“Time Running Out For Pax Americana”


I just recently found the above web site.  Liked it so much that I added it to my “Daily” news folder.  Great writing. Check it out.  (Sensetti will hate it because it has a pro-Russian slant.)

Time Is Running Out For Pax Americana’s Apologists


Here’s an article titled — “Time is running out for Pax Americana apologists.”  I’ll only copy the first and last two paragraphs.


“The paradox of the current global crisis is that for the last five years, all relatively responsible and independent nations have made tremendous efforts to save the United States from the financial, economic, military, and political disaster that looms ahead. And this is all despite Washington’s equally systematic moves to destabilize the world order, rightly known as the Pax Americana.

But the US needs to think fast. Their resources are shrinking much faster than the authors of the plan for imperial preservation had expected. To their loss of control over the BRICS countries can be added the incipient, but still fairly rapid loss of control over EU policy as well as the onset of geopolitical maneuvering among the monarchies of the Middle East. The financial and economic entities created and set in motion by the BRICS nations are developing in accordance with their own logic, and Moscow and Beijing are not able to delay their development overlong while waiting for the US to suddenly discover a capacity to negotiate.

The point of no return will pass once and for all sometime in 2016, and America’s elite will no longer be able to choose between the provisions of compromise and collapse. The only thing that they will then be able to do is to slam the door loudly, trying to drag the rest of the world after them into the abyss.”

rest here —>  http://orientalreview.org/2015/11/11/time-is-running-out-for-pax-americanas-apologists/


You might also want to check out the article about Putin, oil, and gold. I would have titled it “Amerika is fucked.”

” … the United States is in Putin’s trap, the way out of which no one in the West can see or find. And the more the West is trying to escape from this trap, the more stuck it becomes …”

And now Putin sells Russian energy resources in exchange for these US dollars, artificially propped by the efforts of the West. With which he immediately buys gold, artificially devalued against the U.S. dollar by the efforts of the West itself!

rest here —-> http://orientalreview.org/2014/12/25/grandmaster-putins-trap/

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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November 13, 2015 12:59 pm

Great articles, Stuck. So now the doom date is sometime in 2016? I guess it’s getting too late in 2015 for anything doomwise to occur. Jesus, this is goddamn frustrating. It just goes on and on.

You know what we might hear as the ultimate doom in 2016? “Congratulations, Madam President”.

November 13, 2015 1:05 pm

Very interesting, I have a new bookmark, thank you.

This blog, written by a retired senior Indian diplomat often provides high level insights to the international stage


November 13, 2015 1:06 pm

Good find! Thanks! Added it myself.

A different perspective on Syria is also worth reading: http://orientalreview.org/2015/11/08/syria-why-the-west-meddling-into-a-3000-years-old-realm-has-failed/

One of the reasons people may be asking “What are they doing here” whether “here” is the USA or Europe or other places to which they’ve migrated can be answered by answering the question “What are we doing there?” These people had little interest in leaving until the neo-cons decided to kill two birds with one stone: rearrange the Middle East and wreck American and European societies with the fallout of migrants and refugees from societies and cultures with precious little in common with those of the West. The majority of Muslim migrants are pawns in someone else’s chess game, just as are the Christians there and elsewhere.

The meter is indeed running on “Pax America” but the fines will be paid by we little people, not those who have put us into the red.

November 13, 2015 2:46 pm

Hey Stuck, I found a website the other day that I bookmarked just for you.


It’s gonna take me months to get through it. I loved the one from the Japanese banker writing to congratulate Moseler Safe for building a vault so secure that it survived the atomic bomb with all contents safe and intact.

November 13, 2015 3:29 pm

Article-“With which he immediately buys gold, artificially devalued against the U.S. dollar by the efforts of the West itself!”
Some analysts hypothesize China has been manipulating the price lower to add on the cheap to their holdings, not the West which is being drained of all holdings. Proof of either is elusive.
Further in the above quote the author states- “With which he immediately buys gold” the use of ‘he’ as in Putin is buying the Gold for Russia strikes me as either absurd or dangerous, or absurdly dangerous.
I sure hope his cock isn’t covered in herpes, if it is, you might want to get it out of your mouth.

Sorry, I just had to thrown in some Friday humor, tasteless and vile, I know, I’m ashamed.

November 13, 2015 3:32 pm

Truly, I_S, you have shown us all an incomparable time waster. I checked out this one from Ken Kesey adressed to five close friends of his late son. If your eyes are dry after reading this you are dead inside.

One icy morning in January of 1984, as the University of Oregon’s wrestling team headed to their next tournament in Pullman, Washington, the driver of the bus on which they were travelling lost control of the vehicle on a mountain road and could do nothing to stop it tumbling through the guardrail and over a 300-ft cliff. One boy, Lorenzo West, was killed on impact; another, 20-year-old Jed Kesey, was left brain dead. He passed away within days.

Shortly after Jed’s funeral at his family’s farm, his dad, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest author Ken Kesey, wrote the following letter to five of his closest friends

(Source: CoEvolution Quarterly; Image: Ken Kesey, via.)

Dear Wendell and Larry and Ed and Bob and Gurney:

Partners, it’s been a bitch.

I’ve got to write and tell somebody about some stuff and, like I long ago told Larry, you’re the best backboard I know. So indulge me a little; I am but hurt.

We built the box ourselves (George Walker, mainly) and Zane and Jed’s friends and frat brothers dug the hole in a nice spot between the chicken house and the pond. Page found the stone and designed the etching. You would have been proud, Wendell, especially of the box — clear pine pegged together and trimmed with redwood. The handles of thick hemp rope. And you, Ed, would have appreciated the lining. It was a piece of Tibetan brocade given Mountain Girl by Owsley 15 years ago, gilt and silver and russet phoenixbird patterns, unfurling in flames. And last month, Bob, Zane was goose hunting in the field across the road and killed a snow goose. I told him be sure to save the down. Susan Butkovitch covered this in white silk for the pillow while Faye and MG and Gretch and Candace stitched and stapled the brocade into the box.

It was a double-pretty day, like winter holding its breath, giving us a break. About 300 people stood around and sung from the little hymnbooks that Diane Kesey had Xeroxed — “Everlasting Arms,” “Sweet Hour of Prayer,” “In the Garden” and so forth. With all my cousins leading the singing and Dale on his fiddle. While we were singing “Blue Eyes Crying in the Rain,” Zane and Kit and the neighbor boys that have grown up with all of us carried the box to the hole. The preacher is also the Pleasant Hill School superintendent and has known our kids since kindergarten. I learned a lot about Jed that I’d either forgotten or never known — like his being a member of the National Honor Society and finishing sixth in a class of more than a hundred.

We sung some more. People filed by and dropped stuff in on Jed. I put in that silver whistle I used to wear with the Hopi cross soldered on it. One of our frat brothers put in a quartz watch guaranteed to keep beeping every 15 minutes for five years. Faye put in a snapshot of her and I standing with a pitchfork all Grantwoodesque in front of the old bus. Paul Foster put in the little leatherbound New Testament given him by his father who had carried it during his 65 years as a minister. Paul Sawyer read from Leaves of Grass while the boys each hammered in the one nail they had remembered to put in their pockets. The Betas formed a circle and passed the loving cup around (a ritual our fraternity generally uses when a member is leaving the circle to become engaged) (Jed and Zane and I are all members, y’unnerstand, not to mention Hagen) and the boys lowered the box with these ropes George had cut and braided. Zane and I tossed in the first shovelfuls. It sounded like the first thunderclaps of Revelations…

But it’s an earlier scene I want to describe for you all, as writers and friends and fathers…up at the hospital, in cold grey Spokane:

He’d finally started moving a little. Zane and I had been carrying plastic bags of snow to pack his head in trying to stop the swelling that all the doctors told us would follow as blood poured to the bruised brain. And we noticed some reaction to the cold. And the snow I brushed across his lips to ease the bloody parch where all the tubes ran in caused him to roll his arms a little. Then more. Then too much, with the little monitor lights bleeping faster and faster, and I ran to the phone to call the motel where I had just sent most of the family for some rest.

“You guys better get back over here! He’s either going or coming.”

Everybody was there in less than five minutes — Chuck and Sue, Kit and Zane, Shan and her fiance Jay, Jay’s dad Irby, Sheryl and her husband Bill, my mom, Faye…my whole family except for my dead daddy and Grandma Smith down with age and Alzheimer’s. Jed’s leg was shaking with the force of his heartbeat. Kit and Zane tried to hold it. He was starting to go into seizures, like the neurosurgeon had predicted.

Up till this time everybody had been exhorting him to “Hang on, Old Timer. Stick it out. This thing can’t pin you. You’re too tough, too brave. Sure it hurts but you can pull through it. Just grit your teeth and hang on.” Now we could see him trying, fighting. We could see it in his clenching fists, his threshing legs. And then aw Jesus we saw it in his face. The peacefully swollen unconscious blank suddenly was filled with expression. He came back in. He checked it out, and he saw better than we could begin to imagine how terribly hurt he was. His poor face grimaced with pain. His purple brow knitted and his teeth actually did try to clench on the tubes.

And then, O my old buddies, he cried. The doctors had already told us in every gentle way they could that he was brain dead, gone for good, but we all saw it…the quick flickerback of consciousness, the awful hurt being realized, the tears saying “I don’t think I can do ‘er this time, Dad. I’m sorry, I truly am…”

And everybody said, “It’s okay, ol’ Jedderdink. You know better than we do. Breathe easy. Go on ahead. We’ll catch you later down the line.”

His threshing stopped. His face went blank again. I thought of Old Jack, Wendell, ungripping his hands, letting his fields finally go.

The phone rang in the nurses’ quarters. It was the doctor, for me. He had just appraised all the latest readouts on the monitors. “Your son is essentially dead, Mr. Kesey. I’m very sorry.”

And the sorrow rung absolutely honest. I said something. Zane picked up the extension and we watched each other while the voice explained the phenomena. We said we saw it also, and were not surprised. Thank you…

Then the doctor asked a strange thing. He wanted to know what kind of kid Jed was. Zane and I both demanded what he meant. He said he was wondering how Jed would have felt about being an organ donor. Our hearts both jumped.

“He would love it! Jed’s always been as generous as they come. Take whatever you can use!”

The doctor waited for our elation to ease down, then told us that to take the kidneys they had to take them before the life support was turned off. Did we understand? After a while we told him we did.

So Faye and I had to sign five copies apiece, on a cold formica countertop, while the machine pumped out the little “beep…beep…beep…” in the dim tangle of technology behind us. In all my life, waking and dreaming, I’ve never imagined anything harder.

Everybody went in and told him goodbye, kissed his broken nose, shook his hand, squeezed his big old hairy foot…headed down the corridor. Somebody said it might be a good idea to get a scrip for some kind of downers. We’d all been up for about 40 hours, either in the chapel praying like maniacs, or at his bedside talking to him. We didn’t know if we could sleep.

Chuck and I walked back to the intensive care ward to ask. All the doctors were there, bent over a long list, phoning numbers, matching blood types, ordering nurses…in such a hurry they hardly had time to offer sympathy. Busy, and justly so. But the nurses, the nurses bent over their clipboards, could barely see to fill out the forms.

They phoned the hotel about an hour later to tell us it was over, and that the kidneys were in perfect shape. That was about four in the morning. They phoned again a little after six to say that the kidneys were already in two young somebodies.

What a world.

We’ve heard since that they used twelve things out of him, including corneas. And the redwinged blackbirds sing in the budding greengage plumtree.

With love,


P.S. When Jed’s wallet was finally sorted out of the debris and confusion of the wreck it was discovered that he had already provided for such a situation. He had signed the place on his driver’s license indicating that he wanted to be an organ donor in the event of etc., etc. One man gathers what another man spills.

November 13, 2015 3:33 pm

Stucky says:
“I_S DAMN YOU TO HELL!!!! I already have ten thousand ways to waste my fuckin’ time!!”

I knew you’d like it!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 13, 2015 4:47 pm

Living in Canada in 2015/16 with Russia on one border and the US on the other feels a lot like being in Poland circa 1938. And for the same reasons.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 13, 2015 4:51 pm

Not sure whether I should start perfecting my “Y’all” or brush up on my Russian… looks like I got about a year to sort it out eh?

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
November 13, 2015 5:32 pm

Francis Marion – Russian. Easiest way to learn is simple repetition of audio tapes. Don’t worry about the grammar (can be complex), since most “real” Russians are not so great where grammar is concerned (visit the Far Eastern provinces and you’ll see what I mean – even my very poor Russian is better than theirs 🙂 )

Have fun!!

November 13, 2015 5:38 pm

Stucky, hello

Their Goal: The neoconservative agenda

Established in the spring of 1997 and funded largely by the energy and arms industries, the Project for the New American Century was founded as the neoconservative think tank whose stated goal was to usher in a “new American century”. Having won the cold war and no military threat to speak of, this group of ideologues created a blueprint for the future whose agenda was to capitalize upon our surplus of military forces and funds and forcing American hegemony and corporate privatization throughout the world. In their statement of principles they outline a fourfold agenda:

1) Increase an already enormous military budget at the expense of domestic social programs

Must see video: best documentary I’ve seen to date exposing the PNAC
Click here to see an interview with the creator
Click here for free preview (.ram format)
2) Toppling of regimes resistant to our corporate interests
3) Forcing democracy at the barrel of a gun in regions that have no history of the democratic process
4) Replacing the UN’s role of preserving and extending international order

(This all can be read in their own words at http://www.newamericancentury.org)

November 13, 2015 5:42 pm
November 13, 2015 5:55 pm

Stuck- Yes, my picture is there, but I am smiling, dumbfukasshole, has distinct advantages promoting low information happiness.
In all seriousness thank you for the Putin posts recently, they have been informative and worth reading. Still,fuck him, he is ultimately just another asshole, yeah he is standing up to bigger asshole’s, but I aint sold he is standing up for anything other than himself(and handlers).
Rootin for Putin, seems rather like, meet the new boss, same (or worse) as the old boss. Also, I can almost hear the kabuki theater band piping up, building the crescendo for the next scene: Evil West, taken down by, the Glorious East.
Thank god(choice) I was born here, I would have been a sweatshop bitch in China, or hand my mouth shut in Russia.

November 13, 2015 11:22 pm

DRUD says:
“Truly, I_S, you have shown us all an incomparable time waster.”

That is a great site to waste on hour on! That Ken Kesey letter was great.