Authoritarian Leftist “Activists” Demand The End Of Free Speech, Extensive Re-Education

Submitted by Alex Thomas bia,

Hard left authoritarians at Amherst College have issued a series of demands, under the threat of civil disobedience, that include the complete end of free speech on campus as well as extensive re-education for offenders.

The demands, issued in support of the so-called uprising at the University of Missouri, read like a literal fascist manifesto and are conclusive proof that the mainstream media supported protests at multiple colleges over the last few weeks are not about racial equality but rather are about totally and completely shutting down the speech of anyone who disagrees with the opinions of the protesters.

The fact that the group is attempting to get the President of a major university to sign off on re-education classes and punishment for anyone who speaks about free speech or says all lives matter is a startling reminder of the extreme authoritarianism that runs through the veins of the college hard left.

Here are the demands. Take note of the outright fascism.

We, Students of Amherst College, refuse to accept the negative social climate created towards our peers of color and other marginalized groups. We have begun this movement, Amherst Uprising, in an effort to change the status quo for a more just and inclusive environment within our campus. We demand that Amherst become a leader in the fight to promote a better social climate towards individuals who have been systematically oppressed. Student leaders acknowledge and support the demands previously stated and currently being presented. Furthermore, we demand the College acknowledge its ethical and moral responsibilities as an institution and community of our world. Amherst College should not be complicit in oppressive organizations and systems, no less.


We as a compassionate student body have gathered to address the legacy of oppression on campus. If these goals are not initiated within the next 24 to 48 hours, and completed by November 18th, we will organize and respond in a radical manner, through civil disobedience. If there is a continued failure to meet our demands, it will result in an escalation of our response.

1.    President Martin must issue a statement of apology to students, alumni and former students, faculty, administration and staff who have been victims of several injustices including but not limited to our institutional legacy of white supremacy, colonialism, anti-black racism, anti-Latinx racism, anti-Native American racism, anti-Native/ indigenous racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Middle Eastern racism, heterosexism, cis-sexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, mental health stigma, and classism. Also include that marginalized communities and their allies should feel safe at Amherst College.


2.    We demand Cullen Murphy ‘74, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, to issue a statement of apology to students, alumni and former students, faculty, administration, and staff who have been victims of several injustices including but not limited to our institutional legacy of white supremacy, colonialism, anti-black racism, anti-Latinx racism, anti-Native American racism, anti-Native/ indigenous racism, anti-Asian racism, anti-Middle Eastern racism, heterosexism, cis-sexism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, ableism, mental health stigma, and classism


3.     Amherst College Police Department must issue a statement of protection and defense from any form of violence, threats, or retaliation of any kind resulting from this movement.


4.   President Martin must issue a statement of apology to faculty, staff and administrators of color as well as their allies, neither of whom were provided a safe space for them to thrive while at Amherst College.


5.    President Martin must issue a statement to the Amherst College community at large that states we do not tolerate the actions of student(s) who posted the “All Lives Matter” posters, and the “Free Speech” posters that stated that “in memoriam of the true victim of the Missouri Protests: Free Speech.” Also let the student body know that it was racially insensitive to the students of color on our college campus and beyond who are victim to racial harassment and death threats; alert them that Student Affairs may require them to go through the Disciplinary Process if a formal complaint is filed, and that they will be required to attend extensive training for racial and cultural competency.


6.     President Martin must issue a statement of support for the revision of the Honor Code to reflect a zero-tolerance policy for racial insensitivity and hate speech.


7.     President Martin must release a statement by Friday, November 13th, 2015 by 5:00pm that condemns the inherent racist nature of the unofficial mascot, the Lord Jeff, and circulate it to the student body, faculty, alumni, and Board of Trustees. This will be followed up by the encouraged removal of all imagery including but not limited to apparel, memorabilia, facilities, etc. for Amherst College and all of its affiliates via a phasing out process within the next year.


8.     Dean Epstein must ask faculty to excuse all students from all 5 College classes, work shifts, and assignments from November 12th, 2015 to November 13th, 2015 given their organization of and attendance at the Sit-In.


9.     Do not threaten the jobs of the faculty, staff, or administrators that support our list of demands. Such threats will result in an escalation of our response.


10.   The Office of Alumni and Parent Programs must send former students an email of current events on campus including a statement that Amherst College does not condone any racist or culturally insensitive reactions to this information.


11.   Dean Epstein must encourage faculty to provide a space for students to discuss this week’s events during class time.


Please acknowledge that all of these statements of apology are not the end all – that they are only a part of short-term healing and by no means achieve all of the goals we will set forth. We are in the process of finalizing long-term goals which we hope to collaborate on regularly with all members of the community.

While most of the demands are ludicrous in their own right, demand number five literally calls for punishing students who want all lives to matter and who displayed this horrific flyer on campus.

free speech flyer

There you have it. The demands of the “Amherst Uprising” include literally disciplining and then reeducating students for speaking out in support of free speech.

There is simply no middle ground here. You are either an outright fascist who wants to institute a kind of leftist thought police on college campuses or you are fighting against this.

Leftist news outlets such as Salon have spent the last week publishing article after article about how the student protests are not about censorship, claims that we now know to be transparent lies. Any organization or person that gets behind these demands must be exposed. This is not the time to play nice.

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November 17, 2015 6:58 am


November 17, 2015 7:21 am

To: Members of Amherst Uprising

After my morning dump, each of you will be required to spread my cheeks and use your tongue to clean my backside.

November 17, 2015 7:33 am


No, seriously!………..BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

If I was a serious student at any of these colleges today I’d be demanding a fucking refund!

This is what happens when you give every little cherub with a pulse a trophy. If you think this is bad just wait until those gifted with a common core ejoomukayshun gadgyate and go to kolledge! These fuknuts are going to look like geniuses by comparison.

I hope that bat virus I read about yesterday takes out the human race for Christmas!

rob in Nova Scotia
rob in Nova Scotia
November 17, 2015 7:37 am

Put well Kokoda.

Anyways not sure when this PC crusade will jump the shark. I keep telling myself that this (insert latest insanity) will trigger the backlash. I just wonder what these snowflakes would do if they had to troll this website as some sort of social exercise. Fuck they would be triggered as soon as they opened the webpage. I myself can’t understand why being offended is so scary. These little cretins are acting like the shock troops from Mao’s cultural revolution. Sooner or later the silent majority is going to have to stand up and call bullshit. But in the meantime I like the solution you propose.

November 17, 2015 7:38 am

It’s amusing watching these leftists progressives eat each other. They can get away with such stupid shit within the security of a college campus but not so much in the real world. I never see any black lives matters groups at truck stops .

November 17, 2015 7:49 am

Just wait till these little ingrates start voting in large groups. They’ll vote to abolish the 2nd Amendment, if not the entire constitution in a heart beat. Hide and watch! Maybe the real world induced suicides will keep their numbers in check.

January 16, 2023 3:56 am

I strongly suspect at some point in the future, this sort of massive change will come to fruition. The idiots have no clue what they are doing. Read Mark Bauerlein’s book, “The Dumbest Generation Grows Up, From Stupefied Youth to Dangerous Adults.” He addresses the stupidity that enables crap like this to happen in the first place. Hint: most of it should lie at the foot of educators.

If they turn the United States into a third world hell hole, so be it. They will totally deserve what they brought forth for themselves and their children. I will have been pushing up daisies for years by then.

November 17, 2015 7:50 am

I’m not going to mock or scoff at these ‘tards…

Anyone remember China in 1966? Russia in 1917?


The “cultural revolution” in China in 1966 started in the Universities the exact same way. The revolution in Russia in 1917 also started in the Universities.

And both times, the agitating fucktards were mocked, sneered at and then blown off… and those agitating fucktards went on to become the original Red Guard – responsible for the deaths of millions, the suffering of multiples of millions more…

I’m not going to bother mocking or sneering at these pasty-faced ass clowns…

They want to be taken seriously? Okay… I’ll take them seriously. And I know how shit turned out last time their ideological predecessors started acting the fool…

Good luck with your “uprising” dickheads…

November 17, 2015 7:54 am

Ok. Not only is alot of their college level gramar fucked up, but they are also insane. If you want a real peak down the rabbit hole, in ‘everyday feminism’ magazine read ‘three examples of everyday cis sexism’. I wound up there looking for a definition of cissexism, per that crazy ass list of demands. You must read this to know what level of insanity you are up against. Its some serious twilight zone shit. Admin should link to it. This kind of stuff is not what normal people are exposed to. I didnt even know these words, opinions, definitions of sexuality existed, completely ignoring dna and the actual order of reality. And its coming your way across the nation out of all colleges. Unreasonable crazy is going to be the norm in short order.

November 17, 2015 8:02 am


Dude (assuming you’re a dude) these fuckers are dangerous…

They’re ideological zealots, they’re organized and they’re batshit crazy.

The only advice I can offer is buy it by the crate, stack it high and deep…

January 16, 2023 4:00 am

Very. . they honestly believe they are the “Smartest, brightest and most tolerant generation.” They have no grounding in history, nor literature. They will make the Iranian Revolutionary Guard look like a bunch of First amendment agitators. What they are is the MOST INTOLERANT GENERATION in history. They are arrogant and do not even know what they don’t know.

November 17, 2015 8:11 am

From the Asshurt College webite; (emphasis mine)

“Amherst College is one of the nation’s premier private, national liberal arts and sciences colleges. The student body of 1,650 includes students from 50 states and 30 countries – 30% ARE STUDENTS OF COLOR, 46% receive need-based aid, and 5% are non-U.S. citizens. Two distinctive features of an Amherst education are its “open curriculum” (NO CORE OR DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENTS) and its membership in a five-college consortium of nearby schools (providing students with the resources of a much larger institution).”

Notable comments:

1) 30% niggers.

2) You can take any fuckin shitfuk courses you want like, “Creative Writing 101 for Butthurt Kneegrows” …. and get a “degree”.

3) Therefore, 99.9% of Asshurt College “grads” are functionally retarded and not worthy of hire.

4) I hope there’s an App for Human Resources personnel whereby every Asshurt College resume is immediately sent to the delete bin and electronically shredded forever.

5) Please support Asshurt College by sending them your used condoms.
[imgcomment image[/img]

November 17, 2015 8:24 am


Dangerous indeed. Did you read that insanity I mentioned? Its so wrong headed and that is what the liberals who run the education system will be teaching.

And dude genetically, though I identify as a male ten years younger, 80 pounds lighter, who is significantly stronger, with great sexual prowess and success with the ladies, who are genetically ladies of course.

November 17, 2015 8:44 am

” We demand that Amherst become a leader in the fight to promote a better social climate towards individuals who have been systematically oppressed.”

I am going to guess that Christians and Constitutionalists aren’t apart of this group.

November 17, 2015 9:01 am

These people aren’t going to like the world they will create if they are successful at it.

But it won’t do any good to point that out before the fact and after the fact won’t make any difference anyway so don’t waste your time.

A teaching a pig to sing sort of thing.

November 17, 2015 9:28 am

So what did Eric Holder demand at his armed takeover of ROTC building when he identified with Panthers and was sporting an afro?The press is silent about the details.Because all charges were dropped,and the degenerate is now Att Gen,my guess is he is a CIA recruit.Notice same degenerate type pattern with Obama?Michelle O, look at her parents same as Obama.Mother prostitute……

November 17, 2015 9:29 am

Sorry to say, we are at the point where it is either us or them! I know where I stand, and we all better stand soon!

November 17, 2015 10:06 am

I think Stucky nails it,

these kids know they do not have a job waiting for them when they graduate, because nobody hires a liberal arts major for their degree, they get hired to paint houses or bag groceries.

They will never pay off their loans, and they will never work in their fields of study.

I think these folks will have no problems at all navigating through the paperwork needed to join the Free Shit Army.

Victims of their own minds.

November 17, 2015 11:04 am

This “movement” of forestalling free speech is hysterical.
I mean super funny. The demands and threats are ridiculous.
Do we have to fear a Mao style “cultural revolution?”
Not too likely. These people will bury themselves in
their own BS.

“I hope that bat virus I read about yesterday takes out the human race for Christmas!”
No, no, no IndenturedServant…not the human race…select members of race.

November 17, 2015 11:13 am

Hey, kids – there’s a ‘safe space’ for you up against that wall; yes, right over there. Want a smoke? Oh, forgot – none of you ‘special’ people smoke. And don’t mind the clicking sounds, those things aren’t real, they’re just props; you’re in a gun-free zone, after all.

I’d offer blindfolds, but I know they can’t see a damned thing anyway.

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
November 17, 2015 11:16 am

Let them protest and simply expel each one for not going to class or being violent in any way towards the real students, or cease to exist as a “college”.

November 17, 2015 11:31 am

One could rationally argue that these wet behind the ears neo-fascists pose a greater threat domestically to the freedom and liberties afforded to Americans by the Constitution (and the Bill of Rights) than does radical Islam.

Sadly, University and college administrations have so far not stood up to these social justice goose-steppers. In fact, they seem to condone and champion the efforts of the wannabe, politically correct, bullies that desire to stifle the free speech of those that are not in agreement with them.

At least radical Islam can be ferreted out and dealt with through whatever means necessary. Radical Islam, though not without its supporters, is not likely to find as much support in a predominately Christian nation. The social justice bullies, through excessive liberal media attention and their liberal social media, have the ability to metastasize throughout the body politic in a quicker, and more aggressive manner. Their bullying, stigmatizing and shouting down of those who they consider their enemies is simply tolerated and acquiesced to, thereby validating and perpetuating their behavior as mainstream and even righteous.

These immature children at Amherst should be denied of their demands, and any ensuing civil disobedience should be penalized as is appropriate. Expulsion for non-violent civil disobedience and legal enforcement for those initiating violence or property destruction would seem to be appropriate consequences for these diaper dummies.

November 17, 2015 12:13 pm

This would be a great tool for judging whether someone should be deported.

November 17, 2015 12:55 pm


I agree that this should not be taken lightly. Maoists are very very dangerous. You can not reason with a Maoist because their beliefs do not originate in reason.

I, for one, understand why they are angry. After all, they are the very last to enter the ponzi scheme and they are the ones left holding the bag. They are nearly illiterate, up to their eyeballs in debt and are entering an economy that has no place for them whatsoever. Their prospects for a job, marriage, family – the American Dream, are slipping away over the horizon.

All they can do now is lash out in anger and demand that someone – anyone pay their way and give them everything that they want.

There is no way other than the fist to fight this. We can’t argue with these people because you can not argue with an idiot.

Now comes the trial by fire.

November 17, 2015 5:17 pm

Billy’s probably not far off. A certain segment of hippies wanted to change the world in the 60’s and the smarter among them realized that the key to that goal was to become the establishment they hated. They became lawyers, doctors and bankers. You can see how that worked out for the sheople.

We’ll see if the current crop of crybabies is smart enough to do the same. Somehow I doubt that they are. Even if they are, a world war and a civil war (just for good measure) will likely thwart their plans.

November 17, 2015 6:21 pm

Whiney little jerks who have never contributed anything to society and who are destined for government or academia at best and so will never actually contribute to society, yet demanding respect and to be able to silence those who have been and will continue to enable them to live. Also how many are on aid for being some victim group.

November 17, 2015 6:33 pm

I spent the weekend at llpoh’s alma mater, Dartmouth. Charming town and very nice people. Pristine campus. Apparently, there was a black lives matter protest, dust up, there at some point. I did not see it. Here’s what I did see.

I was under the impression that Dartmouth had succeeded in evading the insane cultural Marxism, hate whitey bullshit, that has infected the humanities for decades. And that you could still receive a decent liberal arts education there. Having toured the campus and library, and nosed around a bit, I am not so sure about the latter and have reversed my view on the former. In the library, there were various student “projects” on display, all about white male privilege and date rape or whatever. I almost puked.

I’ll be polite here but there seemed to be a distinct lack of testosterone on campus. Instead of seeing Bluto, I saw pajama boy. Everywhere. I saw race mixing (mostly Asian-white), open lesbianism, lots of faggots parading about, an abundance of middle aged and old white liberal hags basking in their self-righteousness. One old hag was annoyed at my smoking. I glared at her and blew smoke in her direction as I walked past without saying a word. You should have seen her face. Priceless. I saw a couple of kneegrows down at the gym, which was absurdly impressive. Dartmouth is loaded beyond belief. They were obviously football players. I am told that Dartmouth does not recruit athletes who cannot cut the academic mustard. I now have doubts about that.

My irish buddy, who was recently hired there as a coach, hates it there. I can see why. Beneath or behind the idyllic scenery, and almost Hollywood-like production set perfection that is hanover New Hampshire, I sensed a fakery of sorts. Don’t know how else to put it except to say that wherever liberalism, which is just Marxism in guise, reigns, you have phoniness. Put less politely, you have a sham, a steaming crock of horse shit. Everyone holds there nose and pretends otherwise.

As I was checking out, I made idle chitchat with the hotel clerk, which is a habit of mine. We were talking about how nice it is in New England, that she has a dream of moving to maine, blah blah. We laughed a bit. I talked about one of my canoe trips up north and how beautiful it is there. She giggled again. Then I said that it was my wish that we should secede from the union. Her face sagged in horror. I smiled and walked out the door. That’s also one of my habits, upsetting people.

I bookended my visit by staying in Portland. I have a few stories but will keep them under my hat for now.

Finally, I make a plea to llpoh. Do not under any circumstances give Dartmouth one fucking cent of your money. But I am sure llpoh is wise enough not to have done so.