11 Things Every Conservative Needs to Know About Donald Trump

Guest Post by Justin King

(TFC) Washington, DC – Donald Trump’s PR machine has engaged in an amazing feat. It has cast a spell over conservatives in the country and caused those base Republicans to abandon everything they stand for. If you’re a conservative, you need to read this more than anyone.

1. Donald Trump is a conservative. He’s not. He’s never been one. He referred to the Democratic party as the party of the “working man.” When he first publicly discussed running in 1990, he said he’d better run as a Democrat. In fact, until 2010 most of his money went to the Democratic party. The most hated Democrats, Reid and Pelosi, came to power with his help. For the last five years, he’s been systematically buying the GOP. Incidentally, that was the same time he switched his party to independent because he was considering a third party run. Politico reports that

 “Trump donated $5,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and $20,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in the 2006 cycle, effectively buoying the election prospects of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, respectively.

Just $1,000 of Trump’s money in the 2006 cycle went to the National Republican Senatorial Committee.”

Basically when he decided he needed some dummies to dupe, he started funding the Republican party.

2. Donald Trump would repeal Obamacare. Maybe, but only to replace it with a more expansive and expensive form of government controlled healthcare. Trump once said, “We must have universal healthcare.” He followed that up by suggesting we adopt Canada’s system: “Doctors might be paid less than they are now, as is the case in Canada, but they would be able to treat more patients because of the reduction in their paperwork.” His solution was basically the same plan Bernie Sanders is supporting today. Trump said, “we need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan.”

3. Donald Trump supports the Second Amendment. No, he doesn’t. He’s just another lying gun-grabber. His website states: “The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.” Of course in 2000, he wrote a book about how he would make America great again. It’s called America we Deserve. Here’s a quote: “I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.” He blasted the Republican party because they “walk the NRA line.”

4. Trump will destroy Hillary. Clinton and Trump are two peas in pod. She’s a “fantastic senator according to Trump. Clinton received money from Trump in 2002, 2005, 2006 and 2007. Then there was the donation of at least $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. Many write this off to Trump being a corrupt businessman and say he was just buying politicians.  He’s implied he’s bought politicians. Does it really make sense to give someone who is apparently openly corrupt access to the highest office in the country? It seems his bid for the Presidency is really just an attempt to cut out the middle man.

5. Trump’s anti-intrusive government. No, he’s not. Something as simple as the government using eminent domain to steal land from one citizen only to hand it over to a private developer is something he supports. In his own words: “I happen to agree with it 100 percent.” That’s not surprising since he attempted to use the power of the government to steal land from citizens. This friend to the common man once tried to use the power of eminent domain to seize a elderly widow’s land so he could build a parking lot for limousines. It’s odd that many Bundy supporters see Trump as the answer to their problem.

Image Source: DonkeyHotey, Flickr, Donald Trump - Caricature

6. Trump’s going to stop companies from shipping jobs overseas. Contrary to his claims, he sends jobs overseas. His clothing line is made in Mexico, China, and Bangladesh. He’s blasted companies like Ford and Apple for overseas investment, but his $70 polo shirts which are made in China are perfect to lounge around poolside at one of his many overseas investment properties.

7. Trump will stop immigrants from taking American jobs. Trump’s companies bring foreign workers into the United States. Since 2000, his company utilized a visa program to bring in workers, let them take American jobs and money then head back to their country with their paychecks. His company has brought in 1,100 of these workers. These are not specialized jobs either. These are blue collar jobs that could have gone to his base voters. Recently one of his resorts in Florida sought to bring in 70 foreign workers to act as cooks, waiters, and cleaners. It’s pretty amazing that he would do that, considering he believes the unemployment rate is somewhere between 18 to 20 percent.

8. Trump’s going to handle ISIS. First, you’d have to believe that ISIS is an actual threat to the United States. To shatter Donald Trump’s image of tough guy of the year, remember he obtained deferments to make certain he was ineligible for service during Vietnam. He said he felt he received “more training militarily than a lot of the guys that go into the military” because he was sent to a military-themed boarding school for poor behavior. Keep in mind he recently he criticized Senator McCain saying, “He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” McCain was shot down and held by the Vietnamese for five years fighting in the war Trump made certain he would not have to fight in.

9. Donald Trump would defund Planned Parenthood. Sure, he said that. He also said he wouldn’t. Then he said he would. He said he was “very pro-choice.”  Later, he said“I’m pro-life. I have been pro-life.” Just like everything else with Trump, he’s telling the audience what they want to hear. He’s conning the audience. If you support him, he’s conned you. You can’t actually support his positions because nobody knows what his positions really are.

10. Trump’s a regular guy. The fact that Americans have been so easily sold on the idea that a trust-fund baby billionaire who attended private boarding schools is somehow representative of the American people shows how easily they can be led to believe anything.

11. Trump tells it like it is. Obviously, he doesn’t. He’s told you what you want to hear. He’s gathered a group of middle-aged, middle-income, middle-Americans, and sold them on a pack of lies. Put down the kool-aid.

Donald Trump is the single greatest threat to the national security of this country. His habit of being economical with the truth, and the arrogance of a “do what I say, not what I do” attitude is typical of Washington insiders. Trump’s fiery and violent rhetoric combined with his cult following make him dangerous to the American way of life. I’m not supporting any candidate, but Donald Trump must be defeated at all costs.

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Hollow man
Hollow man
January 25, 2016 4:26 pm

He is just like the rest just more fun to watch. Our current destination will not be altered. We are broke and headed to serfdom. It will get ugly for us all. A decent choice for a politican will be swept away by the powers that be.

January 25, 2016 4:28 pm

12. Trump has stated he thinks Snowden is a traitor and deserves to be hanged. What does THAT tell you about your privacy and overreach by the Federal government?

January 25, 2016 4:58 pm

Hey Justin – suck my dick!

January 25, 2016 5:25 pm

It used to be political suicide to flip flop as many times, on as many issues, as trump has. He has really struck a cord with you rubes over the whole immigration thing. He is playing yall like a fiddle. All you have to do is demonize an easy to demonize group(no, I don’t like that situation anymore than you do) and without actually making a single realistic proposal on how it will be handled, he has all of you convinced he will “make america great again”

All of you guys laughed your asses off at “hope and change” and “forward” and continue to do so to this day while you fall for the exact same thing. Its funny as hell, but also kind of sad to see so many otherwise intelligent people falling for this nonsense. Trump-ism has been turned almost into a religion with some of yall, and it makes about as much sense.

There, down vote away….

January 25, 2016 5:28 pm

Bob Dole was interviewed today, his first pick is Jeb, his second is Donald.
Said he is a man that will make a deal for the country, not a party.

January 25, 2016 5:33 pm

The Anti-Trump seems to be getting really desperate lately.

January 25, 2016 5:35 pm

Justin….I am waiting for your blistering articles on Bernie, Hitlery, and Jeb. This Trump article will look like a kindergarten expose compared to what you should have coming.

January 25, 2016 5:39 pm

Trump is a closet Fascist. He is Huey Long with money and ‘sophistication’. He makes Bill Clinton look like a founding father. When all the above comes out, the Donald will probably crash and run as an independent like the unbridled narcissist he is.

January 25, 2016 5:54 pm

The establishment would rather have Trump than Cruz:


January 25, 2016 5:54 pm

So the Donald has flip-flopped over the years and isn’t really a conservative. Sounds a lot like every fucking Republican I’ve ever seen run for office. Same goes for the Dem’s.

Seriously? This is what passes as journalism?

January 25, 2016 5:55 pm

11 things every conservative needs to know about Justin king. http://justin-king-snitch.blogspot.com/?m=1

January 25, 2016 5:58 pm

@Gator: Seems to me like you see the picture clearly and distinctly. Sadly, others don’t know when they’re being played.

January 25, 2016 6:07 pm

Even those of you who support him acknowledge that he is a narcisist and ego maniac, right?

With that in mind, consider this. If he loses the nomination, he KNOWS that if he runs as an independent he will not win the election. But, he also knows he can most definitely pull off enough votes to hand killary the WH. Thats a given. So, with that knowledge in mind, would he endorse whoever does get the repub nomination and see to it that hillary doesn’t get elected, since, in his own(more recent, not 2 or 3 years ago…) words she would be a disaster? Or, would he do what an egomaniac would do? If I was DT, egomaniac, my thoughts would be thus – my BEST CHANCE to be president would be to run as an independent, knowing it will all but guarantee a hillary win. BEST CASE scenario for 4 years of the clinton admin is we muddle along, with pretty much everything getting slowly but steadily worse. Maybe trump would get lucky and she would really fuck something up, which seems likely. Then, in he rides on his white horse, explaining to us all how none of the bad stuff would have happened if we had chose him instead, since “america would already be great again” by now. Since he wouldn’t be seen in a positive light if he ran his mouth like this during a repub administration(which he probably would care about if he wanted to run again) especially during an election cycle, and would have no chance at “primarying” a sitting president, his best chance if he doesn’t win the nomination this time is to have a clinton presidency.

Whats the point of this missive, other than my rambling thoughts? Basically I am saying that if trump isn’t the next president, we will be experiencing groundhog day with trump, 4 years from now it will be the EXACT same thing again.

January 25, 2016 6:20 pm

I hope every one of you vote for Trump.

Then, three months into his term you can all tell me HOW MUCH YOU REGRET IT. hardy har har!!

Gator is correct. So many of you are falling for Da Trump’s version of Hopey-Changey. Suckers.

January 25, 2016 6:49 pm

With so many here falling for the Trump facade, please let me provide an update on the Planned Parenthood smear many of you also fell for.

This just in-indictments for the perpetrators:


January 25, 2016 7:23 pm

Stuck-It…..you can always vote for Hitlery, Commie Bernie, or Jebbie.

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 25, 2016 7:23 pm

So many people are defending Democratic Communism and it’s Useful Idiot politicians, Fascist RINOs, Planned Parenthood murderers, dopers & druggies, Affirmative Action Discrimination, quotas & diversity over competency, fiat currency and debt, illegal immigration and voting, etc; and love Cultural Communism’s sick art, music, perversions, atheism, lower educational standards, Political Correctness, etc, that America is now so upside down stupid that it could drown in two inches of it’s own filth and vomit.

January 25, 2016 7:24 pm

@ westcoaster, that doesn’t make a difference to me, at all. I doubt it does to many on here either. I have been against that institution and wanted it defunded long before those videos came out. The taxpayer should not have any part in providing or funding abortions. None, whatsoever. Don’t care what they provide. SInce the constitution does not mention anything about “womyn’s health” or any other kind of medical care at all, the federal government has no authority to be involved. End of story.

RT Rider
RT Rider
January 25, 2016 7:26 pm

Lucy: ” Charlie Brown, I’ll hold the football and you kick it.”
Charlie Brown: “No way, Lucy. Every time I try to kick the ball you pull it away, and I fall flat on my back.”
Lucy: “Not this time, Charlie. I swear I won’t. Honest!”
Charlie Brown: “Well, OK.”

Charlie Brown runs to the ball and just as he’s going to kick it, Lucy pulls it away, and Charlie falls flat on his back.

Charlie Brown: “Drats! Fooled again.”

January 25, 2016 7:35 pm

I’m voting for Trump… that is, if I vote.

It’s not that I think he will make a good president. I happen to think he won’t.

It’s not that I like him. I don’t.

But the cuckservatives and RINO’s and phony-assed sellout “conservatives” have betrayed us time and again. They talk tough, then fold like a fucking lawn chair when nobody is looking…

I didn’t leave them.. THEY left me.

So fuck them. This ship is sinking and there ain’t a damn thing I can do about it, thanks to them. All I have left is revenge.

Trump getting the nomination and winning the Presidency will leave the repukes in disarray for at least a decade… To those who moan about the left running rampant, I ask “What will be any different?” The cucks cave on everything – EVERYTHING. They’re not even phoning it in.

But, a Trump presidency will fuck them over but good…

And I’m totally cool with that.

Trump. The “FUCK YOU!” vote.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
January 25, 2016 7:49 pm

it is easy to understand trump’s appeal, yet i think his success would look all to familiar. these are very serious times, similar to all the desperate germans post wiemar inflation and 29 crash. trump saw a gaping hole in what transpires as a two party system. his skills an ability to be so frank about what had been handled with care by others was most refreshing. yet i for one see a trojan horse, and his supporters may not be held in high regard once the office is secured. few saw through obama as they allowed speeches to be the final decision maker, overlooking so many other areas of his background and deeds. it appears to me to be the perfect storm in the making on all fronts. the 4th turning is in progress.

January 25, 2016 8:14 pm

Billy- Yes, fuck them all.

January 25, 2016 8:23 pm

If the worst of a Fourth Turning is headed our way, who would best be at the helm when the storm breaks?

robert h siddell jr
robert h siddell jr
January 25, 2016 8:35 pm

Mr Trump isn’t perfect and neither were Gen Dwight Eisenhower, Gen George Patton, Gen Douglas MacArthur, Gen Smedley Butler, Lt John F Kennedy or Ronald Reagan but they all had 20:20 political vision, boldly spoke and acted for We The People against TPTB and actually tried to reform America. I am truly concerned about all the candidates and sure as Hell would not vote for any candidate that actually shot somebody in cold blood in Times Square or effectively emailed thousands of Top Secrets to the Communist or was a bigger Marxist than The Harpy herself. Unfortunately, the 2nd best in the polls forgot what country he was a citizen of, took big-time Goldman Sachs money, claims he forgot about those millions of dollars, and voted for the Federal Reserve Mafia against We The People. All the rest are RINOs or I’m the Pope. I am voting for Trump and praying like Jeremiah that Americans wake-up and Trump keeps his word. Now, as you were…

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 25, 2016 8:45 pm

Scott Adams (Dilbert) on Trump’s purported fascism http://blog.dilbert.com/post/138023808851/the-second-american-revolution-what-then

Key graphs:

In a few days, the patriots of Iowa will decide if they want to fire the government of the United States. A convincing win for both Sanders and Trump would be a good start. It seems we are heading in that direction.

Also keep in mind that Trump’s priorities are more of the tourniquet type. Trump wants to plug the holes in immigration, renegotiate some Chinese deals, and kill the money-snakes in government. That’s near-term stuff to stop the bleeding.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 25, 2016 8:48 pm

Chris Matthews points out that those Republicans who attack Trump for being “not a conservative” are – to a person – neocon warmongers (“hawks”):

January 25, 2016 8:56 pm

thank you star!! very cool links.

regarding Trump: He has started a very strong argument for

discussion of current politicians’ actual criminality, or abuses

of power. I like that, don’t you? I am not able to predict that

he will become a fascist dictator if he wins the election for president.

He may be swept into a maelstrom and discover he can affect no meaningful

change. Or he may “executive order” some changes that people will

appreciate. We won’t know what we are in for until we pass the bill.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 25, 2016 9:00 pm

While I would not deny that black lies matter, Trump is the go-to white guy.
Plus he’s not a girl. In this atmosphere, Americans would elect LBJ all over again.

Trump, the Fuck You vote. Charles Poynton would be so proud.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
January 25, 2016 9:07 pm

Is there something wrong with a Fuck You vote?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 25, 2016 9:12 pm

Not at all, I think Bammie’s election was a Fuck You vote. It sort of backfired like El Trumpo will backfire on Americans. Uncle Adolf was a FU vote, if I understand correctly.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 25, 2016 9:42 pm

Car dealerships operate the same way as elections do. They piss you off with an outrageous deal, You blow your stack, they pretend to try to accommodate your righteous demands, you become conciliatory and try to appear reasonable. Then they stick it to you. They give you two choices, one a high purchase price or two a low monthly payment. You choose to say Fuck You and go for the low monthly payments.
They pat you on the back, praise you for your hardball negotiation skills and you leave, having got a lube job on the showroom floor. Only later do you realize what a raw deal you got, but there’s no cooling off period, they say, you had three days or 2 miles, whichever comes first, to change your mind.

So, tell me, Iska, how that FU vote is going to feel in 2017? You leave elections to emotional rubes and you get lubed.

IraK says vote Neocon or Clinton but don't vote for Trump,
IraK says vote Neocon or Clinton but don't vote for Trump,
January 25, 2016 9:43 pm

Right on Administrator… We, the American voters need to stop patrician plutocrat Donald Trump before he captures the Republican Party and the White House. Jeb Bush is doing better in the polls and so too is Ted Cruz. Republicans, vote for them or ally with Hillary Clinton like the Neocon patriots are beginning to do. The more people learn about Trump from posts like yours and elsewhere, the less likely it will be that this pompous, populist pie-face will get any closer to the White House than he is now.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 25, 2016 9:50 pm

Admin is writing the chronology of an election foretold. How exciting, one can review the rage and fury leading up to the crowning moment when Melania takes over Air Force One for all-expenses paid trips to Slovakia.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
January 25, 2016 10:51 pm

Somethin tells me yer greasy burrito diarrea shootin anus is startin ter got puckered up at the thought of Donald Trump and all us righteous white people runnin yer landscapin asses back south uh the border. We’re gonna stand there with our mighty guns and make all yer lazy turd colored people build a wall around yer country and yer can go back ter ridin yer burros around and sacrificin each other ter yer angry grade B gods that require uh blood sacrifice er it stops rainin and shit like that.

January 25, 2016 11:25 pm

But, but, but….he says he’s gonna make ‘Murica great again! Vote for Trump so this edifice of shit we call a government collapses and we can begin to build anew.
They left us no choice. The alternatives to Trump and Bernie drag us further into slavery

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 25, 2016 11:51 pm

BW, electing El Trumpo will blow up in your Yankee doodle dandy white faces like Montezuma’s revenge. You think he gives a flying fuck about your white trash self?

He is only running to make Melania the FLOTUS because she has to upstage Ivana. Melania said that she, like Perry’s wife urged Rick, is the one who encouraged Donnie to run for Prez.

January 26, 2016 12:34 am

So Trump is a closet liberal?
Reagan was a long time democratic party union goon(head of the actors guild for years). As gov of Kalifornia he signed gun control laws and huge tax increases. Cheney ( whom I kinda like) was a draft dodger as was that shit head Cal Thomas (his excuse, the pen was mightier than the sword so he chose to write about it. He should have went over to Nam and stabbed those commies he hated with his pencil). I was a liberal as a youth till common sense was pounded into me by life and hard work.
The knives are out for Trump. As they say, ” You know you’re over the target when you’re catching flack”.

EL Coyote who no longer cares
EL Coyote who no longer cares
January 26, 2016 1:14 am

And yet, Rainy, his message is so pathetically thin and basic that it resonates with empty heads like yours. The Fuck You message has been sent. The scary part is that the candidates have not wavered or drifted from their pre-determined script. The show must go on to the bitter end.

I asked before, why is it that only Yankees are running? Did you look at the pic Starfuck posted of the cross-dresser, the soda jerk, the bimbo magnet and the Trump? They’re all fucking fat asses, Giuliani sucking in his gut like his wide Clyde ass doesn’t tell the story. They are birds of a feather, they have been living it up eating at all the finest NY establishments while the masses have pigged out on big Macs. They may look like America but there is a great gulf between them and the rest of the country.

These are pigs who have been feeding at the public trough for so long they figure its time to stop pretending and go for the gusto. America is one big pussy and they love to fuck it and of course they will let their friends get a taste of the hoochie cooch, yeah, buddy. Love those public lands and that government oil reserve and the printing press. Stalin never had it so good. Goebbels, your a fucking genius, we owe you one, bro. Total war, here we come. The world is ours.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
January 26, 2016 9:27 am

Just when you thought it was safe to go outside…..Cuckservative Extraordinaire, Justin King, pops up with a mush of irrelevant nonsense about Trump. First, no, Trump is not a “conservative”, if you mean one of the Beltway gang of Neo-Con controlled, bow-tied twerps a la George Will. Yeah, Trump was pretty liberal on some issues in the past. Guess what? He grew out of it, like many other Americans.

Listen to this. One real issue counts. Immigration. It must be stopped and reversed or this country is finished. Trump knows this. The flood of non-whites into this country was the result of a carefully planned project by a sector of the Jewish community. This is not anti-Semitism. It is the simple truth. These Jews (not all Jews, of course) had such rage and resentment against white Americans that they set out to destroy our country. They nearly reached their goal. Trump threatens to snatch their victory from their very jaws and they are howling with pain.

None of the rest of Justin’s “conservative” mumbo-jumbo counts for anything if anybody but Trump is elected, warts and all.

As for El Coyote, better get back to your cantina and finish your Mason jar of mescal. THis country was built by white men, this country is white men. You want to join us and are not too obviously non-white, OK. Otherwise, shut up..

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 26, 2016 10:25 am

There is always pain when someone turns over the rock and the truth sees the light of day.

Truth hurts.

Illusion is not truth.

The truth is there is no choice.

January 26, 2016 1:33 pm

No human agent can save the country now, good or evil.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 26, 2016 8:47 pm

What are you talking about, Bea? There is always a choice. I was thinking of joining Sensetti as a sign that unlike you dumpling balls, I can choose, I have free will, nobody is going to back me into the wall, I make up my own mind. I don’t do Fuck You votes, I do El Coyote chooses votes.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
January 26, 2016 11:42 pm

Good gawd El Got Ate by uh Coyote and Shit off uh cliff, yer like one uh them nude midgets in uh swimming pool filled with jello. Yeah, it’s fun ter watch, but it ain’t sexy. Shut yer gawd dammed tamale chute and git back ter clearing tables. Yer ruining our awesome convo worse than Maggie.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 26, 2016 11:51 pm

Fuck you, Southern Stage, I don’t want to join you. I want to join the Trump Train. If assholes like you are aboard, so be it. I am white you dipshit. Not ‘non-hispanic white’, more like ‘non-white white’. Whatever, I don’t make up the classifications, so fuck you in the face, book.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 27, 2016 12:11 am

EC- OK I’ll bite, who is the (choice) that you would vote for? WTF are dumpling balls?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
January 27, 2016 12:37 am

At the moment it’s Trump, however, it is a choice I am making and not surrendering or settling like a damn pussy. It’s more like, let’s do this. I’m all for El Trump going to war with Roger. The campaign just took a turn into the Twilight Zone. Or the Town of [fat] Cats.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
January 27, 2016 12:38 am

On election day Mexican brown will be the new white and send Hitlery to the WH. Does it matter if they are qualified……no.

January 27, 2016 3:35 am

EC, it ain’t a race game. It’s a culture game. We gotta get back to work, white, black, brown, all of us. If we all get busy working and earning, we won’t have time for all this nonsense.