Democracy Struggles To Recover From Betrayal

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

With much help from the failures of neoliberal economic policy and neoconservative foreign policy, we are changing the world.

Look at Bernie Sanders’ inroads on the corrupt Clintons’ control of the Democratic Party. Look at how easily Donald Trump defeated the Republican establishment’s candidates. Some Americans are catching on, shedding their unawareness. I am not confident that Sanders or Trump could bring change. In The Deep State (2016), Mike Lofgren concludes that powerful private interest groups, such as the military/security complex and the financial sector, have hijacked democracy. Still, voters’ interest in Sanders and Trump, despite the beating they receive in the media, is a positive sign. Voters are supporting them not so much for their positions on issues as for the fact that neither are part of the Washington establishment. Many voters now understand that the political establishment represents the One Percent, not them.

A New Russia has appeared on the scene and demonstrated to the entire world its power to checkmate the hegemonic ambition of the crazed neoconservatives who have controlled the US government since Bill Clinton. The world now understands that the leadership for peace comes from Russia not from warmonger Washington.

Washington’s vassals in Europe are in disarray, with the Northern European EU members plundering the Southern EU members, with all of Europe overrun with refugees fleeing Washington’s hoax “war against terrorism.” Europeans are beginning to realize that the establishment political parties that they have blindly supported since World War 2 are nothing but agents of Washington, who serve Washington and not Europeans. Merkel, Cameron, Hollande are puppets of Washington, not leaders of the German, British, and French people.

The Chinese government is finally beginning to realize that the neoliberal American economic policies that it has so slavishly been copying have led it into economic difficulties. Perhaps China will now cease to follow America into oblivion.

The Russians have learned that being part of the Western system subjects them to economic sanctions and makes it easy for Washington to interfere in Russian internal affairs. The Russians are beginning to show that their desire for their independence is greater than their desire to be accepted by a corrupt, immoral, decadent, and failing West.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders speak to Americans’ loss of economic opportunity and financial independence. Today the 99 Percent are slaves to their debt burdens and lack of productive employment, while those who deceived them into these burdens and lowly-paid employment in domestic services are reveling in multi-million dollar annual paychecks.

The US Treasury, Federal Reserve, and financial regulators are corrupted by the private financial interests that control them. The US government serves only the One Percent. Despite this obvious fact, many Democratic Party voters—-traditionally the less well off, union members, and American blacks—-are turning out for Hillary Clinton, a tried and proven representative of the One Percent. The Clintons have been enriched to the amount of $153 million by the ruling One Percent who own the Clintons lock, stock, and barrel. Yet the dispossessed vote for Hillary.

Clearly, many American voters, as Thomas Frank made clear in his book, What’s the Matter with Kansas?, still have no clue as to their own interests and vote to elect their worst enemies.

Many Americans are still trapped in The Matrix and kept there by the propaganda that masquerades in the US as “news.”

Consider the possible implications if Americans were to enable Hillary Clinton to become President. Trump has said that he would work things out with Vladimir Putin, but Hillary has declared the President of Russia to be “the new Hitler.” How can Hillary work anything out with “the new Hitler”? She cannot.

It is a great irony that the American lower class, traditionally served by the Democratic Party, could put in the White House not only a person who only represents the super-rich but also a person who cannot escape confict with Russia, a country with possibly the most capable military force on the planet.

The psychopathic Washington neoconservatives who have controlled US foreign policy since the Clinton regime, misintepret Vladimir Putin’s peaceful diplomacy as a sign of Russian weakness. The neocons say: “See Putin is weak. He is pulling out of Syria.” But what Putin says is different. Putin says: “We have created the conditions for peace in Syria.” If Washington abuses these conditions, “Russia can, in several hours, build up its forces in Syria to a size capable of dealing with an escalating situation and use the entire range of means at its disposal.”

Putin adds: “We hope the parties involved would show common sense.”

From a position of strength, Putin has rolled the dice. Is there common sense in the West? I fail to see any. I see arrogance, hubris, idiocy, immorality, inhumanity, complete and total stupidity. These are the characteristics of Western governments. They amount to a deranged criminal enterprise organized against humanity.

In the awards of medals to those Russians who served against ISIS, Putin stated: “Our uncompromising attitude to terrorism remains unchanged.” If we take this statement broadly, it means not merely Muslim jihadists but the terrorism of the West—-the destruction of seven or more countries by the US and its vassals in the 21st century, the long-term sanctions against Iran, Russia, and a number of other countries whose governments do not comply with Washington’s dictates. Putin has told Washington and Washington’s European puppets, Cameron, Merkel, Hollande, that he has had enough of them. They must reform themselves, become honorable governments committed to the welfare of humanity, and abandon self-serving policies of plunder.

Considering the total failure of the United States to subdue after 15 years a few thousand lightly armed Taliban, the American people need to understand that the US military, corrupted by privatizations to enhance former vice president Dick Cheney’s stock options in Halliburton and by over-cost weapons systems that serve the profits of the armaments industries and not the military competence of the fighting force, has lost its edge in weapons superiority. The latest over-cost American fighter jet, for example, according to the Air Force’s own conclusions cannot match the old figher it is intended to replace, whereas the lastest Russian fighter is said to have the capability to electronically shut down American control systems, track simultaneously 24 enemy fighters and lock on 10 simultanteously for unavoidable destruction. Members of the US military command have expressed concern over the high quality of Russian weapon systems.

Everyone needs to understand that the establishments of the two American political parties, the Republicans and the Democrats, are less interested in winning the election than in continuing to control the party. Trump and Sanders are hated by the party establishments, because Trump and Sanders are not members of the establishment. Control over the party by the party establishment is so important that we have many members of the Republican establishment declaring that if Trump wins the Republican nomination, they will vote for the Democrat. This has happened before. It was Republicans who denied the presidency to Republican candidate Barry Goldwater.

The United States is a failing society. Citizens’ hopes are being snuffed out. There are few good jobs or enough jobs of any kind, as the collapse of the labor force participation rate confirms. People are drowning in debts that they have no prospect of ever paying off. Young adults cannot form independent households. The oligarchy that rules and controls the country has committed America to massively expensive wars and privacy invasions for the purpose of establishing a hegemony that enriches elite private interests.

The corupt and unrepentant financial sector, having survived its mortgage-backed security fiasco without prosecution or correction has repeated its previous folly with a new weapon of potential financial mass destrution. Speculators have bought up distressed properties and rented them. The rental streams are bundled into financial instruments, as were the mortgage payments previously, and sold to investors. Is a renter more committed and better able to pay than a person with a mortgage?

Jobs offshoring and financialization have drained the US economy of the ability to grow. The ladders of upward mobility have been dismantled, and the service of debt curtails consumer demand for goods and services. The wage saving from offshoring jobs raises corporate profits and brings executive bonuses and capital gains to the One Percent. Financialization diverts consumer purchasing power into the service of debt. The result is stagnation and decline.

Foreign policy based on threats and coercion means constant conflict. The US has been in constant conflict since the Clinton regime overthrew the government in Serbia. Constant conflict is expensive, and Americans have had these expensive costs imposed on them simultaneously with the costs of jobs offshoring and financialization.

It was 20 months ago that Malaysian Airlines flight 17 was destroyed over Ukraine. Despite the inability of the investigation to come to a conclusion, from the first moment Western propaganda has blamed the loss of 298 lives on Russia. Three days after the airliner’s destruction, US Secretary of State John Kerry set in stone the blame on Russia with his claim that “we saw the take-off [of the Buk missile]. We saw the trajectory. We saw the hit. We saw this airplane disappear from the radar screens. So there is really no mystery about where it came from and where these weapons have come from.”

If the US has all the evidence, why hasn’t the US government released it? Obviously, there is no such evidence. Why would Washington fail to release evidence that proved Russian responsibility? Kerry’s evidence no more exists than the alleged evidence the US government claims to have from numerous security cameras that a passenger airliner hit the Pentagon on 9/11. If the government had such evidence why has the government refused to release it for almost 15 years? If the government produced this evidence, it would be a death blow to the 9/11 Truth movement. The evidence no more exists than the alleged evidence that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, that Iran had a nuclear weapons program, that Assad used chemical weapons, that Russia invaded Ukraine.

The terms of the last three US presidents have been used to squander trillions of dollars on pointless wars and construction of a domestic police state on the basis of a non-existant “terrorist threat.” This alleged threat has been reinforced with false flag events and a fake history spun from lies repeateded endlessly by government and its presstitutes.

In 1994 Christopher Lasch wrote in The Revolt of the Elites: “In our time, the chief threat seems to come from those at the top of the social hierarchy.” As Lasch said, the greed of the elites for money and power have undermined the constitutional basis of the United States. The elites have used their power to betray democracy. Will the American people succeed in clawing back their democracy?

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March 21, 2016 10:29 am

Good article. It would be far better to drop the globalism and let each major power run its own region. The USA should run the western hemisphere and have very little to do with other countries.

March 21, 2016 10:31 am

” I am not confident that Sanders or Trump could bring change”

Sanders definitely won’t, he will accelerate what is already going on as that is what would be required to support his socialist programs.

However, Trump might, he is the only thing not devoted to preserving the system that has arisen on the political scene in a long time.

Would he be able to?

Maybe, maybe not. There is no one else out there that can or, IMO, even will make any serious attempt.

Trump means the possibility of a real change, everyone else means more of the same.

Choose accordingly as you wish to see it happen.

March 21, 2016 10:32 am
March 21, 2016 10:35 am

America is suppose to be a REPUBLIC . Even this author seems unaware of this.
For all you who want a little adventure in your lives!!@
Watch Goy guide to the universe by E.Michael Jones on YouTube. He explains how usury is behind much of the corruption of the west .He also explains the Jewish revolutionary Spirit and it’s impact on world history. Worth your time.

E,Michael Jones is a Catholic Theologian who has a low opinion of Martin Luther , John Calvin and the other Reformers.If nothing else you will see a slice of history in a way you never have.

March 21, 2016 10:36 am

Mr. Sanders does rail against bankers and has a few good
points, BUT, the agenda he proposes is fantasy land. I
made myself watch it. It fills in blanks in AB’s theory
of theatrics.

March 21, 2016 10:36 am

“The US Treasury, Federal Reserve, and financial regulators are corrupted by the private financial interests that control them. ”

PCR sometimes just almost gets it. Sometimes,though, he manages to let slip with something like the quote above. I just want to shake him and holler “WAKE UP!”

I mean, come on. Here’s a guy who was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration. He somehow still thinks that “The US Treasury, Federal Reserve, and financial regulators are corrupted by the private financial interests that control them. “.

Lord help us, Paul Craig. They’re inherently corrupt. The federal reserve isn’t a good idea gone bad. Sheesh.

March 21, 2016 10:41 am

Looked through the article again, saw this: ‘…a person who cannot escape confict with Russia, a country with possibly the most capable military force on the planet.’ and had to do the LOLs.


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
March 21, 2016 10:43 am

Bernie is the Peter Principle in full. He was at best a so-so mayor of a small Vermont city. That should have been his crowning glory, but no, he had to ascend to the heights with his scolding tone.

If he isn’t the embodiment of “Hey you kids, get off my lawn!” I don’t know who is.

March 21, 2016 10:52 am

Seinfeld ……. naturally …….. sums up the article just perfectly.

March 21, 2016 11:05 am


“Look at Bernie Sanders’ inroads on the corrupt Clintons’ control of the Democratic Party” Taken in isolation that statement is truth enough Paul. But that intentionally misleads the reader into accepting the fallacy that Sanders is not a leading proponent of the ongoing US direct and indirect military intervention in the Middle East to benefit Israel. And it is this 15 year boondoggle, based on lies and deceptions which could not have happened without the ongoing political and fiscal support from the US Congress by among others, Bernie Sanders. This illegal, immoral and as we all know, totally unjustified invasion of country after country in the Middle East is a major contributor to America’s fiscal woes today, given it has already cost the US taxpayer untold trillions of dollars. Not to mention the horrific loss of life to both US servicemen and women and millions of innocent women and children in the Middle East.

Sander’s voting record demonstrates a consistent pattern of approving one appropriation after another to ensure continuation of US military intervention in the Middle East as well as the massive build up of Israel’s conventional as well as nuclear biological and chemical arsenal. This despite the fact that these invasions have undermined US national Security, greatly reduced the US military’s readiness posture, directly contributed to the rapid and now critical state of virtually all major US military weapons systems due to the diversion of critical funds to the wars overseas. Funds that in large part would have otherwise gone to maintain and upgrade the US Military. In fact, one could make a strong case that the likes of Bernie Sanders are a direct threat to US National Security. Bernie Sanders isn’t part of the solution, Bernie Sanders is part of the Problem.

March 21, 2016 11:13 am

Trump – I do mind that Trump has different views than myself, like Snowden, but that is to be expected in any candidate, and one has to weigh the differences in all the candidates. However, Trump did something disturbing in the last debate I watched. He was asked if he had changed his views on Visas for immigrant labor and he said yes; that he now supports the issue.

My big concern is the H1-B abuse. Because it was a quick reply due to the ‘debate’, I don’t know how Trump fully stands on the Visa issue – what it could mean is that he has turned establishment.

March 21, 2016 11:34 am

All comes down to the billionaire Jews who dismantled the economy here in the USA.

March 21, 2016 12:50 pm

Marty ,not all Jews They had a lot of help from Goy elites.

March 21, 2016 12:56 pm

Moaning about things is always a great release of frustration, but in the end you have to do something about it and that’s where the elites have the advantage. It is always easier to get a small number of rich people to serve their own interests than it is to get a large number of poor people to serve their own interests. The basic problem is that the poor people are also not very bright and they tend to get distracted by shinny things and big butts.

So the rules have to be simple or nothing will be accomplished. How about these for a start:

1. Never vote for a Republican
2. Never vote for a Democrat
3. Never vote for anyone who has ever been in elected office before
4. And that means – one term and out

These are rules that even the dimmest among us can follow. Admittedly, most americans really won’t be able to tell if someone has been in the senate of congress for 50 years but that makes the debates a lot shorter.

“Senator, have you ever served in the senate before? Why yes, I have served with distinction for well over 100 years and am now a billionaire just on the graft that has magically appeared in my bank accounts – mostly in Switzerland.” OK folks – don’t vote for that guy. See, even americans could understand what is required of them.

I know, i know, you would be afraid that having a government completely new each term would mean that nothing would get done. How is that any different from what is happening right now with the veterans that have been returned to office year after year?

I would also like to add that the technology now exists for a true democracy where every citizen votes on every bill. If each representative was bound by contract to vote as directed by the majority of his constituents then that takes the burden of corruption off of government. It evolves from a corrupt group of people who spend all of their time trying to figure out how to stay in a cushy job into a group of people who must follow the dictates of their constituents. If they break the contract and vote their conscience, they forfeit all pay and loose their job to the next person who has never served in office before.

Just a thought. How would y’all like to proceed?

March 21, 2016 1:12 pm

“I would also like to add that the technology now exists for a true democracy where every citizen votes on every bill.”

The “Direct Democracy” idea, you mean? The technology has existed since the time of dial telephones. The rub is that it doesn’t hinge on total vote counts, but on who reports the vote counts.

March 21, 2016 1:33 pm

Rob…“I would also like to add that the technology now exists for a true democracy where every citizen votes on every bill.”

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act – Besides laughing at the name of the Bill, Maybe with the exception of 1, all Democrat Representative and Senators voted YES, Without Reading the Bill. The citizens would just listen to the propaganda about any Bill via the TV. Besides, the Bills are written in legalize.

If members of CONgress voted on a Bill they never read, what hope is there for this country.

March 21, 2016 1:43 pm

All true Kokoda but still you have to start someplace or nothing will get done. Let’s start here and let’s start now. How amazing would it be if the real fourth turning started from a PCR diatribe.

March 21, 2016 6:23 pm

PCR sees reality clearly, which is why he sees both Sanders and Trump as agents of change. While Trump doesn’t have ANY experience in Fedgov, Bernie does, and has a proven history of dutiful public service.

And for those commenters who think he serves Israel, let me remind you he was among a handful who voted AGAINST invading Iraq, and act that definitely DID serve Israeli interests. Remember the “Dancing Israeli Mossad agents”?

I’m afraid Trump would instantly be made a pawn in the game were he to be elected and then face the dark lord Dick Cheney at Raven Rock, Site R. “Be a good Boy, do as we direct, and we’ll let you live”.

I believe they’ve already tried that with Bernie when he became a Senator and he told them to fuck off.

March 21, 2016 6:47 pm


Shortly after Bernie Sanders loud public pronouncement and subsequent “No” vote on Iraq, he turned around and quietly voted yes to granting a Republican President the power to unilaterally wage war in the Middle East without Congressional permission. This with the full knowledge that Bush was going to invade Iraq, which he did soon after. This duplicity is part of a long standing pattern readily apparent when one reviews his entire Congressional voting record. Particularly in the areas of defense, and foreign policy he would to great fan fare vote “No”, and then proceed to later quietly vote yes to fund nearly every conflict and war that has come down the pike during his tenure in Congress. An infamous chickenhawk, Sanders is well known as a friend of the Military Industrial complex. For example he has been a leading support of ill fated tax payer rip-offs like the ill fated half trillion dollar F35.

The truth is that Sanders is just another slimy professional career politician. A political operative fronting for the Military Industrial complex and Israel. A man whose idea of civil rights has meant lip service to Blacks and other minorities in America and total silence on the holocaust being waged against the Palestinian people by Israel. A man who when chair of Senate Veterans Affairs committee overseeing the VA conducted 1/6 the number of investigations as his counterpart in the House. And all the while, the VA was in shambles, and Vets were dying from poor and lack of care.

With over a quarter of a century inside the Beltway and a life time in politics, the media’s attempts at painting him as an “outsider” and a “man of the people” has been exposed as a complete fraud.

March 21, 2016 6:57 pm

Anybody watching Trump’s address to AIPAC happening NOW?

I must tell you ….. he sucking Zionist Joo Cock BIG TIME.

He’s out-neocon-ing the most rabid neocon.

Vote me down. Don’t give shit. You’d be voting against fact. Ohmigod, he’s going to dictate to the Palestinians MUST accept the Jewish state, the US Embassy will be moved to Jerusalem, the Iran deal will be ripped up, Israel is America’s greatest ally in the WORLD, he loves loves loves Israel, and his daughter Ivanka will soon give birth to a Jewish baby.


Suck that Joo cock!
Suck that Joo cock!
Suck that Joo cock!
Suck that Joo cock!
It’s soooooooo yummy. I love it and so WILL you!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
March 21, 2016 7:16 pm

Jooishness is transmitted by the mother……..if the mother (Ivanka) is not a Joo, then not an official Joo. I get what you are saying though Stucky.

It’s not a secret DT loves him some Zionists. He owes money to most of them so not hard to understand the BJ.

March 21, 2016 7:24 pm


I’m only repeating what Donald said.

Cruz is speaking now. He’s trying to outsuck The Donald. He’s sucking AND swallowing Joojoo semen.

Here’s the thing. I think Donald knows that you just can’t win without making Da Joos happy. So he panders. Cruz? I believe him …. him and his Christian horseshit beliefs that America will be blessed if America stands by Israel. I honestly believe he’d be willing to start WWIII over da Joos.

Don Anderson
Don Anderson
March 21, 2016 11:33 pm

Leonard Cohen in his song “Everybody Knows” has a line that goes like this “Everybody Knows the dice are loaded, Everybody knows that the Captain Lied, Everybody knows that the deal is rotten and that old black Joe’s still pickin cotton for your ribbons and bows” Leonard wrote this 25 to 30 years ago and its sad that still at this late date most still don’t care to know what is going on in the Land of the FREE>>> to do as your told, by your owners. PCR is always a great read.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
March 22, 2016 7:45 am

Bernie was going well and would have done even better, but he blew it by not condemning the Chicago ‘protest’, he said the same as all the others like Rubio that it is all Trumps fault. A few days later they lost.

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cs go skins error
April 14, 2016 12:03 am

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