Miguel Francis-Santiago, and American filmmaker who makes great, innovative documentaries for RT, has a new one out about how information and media are used as a weapon in geopolitics.

Francis-Santiago gets great access to some of the most authoritative writers and thinkers about how information is being used, including General Colin Powell’s former chief of staff, and prize-winning US journalist Robert Parry of Iran-contra fame, and makes a very convincing case that the media have completely misrepresented events in Ukraine, Crimea, the shootdown of MH17, Iraq, Syria, and much else.

A lot of this material has been in the public space for a while, but Miguel’s very artfully weaves it together in a compelling and entertaining way, with a lot innovative filmmaking technique usually absent from this genre, which tends to be low-budget and coming from the alternative scene.

Much of the footage is from the US where Francis-Santiago traveled to speak to interviewees, but also Poland, Crimea, Donbas, and elsewhere.  

It is a great film to share with neophytes to these ideas, as it presents the most compelling facts in highly professional way, all within 1 hour.  

Hopefully it will get more people in the mainstream to wake up to the extremely dangerous situation which has developed in the mainstream media, which more than any single factor is leading the world to war.


Full Movie


Personal Update

My commenting here will be extremely limited for …. who knows how long ….. maybe a week, or several. There won’t be a Saturday news pictorial. I’ve barely been home since last Saturday. (The October 10th shit-fest WILL be a go, no matter what.  Hey, Admin, maybe you can repost that around the 5th or 6th … to remind folks.)

Taking mom to NYC was a mixed bag.  Her new hip is absolutely perfect.  Then the doctor asked why she walks so stooped over. “Well … her back hurts a lot.”  Doc says, “OK, since she’s here let’s take x-rays.”  Long story short; doc says it’s been quite a while since he’s seen a back so degenerated.  The disk they “cemented” a while back has “leaked”. Great.  So, we go back for an MRI in November to see if there’s sufficient bone mass to insert a metal rod, or whatever.  It’ all above my pay grade.  I’m dealing with a severely depressed old woman now … as talks about “not wanting to live anymore” are increasing not only in quantity, but intensity. WTF.

Dad failed his written test.  He REALLY struggled getting used to the computer format … it was the first time he EVER sat at a computer. He didn’t understand some of the words used in the test.  The test is offered in Spanish, Vietnamese, and even Swahili …. but, not German. Makes sense … there are very very few Germans in ‘Murika.

The public service worker at the DMV was an absolute gem of a human being.  He was extremely patient with dad, explaining some things several times, and never made dad feel bad or stupid.  How rare is that for a state worker??  I shook his hand and thanked him profusely for being so patient and kind to an old and confused man. He said this happens quite often, and that my father actually did very very well for his first time.  Dad made it to question 31 before he failed and the test stopped  (one is allowed 10 wrong answers on a 50 question test).  I now have to figure out a different format to help dad study … we go back in three weeks.

But, I am also dealing with a severely depressed old man.  He was fighting back tears at the DMV.  He feels so stupid, he told me. So helpless. Confused. He just hates being dependent on others to bring him groceries, take him to his singing group, go to the bank, etc. etc. He feels he is of no value to anyone, and that he let us down. WTF.

Yeah, I’m dealing with all that.  I have this morbid fear that I’ll go over there one day and both of them are dead in the garage. So, it’s kind of hard, right now, to give a flying fuck about the lying fuckers in politics, the media, and everywhere else.  I don’t give a flying fuck anymore. Makes sense, right?  On the bright side, the goat tee is gone, and I got a short haircut yesterday. So, SSS should be happy about that.

Later  Gators!

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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October 1, 2015 9:46 am

Good luck Stucky.You and your parents will be in my prayers. Many of us here are of an age where we are seeing our parents get old right before our eyes and it is extremely difficult. Spend whatever time you can with them as it is some of the most precious you will have. As for back surgery I have had three, one was a fusion of several discs. Check out your surgeon carefully, outcomes for older patients can vary widely Here is a good study that may provide a little insight.

Best wishes,

October 1, 2015 9:53 am

Year Life Expectancy

2000 BC 18
AD 500 22
1400 33
1790 36
1850 41
1900 50
1946 67
1991 76

I’ve always been an active person – fixing things / remodeling our homes. Currently I’m painting the inside of our 27 x 27 heated garage. At 66, I don’t get up as easily, when kneeling on the floor. Occasionally I find myself thinking: “I hope this is the last time I have to do this”.

Good luck to your dad.

October 1, 2015 9:53 am

Stuck , May God grant you the strength you need when you need it the most.My prayers are with you.

October 1, 2015 10:19 am

Stucky, I’ve really come to appreciate you here through all you contribute on TBP – best wishes to you and you parents from a lurker.

October 1, 2015 10:37 am

Stucky: I’ll miss your posts and commentary. Hope things improve for your parents.

October 1, 2015 10:42 am

Watch John Pliger on Youtube.

October 1, 2015 10:46 am


I’ll be in NY. I hope there will be a good turnout.

October 1, 2015 10:59 am

Oh Stuck, hugs friend. My prayers are with your family, and you. My dad’s been going in and out of expressing his feelings of worthlessness even since we lost mom in 2001. I know how it made/makes me feel, I’m sorry that anyone has to go through that.

Please remember, you are not alone. You have a bunch of people here sending love, prayers and positive vibes your way! How blessed you are. xo

October 1, 2015 11:05 am

I’ll gladly chime in with the same wishes for the best for all as expressed above.

What’s this “test” shit? he has to take a “written” test to renew his “license” to drive? Say WHAT?! Where I live (outside the US), they’ve begun forcing us to sit through a three-hour, fifty-odd question test, but we are given the answers along with the pencils and the erasers! Third world stuff has its charms.

On a more somber note, I understand and can sympathize with the older folks feelings: I’ve told my kids that if I hit the point at which I no longer believe myself functional, I wish to be left to either go up the Andes to meditate above the tree line or to take my long-planned crossing of the Pacific by kayak. I don’t want my kids to go through what I went through with my own father nor do I wish to go out as he did, comatose in a hospital bed. Awful to contemplate, but I imagine that Ma and Pa Stucky are dignified folks and that their dignity means a great deal to them.

Best of luck to you and yours, sir. Looking forward to your return, mofo.

October 1, 2015 11:11 am

Got me choked up Stuck…..I wish I knew words of encouragement.

You have a precious relationship with your parents. I can’t pretend to know you all personally, but speaking from the viewpoint of a multi-suicide, cut-off from all others, depression laden family…..

Always do your best to love, and be loved.

My best to you and yours Stuck.

October 1, 2015 12:06 pm

Don’t be sad or morose – parents will pick up on that and will depress them further.

Be positive and smile and continue to help.


October 1, 2015 12:38 pm

Stucky, I feel for you man, you are going through what most of us already have or will have to face at some point in our lives. Dealing with parents and all the issues that come with age and the eventuality of life can be trying to say the least. Every situation is different and I’m sure you and your family will work through the issues in a positive manner and things will work out fine for your parents. Best advice be patient and impart your sense of humor.

Personal WTF anecdote: Out of the blue we get a call from my mother asking us to stop by her house because she has something to give us. So we tell her we will swing by the next weekend, which we do. She brings us into the garage where there are a dozen or so moving boxes stacked on the floor. We ask ‘what’s this?’ She says it is a bunch of their stuff they want us to have because they won’t be needing it anymore because hey will be dead soon. WTF?? So we start asking questions about their health thinking they have been dealing with some type of cancer or deadly disease that they have kept secret from us. She says, ‘no it is nothing like that, they figure that they are getting up in years and just didn’t have many days left.’ We said ‘good lord mom you are only 74 years old what are you talking about, you don’t have many day’s left.’

Well it turns out that a neighbor up the street had recently died from a heart attack and he was 76 years old, so they got to thinking and did a little math and decided that their days were numbered. Needless to say the boxes stayed in the garage and eventually the contents made their way back into the home where they belong, where the remain today. That was five years ago, and we give her shit about that day every time we see her.

You will have lots more WTF moments with your parents in the future, guaranteed, be patient and keep your sense of humor.

October 1, 2015 1:26 pm

Stucky: Thanks for the clarification. I guess that’s reasonable, but guddamit, if they’re cutting slack for all those other languages, they should give your dad the same treatment for German! Here’s hoping Ma and Pa S both rally and are still keeping you busy in 2025!

October 1, 2015 1:27 pm

I’m Anon above.

October 1, 2015 3:54 pm

Stucky , I know the feeling. My mom is in her 70s and sometimes she talks about dying .It used to really worry me but now I think it is just her way of accepting reality. Stay positive and this world will turn.If all else fails just think how much fun it would be to punch me in the nose. That should cheer you up!!

October 1, 2015 4:44 pm

Hug ’em while you’ve got ’em Stucky. Mine are long passed and not a day goes by I don’t think of and miss them.

October 1, 2015 5:24 pm

Hang in there Stucky. God bless.

October 1, 2015 7:15 pm

Life is tough. For many who don’t believe in God the idea of death is a scary thing. (My dad is this way) And the loss of strength and memory loss is a bummer also. People sure do live a long time compared to the past. Telling my dad he shouldn’t drive anymore and then he had his license terminated. Anyhow, i wish you the best,It’s something most have to deal with.

October 2, 2015 5:20 am

Hey Stucky! Mom and dad will weather their current tribulations just fine with you on their side. You’re a good man!

Maybe you could refine your fathers computer skills by turning him on to TBP! He ought to get a kick out of that!

A safer idea might be that all of us shit throwing monkeys could send your parents some funny cards to cheer them up. Given what you’ve told us about their lives I’m sure the experience would blow their minds if a bunch of strangers filled their mailbox with some TBP love!

October 2, 2015 5:32 am

Oh yeah Stuck, your dad should sue the state for discrimination on the language thing. Equal accommodation for all minorities is a right whose time has come!