Stucky Question Of The Day: Craptastic Countries

I’m not sure what it means to “love America”.  I was taught that one shouldn’t love “things” — because things/objects  can’t “love” back.  Only people (and, God) can love, and are worthy of being loved.

On the other hand, I am on record as having said “I hate America.” … or, at least what she has become. Hate is just the other side of the coin, so hating things/objects is just as foolish as loving them.

Besides all that, where would I go?  The list of countries that suck ass is vastly larger than countries I’d want to inhabit …. especially considering the fact that I would only move to a country whose primary language is either English or German.  A small list. I’m too fuckin’ old to learn a new language. And, I’m too proud to “Press 1 for English” in Burundi.

So, we’ve had discussions here about “good” countries to consider.  Llpoh went to Australia cuz of me.  This is the opposite of that.

Here’s the question:  Which country on this planet do you HATE the most?

Note that I didn’t say “shittiest”.  There are lots of shitty countries in the world, but I don’t “hate” them.  Yeah, I’m looking for HATE! And don’t give me any bullshit how you don’t “hate” anything.  That’s a crock of shit.  If you’re on TBP … you hate plenty of things!!

Feel free to choose more than one.  If possible, add a couple lines as to why.  I have a future Pictorial Essay in mind to be titled “10 Reasons Why ‘insert name-of-country’ Is The Worst Country In Humanity’s History”.  I’ve already chosen a country (not the USA).  Maybe your choices will change my opinion.

Helpful aid to choose a country follows;

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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October 20, 2015 11:01 am

North Korea due to their brutally repressive, uncivilized system. I also hate fagboy Kim’s haircut, the little worthless piece of ratshit.

October 20, 2015 11:29 am

How about this? I hate what the culture and government of America have become, but am not naive enough to think there is a such a thing as the “good ol’ days”. I’m too old for that. There have always been problems. Do I think our problems are curable? No. Will we crash? Yes. Where to run? I dunno. I don’t know enough about any other country, but Canada and Switzerland or maybe Iceland do come to mind. The trouble with Canada is that they are imitating us and will, I think, end up in the same place with maybe a lag of 10 years or so (which I suppose could be long enough). Switzerland doesn’t let just anyone in and I’m sure I would qualify as “just anyone”. Iceland has great government, but it’s far too cold. Australia … maybe. New Zealand … maybe. But any move would require (for me) a steep and rather long learning curve and lots of effort. I’m not up to that and I don’t think we have the time. Something is gonna break, and not just here. All my opinion …

I said this on another thread. I think it may also serve here.

“Never too late to awaken. Never too late to own it, all of it. Never too late to prepare. Forget your mistakes, freedom is first a mental attribute.”

I like where I live, in the Pacific NW. Not perfect, but nothings is, anywhere. FWIW …

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 20, 2015 11:45 am

I hate all of them somewhat and especially the two Left coasts of the USA.

October 20, 2015 12:11 pm

Like Nkit, without putting too much thought into it, North Korea seems like an obvious choice. Just to see a photo of the country from space at night is all you need to see to get a sense of how messed up things would be there. It is hard to say you hate a place you have not had the chance to experience first hand, so there is that. Pretty much anyplace in the middle east were the US lack of foreign policy has created chaos would also have to be on most lists.

Like Phaedrus I like living in the Pacific Northwest, however the democrats and liberal bleeding hearts are trying their level best to turn this area into California north, a veritable flannel freak show so it is.

October 20, 2015 12:24 pm

It’s not the country. It’s the assholes infesting said country…

If I had to pick one overwhelmingly infested with fucksticks, assholes, etc?

Impossible. Too many for too many reasons…

Just when one group of pus-filled boils gets my attention for some type of fuckery, another pus-filled boil will pop up and eclipse them for some other kind of equal – but different – fuckery.

Easier would be a list of countries I don’t despise…

October 20, 2015 12:26 pm

Guatemala has its charms — climate, overall quality of life, diverse agriculture. It also is struggling with the results of 20 years of US-promoted civil war across Central America (remember St. Ronnie’s war on the Sandinistas in Nicaragua?) Folks from the neighboring countries sent their kids to the USofA to keep them out of the deathsquads, either as shooters or shootees. We’ve since deported many, many of these kids back to the region, but with all the skills they acquired in East LA, Chicago & other urban warzones in the US. Guate, Honduras, southern Mexico & other fragile states have been overwhelmed. Ironically, Nicaragua didn’t suffer such an outflow of potential gangbangers & as a result is still fairly OK as a place to settle.
Parts of the Philippines haven’t felt too heavy a US hand & might be suitable (Visayas for e.g.). I still like Thailand & they’re tough enough to keep a lid of anti-foreign crime, when they want to.
Mexico also has its ‘garden spots’ such as San Miguel de Allende and parts of the high plateau, between the mountain ranges.
New Zealand has too much class to accept many Americans — good for them.
I guess what I hate the most is what the USG and the Saudis have done to indigenous cultures over the last 20 years. French (Muslim) West Africa used to have a lot going for it — not any more, thanks to the Whabbies. US influence has been equally pernicious, but over a wider swath of the globe.

Visitor from Germany
Visitor from Germany
October 20, 2015 12:49 pm

At this very moment?

“Germany” – for the stupidity and spinelessness of our establishment politicians and press concerning the “refugee” mess!

October 20, 2015 1:09 pm

Two things I hate about America 1) the hostile elite son of a bitches who have already seceded from the Nation’s founding principles and documents.2) the third world bottom feeders who are infesting our nation with the approval of the hostile elite.

I remember a time when most politicians , media and business elites at least pretended to love America and like white people now they don’t even bother. Donald Trump may be our last hope of reversing this disaster .

October 20, 2015 1:16 pm

Israel, for combining everything bad about Neocons with 90% of bad Jewish stereotypes and 90% of the bad things that the Nazis did. It is truly the center of evil.

Honorable mention list: Mordor on the Potomac and its empire, Saudi “King of human rights” fucking-Arabia, North Korea, China, all the Turkic countries.

October 20, 2015 1:21 pm

Again, I must pose the question what do mean by countries?

The people: I have nothing against the vast majority of people everywhere who just want to go through life in peace and the pursuit of happiness.

The land: a) like you say, it’s pointless to hate inanimate objects and b) I am sure every country has places of staggering beauty.

The cultures: all culture have their beauties and their hideous warts.

The governments: Hate ’em all. The US govt being a great big #1 on the list because they have the most effect on my life, they are big, powerful and remarkably stupid. Probably somewhere like Iceland being my least hated.

A different question: what is the real purpose of the Nation State? How does the Nation State paradigm hurt or benefit the people that live in them?

October 20, 2015 1:32 pm

Afghanistan, for combining militant islam, terrorism, drug trafficking, and systemic, socially accepted rape of boys. That’s nasty.

October 20, 2015 2:10 pm

Is it Cabo Verde? It’s Cabo Verde. isn’t it? I knew it!

October 20, 2015 2:31 pm

Top of my list is Mexico – the great exporter of FM’s (Fucking Mexicans). Next is Somalia, for exporting those Somalian ‘creatures’. After that Detroit, Baltimore, Memphis, and all the other Ghetto Cities for exporting Neegrows.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 20, 2015 2:40 pm

I hear ya Dutchman!

Since Dutchman used cities, I will throw in the City of London as top of my list which is the most EVIL PLACE on the planet………..for reals.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 20, 2015 2:45 pm

What has happened to Zara? Unless he is the Anon above, I know he would have Israhell at the top of the list. Anyone seen the boy lately?

October 20, 2015 2:49 pm

Zara, Thranduil, goofyfoot, DC Sunsets…seems a lot of people haven’t been posting at all lately. I know I had a period recently where I didn’t have much to say, but I was still reading. Are you still out there?

Especially DC…I personally miss your comments on the financial threads.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 20, 2015 3:04 pm

DRUD- Same here, I really miss DC Sunsets……always enjoy his posts. Zara…where are ya? Say something.

October 20, 2015 3:16 pm

Those of us who comment here, are acutely aware of the lies after lies. It’s natural to get exhausted, and have to rest for awhile.

October 20, 2015 3:50 pm

Isarael came to mind first, but the USA has been a much larger thorn in the side of the world.

October 20, 2015 4:24 pm

Nigeria. I just don’t like the name

October 20, 2015 7:17 pm

America. It is indeed the great satan. Our empire, wreaking havoc around the globe, must die.

October 20, 2015 8:35 pm

Island nations where all wear clothing..the future generation being denied a pictorial review by Natl Geo. Bring back Tonga babes,

October 20, 2015 9:05 pm

hmm I hate the privately owned central banks that know no allegiance to any country and do there best to fuck everything up . Those parasites just conjure currency up outta thin air to get govts to do their bidding.

October 20, 2015 9:16 pm

Nice little bunch a’ fuck-nuts ya got here stuck.

So much Hate.

Well, the Oligarchs will be pleased. Their strategy since 1913 has been ‘divide and conquer.’ Course, hate works wonders too… get’s people all worked up so’s they feel like offing ‘others’ … anyone different is fair game.

Surprising a bunch of self described ‘smart’ people can be so easily fooled…. course hate does that to ya’, makes ya dumber than a box o’ rocks.

So enjoy the little circle jerk ya got goin here. Ya know, cycles and all, things will get immeasurably better someday.. course that day could actually get here sooner rather than latter if you’d GET YOUR HEAD OUT YOUR ASS, get a breath of fresh air, and realize that THINGS change, it’s just the nature of THINGS… maybe not to your liking but who made you KING!!!

Don’t bother, I’ll show myself out.

Faux Queue
Faux Queue
October 20, 2015 9:56 pm

Really? Hate America more than a piece of shit country like China? Murderous, human embryo eating, polluting, communist scum. They’ve decoyed us right into our own destruction. China has killed more of its own people over the past century than any other. Now they want the world.

America is what we have allowed it to become. Still the most philanthropic country ever in history. Kill the military-industrial complex and its bitch government, but this land is mine and yours. Problem is America has become a land of mental midgets, thought controlled automatons who whine about the evil empire and never realize that they are the empire. Fucktards…..

October 20, 2015 10:34 pm

Faux queue, I assume you are talking about my comment. I would appreciate it if you addressed me directly. I can handle it.

Yes, we are the big satan. If you can prove me wrong, go for it chief. Because, you did not do so so in your silly rambling anti china diatribe.

Faux Queue
Faux Queue
October 21, 2015 7:15 am

Archie, there were a few other comments similar to yours relating to America as the “big satan”. You can have whatever delusional thoughts you want to, this being the America the “big satan” where you are still allowed by your state masters to have an occasional non-guided thought. My point is that it’s easy to lose perspective and overlook history and what this country has done to help countless millions escape oppression.

Do I agree with the direction of America post-Civil War and more specifically post 1913? Fuck no, but don’t forget that the rest of the world is still trying to come here. If it were the “big satan” you refer to it as, seems the flow would be the other way. Given the numbers attempting entry, maybe we should call it the big satin. Where do you live, Archie? Are you part of the “big satan”?

October 21, 2015 7:54 am

I think it is vague to just hate a country. A country is made up of people and animals. It is better to gauge a country by how you have been treated there. FRANCE and FRENCH people have treated me and others I know of horribly.

captain fuckoffityland
captain fuckoffityland
April 10, 2018 7:06 pm

i don’t fucking know. i’ll ask the natives. who hates themselves the most? wait, we got a vibe! …’Europeans’ who’ve forgot Europe is a continent and not a country. they marginally outclass Americans in self-hatred, so being surrounded by that lot of neanderthal swine would technically be worse than living in the dark anal recesses of the midwest.

honestly i’d go to australia. they speak english, i want to learn how to wrestle a kangaroo and the southern hemisphere should be a bit more habitable than the northern one after the nuclear apocalypse. plus australian women are straight up fucking gorgeous. smokin’ hot, sexy accent, they can drink like a dock worker and cuss like one too, they can fuck people up in fights and fix your shitty car with you. basically like Texas, except back before Texas inbred itself to the bottom of the IQ bell curve and the average weight tripled.

April 10, 2018 8:15 pm

I hate Sweden because they turned Malmo into Mogadishu.