College freshmen haven’t been this liberal since the Vietnam War

Ronald Reagan was president the last time those on the right outnumbered those on the left

College students have a reputation for being liberal, but first-year students haven’t described themselves as this liberal by this measure since 1973, when the Vietnam War was winding down and the draft was ended.

Some 33.5% of students described themselves as liberal or far left, compared with 31.7% in 2014 and 29.6% in 2012, UCLA’s annual CIRP survey of first-time, full-time freshmen found. In 1973, the total was 36.4%.

On the other side of the political spectrum, 21.6% described themselves as conservative or far right, slightly more than the 21% that said so in 2014. In 1973, 14.9% described themselves that way, the survey found.

The last time those on the right outnumbered those on the left among college freshmen was in 1981, just after Ronald Reagan was elected president. Among the shrinking plurality that describes themselves as middle of road, more have shifted liberal than conservative since then.

Still unclear is whether these college freshmen will act on their political beliefs by voting. They profess to want to: Nearly 60% of this year’s freshmen said they are very likely to vote in an election while in college, compared with just over 50% of those asked a year earlier, the first time the question was asked. But historically, the younger the voting age group, the lower the turnout has been.

Should they turn out in large numbers at the polls, that could benefit candidates like Bernie Sanders, the self-proclaimed democratic socialist who is challenging Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination. He was backed by 83% of New Hampshire’s Democratic primary voters 18 to 29 years old on Tuesday, according to exist polls conducted by Edison Research.

The flip side is the liberal social views espoused by college students could make it more difficult for conservative candidates.

“When politicians on the conservative end of the spectrum highlight some these social issues that aren’t really resonating with college students, it may turn students away from other messages that may resonate more,” said Kevin Eagan, the director of UCLA’s Cooperative Institutional Research Program, or CIRP.

Breaking down the data, women were more likely to be on the left (38.1% vs. 28.1% of men) while men were more likely to place themselves on the right (25.3% vs. 18.4%), the survey found.

Left-leaning students are more likely to be found at private universities (38.7%) and private historically black colleges and universities (44.1%), the survey found. Right-leaning students were most likely to be found at four-year religious colleges that aren’t Catholic (28%).

Among individual issues, 81% said same-sex couples should have the right to marry, a similar rate as a year earlier. Underscoring the big shift in attitudes across the country in recent years, just 50.9% agreed in 1997, just after the Defense of Marriage Act was passed. By 2007, the share had climbed to 63.5%.

Support for legalizing marijuana crossed 50% for the first time, with 56.3%. When the question was first asked in 1968, just 20.3% agreed. It jumped to 48.4% in 1973, then fell back, bottoming out at 15.7% in 1989, in the wake of Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign.

Those findings come as a survey last year found that more college students say they smoke marijuana virtually every day — 5.9% — than smoke cigarettes daily.

In another sign of political engagement, 8.5% of freshmen said there is a “very good chance” they would participate in student protests while in college, the highest share since the question was first asked in 1967, when just 5.2% thought so. Fast forward past the anti-war protests and bBy 1978, just 3.5% thought they would. In the 1980s, it peaked at 7.6% in 1989 and in the 1990s, it peaked at 8.4%.

This year’s UCLA survey covered 141,189 students. The margin of error is one percentage point.


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February 15, 2016 9:22 am

New recruits for the FSA. Money for nuthin’ and chicks for free. Then all of these “special snowflakes” get out of “college” with a totally worthless degree and tens of thousands of debt. No employer in his right mind would hire one of these losers. Now Bernie and Hil come along and try to “out socialist” each other. They will vote for the Dem candidate along with the 47% of Americans already in the FSA, and she/he will probably win. There is no hope!

February 15, 2016 9:26 am

This shows that the cultural Marxists are winning the war over the minds of the young people. They reach kids through the media, pop culture as well as the indoctrination centers known as public schools. Hapless parents haven’t a clue.

February 15, 2016 10:01 am

Stop running Boomers and Gen Xers and feel the Bern… Jocelyn Quinn fills in the blanks on how the Minnies got this.

February 15, 2016 11:03 am

After a few years in the real world many will be Bitch slapped back in to reality. After a while many university professors have a change of heart about liberalism.

February 15, 2016 11:26 am

It’s easy to be liberal as long as you don’t have to pay for it.

rhs jr
rhs jr
February 15, 2016 11:27 am

Talk about natural cycles: that Giant Sucking sound Ross Perot predicted of jobs going to Mexico after Clinton signed NAFTA has evolved into the Sander’s Giant Sucking Sound of Communist Quicksand sucking out the perverted and potted brains of the youth.

Mike in CT
Mike in CT
February 15, 2016 12:02 pm

What is worse by far is our paying public schools to Edumacate the Youths in these virtues..We are paying for our own rope to hang ourselves …Same with public sector unions [think high property taxes]contributing to the left leaning politicians..Add in the Media Bias..You all seeing a pattern here? What we have here is a self re-enforcing negative feedback loop… I’m not hopeful for the outcome..Mike

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 15, 2016 12:29 pm

I see that “conservative/far right” have been conflated as if they are the same thing. They don’t have “liberal/radical leftist” in the same category.


FWIW as I tell my children (and anyone else who will listen) there is nothing liberal about the left. Liberal indicates a willingness to accept a multitude of viewpoints and beliefs, progressives do not. A true liberal is almost always found in the camp of those who identify as “far right extremists”.

February 15, 2016 1:44 pm

The price of prosperity is future hubris. The Boomers experienced this and kids born in the 90’s got this too. The 2008 crash happened when many were in their mid-teens and unaware.
They will soon get a rude awakening.

February 15, 2016 2:55 pm



I find what you say to be true. I’m an Anarcho-Capitalist but the closest standard accepted definition that fits me would probably be that of “liberal” in that I’m open to considering anything. I seem to get along best with “far right extremists” and find myself contributing here on TBP instead of left leaning sites where I usually end up getting banned.

What identifies itself as the left in this country are really nothing more than Red Guard Maoists – extremely dangerous and closed-minded people.

As a side note, I asked some millennials yesterday if Obama should mail each and every one of them an Olympic Gold Medal. After all, it isn’t fair that some people are born with a gift for balance, poise and determination while others are not. One of them told me I was being “silly” but I countered with the fact that an Olympic Gold Medal was a lot cheaper than 4 or 6 or 8 years of the “free” and unearned schooling they wanted and looked better hanging on the wall.

They trapped themselves by say, “if everyone gets one then it wont mean anything.” — Exactly.

February 15, 2016 3:13 pm

Except these “liberals” are in favor of blowing up anyone not in agreement with them.

February 15, 2016 3:50 pm

@HSF: Let’s be real, “Conservative” doesn’t mean reluctant to spend money, so long as it’s for corporate welfare and funding the war machine.

Hollow Man
Hollow Man
February 16, 2016 7:33 am

How are democracts any different in how they spend money.