A Cop Stucky Likes

From Moonbattery.

The purpose of gun control is obviously to disarm law-abiding citizens, but the pretext is that it will supposedly prevent mass shootings by Muslims and lunatics. So Pinal County, Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu pointed out that none of his executive gun decrees would have prevented any recent mass shooting. Obama’s response was so excruciatingly feeble that you almost had to wish someone would take mercy and hand him a teleprompter.

Sheriff Babeu: ”The talk, why we’re here, is all these mass shootings. And yet you’ve said in your executive actions, it wouldn’t have solved even one of these or even the terrorist attack.”

President Obama: “No, I didn’t say that.”

Sheriff Babeu: “Well, looking at the information, what would it have solved? The executive actions that you mentioned earlier, they are not written about in the Constitution.”

Watch the cringe-worthy response from President Obama below:

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Francis Marion
Francis Marion
January 9, 2016 8:53 am

Couldn’t watch it all. Too painful. I can only endure so much liberal bullshit and double speak during the course of my day….

Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
January 9, 2016 9:11 am

My favorite is the 8 years of “That’s not what I said”. Doesn’t this dipshit realize that as president, occasionally he is taped?

January 9, 2016 10:16 am

Obama is a leftists progressive ideologue and pathological liar . If you have ever tried to have a conversation with one you would know they are PRIDEFUL arrogant pieces of shit.Nothing will change their minds. That’s what makes these people so dangerous when they get real power.Their God is their ideology.

harry p.
harry p.
January 9, 2016 11:16 am

Yeah, i liked the cut of that officers jib. He is also running for office, hopefully he is a good man in other aspects/ideals. As much disdain as i have for copfuks, if an officer steadfastly is a 2A supporter i likely dont consider him a copfuk.

I actually listened to the entire obozo town hall meeting yesterday on youtube (about 75 mins) I did it in parts because it was excruciatingly painful to hear him blather on and cant be done uninterupted. One thing i will say is i was surprised anderson cooper challenged him as much as he did. And when the hnic was challenged he got fairly frustrated/uppity and it showed how poor a thinker he is when he isnt reading from a teleprompter.

January 9, 2016 2:58 pm

Harry, I helped one of my friends move a bunch of his cars around over the last few days, and during the whole ordeal, I was driving his daily driver. The radio was on NPR, and I couldn’t easily figure out how to change it, so I didn’t. Every time I was in the car, NPR had the standard two guests on every show, pleasant liberal, and pleasant liberal pretending to be a conservative. As horrible as it was, what I was surprised at was how much pushback the moderators gave the guests. Maybe a bunch of MSM types are chafing at the bit, and would do a better job if allowed to. You say cooper was doing it as well. Gives me a little hope for the media

January 9, 2016 6:07 pm

Can someone translate what HNIC said?

January 9, 2016 6:42 pm

Take away the Teleprompter and he is revealed for the inarticulate at best average intelligence narcissist he is. It would be an interesting experiment to see how people of average or lower intelligence with no record of success in any demanding field get to be narcissists who think they can run the world and substitute their desires for ours. Barack, Hillary, and Bernie, along with the fed and treasury big shots would be the first subjects of the study.

January 9, 2016 6:46 pm

Hit Pause….give Obunghole time to run roughshod over more God-given rights.