US Approves 11 Billion Dollar Deal to Sell Combat Ships to Brutal Dictatorship

Guest Post by Sarah Lazare

Deal defies global call for arms embargo over mounting evidence of the Saudi dictatorship’s war crimes in Yemen.

(COMMONDREAMS) Defying the international call for an arms embargo over war crimes concerns, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) announced Tuesday it has approved an $11.25 billion deal to sell combat ships to Saudi Arabia, which has been waging a military assault against Yemen for more than six months.

“The selling of arms in the middle of a war will obviously send the message that the Saudis can do whatever they want and get away with it,” Farea Al-Muslimi, Beirut-based Yemeni writer and visiting scholar with Carnegie Middle East Center, told Common Dreams.

The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency, which is part of the DoD, announced Tuesday that is has rubber-stamped the export of four “Multi-Mission Surface Combatant (MMSC) Ships and associated equipment, parts and logistical support for an estimated cost of $11.25 billion” to Saudi Arabia.

“This proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national security goals of the United States by helping to improve the security of a strategic regional partner, which has been, and continues to be, an important force for political stability and economic progress in the Middle East,” the U.S. agency stated.

The ships will replace older naval models, also built in the United States. While the transfer is being reported as a U.S. effort to bolster Saudi Arabia’s defenses in the wake of the nuclear deal between world powers and Iran, the arms sales are part of an ongoing trend. The IHS Jane’s 360 report, released in March, found that Saudi Arabia was the “number one” defense trading partner with the United States in 2014.

U.S. Congress now has 30 days to block sale of the ships before the deal goes into effect. While both Lockheed and Austal Ltd. manufacture such vessels, the deal applies to the “Freedom” versions produced by Lockheed.

The tentative deal comes despite mounting evidence that Saudi Arabia and its coalition partners—including the United States—are responsible for widespread war crimes in Yemen.

A report released by Amnesty International earlier this month concludes: “Damning evidence of war crimes by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition, which is armed by states including the USA, highlights the urgent need for independent, effective investigation of violations in Yemen and for the suspension of transfers of certain arms.”

What’s more, the announcement came just days after the U.S. Navy admitted that Saudi-led warships are enforcing a naval blockade that is “slowing” aid to Yemen, which is facing critical shortages of food, water, and life-saving medicines.

Rooj Alwazir, a Yemeni activist and co-founder of Support Yemen Media, emphasized toCommon Dreams that the Saudi coalition has already bombed hospitals, schools, homes, and factories, in a conflict that has killed 5,000 people, including 500 children, according to United Nations estimates.

“If what we’ve been seeing in Yemen is any proof,” said Alwazir, “Obama’s ‘democracy’ gift will only enable Saudi Arabia to intensify its illegal war and its heart-wrenching atrocities against the people of Yemen.”

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October 25, 2015 1:37 pm

Take a look at the list of contributors (writers) to “Common Dreams”. Don’t hold your breath waiting for a condemnation of US arms sales to Israel. The endless propaganda/social engineering bombardment continues and the gormless gobble it up.

Eric Alterman
Noam Chomsky
Alexander Cockburn
Jeff Cohen
Juan Cole
Joe Conason
David Corn
Linh Dinh
Tom Hayden
Bob Herbert
Arianna Huffington
Jesse Jackson
Kathy Kelly
Naomi Klein
Paul Krugman
Michael Lerner
Michael Moore
Molly Ivins
Harold Pinter
Amy Goodman
Robert Fisk
Ralph Nader
Ted Rall
Robert Reich
Frank Rich
Arundhati Roy
Bernie Sanders
Robert Scheer
Cindy Sheehan [8]
Katrina vanden Heuvel
Howard Zinn

October 25, 2015 3:13 pm

Eleven billion Obongo-bucks means …………… JOBS fer ‘Murikans!

Fucken POS worthless Saudi scum probably don’t even have enough qualified citizenry to run the ships. You know what they call one US Marine against a Saudi brigade? An unfair advantage for the Marine.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 25, 2015 3:22 pm

Obongo bucks will die a silent death like the $2 bills and the Sacajawea dollar coin.

October 25, 2015 3:52 pm

“… according to United Nations estimates”.

What a sick, twisted joke! And this is after the so-called “united nations” (more like disunited nations) ratified by vote, the Chairmanship of the Human Rights Commission for the Saudi’s!

Imagine that! One of the worlds worst counties for human rights violations, gets to head a UN council looking out for and “protecting” human rights! The UN has been and is nothing more, than a western ass kissing machine of the global corporate fascist pigs.

But I’m sure the presstitutes in the controlled MSM will paint a propagandized picture of the Saudi navy with their new American made boats, conducting swimming lessons for the poor and downtrodden!

October 25, 2015 10:05 pm

Saudi Arabia is 100% muslim and Yemen is 98% muslim ( shia vs sunnis wahabiists-who gives a rats ass). What we need to do is ALSO sell 11 billion dollars in arms to the Yemenis

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
October 25, 2015 10:11 pm

Target practice for China and/or Russia should “things get out of hand”?? 😀

Hope Raytheon et al fit them with the very latest tech, so Russia / China have an ELINT bonanza too! (Not that China does not already have a comprehensive knowledge of current DOD systems specifications, possibly courtesy of overses “friendly Nations” in the Middle East??)

October 26, 2015 9:50 am

javelin, muzzies killing muzzies is not a bad thing. It should be encouraged at every opportunity.