We Need New Words

Guest Post by The Zman

I was in the Imperial Capital yesterday and that meant sitting in traffic for long periods. I tuned into talk radio and some guy was going on about how Trump is not a conservative. He was not being critical, he was simply making a point. The people who hold the rights to Official Conservatism™ have declared Trump outside their club. A caller claimed that Trump is a liberal because that’s the only other option, if you are not a conservative. I was not paying close attention, but there’s no denying that Trump does not fit into either bucket.

Of course, most people don’t fit neatly into either bucket and that’s mostly because the labels have meanings that no longer make sense. Hillary Clinton is a liberal, a Progressive! That’s supposed to mean she is a socialist that wants to take from the rich and give to the poor. Not only does she live like royalty, she had the backing of the nation’s billionaires, as well as the billionaires from other nations. It’s a very strange world where the socialist is the preferred candidate of the Billionaire’s Boys Club.

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The Restoration

Guest Post by The Zman

The reaction to Trump’s acceptance speech was predictable, but illuminating all the same. The Left is in a panic because they have evolved into a bizarre identity cult that no longer cares about the practical aspects of politics. Trump’s talk of jobs, trade and culture may as well have been in a foreign language. The so-called Right has evolved into a wish list of policy positions dreamed up by government spongers living in the Imperial Capital. All of the boys and girls of Conservative Inc. are shrieking in terror at the Trump speech, yelling some version of “See? He is no conservative!”

Because Conservative Inc. insists they own the trademark for “conservative”, they insist they get to define what is and what is not “conservative.” Conveniently, everything Trump says is defined as outside the bounds of conservatism, while everything they say is within the bounds of conservatism. Professional conservatives pretty much spend all their time proving they are inside the lines as currently drawn. The death rattle of every mass movement is when they begin to turn all their efforts to rule making and enforcement.

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College freshmen haven’t been this liberal since the Vietnam War

Ronald Reagan was president the last time those on the right outnumbered those on the left

College students have a reputation for being liberal, but first-year students haven’t described themselves as this liberal by this measure since 1973, when the Vietnam War was winding down and the draft was ended.

Some 33.5% of students described themselves as liberal or far left, compared with 31.7% in 2014 and 29.6% in 2012, UCLA’s annual CIRP survey of first-time, full-time freshmen found. In 1973, the total was 36.4%.

On the other side of the political spectrum, 21.6% described themselves as conservative or far right, slightly more than the 21% that said so in 2014. In 1973, 14.9% described themselves that way, the survey found.

The last time those on the right outnumbered those on the left among college freshmen was in 1981, just after Ronald Reagan was elected president. Among the shrinking plurality that describes themselves as middle of road, more have shifted liberal than conservative since then.

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11 Things Every Conservative Needs to Know About Donald Trump

Guest Post by Justin King

(TFC) Washington, DC – Donald Trump’s PR machine has engaged in an amazing feat. It has cast a spell over conservatives in the country and caused those base Republicans to abandon everything they stand for. If you’re a conservative, you need to read this more than anyone.

1. Donald Trump is a conservative. He’s not. He’s never been one. He referred to the Democratic party as the party of the “working man.” When he first publicly discussed running in 1990, he said he’d better run as a Democrat. In fact, until 2010 most of his money went to the Democratic party. The most hated Democrats, Reid and Pelosi, came to power with his help. For the last five years, he’s been systematically buying the GOP. Incidentally, that was the same time he switched his party to independent because he was considering a third party run. Politico reports that

 “Trump donated $5,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and $20,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in the 2006 cycle, effectively buoying the election prospects of Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, respectively.

Just $1,000 of Trump’s money in the 2006 cycle went to the National Republican Senatorial Committee.”

Basically when he decided he needed some dummies to dupe, he started funding the Republican party.

2. Donald Trump would repeal Obamacare. Maybe, but only to replace it with a more expansive and expensive form of government controlled healthcare. Trump once said, “We must have universal healthcare.” He followed that up by suggesting we adopt Canada’s system: “Doctors might be paid less than they are now, as is the case in Canada, but they would be able to treat more patients because of the reduction in their paperwork.” His solution was basically the same plan Bernie Sanders is supporting today. Trump said, “we need, as a nation, to reexamine the single-payer plan.”

3. Donald Trump supports the Second Amendment. No, he doesn’t. He’s just another lying gun-grabber. His website states: “The Second Amendment to our Constitution is clear. The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed upon. Period.” Of course in 2000, he wrote a book about how he would make America great again. It’s called America we Deserve. Here’s a quote: “I support the ban on assault weapons and I also support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.” He blasted the Republican party because they “walk the NRA line.”

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