The Truth About Obama

Guest Post by Monty Pelerin


Few people are willing or able to speak objectively about President Obama. The truth about Obama is too often obscured by emotion ranging from adulation to hatred. An objective discussion of the man and his effect on the country is almost impossible. Obama polarizes in a manner no former president or political leader ever did. That is scary.

There are many unanswered questions regarding the man and his presidency. Some of more threatening ones include the following:

  • How could such a man be elected twice?
  • Has the country become so dumbed down representative democracy is impossible?
  • If there is a market for hatred and class hatred, just how big is it?
  • Is media protection all that is necessary to enable a similar president?
  • Are the American people too dumb to understand what has happened and continues to happen?

The above are some of the fascinating and troubling questions. They are enough to make one pessimistic about the very survival of America in anything approximating its Constitutional form.

A friend forwarded me this note and included the piece from American Thinker. I thought both were worth publishing. All  emboldening is mine as are the added images.

OBAMA_--_Pompous___SmugI highly recommend a full reading of this article.  While it does get into the weeds a little, and is somewhat a compendium of what you already know, it is written from a somewhat dispassionate, psychological analysis of the subject, and it clarifies and validates for me the very confounding matter of why so many of our fellow Americans (and tragically, voting Americans) have given us the most ruinous elected official this country has ever seen.  Indolence, ignorance and indifference, plus a healthy dose of the “cognitive dissonance” the writer speaks of, have allowed the good ship America to be almost completely turned around.  Can we, and will we, be able to reverse course?  Can we, as a nation, avoid a follow-up election disaster with the same balance in the electorate that gave us Obama?


December 28, 2015

Why People Can’t Face the Truth about Obama

By Deborah C. Tyler

The psychological processes which prevent people from facing facts when the unthinkable has become obvious can be explained by the models of social psychology called cognitive dissonance theory.

Cognitive dissonance is the mental stress and discomfort caused when important beliefs, attitudes or values, called cognitions, are inconsistent, conflicting or contradictory to each other. In the 1950s the psychologist Leon Festinger theorized that the mind spontaneously, continuously reduces cognitive dissonance to enable goal-directed functioning in a paradoxical, inconsistent, deceptive world. Festinger’s discovery founded a rich tradition of research which has demonstrated how the mind resolves contradictions. It provides a powerful way to understand why people can’t face what President Obama is doing to America.

Research has demonstrated countless times that cognitions do not have to be true to create dissonance, they just have to be believed. Barack Obama was elected to reduce the dissonance between the beliefs ‘America is the land of the free’, and the falsehoods ‘America is still racist’ and ‘President Obama will go a long way to solving the problem of racism.’ Because ‘America is racist” is false, its corollaries are equally false. ‘We must elect a black Democrat — not black Republican — because Republicans don’t emphasize America is racist. Obama is fabulous, no need to know much about him, or whether he can lead the nation. He will make us feel better about ourselves’.

The antecedents of Barack Obama’s hatred of America are now well understood. Obama was groomed from the womb to abhor this white majority, predominantly Christian free enterprise Republic. From his expatriate, capitalism-hating mother, from his alcoholic Communist father and his perv Communist mentor, detesting America was in his mother’s milk and the blood in his veins. But it was the murderous Bill Ayers who recognized in Obama a destructive potential greater than a million bombs cooked up in basements. Ayers concocted the poison cocktail called Barack Obama that everybody wanted to drink, but nobody wanted to taste first.

America is Barack Obama’s prey. He is tearing America apart and feeding the pieces of her life to his foreign and domestic fellow travelers. He is not transforming the nation but terminating it. Even the most transformational administrations haven’t enabled the murder of Americans by declared enemies, weakened the national defense, mocked the concerns, and dimmed the hopes of average Americans as this president has. Even the highly transformational Franklin Roosevelt did not return Nazi generals to the enemy during the war as Obama did in the Bergdahl swap. Roosevelt did not entertain and enrich Nazi bigwigs as Obama has the Muslim Brotherhood. Imagine Roosevelt facilitating German atom bomb research and enriching the Axis powers as Obama has in the Iran deal. No president has erased the nation’s borders at land and sea as Obama in advertising inducements for an invasion from around the world. No president in American history has aided enemies, undermined the economy and derided the American people as the current commander-in-chief.

obamaaaaaaaaaaThe immensity of Obama’s disloyalty is key to why people cannot face the truth about him.

If the Obama election were going to reduce the dissonance he would have started his administration thusly: “As I have said, we are one nation, going forward together. Mine will be the first truly color-blind administration in American history. Every appointment I make will be based solely on qualifications and proven competence without reference to race.” Of course, this is the opposite of what Obama did. He fine-combed through America searching for scraps of racism. He strengthened the lie that America is a racist nation as cover for his destruction. Amongst innumerable examples: Attorney General Holder introduced the Obama administration by implying the white majority are all racists, built a DOJ whose foremost concern is racism, carried forward by Loretta Lynch, who just said a street strewn with American corpses murdered by Jihadi terrorists is a “wonderful” opportunity to fight racism.

America is racist, so illegals can enter unchecked. America is racist, destroy her free markets, send billions to nonwhite people as “warmist” reparations for her ill-gotten success. America is racist, empower and enrich her enemies like Iran. Barack Obama and his ilk experience zero cognitive dissonance regarding the contradictory beliefs ‘America is about freedom’ and ‘America is racist’. They never believed that America or her Constitution are about freedom. They believe the incurably evil and racist America must be eliminated for the good of the world.

Before the mass denial of Obama’s hatred is explained by dissonance theory, let’s mention subdissonant Americans. Subdissonant Americans have no discomfort whether America is about freedom or racism because they are too intellectually limited, dumbed-down, or drugged out to care. If asked “Why does the sun shine?” a six-year-old will answer, “That is what the sun is ‘post to do.” This is termed the moral explanation of concrete thinking. Based on IQ distribution, approximately 15% of the population do not think beyond the moral explanation, and do not recognize a president who isn’t doing what he is supposed to do. Other subdissonant groups are those too ill educated or addicted to care about freedom or racism.

Festinger’s induced-compliance paradigm of dissonance theory explains why black Americans may be the last group to face Obama’s destructiveness — because his policies have hurt them the most. In a famous experiment, people were instructed to lie to others and say a boring task was interesting. The induced-compliance paradigm found that people paid only $1 to lie convinced themselves they were telling the truth more than people paid $20 to tell the same lie! This counterintuitive effect has been replicated many times. People who received minimal external motivation for managing dissonance — those paid the least — produced stronger internal justifications to deny their actual experience. The underpaid believed their own lies better than those paid twenty times more. The overpaid say, “I’m in it for the money, period.” This is why many very wealthy people slug the colada in Obama’s banana republic while the poorest blacks continue to justify the president, even as they get poorer.

Obama is destroying America overtly and covertly. By promoting policies which are normalizing harmful drugs, undermining the natural family, and generally promoting moral chaos he slyly increases the number of subdissonant Americans, people too ill or distracted to care. He has brainwashed or bought off virtually the entire government including the Republican establishment. A noble people who years ago would have resolved dissonance by believing in America’s goodness and standing firm against tyranny no longer do.

The social psychologist Elliot Aronson advanced cognitive dissonance theory, further explaining why people can’t face Obama’s hatred and destruction. Aronson’s self-concept model theorized the central purpose of dissonance reduction is to preserve positive self-image (I am a good person) and self-justification (I was right all along). Because so many Americans now have been convinced we are a racist nation, to maintain a positive self-image people cannot face the truth about Obama.

The loss of opportunities and the diminishing of hopes which Obama’s policies have inflicted create a monumental need for self-justification among his supporters. “The president shows us America is still racist. We were right all along.” They have let go the truth that America is about freedom. No one knows how many still stand upon that truth, how many care, or if there are enough big lies left to elect Hillary.


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Hollow man
Hollow man
January 2, 2016 4:17 pm


January 2, 2016 4:38 pm

As much a I detest this treasonous son of a Bitch Obama is the biggest useful idiot of all.He is nothing,he cannot read a teleprompter correctly , he is not intelligent , smart or wise.He is just a typical coffee shop communist who read ..Rules for Radicals and is following Saul Alinsly plans.

The people in the Media who protected him ,lied for him and sold him to Americans are the real enemies. The elites that own the banking system supported him ,the big foundations (Rockefellers ) backed him.Most of the political class supports him still to this day.Theses are our real enemies.These elites and the PARASITE class or Free shit army.From the very top to the very bottom. We are a nation full of traitors.

January 2, 2016 4:44 pm

I have a hard time going along with the premise that Obama is a cunning mental giant. I think he is more aptly described as, fundamentally, being inherently bigoted against white America. He has been an ideal puppet for the white guilt crowd, the entitlement crowd, the liberals. He has been easily molded by big money, big Corps and the MIC.

In other words, a bigoted piece of clay that happened to be in the right place and time. That’s all he is.

January 2, 2016 4:46 pm

This is not a corrupt, or even criminal government.

It’s an enemy occupation.

January 2, 2016 4:47 pm

Right on the money. Payback starts February 1st

January 2, 2016 5:08 pm

I wonder who Obama really is. He exists only as a description. His records don’t exist, his birth certificate was made up, no one remembers him in class or wherever.

Obama is a ‘created person’ made up by the Intel Community. Barry Soetoro?

I guess we’ll never know.

January 2, 2016 5:19 pm

How could such a man be elected twice?Obama stole the election it was fraud.He never won

January 2, 2016 5:24 pm

Obama is no mental giant. He’s just an affirmative action mulatto who believes that he’s a lot smarter than he actually is.

Jimmy Carter and George W Bush sleep soundly at night these days, knowing that they won’t suffer the shame of being rated the worst president in history. That title will go to Obama, unless the people of the country are stupid enough to elect the lying bitch Hitlery in 2016. I seriously doubt the country could survive even one term of the evil Hildebeest. She is truly both the spawn of Satan and the bride of the Antichrist.

January 2, 2016 5:42 pm

All of these questions..

How could such a man be elected twice?
Has the country become so dumbed down representative democracy is impossible?
If there is a market for hatred and class hatred, just how big is it?
Is media protection all that is necessary to enable a similar president?
Are the American people too dumb to understand what has happened and continues to happen?

Could ALSO be asked about “W”. Remember, he’s the one who his brother Jeb! says “kept us safe”. Except, of course, for 9/11.

I voted for Obama in ’08 like many others who saw the neocon turn to our government and was looking for “hope and change”. And considering our other choice (McShitstain/Painlin), well, that’s not much of a choice, is it.

January 2, 2016 5:47 pm

The truth about O buttered buns? You kidding? He is a Marxist faggot, an illiterate buffoon, who pretends to know shit, but who is a windup doll of his handlers. Democracy is a bad joke, a soft tyranny, the stupidest form of government conceivable. O buttered buns is living proof.

January 2, 2016 6:01 pm

I hate to say it. Hillary couldn’t have done a worse job than Obama, I doubt that McCain would have won (given is disastrous campaign and shut down show-time) but she wouldn’t have the coat tails the media produced for Obama and she might have been stale-mated by Congress. I laughed when she got her smack-down in the primaries. I guess someone else enjoys the last laugh.

January 2, 2016 6:07 pm

How could who be elected, which did I and do I vote for, what if which is elected next… are asking the wrong questions.

These elections are exactly as if France had held elections in 1942. Voting in them is collaboration.

Yancey Ward
Yancey Ward
January 2, 2016 8:26 pm

Yes, Obama is no cunning mental giant, but he almost certainly the most malignant narcissist to have held the office in my lifetime. While I think he is likely a generation too early to succeed in such a plan, I don’t for a second doubt he would extend his stay in the White House if there were some plausible way to do it. It really is only a matter of time, though.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 2, 2016 8:42 pm

He does score a perfect 10…on the most Obnoxious, Asinine, Communist Marxist, Faggot, phony POTUS most likely to cause an Economic Collapse, start a Civil War and WWIII…scale.

January 2, 2016 9:08 pm

…in a perverse sort of way, it is good that the o’bama has secured (fraudulently) the presidency. After Sandy Hook, the anti-gunners were in full force. However, there was NO WAY that any new gun control legislation would pass, at least on the federal level. The o’bama’s anti-gun pronouncements galvanized gun owners like no other.
If Romney had secured the presidency, we would be living under new federal restrictions on firearms, because Republicans are too easily swayed and would have “compromised” our rights away. Republicans are weak and would have “gone along to get along”…Anti-gunners want “the whole loaf”, they don’t care if they get it a little at a time…
NO to any new anti-gun legislation…NO COMPROMISE…NO! means NO!

January 2, 2016 9:38 pm


January 2, 2016 10:28 pm

The US is just an expendable goverment on the autobahn to the NWO. It dont matter who is driving the bus. The destination is the same. Everything else is fucking theater. I’ ll take coup de gra for 500 Alex. Pantsuit wearing canklesaurus whore. Who is next President? Your are correct and take the lead!!

January 2, 2016 11:06 pm

@ Klansman Archie

Yep, spoken like the true dirty racist bigoted fuckholes you truly are. I keep saying anyone who hates Obama is a racist, bigoted, black-hating klansman scumbags, and everyday a-holes like you prove me right.

Right, tell yourself that. But it’s the thought of a black man in the White House that has flushed out the racists into the daylight. At least now it’s easier to see who they are. Figures that only the racist bigoted hateful turds call him a jerk since day one. Utterly predictable response, sorely lacking in originality and wit. They hate having a black man in office.

. You know that Obama specifically chastised the Republican candidates who are capitalizing on fear to reject Syrian refugees. He called those people cowards; he didn’t call fearful Americans in general cowards.

You guys are so dumb you can clearly tell by the width of her hips she’s a woman
I’m friends with a trans and his hands are biologically the same as the male hand lengths that you showed and I wasn’t specifically born male. If this were true then his hands would have the length of a woman dumb ass. you are just being racist fucks.

You people have no integrity… you are human garbage of the lowest order… no amount of spin will change that. You are a disgrace to your country! Grow up already!

You have no truth, as you hate America as the racist bigoted black-hating scumbag that you truly are!
Obama is anything but a Socialist. He stands to the Right of Eisenhower and is trying very hard to save American Capitalism from its own stupidity. the racist right call Obama a Marxist, a socialist, a Communist, a Muslim because they can’t call him a Ni@@er! That’s what they mean! They can’t stand having a black in office. that this the cold hard truth!

January 2, 2016 11:20 pm

Westcoaster you really are am idiot.

Aodh MacRaynall
Aodh MacRaynall
January 2, 2016 11:22 pm

Approximately 53 percent of voters voted for obama in 2008 and about 52% did the same in 2012. This is enough ta make me doubt that this country can ever recover from it’s soul-sickness. But when i factor in that 48 percent in 2008 voted for mccain and 46 percent that voted for that ‘effin toothpaste salesman in 2012 i know that there is no hope for a people this deluded. Do ya want yer country destroyed by a community organizer, a militarist who’ll get us in yet another war or a corporate cuck who’ll jest make us all feel better about bein replaced jest because he’s white. your call America.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 2, 2016 11:24 pm

Someone is off their meds.

January 2, 2016 11:30 pm

I hope that’s sarcasm. I always wonder about people who see everything through a “that’s racist” lense. Yours is a sad life.

January 2, 2016 11:32 pm

Hardscrabble you should be in bed you have a lot of work to to tomorrow.

January 2, 2016 11:34 pm

damn, jim, you are attracting a new kind of troll with “questionman”. off his meds, indeed. funny that people above are trying to argue with him, too. thats not how trolls work.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
January 2, 2016 11:39 pm

Date night, wife is putting the children to bed.

January 2, 2016 11:58 pm

Good for you. Mrs. Bostonbob is snoring next to me. Spent the day with my brother pulling prints from my late father’s old wood cuts. Have a great date night

January 3, 2016 12:20 am

He does stand up to the Jews, I figured many would sing him praises for that. None ever do, which is odd, since so many continually bash the Jews for Banking and NWO conspiracy’s, both here and especially Zerohedge.

January 3, 2016 2:01 am

Okay…several people are off their meds

*It is concrete operational thinking v. abstract thinking…

but, who cares?

*O lied and lied and lied some more, and people thought he was
fantastic!! We didn’t…we read his books.
*McCain was no choice…he needs meds and is senile now to boot

*The selection of O was brilliant…what did Biden say? “he is clean
and he can talk.”

*what did Clinton say? “last year he would have been our waiter.”

Anyway, smart nice people said, “give the guy a chance”…wanting to prove
to everyone they were not racist…racism apparently being a cardinal sin.

I believe the 2012 election was stolen. O got 120% votes in some communities.
We might not love Mitt Romney, but he was not insane McCain. Romney
shoulda won. Any you all know it.

I can not bear to see O’s image…not being a weirdo…he just registers and oozes
evil on my radar. Ditto for Hillary…she enjoyed Gadaffi’s gruesome death.

January 3, 2016 2:29 am

Susanna-After they sanctioned Qaddafi, they looted the place, like Baltimore, and made off like bandits.
I think it was a hit, Stevens knew too much dirt, either Libyan Dirt or Syrian Dirt or Al QuidaISISIL Dirt or dirty dirt all of it and he got smoked. That’s why such blatant bottom of the barrel damage control by Hillary, she is used to silencing Rape Victims, not covering up sanctions on Ambassadors by 1/2 rate Arab fuck ups that take 13 hours to get a job done that should have been an hour. Shit gave her the swoons when she had to talk about ordering everybody to stand down so the fuck ups could get it done.
If she wins, having to watch her fuck everything up while trying to grab as much as she can on the way down will be brutal.
But then we can be relieved of all our collective racism and sexism, forever, right?

January 3, 2016 4:11 am

anarchyst says:
…………………………….Republicans are weak and would have “gone along to get along”…Anti-gunners want “the whole loaf”, they don’t care if they get it a little at a time…
NO to any new anti-gun legislation…NO COMPROMISE…NO! means NO!


Yesterday in response to Obama’s address to the nation about his planned executive order our Texas Governor Abbott’s public response to Obama was “Come and Take it”. We’re petty darn sure that means NO.

January 3, 2016 6:09 am

Well at least we have this new improved pot with 30% THC level above what we had in the 70’s to numb the self-inflected pain of our own eventual demise. A hit off and i/8 of a piece of a bud and voila’ all your troubles are gone.Let Freedumb ring….and ring and ring, cuz; theres fucking no one home.

The race to be bottom is nearly complete..

January 3, 2016 7:03 am

Democracy will be the death of US

[imgcomment image?oh=80804617acc0621c099c226479881613&oe=5747519D[/img]

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
January 3, 2016 10:06 am

This is an excellent article. I would like to make a few comments, however.

–The idea that only 15 percent of our population is satisfied with “moral explanations” is absurd. The fact is that at least 25 percent of our population consists of downright morons, goofy, incredibly stupid, walking through life in a daze, shitting, eating, sleeping and repeating the process endlessly.
–Obama is no mental titan but he is not stupid, either. He is cunning, devious, hate-filled and with a goodly amount of street smarts. He is also surrounded by trained ideologues who keep him between the ditches. He is, in fact, a fairly typical Marxist political cadre. Even I was reluctant to accept this for a long time. I have to confess now that he resembles nothing so much as the Communists in Latin America I worked against for many years. I can tell you he hates this country, hates white people and intends to do all the damage he can. He is a dangerous man and thanks to the childish ignorance of most Americans about how such men operate it will probably take armed force to restore the country to sanity and something resembling a normal state of affairs. I blame George Bush and the other idiot Republicans for much of this – they could have stopped the process that led to Obama coming to power, but what do you expect of a Bob Doles – an embittered, washed up old coot -, John McCain, a fake war hero, gasbag and glaring head case, or a Mitt Romney, a polite Mr. McGoo in a knife fight with a political terrorist who thought he was in a garden party with the Queen.
–As a Southerner I can only smile ruefully at the my fellow Americans. Let me say this. If you ever run into a Southerner who claims to be a liberal, who claims to feel “guilt” about the plight of blacks, or who felt compelled to vote for this asshole because he was black and we needed to “prove” we weren’t racist, write him off as a raving lunatic, a galumphing yokel, a bogtrotter who desperately seeks the approval of his Northern betters. Though many Southerners will, of course, mouth all the usual platitudes expected of us these days, it is blather for public consumption. They don’t believe any of it and think that Yankees who do are simply nuts. For God’s sake, my fellow Americans, wake up. You do not allow your country to be destroyed and the future of your children to be ruined because you feel sorry for somebody for something that happened to their remote ancestors 150 years ago!

This election is the last chance to save this country short of open civil war. But remember, if the left provokes that war when the smoke clears not a single one of them should be left alive on our shores. They can go to Angola, they can go to Paris or they can go to hell, but they are not staying here to breed more of their kind.

January 3, 2016 1:00 pm

Obama, only the little finger on the devils hand

January 3, 2016 1:20 pm

Southern Sage…

I like your style