the benefits are done rolling in, the guy’s little family of 4 is bringing in well over $110k worth of benefits and cash.

Thats just two. There are several more in the company. There are more on my block. There is a literal square mile of them around my in-laws (nothing but retirees and welfare moochers in that area).

The system is completely fucked. Complete corrupt.

October 1, 2015 10:12 am

Let’s hope the Wake -Up call for the diversity is our strength doesn’t come to late.

Fifty years after passage of the landmark law that rewrote U.S. immigration policy, nearly 59 million immigrants have arrived in the United States, pushing the country’s foreign-born share to a near record 14%. For the past half-century, these modern-era immigrants and their descendants have accounted for just over half the nation’s population growth and have reshaped its racial and ethnic composition.

Looking ahead, new Pew Research Center U.S. population projections show that if current demographic trends continue, future immigrants and their descendants will be an even bigger source of population growth. Between 2015 and 2065, they are projected to account for 88% of the U.S. population increase, or 103 million people, as the nation grows to 441 million.

In other words, the country – one can no longer credibly refer to the USA as a “nation” – will belong to their posterity. Not yours. And it will not be at all surprising if those new “Americans” harbor even less allegiance to the U.S. Constitution than we, our parents, and our grandparents have demonstrated by betraying the very purpose of that document.

That’s the problem with “a propositional nation”. Changing the population changes the proposition and pretty soon, the “nation” is no more.

October 1, 2015 10:46 am

Flash: “Let’s hope the Wake -Up call for the diversity is our strength doesn’t come too late”.

I hope I’m wrong, but I believe it is already too late. The name of the game now for the honorable and outflanked victims of multi-culti is how to adapt to a reality that can only be altered by what amounts to a revolution in domestic policy, a revolution (or restoration, depending upon point of view) that is unlikely if not impossible, depending upon the degree of awareness of the general (read “voting”) public that recognizes that the present system is doomed to what could be a catastrophic failure from which a return to the society of yore will require very drastic measures. With every passing year, the numbers work against those who post here and those like them who haven’t grasped that their situation is worsening more and more quickly.

Flash is correct: the US is no longer a “nation”, at least not from what I can see from afar. The same will soon be true for many European “nations”. The “brave new world” of the globalists is now largely a reality, at least in the West. How does one adapt and maintain a sense of honor? I wish I knew, more for the sake of my descendants than for myself, given that I’ve pretty much run my course and now just hope to maintain. Honor will come at a higher and higher price and that is the great advantage the dishonorable have discovered.

October 1, 2015 11:41 am

Still not on the trump train? 50 seconds of wake the fuck up.

October 1, 2015 12:18 pm

I’ll bet she is also an owner of the “urban” ambulance companies that billed Medicare $30 MILLION for rides that never occurred.

The new face of Medicare fraud, is, I hate to say it, almost exclusively done by people from the Middle East (Muslims) and West Africa.

I wonder if the reluctance of the Obongo Admin to do anything about all this immigrant crime/fraud stems from Obongo’s deep hatred of Judeo-Christian, heterosexual white people and the sense that, since most taxpayers come from this group, redistributing their tax dollars to his favorite groups is some kind of payback/reparations.

Nah, surely not.

October 1, 2015 12:28 pm

Hope, why do you hate to say it? Until recently, something like 90 per cent of medicare fraud was cubans in dade county florida. 90 per cent. One COUNTY. Two candidates for president. One county. If I could just remember the names of those candidates. I know they both speak spanish.

October 1, 2015 12:35 pm

I’d starve without my food stamps honkies.

[imgcomment image?resize=330%2C383[/img]

October 1, 2015 12:36 pm

Hmmm…to late…nope the South is armed to the teeth. Believe it or not a lot of Southerners haven’t forgotten “The War For Southern Independence ” .

Fraud…crap like TPC and others I know of several folks who are gaming the system and getting paid well. I called several of the agencies and reported them…they don’t care.

My solution to the food stamp program. Food banks…..once a week you come by and they give you a weeks worth of food…that you have to cook. No frozen dinners,no tater chips or Coke etc. If you sell it….tough titty…you’re going to starve for a week.

Living on my farm off the grid is looking better looking each month.

October 1, 2015 12:37 pm

Shalondra …if you fart you’ll blow off your boots .

October 1, 2015 1:51 pm

Buckhed: “The South is armed to the teeth”. So what? Do you honestly believe there’s going to be a “rising” or “War of Southern Independence II”? What are they waiting for? Believe me, I wish someone would do something, but I believe if they were planning on doing it while it was still timely, they’d have done so, more’s the pity. Off-grid’s great, but it’s at best an individual holding action, or perhaps better put “reaction”. The solution to SNAP is accurate, and if I remember well, that’s how it used to be and should be.

October 1, 2015 2:12 pm

The only reason she was ‘caught’ is that she probably wasn’t tithing 25% of the net back to the Democrat Party – like every other small ghetto shop presumably does.

October 1, 2015 5:54 pm

Day after day I struggle at a job “mericuns wont do” work my ass off in the hot summer sun like a slave, feh why bother, I should get it other with and get on the dole or join the syndicates, makes you think good honest folk are just plain stupid too not corrupt themselves to the dishonesty of the world, but I still have some self dignity and the grace of god, along with a healthy fear of. precludes it.

October 1, 2015 7:39 pm

@Montefrío I LOVED the gubment cheese. My grandmother got commodities after my grandfather died and the cheese was real and it was good.

All government programs make liars out of people using those programs for long periods of time. The unemployment insurance program is a good example I will admit to myself. I have been layed off due to contract endings two times. Each time, it took me 4 and a half months to find a new position, just in time for my last couple of benefit checks. No one ever checked any of my supposed job searches and no one ever called me at home either. And each time, I got the first job I actually applied for.

That’s pretty tame, I suppose, but it is unethical by my own measurement and I felt like a slimeball.. And I would NEVER have done such a thing if a simple severance package of two weeks had been all I was given at layoff. I would have gotten out and found a job pronto… but gubment provides incentive to NOT WORK every chance they can.

Finally, I got involved with some folks that convinced me that kind of behavior needed to be behind me. So it is. Now Nick and I work all the time for no income. And lots of happy.

October 1, 2015 7:48 pm

I hope after her jail term they get back the money via asset forfeiture, revoke her right to live here and deport her fat ass back to Ghana broke.

October 1, 2015 7:49 pm

Maggie: you are f*ing lucky. I’ve run out of UI twice since 2009 and applied for hundreds of jobs.

October 1, 2015 7:52 pm

Buckhed: My solution is a food allowance. You get rice, beans, oranges, apples, some veggies, bread, eggs, PB, oats, milk, ground beef and some chicken. That’s IT. If you want anything fancy you go work for it.

October 1, 2015 8:53 pm

No bread. Give them flour.

October 1, 2015 9:41 pm

Llpoh, you are the hardest man on this site. Props.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 1, 2015 9:45 pm

This has become the nation of schemers and scammers. The land of the quick buck off the backs of the easy come easy go crowd. Where are the sheep? Everybody is a wolf pretending to be a sheep. Prostitutes, bankers, highwaymen, smugglers, bikers, forgers, everybody seems to be on the make and the take.

I mentioned the woman who was collecting child support from three carefully selected baby-daddies. Then there are the women abroad who bilk thousands from unsuspecting ‘boyfriends’ in the US. The welfare mommas living the high life, the unemployed living on disability for life.

Electing a crook like Trump for president makes sense if we heed FDR who thought appointing a crook to watch over Wall Street made sense because who would know financial shenanigans better than Joe Kennedy?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 1, 2015 9:47 pm

starfcker says: Llpoh, you are the hardest man on this site. Props.

It aint just Shalondra that needs to watch where she farts.

October 1, 2015 9:49 pm

@KaD… I apologize if I made it sound like everyone who uses all their benefits is taking a paid vacay. I just know that for a period of time, the ability to draw half-pay to stay home was more appealing than finding another analyst job.

October 2, 2015 12:53 am

Maggie ,Little sister I should have beaten you ass more often.You lying ,stealing fungal infection.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 2, 2015 1:09 am

bb, your not only fair but your soft. LLPOH whipped Clammy like a rented mule, without mercy, for weeks on end and he even quit in protest because she showed no remorse.

October 2, 2015 5:49 am

So what! The banks that issue and service the electronic welfare system are skimming 3% on every transaction plus interest on the poofed into existence $$ that keeps it going. This woman will give the pound of flesh that gets paid so that those responsible for it won’t have to.

Our world is broken because it benefits those at the top, not because it was an accident or ineptitude. That is also the reason why it won’t be fixed. Maximum graft is the goal and we’ve almost reached nirvana! It will continue until it can’t so don’t rail against it. Encourage it! The sooner they destroy the confidence game the better. Fast or slow, the landing is gonna leave a mark!

October 2, 2015 6:06 am

Meant to add, just imagine the boat all the grifters are going to be in when it ends. I think this is the real reason for the supposed FEMA camps. The population cross section of the USA is going to look quite a bit different after this fourth turning.

October 2, 2015 6:35 am

Friend of mine bought a business used by unemployed people. On the first of the month of the first month he took it over, there were many people showed up to sell him their food stamps. Apparently, the previous owners were doing this.

October 2, 2015 6:43 am

LLPOH: “Give them flour”. I suggest amending that to “whole wheat flour”. Most commercial bread is a waste of flour. Lend them a pasta-making machine as well. KaD’s list is quite reasonable, although the ground beef made me smile. No one eats “variety meats” (liver, kidneys, tongue, brains, lights, chit’lins, etc.) any more and they don’t know what they’re missing!

October 2, 2015 8:38 am

I have reconsidered. No flour – a rock and a pound of wheat is sufficient.

October 2, 2015 9:20 am

I know people who are milking it. Not just $400 a month in food stamps, but $500 a month in cash assistance too. And of course section 8. And then disability on top of that! It is disgusting. And no one will do a goddam thing about it. There are millions of people who literally make a $40000 equivalent (factoring in all taxes they dont have to pay) salary off milking the system. Dont forget the free healthcare.

Didius Julianus
Didius Julianus
October 3, 2015 3:00 pm

Another contributing factor all those people (and a lot still working in the U.S., especially – although a certain segment of the New Zealand population has the weight problem as well but not for the reason I am about to lay out): The food they eat is literally a slow poison. I will only choose two examples:

1. Most “peanut butter” is not just peanuts and salt (as is should be) but is a morass of transfats, sugar and – oh yeah – some peanuts.

2. All non-organic flour in the U.S. has been “lightly” poisoned with bromine. This started in the early 1960s (became against the law n N.Z. in the 1990s), ostensibly to control “pests” getting into the flour. Bromine is an endocrine disruptor among many other negative effects All non-organic flour in the U.S. has been treated with “Round-up” as a “desiccant” to kill the wheat shortly before harvest. Applying this cancer causing (and many other things) poison to the wheat causes it to put it’s last burst of dying energy into seed production so the wheat kernels are larger and thus the farmer has an increased yield. This glorious idea was apparently discovered and started in the 1990s (ever wonder why “gluten” intolerance, ceiliac and all those other gut and auto-immune diseases have exploded in the last 20 years?)

So, the closer to the natural stated, the better off these people will be. Giving them wheat grains and a rock will avoid the bromine but not the “Round-up” / Glycophosphate.

Also give them raw peanuts and they can use the rick to make their peanut butter!! 🙂