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John Angelo
John Angelo
March 15, 2016 7:12 am

I once heard someone jokingly say the difference between chickens and humans is chickens don’t warn the next generation about Chick-Fil-A. Given the cyclical nature of human events, I think it’s safe to assume humans and chickens have much more in common than we’re comfortable to admit.

March 15, 2016 7:39 am

A few of you may recall that we have an overzealous tax assessor here in the Missouri Ozarks whose curiosity about our progress on our log home has been annoying.

Well, we decided that it was time to inform the tax assessor that we have decided our home can be occupied, which means they can now tax it as a residence. We assumed they have some sort of drive by assessor/appraisal system in place, but we assumed wrong. We got a letter from the tax assessor yesterday that included a customized form letter (Meaning, to me, it appears to have been made just for the purpose of placing a value on a home such as ours.) that is meant to place a taxable value on our home. Well, we certainly know what we paid for the materials. We also know what we paid for the contract labor. That is exactly what we planned to name as the “value” of our log home.

However, this form has a place to list and describe the things that we have done to finish the home, to the point of asking how much labor we put into the things that we finished on the home.

They want to tax us on our own initiative and efforts of sanding, staining, and varnishing our lovely oak log home, IF we had done any of that. We, of course, have NOT.

If we had spent hundreds of hours of our own time improving this place, how exactly would they place a dollar value on that to tax us? Would they have an area wage determination scale that would tax our efforts for drywall work at union scale?

Luckily, we just moved into the unfinished home, tossed up a few sheets as doors and called her good. And until the bastard comes with a search warrant to enter our home, the tax assessor will have to accept that.

What the hell is going on in this country?

Faux Queue
Faux Queue
March 15, 2016 7:54 am

Maggie, what’s going on in this country is the same that has been going on for generations-the slow erosion of liberty and the right to own property. Your county tax assessor is simply letting you know that soon you will receive the occupancy bill for inhabiting the governments land and house. It is not yours because the state has now claimed ownership and you, as the serf (like me and any others who own land), will pay what is asked or be escorted off at gunpoint by state enforcers.
By imperial decree the state has already claimed ownership of virtually everything. IF THEY CAN TAX IT, THEY OWN IT, including your paycheck and your property. Now the only impediment to their insidious scheme is the amount of cash in the system. If the state can eliminate cash then they truly will control all that they see.

Fuck ’em all.

March 15, 2016 8:24 am

It gets worse. My local business property tax requires me to 1) value every item I own 2) value it at the original purchase price, not its replacement value 3) Use the original price paid by the original owner despite the fact that I have no way of knowing who the original owner was or what they paid 4) Use the full retail price regardless of whether or not the item has any value at all (think of the value a bin of old computers has relative to the sum of the original retail prices) 5) Value at retail anything that I have made based on what it would sell for if I sold it (not what it cost me to make) 6) Apply no depreciation to any item claimed prior 7) Subject myself to extreme penalties and/or jail time if I don’t comply fully.

A) the above list is impossible to comply with because I can’t possibly know all that they expect me to know B) Since I have no way of legitimately complying I have no incentive to try to do more than send in something reasonable and hope they leave me alone C) This is all decided by a county level bureaucracy with no regard for any of the above and enforced by a group of often well-intentioned thugs who have no concern for whether or not any of what is being enforced is legitimate. Of course it is legitimate since the government said it is.

March 15, 2016 8:35 am

The upper right photo is a proven fake (the guy standing up was added afterwards. Also, Elie Weisel claims to be in the photo (which, too, has been proven to be a big fat lie).

The Holohoax strikes again at TBP.

March 15, 2016 9:53 am


So sorry to hear it. Good luck.


March 15, 2016 10:27 am

Suzanna… it is just more of the same. We moved here to “retire” and stop paying the government for the privilege of working hard. They just aren’t going to be able to do without our contributions.


March 15, 2016 10:33 am

Maggie Gov is broke,and it shows.Ask for help of you guardian angel.You will be surprised,many blessings.

March 15, 2016 11:02 am

Admin , I have seen the other photos. This one with the guy standing is faked. Elie Weisel is lying about his so called experiences in the holocaust of which most has been proven never to have happened. He has managed to become a multi millionaire making white Europeans feel guilty over his LIES.

March 15, 2016 5:37 pm

If you want your freedom, you can keep your freedom!

March 15, 2016 6:40 pm

bb – there are some questions over the foto. But it has not been proven that Elie is a fake.

I met him, and spoke to him, and listened to him, and saw the tattoo. No one can act that well.

How about you, you dumbass.

March 15, 2016 9:45 pm

Your life occasionally is going just fine. The wind at your back and things are smooth. Then, out of nowhere the ‘white’ official envelope / statement / demand letter / bill arrives in the snail mail and then the burden of proof falls onto you. For whatever the state / gov says you owe them or information to be provided. WTF ?

rhs jr
rhs jr
March 15, 2016 10:28 pm

The growth and benefits of the FSA have to be paid for somehow!

Silent majority
Silent majority
March 15, 2016 11:58 pm

@admin- it would be prudent for you to investigate The Holocaust. It most certainly did not occur, as there was no systematic gassing of Jews or anyone else for that matter. Essentially, everything you have ever been told about the holocaust is a lie. For someone with your intelligence and your willingness to educate yourself, it is repulsive to reply with an ad hominem attack on somebody when you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. As they say, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. You must be one big dumbass horse.

I’ve noticed over the years your ego has seem to grow exponentially with your writing. Take a look in the mirror and try to find the person that would actually research things before spouting off at the mouth.

Make Murikah Grate Agin
Make Murikah Grate Agin
March 16, 2016 12:00 am

If you have done nothing wrong there is no problem right?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
March 16, 2016 12:08 am

Alright, who pissed off Silent Majority?

Don’t get your raisins in a bunch, Silent. That’s just Admin’s way of welcoming new thinkers with great ideas. Your ideas seem fresh and exciting. The restoration of Hitler is long overdue. Historians have been slamming him for so long, I almost fell for all of that Nazi = bad bullshit.

No doubt Admin will soon see your POV and thank you profusely in the way only he can.

Keep speaking up, Silent!

March 16, 2016 12:38 am

Anon… ARE YOU my guardian angel?

LOL Kidding… we’re good.

Angels all around us here on this place.

March 16, 2016 12:44 am

Hillery has taken it to Bernie tonight. Looks like the elites, and the FSA, has their candidate.

March 16, 2016 12:45 am

EC… I haven’t been around much because I got my own ISSUES going on. (Who doesn’t?)

However, Silent Majority seems to be pretty bent out of shape and since he had one thumbs up, I just slapped a thumbs down to even things out.

I find that randomly thumbing people up or down when I’m on the computer that allows me to do so makes me feel like I’m a part of the system. Like voting. (Remember my son turned thumbing OFF for me on the other computer.)

March 16, 2016 12:47 am

@underfire… now they can charge her with treason and Joe Biden can get a sex change and hop into her pantsuit.