World War III & a Pipeline


To understand what is really Behind the Curtain regarding the Middle East, ISIS, Turkey, and the USA strategic attempt to reduce Russia’s control over energy to Europe, we must start back in 2009 when Qatar proposed a pipeline plan to Assad to send its natural gas to Europe via Saudi Arabia, Syria and Jordan. Assad refused it and this has been the entire pretend reason why the Obama Administration wanted to invade Syria. The reason for the refusal was to protect the interests of Assad’s long-time ally, Russia, which is Europe’s biggest natural gas supplier based upon all the data.

It was just one year after Qatar’s proposal, that Assad began negotiations for another pipeline plan with Iran, which would carry Iranian gas to Europe across Iraq and Syria. Russia endorsed this project since it would clearly have more control over gas flow rather that the US linked Qatar. This agreement would strategically place control of the gas flow to Europe in Russia’s hands. Consequently, the Iranian pipeline became a priority for Russia. Since Damascus and Moscow working together to block the Qatar pipeline and create the alternative Iranian pipeline, this created the seeds for World War III.

Clearly, Obama has targeted Russia from the outset. There was a meeting between Obama and Putin at the United Nations where Putin tried to get Obama on side with Syria against ISIS. Obama rejected the proposal. So when Russian forces entered Syria on the ECM Turning point to the day, this was a ominous event. Russia was not only backing the Assad regime, it was also backing the Iranian pipeline.

Russia’s economy is mostly based on its energy exports. Putin occasionally threaten European countries with cutting off the energy supply and this has been the potential that has set in motion all this chaos. While Russia has the largest gas reserves in the world, the second is actually Iran. Even Turkey is also importing some of its energy from Russia, and some from Iran. It has been buying oil at a discount from ISIS.

Therefore, with the construction of the Iranian pipeline via Iraq and Syria is completed, Europe’s dependence on Russia would continue. This was also why Obama was lifting sanction on Iran in an effort to break that alliance. Obama has been attempting to isolate Russia to prevent its control of the main energy market into Europe. This is why Russia is backing Syria, Iran and Iraq as well. Russia’s presence in Syria is aimed obviously at something more than merely supporting Assad. Russia is acting within its economic self-interest to maintain controlling its energy pipelines which also went through Ukraine. You have to understand what is going on behind the curtain to grasp the seriousness developing in Syria.

The USA is way out of line. This attack on Syria is benefiting ISIS and then Turkey is buying cheap oil from ISIS funding the very rise of terrorism. The French journalist Nicolas Hénin who was a hostage of ISIS, has come out and stated that bombing Syria is benefiting ISIS. On this count, Putin is absolutely correct and the military policies of the Obama Administration are without any coherent objectives since removing Assad will hand Syria to ISIS.

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December 4, 2015 1:59 pm

Straight up, what else do you need to know. Any other storyline is BS pure and simple.

December 4, 2015 3:12 pm

…. the military policies of the Obama Administration are without any coherent objectives since removing Assad will hand Syria to ISIS.

This is exactly what is desired. ISIS = Saudi Arabian puppets.

December 4, 2015 3:21 pm

Good report but that’s just a footnote about geo-economic power and oil profits on one page of their Plan. Remember 1) Albert Pike’s prophecy about WW’s I, II, III; and 2) the NEOCON’s PNAC (ref Youtube “US will Attack 7 countries In 5 years by Wesley Clark US 4 Star General”); both plans seem to still be on track. Then there is the Revelation prophecy about the Rider on the Red Horse, the Battle of Armageddon, and the Muslim prophecy about The Black Mahdi. Powerful countries are lining for WWIII for numerous reasons that go beyond the Southern Pipeline.

December 4, 2015 6:11 pm

@RHS: Mostly have to agree; question is, why does Oblunder agree with the PNAC neocon plan? As I’ve stated in the past, IMO Cheney is still running the show along with Wolfowitz and the pac-o-jackals.

December 4, 2015 8:10 pm

Westy, obongo goes right along with the neocon plan, because the carrot he see’s dangling in front of him is the clinton life, once he is out of office. Same reason he would fuck his party and sign TPP. It’s the chicago way

December 4, 2015 8:32 pm

Westcoaster: I sure don’t know but I think BHO’s motivation is very contrary to the NEOCONs (but he doesn’t want to be JFK’d). He is fulfilling a roll as The Black Muslim POTUS and is doing his warmongering cloward-piven job well (pleasing TPTB divide and conquer warmongers and destroying traditional America). I’ve often heard that TPTB Elite (evidently Satanist Illuminati Zionist Rothchilds et all) are pay and power masters that control two opposing factions (sort of Nazis vs Communist) which take turns as POTUS; it’s the Hegelian Dialectic that TPTB want and neither faction has enough power to attack the other without committing suicide. The Bush Nazi NEOCONs were on top but now the BHO Communist are strong and his Muslims are elbowing in with TPTB’s full knowledge and blessings (BHO will not succeed in taking over the NSA, CIA, FBI, IRS, DHS etc). TPTB intend to keep BHO and his Muslims flowing in until conditions are ripe for TPTB to flip their MSM propaganda switch to create a World Holocaust for BHO and all Muslims (a WWIII of the Christian West, Russia, India and maybe China to annihilate Islam). The TPTB plan to emerge from their DUMBs with an army to take over after their enemies (Muslims, Christians, Atheist, Orthodox Jews, Hindus etc) have mutually destroyed each other. I imagine your friend Dick Cheney et all are planning to enjoying champagne and caviar through it all.

December 4, 2015 9:59 pm

So, Obowelmovement wants a pipeline through Syria, Quatar, and Jordan to compete with Russian gas sales to Europe. But the moron will shut down the Keystone for environmental purposes. Just not in our backyard, cause, you know, the climate is changing….

December 5, 2015 6:23 am

I do not believe their is one network that that discusses the pipeline.They seam to avoid it .Its part of the blacked out tv news.