Internal War Is Now On The Horizon For America

Submitted by Brandon Smith via,

If internationalists were to get their way fully with the world and future historians write their analysis from a globalist perspective of the defunct American nation, they will probably say simply that our collapse was brought about by our own incompetence – that we were our own worst enemy. Yes, they would treat America as a cliché. They will of course leave out the destructive influences and engineered disasters of elitists, that would just complicate the narrative.

My hope is that we do not prove these future historians correct, and that they won’t have an opportunity to exist. My work has always been designed to help ensure that resistance thrives, but also that it is pursued in the most intelligent manner possible.

As I write this, China’s stock market has crashed 7% and was shut down by Chinese authorities who are once again initiating outright intervention to stem the tide. U.S. markets are quickly tracking lower. Oil is plummeting.

Relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran have turned ugly, with Iranian protesters overtaking the Saudi embassy and both sides vowing vengeance. Many Americans won’t care much about this because they think it has nothing to do with them. They don’t realize that Saudi Arabia has already publicly suggested a depeg from the U.S. dollar, effectively ending the decades-long relationship between the greenback and oil. The Iranian event and U.S. ties to both nations only make the fall of the dollar’s petro-status more likely in the near term.  With the U.S. in the middle, “taking a side” will be a demand.  I believe the U.S. government will NOT take a side, and this will elicit a furious response from Saudi Arabia (a currency depeg).

The Obama Administration has just made introductory announcements on new gun control measures through executive order.  These announcements were rather light on details and heavy on crocodile tears.  Their vagueness is clearly deliberate.  Psychological evaluations, redefining who is a lawful firearms dealer, “expanding” background checks; all of these measures could be interpreted broadly to mean almost anything.  We will probably know more in the coming weeks.

And in Oregon over the weekend, Ammon Bundy and friends lured hundreds of protesters under false pretenses using the Hammond family tragedy as a vehicle to then initiate a takeover of federal buildings that have no strategic or symbolic value, boxing themselves into a static position and proclaiming themselves to be the “tip of the spear” in the fight against corrupt government. In the meantime, anyone who questions the validity of this idea or the logic behind the “plan” is immediately labeled a coward and “keyboard warrior” by their supporters.  Emotionally manipulative arguments abound because there are no tactically rational arguments to be made, which tells me that the plan was doomed before it was implemented.

As I wrote in my article “Oregon standoff a terrible plan that we might be stuck with,” some people (not many but some) in the liberty movement are desperately clamoring for a fight; and they don’t care if the circumstances are intelligently executed or idiotically executed. They only care if it kicks off.

I openly supported and aided the efforts at Bundy Ranch because the ranchers were defending their home from clear federal aggression. The Feds were direct invaders in that scenario. In Oregon, protesters are being perceived as the invaders, not the defenders — and all launched in the name of the Hammond family, who asked them NOT to artificially create a standoff. The two scenarios are polar opposites, and Oregon will end in a very different fashion.

I would just like to note that the Founding Fathers were smart enough to avoid deliberately trapping themselves in static positions on land that had no strategic or symbolic importance while inviting the British to “come and get them”.  Again, there are right ways and wrong ways to fight tyranny.  Simply being willing to fight is not enough.

Now, if Americans are going to create standoff situations that could result in civil war they should do it over draconian gun control measures such as the use of classified government watch lists as grounds for denial of 2nd Amendment rights, rather than using a family who did not want armed support to begin with as a means to an end.

Keep in mind that watch lists are entirely arbitrary. There is no due process involved whatsoever, meaning you or I could walk into a gun store one day only to have our 4473 form denied because some bureaucrat in an office in D.C. decided we said something he doesn’t like and belong on a naughty list.  The changing of gun dealer laws could be used to erase gun shows and private sales of firearms as well.

A standoff scenario based on these issues would be a much more practical concept than what is taking place in Oregon.

As our situation in this country becomes more precarious, there are going to be far more flashpoints than anyone will be able to keep track of. It is inevitable that a fight between corrupt elements of the U.S. government and regular people will erupt. I and other analysts have been warning people about this for years. I have been educating people on their preparedness options and tactical resources. I have been promoting community preparedness teams in my work with Oath Keepers and helping to organize such teams in my own part of the country. I even designed the first working thermal evasion suit available to civilians to give people half a chance against advanced weaponry.  I have no illusions that a peaceful solution exists.  I know that there is no such solution at this point in the game.  But when the fighting starts, I also know that those who navigate the storm intelligently rather than allowing their emotions to get the best of them are more likely to survive and succeed.

I cannot say how quickly a crisis will develop. But, I can outline some of the many pitfalls you are going to come across as this storm rises.

False Leadership And Irrational Leadership

You are going to stumble across numerous gung ho activists and even politicians who will claim they have the one and only solution, that they are the real “tip of the spear.” First, if you feel compelled to seek out leaders on the mere basis that they have offered to lead you, then you need to do some soul searching. Become your own leader first. And then, if you meet someone with an excellent plan and a principled motive, give him the time of day, but don’t jump blindly into any situation.

If his plan seems poorly thought out, don’t follow him. If his agenda revolves around his own ego and a desire for personal glory, don’t follow him. If he focuses completely on the Obama administration and ignores the complicity of Republican leadership, don’t follow him. If all he talks about are the evils of the federal government but he ignores the puppet strings that lead to international banks and globalist organizations, don’t follow him. If he refuses to allow his initiatives to be questioned or discussed in a reasonable way, do not follow him. If he acts as if his ideas are sacrosanct and questions your “patriotism” when you do not immediately jump on the bandwagon, do not follow him.  Remember, it is the job of this leadership to CONVINCE YOU of the legitimacy of their plan if they are seeking your support.  The burden of evidence is on them.  It is not your job to support them blindly just because you want to avoid being called a “sunshine patriot”.

To summarize, if you are going to follow someone, know him well first, and make sure his planning is solid.

Hotheads And Imbeciles

I’ve found that there are two very frustrating extremes within the liberty movement: the people who embrace pacifism and who refuse to even consider the possibility of a violent conflict and self-defense, and the people who have delusions of being the next George Washington and are ready to dive headlong into any violent confrontation without thinking because they want to cement their own legacy. Neither of these groups seems to be able to treat each event as unique: some events requiring a diplomatic approach and some of them requiring the violence of action.

The pacifists are annoying, but they mostly hurt themselves in their lack of preparedness and a warrior’s mindset. The hotheads are the real problem. If you are only looking for a fight, then one will certainly find you; but any moron can trigger a standoff with the Feds. The point is to be able to make a move that matters in the long run. Hotheads cannot think beyond themselves and their immediate needs. They are like mosquitoes mindlessly hunting for blood. Strategic planning is impossible for them and they will destroy allies in the process of their pursuits.

I hate to say it, but there is a distinct possibility that our current generation of freedom advocates and freedom fighters may not live to see the future we are working toward. That better world built on liberty, individualism and voluntary community is something our children will thrive in, not us. If you are not fighting with a long term strategy in mind, then you have missed the entire point.

Factions And Tribes

Humans in crisis events tend to become more tribal in their associations in order to survive, and this is not necessarily a bad thing. I would rather live in a tribal world than under centralized corrupt government or global government any day. That said, if a “tribe” or faction does not respect the rights of the individual or uses unprovoked violence to achieve its goals, then it is no better than any other tyranny. Never trade safety for tyranny, regardless of the difficulties ahead.

The upside is tyrants of small tribes are easier to deal with than tyrants of large nations. They are no more bulletproof than anyone else, and they don’t have the resources to prevent reprisal if they hurt the wrong people.

Expect that families, neighborhoods, towns, churches, gangs and activist groups will rally around each other as a way to provide security. If you do not already have friends and family on board with your way of thinking, you will be isolated, making survival far more difficult if a breakdown does occur.

Governments Will Not Disappear

I can think of very few scenarios in history in which a crisis or collapse immediately facilitated the fall of the government in power. Rather, the government usually morphs into something else, something more dangerous. In fact, crisis is often the prime excuse used by corrupt officials to rationalize greater controls on the population. This in turn acts as a catalyst for more rebellion, which in turn acts as a vindication of the government’s tyranny.

Does this mean people should not rebel against tyranny? No, it means that we have to fight smart and retain the moral high ground at all times. We must act in a way that exposes the true nature of corrupt government, rather than giving them more ammunition to shoot us down with in the public eye. Above all, if we fight we must fight TO WIN.  This means not deliberately searching for an Alamo.  Martyrs are ultimately useless in this kind of war because if we lose, no one will remember them anyway. Glory seekers and self-proclaimed prophets will only lead people to disaster.

Develop a tactical mindset because the future will require tactical minds. Maintain your principles no matter the threats ahead. Retain your humanity. But also, when the fight begins, fight with the intention of victory. Choose your ground wisely.

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January 8, 2016 9:32 am

” We must act in a way that exposes the true nature of corrupt government, rather than giving them more ammunition to shoot us down with in the public eye.”

Exposing the nature of corrupt government is an exercise in futility when the majority of people are dependent on it, they won’t want their freebies threatened by reformers.

Anything and everything can and will be twisted to become “more ammunition to shoot us down with in the public eye” by the controlling authorities and organizations if they feel you present any realistic threat to their power. This should be obvious to anyone paying attention to the daily news.

In a war, any kind of war from armed confrontation to legal battles to public confrontations trying to keep the moral high ground is historically one of the historically most likely ways to lose. The battle and the war are always won by sheer strength and understanding of your enemy, not high moral principles in place of them. In fact, your high moral ground will end up being used against you to defeat you, either fight to win at any cost or don’t fight at all.

January 8, 2016 10:40 am

Anon, so right. When the shooting starts, the rules go out the window. The only morality in war is to win then you get to write the history.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
January 8, 2016 10:53 am

We’re not there yet.

Real trouble will not begin until the Dow drops well below the March 2009 lows, or short-term interest rates rise toward just the normal range prior to 2008.

Either event will break the dam holding back all the rage that has built up.

Websites like the following are evidence that the people feeding the parasites are utterly saturated with rage, but the spark to move them to action is still lacking:

Home Page

Moldbug’s Gentle Introduction

The day is coming when people (primarily men) of Northern European ancestry (the very engines of progress and innovation for the last 200 years) stop letting their inferiors shame them (over whatever -ism the SJW’s are pushing that day) into allowing the parasites to suck the life from their veins.

Diversity(tm) and cultural Marxism are a con job. They are like hunters shining powerful lights on their prey in order to get them to stand still while they are (figuratively) slaughtered and consumed.

People (primarily males) of Northern European ancestry are the most dominant, capable and intelligent people on Earth. No other genetically-related group has produced a fraction of what our ancestors produced, and when we finally wake up from this stupor and let our reservoir of rage flood out, those who’ve ridden high the last 50 years robbing us blind may discover we have long memories. If we coalesce into a violent mob or military organization, our march will be more scorched-earth than was Sherman’s.

From loud-mouthed blue-haired dykes to entitled loafers and inveterate criminals, there are a lot of people who should already be searching for deep holes in which to hide.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
January 8, 2016 10:57 am

Since DNA is destiny, when the deepest nadir of social mood is hit (my guess is in 100 years or so), I have no doubt that the wars that emerge will be wars of extermination.

The eventual result will be utter separatism. Instead of a shuffled deck of cards, people of differing DNA (race, religion, culture and civilization) will not live in the same geography. They may not live in the same time zone and the question of living on the same continent is not certain.

January 8, 2016 11:17 am


My guess would be less than 20 years, not a hundred.

But maybe you’re an optimist and I a pessimist.

Or maybe we’re both wrong.

January 8, 2016 11:18 am

You guys see the blurb I posted on the Oktoberfest thread?

The one where the Swiss CINC is openly calling for the citizenry to up-arm?

It’s astonishing… really…

January 8, 2016 11:23 am


I’d like to comment on the Bundy armed takeover.

I spent the holidays with family from wilderness Alaska. My sister’s husband traps any number of animals to include wolves. He also hunts and is a commercial fisherman.

His view on the Bundy situation was that it was a brilliant trap.

1. The government could go in guns blazing but they are in a remote area that is inhabited by a large number of armed people that do not like the government. He saw Bundy as nothing more than the bait to lure the government into the trap. Once people saw that they could resist – resistance could begin everywhere.

2. The government could ignore Bundy but that makes them look very weak. This may inspire others to take and hold government property.

Either way, the feds lose. If they do nothing they lose and if they attack then they lose. It is the perfect trap.

January 8, 2016 11:32 am

In the meantime…carve out a life that greatly diverges
from the norm. A pacifist is not a jerk…he/she is reasoned.
The time to fight is when attacked. Personally, I think it
wise to fly below the radar. Then again, I am pretty old,
and past the warrior stage. So, I don’t really have a choice.

The Oregon situation? I suggest the boys apologize, and move
on. It might not be too late to use that strategy.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 8, 2016 12:01 pm

DC, that Nadir is not within 100 or 20 years or 2…it is here now. When the Obama Brown Shirts strike in all the Urban Jungles (Kristallnacht USA , it’s on).

January 8, 2016 12:13 pm

NickelthroweR – I think that assessment is way too optimistic. It is all about the narrative and the govt with its MSM lackeys will control the narrative. If the FBI were to go in hot with overwhelming force, slaughter everyone who do you think would be shown on the news—the lone FBI casualty with three kids who no longer have a father because of the toothless, redneck terrorists in the woods. This would be the narrative even if there were no FBI casualties.

January 8, 2016 12:21 pm

@Drud, that might be what would be shown on the TEEVEE NOOSE, but people like TBP regulars would read a more accurate real report and react accordingly. The great masses of sheep are easily lead, but not all that important because they are simply sheep, and won’t do much of anything regardless of how they are lead.

For the record I think the Oregon standoff is a bad idea at best, but 5 cents’ comments are interesting. I do wonder if the standoff lingers whether the govt agents may find increasing difficulty with mundane things (hotel, restaurants) and petty vandalism that gets really irritating with time. If they turn it into a Waco scenario the agents may find themselves in a reenactment of Custer’s Last Stand.

But the best option is for the occupiers to quietly withdraw and disappear, and think a lot harder before doing anything like this again.

January 8, 2016 12:40 pm

True, ‘snick, people here and ZH and other such would know better and I do believe our numbers are growing. This is frustrating, because I agree that this is a bad move…but, I think they–like a lot of us–are just getting impatient. This shit has been going on for WAY to long, we have long since crossed the Rubicon, they whole system is beyond ridiculous in waste, corruption and pure bullshit… but everything still appears rosy to the common sheeple. They keep winning the narrative. The standoff in Oregon only exacerbates that.

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
January 8, 2016 12:43 pm

If you look at the history of strife (pogroms, wars, etc.) they never (and I mean NEVER) occur when the local stock market (or other relevant market) is near a top.


It just.doesn’t.happen.

Wars of consequence always occur at a market low or shortly thereafter. IDIOTS think this is because war is good for stocks. It never occurs to them that the direction of causality is opposite.

People go to war when they are extremely angry and distrustful. This is their mood at social mood lows.

At social mood highs people are trusting, open and credulous. Look around you…tell me people are NOT this way.

I’ll aver that YOU may be distrusting, closed and full of disbelief (I certainly am) but you are not the mob. The mob is what counts.

I lack the means to post a picture, but we have finished a rising tide for stocks that goes all the way back to 1784. The last 20 years have been clearly a topping PROCESS. Eventually this rolling top will begin to fall in earnest into the next bear market of Grand Supercycle Degree (I HOPE!!!!!) and the West will likely spend another 100 years going up and down but basically nowhere.

When the South Sea Bubble popped in 1720 it set off a 64 year bear market…net sideways for a lifetime. Prechter has opined (I think credibly) that this one should be twice as long or so.

During that time, every rally will fail and every decline will make people MADDER. During smaller declines we see that the early part is usually associated with mostly financial catastrophe.

Only after the bear market has waxed and waned for a while do people really get their rage up.

When the time comes for true apocalypse, most people will have nothing left to lose. They will be so angry that the prospect of possibly dying in some sort of conflict won’t trouble them.

Sadly, this is in my opinion part of the natural ebb and flow of human social behavior. We’ve experienced the last echoes of a Golden Age of Mankind. These last 50 years have been wonderful for large swaths of people living in Western Civilization, but the seeds of destruction have been sown by citizens besotted with wealth and comfort. The children and grandchildren of those who built our world have given away the keys to its success, because they are utterly ignorant of the source of their comfort.

Ignorant people. Wealthy and comfortable, weakening in character by the hour due to ease of life.

History is cyclical. What does anyone expect after living in such wonder?

DC Sunsets
DC Sunsets
January 8, 2016 12:47 pm

I wrote, “I HOPE” because if the next bear market is NOT at the degree of Grand Supercycle, then it is likely the MILLENNIAL wave we’re topping.

If this top precedes an event analogous to the fall of the Roman Empire, I don’t mean to alarm you but the world is awash in nuclear weapons.

When the next millennial degree bear market runs its course I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that a large chunk of humanity will perish in nuclear fire or the mass, planet-wide starvation that follows it.

The existence of nuclear weapons insures that someday they will be used in earnest. It cannot be otherwise. I don’t know if humanity will continue past that.

January 8, 2016 1:32 pm

Tunisian fruit seller moments are unavoidable. While Bundy and folks are on thin ice here. The wrong response from the Feds could be a 100 more such scenarios, occupations of Federal facilties by multitude of ” activists” with a long list grievance. my 2cents.

January 8, 2016 4:32 pm

This is probably not PC here, but it is my experience. My father was born in Germany in 1903. He was part of a very large pheasant farming family that we have traced back to the 16th century.

In 1925 he came to America and became a farmer. In growing up, I asked him how he and his family escaped the financial catastrophes and the Natzi holocaust.

He always said, ” keep your head down” Those that survived did not become political, did not express their thoughts, and did not become noticed.

I think that those of us whose primary focus is on our own families, would do likewise. None of us can affect ongoing history in any way. Protect your and yours. Keep your head down.

January 8, 2016 4:41 pm

read this,

it provides an perspective about the folks who are feuding with the BLM.

“Now in this situation at the BLM refuge, Ryan Payne has publicly stated to a reporter that he has snipers set up to kill any federal official who approaches the refuge. Yet still.. no charges are being filed against him”

Sounds like this Ryan Payne may be working both sides.

January 8, 2016 5:20 pm

@D.C. Re your comments on the market, by jove I think you’ve got it!

January 8, 2016 5:25 pm

“My father was born in Germany in 1903. He was part of a very large pheasant farming family …” ——Richo

Very interesting. When did they make the changeover to humanoid form?

[imgcomment image[/img]

January 8, 2016 5:38 pm

The Feds have way to much power and interest in controlling everyone’s lives. Freedom?

January 8, 2016 7:59 pm


Ah.. Care to make a rational comment?

January 8, 2016 8:49 pm

“Stucky: Ah.. Care to make a rational comment?” ———– Richo

Fuck no, ya goofy pheasant.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 8, 2016 9:23 pm

Richo says: In 1925 he came to America and became a farmer. In growing up, I asked him how he and his family escaped the financial catastrophes and the Natzi holocaust.

How did he escape the Natzi holocaust if he only left several years early? And being a Jew, of course he knew how to avoid the financial ruin of the 20’s

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 8, 2016 9:29 pm
January 9, 2016 2:34 am


I think that several of you misunderstood my Bundy comment from the trappers point of view. Lets have a look at what this trap has already ensnared.

1. A bunch of guys have taken and are holding government property in total defiance of the Feds.
2. Each moment that passes makes the Feds look weak and pathetic.
3. The Feds are in hostile territory much as the British were at Lexington and Concord

The Feds, too, must be wondering if this is a deliberate trap. If they attack Bundy then they may find themselves on the receiving end of high powered hunting rifles fired at them from behind every tree, rock or ditch. A sizable portion of the American population would cheer such an event and it could inspire other to act in a similar manner.

The Feds, I guess, could buy Bundy and his pals some pizza and wish him well. They can forget that this was their property and go away and never come back. The public, seeing that the feds are cowards, could be inspired to acquire some property of their own. The public has already taken notice of the fact that if you protest (black lives matter, occupy Wall St.) then the state will smash your face with an iron fist but cant help but now notice that if you protest with weapons then the State acts as they are acting now. This is inspiring a lot of people especially at a time when the War Criminal In Chief is attempting to destroy the 2nd Amendment.

The Feds could negotiate with Bundy and his pals but this, again, shows that the government is weak.

Some black kids burned a single drug store and the news was on it 24/7. There were more news reporters then there were protesters. Armed men have occupied government property and you hardly hear a peep out of the MSM. That, more than anything else, should tell you how very serious the situation is.

Rise Up
Rise Up
January 9, 2016 8:52 am

NickelthroweR says:
Some black kids burned a single drug store and the news was on it 24/7. There were more news reporters then there were protesters. Armed men have occupied government property and you hardly hear a peep out of the MSM. That, more than anything else, should tell you how very serious the situation is.
The “government property” is an isolated building at a wildlife refuge. Is it even occupied by any gov employees much of the year? Desolate countryside around Burns, Oregon (I used to live about 50 miles from there).

I think the birdwatchers who visit that site are more angry than the Bureau of Land Management.

January 9, 2016 10:40 am

El Coyote,
Yes, my father came in 1925, but his large extended family stayed in Germany, in fact we still correspond with our relatives there today. By the way, they are not Jewish, but Catholics.

I guess I am somewhat puzzled by the commentators here that no one wants to address the substitive point I made on the tried and true methods of dealing with a repressive society. This is wisdom from the ages, and people will ignore it at their peril.

Oh well…

January 9, 2016 12:53 pm

@Rise Up

You are correct but that is the purpose of the trap. The bait has been put in a place that isn’t easily accessible. Taking a building of greater significance would put the “trappers” in harms way.

All it will take is another “shot heard ’round the world” and the Feds are terrified of this. We know this because if it were anyone else, they would have come in guns blazing.