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March 24, 2016 7:49 am

I find it interesting that the huge spikes in the homicide rate coincide not only with stupid shit that borders on mental illness – like Prohibition – but also coincides with waves of immigrants.

Check this shit out, and compare it to the homicide chart above…

[imgcomment image[/img]

Huh? Who woulda thunk it?

Seems the problem isn’t guns, but millions of new motherfuckers all showing up at once… “Does not play well with others” comes to mind…

Thing is, the wave of new motherfuckers showing up 1900-1925 assimilated eventually. They were from Eastern and Southern Europe.


“For the next 40 years, from 1925 to 1965, the United States had a relatively restrictive immigration policy, which allowed 200,000 people into the country annually, on average. Demographers sometimes call this period “the Great Pause,” although at the time, most Americans thought of it as permanent.

In 1965, Congress replaced quotas that had favored immigrants from northern and western Europe, with a new, less racially-biased system, that (in theory) allotted immigration slots as a proportion of total world population. This initiated a new phase in immigration policy, in which non-European immigration predominated; with the subsequent emphasis on “family reunification,” immigration from Mexico and the rest of Latin America came to predominate.”

The wave that showed up post-1965? Well, it’s still ongoing… so I guess we’ll have to see how that plays out… I’m not going to hold my breath, tho…

To me, it looks like the 1900-1925 wave settled down because they assimilated.

And it’s looking like the post-1965 wave is settling down not because they’re assimilating… but because we enacted ‘shall issue’ laws and the danger of them getting their asses shot dead went way up… literally “Don’t fuck with him – you’ll get shot”…

Self-preservation, not assimilation…

Just some interesting shit on this grey Thursday morning…

March 24, 2016 10:16 am

Some immigrants may be killing some people.

However, others are pointing out that the native black population
are the prime movers in gun crime/by %.

Others are saying that absent the black population % of gun
“crimes”/murders, and immigrant crime, the USA would have
a low gun crime % compared to other countries.

It is a grey Thursday…lots of fresh snow and still coming down.
However, the power is still on, and I have hot coffee and my

Good day

March 24, 2016 10:44 am

Hi Sue…

Pretty sure you’re playing The Moral Equivalency Card.

SOME immigrants ‘may’ be killing SOME people…

“May?” Really?

We’ve been importing low-IQ, mouth-breathing troglodytes from every 3rd world shithole on Earth for decades. Just the Muslimes account for about 650,000 over the last 5 years. And there’s another 650,000 on the way over the NEXT 5 years…

Not just the worst of the worst, but people openly hostile to our culture and our way of life – they HATE OUR ASSES and they are not shy about saying so… or doing something about it. These include – but are not limited to – the Somali Pirate Filth that NGO’s go and find, invent new histories and backstories for, then dump on unsuspecting communities (read: homogeneous WHITE) by the planeload around the US…

Yes, our home-grown population of Bantus appear to be a bunch of hyper-violent savages incapable of civility. Yes, if you remove them from the equation, the US crime rate is more like Holland’s…

And, you can make statistics say whatever you want them to say…

The graph says “Homicide rate”. Is that “Homicide via gunshot” or overall rates of “homicide”? Homicide merely means “someone got dead” – not HOW they got dead.

I’d like to see a chart of “homicides” via automobile by illegal invaders over the course of time. How many lives have been snuffed out, lives and families destroyed by invaders who show up, get shitfaced drunk and then plow into a family or someone driving the other way?

It’s the big, steaming pile of shit in the middle of the room everyone is stepping over…

Yes, I get that it’s a snarky graph about how “guns” are somehow a problem given the falling “homicide” rate… but it’s incomplete. Very incomplete.

March 24, 2016 12:59 pm

Hey Billy…on the motor vehicle angle…bet it’s pretty DAMN HIGH. My brother had his car totaled by an illegal with no insurance,one friend who had his daughter put into a coma when an illegal t-boned them by trying to go around them as they made a left hand turn and last but not least two other friends who were hit by illegals with no insurance.

You know why Mexican’s have those little steering wheels…cause they’re easier to steer when wearing handcuffs !

March 24, 2016 3:19 pm

Gotta agree with you on that one Billy.

March 24, 2016 4:08 pm


An armed citizenry has always been a problem for the ruling elite when they are being robbed blind. History has taught the elites that sooner or later the victims decide enough is enough and extract justice from the guilty parties in one way or another.

mike in ga
mike in ga
March 24, 2016 9:00 pm

“An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.”

Robert A. Heinlein

The opposite of that must be equally true given the absence of manners today in our gun-free zones.