The Charge Against Trump

Guest Post by Karl Denninger

You’ve heard it — Trump is an “evil bastard” because he will “ignore the Constitution”, specifically in regard to “torture.”

Ok, as far as it goes.

Now sit back and think.  You’re going to have trouble with this one, and it’s on purpose.

You — or Donald Trump — are The President.

It is a bright, sunny day with the wind out of the WNW at 15mph, a fairly typical day by Chicago standards.

A man is dropped off at O’Hare airport.  It happens every day tens of thousands of times.  He grabs a luggage cart, loads his bags on it, and proceeds into the ticketing area.

As soon as he gets there he presses a piece of the largest bag which opens, revealing a keypad, a small display, and up pops a mast, which immediately casts an obvious laser circle around the cart.

He raises his hands above his head in an obvious surrender and proclaims:

Allah Akhbar; in 2 hours this nuclear device will detonate.  If you touch it the bomb goes off immediately.  I surrender.

He is of course arrested, and the police officers observe that indeed the display on the suitcase shows 01:58:30, and is counting down.  There is also what looks like a phone keypad with a red light on it.

The arrested man is Middle-Eastern in appearance and offers that a six-digit code will disarm the bomb, if the laser protective circle is breached you have 2 minutes before it goes off and you get three tries, after which the detonator fires.  The man who was arrested also claims to know what the code is.

A quick-response team arrives and confirms that the suitcase is emitting neutrons and a modest amount of gamma.  It therefore has to be presumed that indeed there is a nuclear device inside the suitcase, although there is utterly no way to know for sure if what’s in there will go “boom” or not.

Here are the facts: The wind is out of the WNW.  If the bomb detonates, assuming it is nuclear, the immediate destruction will kill virtually everyone in a circle approximating the boundaries of Des Plaines, Park Ridge, Elk Grove Village and about halfway down 294 to the 290 interchange, incinerating pretty-much everything in that area.  The plume of radioactive debris will travel @ 15 mph straight toward the center of Chicago, and in about one hour will reach the lakefront.  This will kill a huge percentage of the population of the city (I remind you that the city itself numbers a couple of million with ~7 million in the greater Chicagoland area) and render essentially the entire city core unusable by anyone for several years.  At least 100,000 will die instantly, and approximately 20% of those within the cone from the airport to the lakefront reaching the north and Hyde Park ends of Lake Shore Drive will succumb to acute radiation poisoning within 30 days — that is, somewhere between 500,00 and 1 million immediate casualties.

It is physically impossible to call an evacuation of an area of that size within two hours and attempting to do so will cause immediate mass-panic.  Since the attempt would cause virtually everyone to be outside and unprotected announcing same would likely increase the number of deaths by a huge amount.

Your choices are as follows, roughly:

  • Attempt to disarm the bomb.  EOD is called and places the odds of success at 10%.
  • Watch roughly a million people die, but personally try to get to minimum safe distance west of the device out I-90 before it goes off.

  • Do whatever you can, damn the Constitution and individual rights, to get the disarm code.

You want my answer?  Here it is:

I’d place the rat bastard somewhere that I calculated would result in being burned horribly by the blast, killing him with certainty — but such that he’d die slowly and very badly.  Things would get far more ugly from there in a very big hurry.

I might get the code out of him and I might not.

Now you can argue all you want that such an act is inhumane.  But really, in a situation like this, it comes down to one ******* who has declared war on you or a million innocent people and you have no other way to prevent them from dying.  You might fail, in fact you probably will, but would you actually sit still and let all those people be incinerated without trying?

I would not, and if you claim you would, I argue you’re a monster.

Trump is simply saying what logically would have to happen under such an extreme circumstance. He’s not saying he’d like doing it, just that he’d do it.  Well, for what it’s worth I’d do it too, and maybe that would be your wife, daughter, son, or yourself that might not die that day as a consequence.

Yes, win or lose I’d have to bear on my soul what I did to that terrorist — or what was left of him.  That’s ok.  That’s the price of having the left seat; you have to make the tough, nasty decisions, including ones that have no good answers, only weighing the bad ones and choosing what you believe is less-bad.

Do you want someone who both can do that and will admit to it up front as a Commander in Chief?

I do.

And by the way, this sort of scenario is not all that far-fetched.

It may seem so, but after Brussels….. is it really?

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Hollow man
Hollow man
March 28, 2016 7:19 am

I would get the code or the poor fella would die slowly will I did my best to get it. Then I would attemt to forever eliminate that problem from ever occurring again if I could. Showing no quarter.

The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
March 28, 2016 7:39 am

I would give the musloid front row seats to the nuking of Mecca and Medina which he could only avert by supplying the code to disarm the bomb.

I have little doubt Trump would not hesitate to nuke the islamic world into oblivion if a muslim ever attacked a western city with a nuke.

March 28, 2016 7:53 am

Its past time to make examples of these creeps as stern message to the rest.The military officer years ago did.Read it stopped .Remember it involved a pit with pigs,anyone?

March 28, 2016 8:35 am

it is my thinking that the Constitution does not apply to non-citizens. regardless, i would water board the guy, citizen or not.

Crimson Avenger
Crimson Avenger
March 28, 2016 8:43 am

Ridiculous situation on its face – imagining that such a device could get through, or that they would put a two-hour timer on it why?), or that the bag man would know the code. The larger point is the ridiculous lengths that Denninger will go to to promote Donald Trump. Denninger claims to be a true libertarian and constitutionalist, and then twists himself into knots to justify any and everything that Trump says. I think the reality here is that Denninger fell in love with an alpha male and is trying his hardest to suck up so he can get noticed and loved.

March 28, 2016 8:46 am

Amazing. Poor Karl has doubled-down using the same, tired logic all the neocon jewish assholes used to try and get the American public on board with torture.

Fuck you, Karl.

You sickening neocon fuckstick.

March 28, 2016 9:10 am

And of course this situation has happened thousands of times before….Dude should stop watching the Jason Bourne movies on an endless loop. This guy is either high or 12 years old or both.

assignment failed

please respond with a plausible theory worth serious consideration by semi-literate plebs. (your audience)

March 28, 2016 9:31 am

Karl is going above and beyond to support trump. And yes, Karl, this scenario DOES sound very far-fetched. This is the same tired scenario the neocons ALWAYS use to justify torturing people. The classic “24” type situation, where jack buaer catches they guy right as he is trying to get away after setting a bomb, and tortures him to get information to save the day. One small problem though, this has NEVER happened. look up in what situation most of these guys are captured, on the battlefield.

Here’s how this plays out. They catch a guy that they THINK – MAY – have information, so he gets the Trump/Denninger treatment. DO you know how insanely unreliable this type of info is? People will literally say anything to make it stop. Read a little history people. This type of behavior is useful for subjegating a population, thats its primary purpose: make people live in fear. Remember that. Also remember that its only a matter of time before governments that behave in this manner turn this type of thing on their own people, typically those, like all of you, who are critical of government.

March 28, 2016 10:08 am

I agree with KD. Regardless his “example” may be odd,

the point is Trump said he would use torture (waterboard apparently)

to extract info in some emergency. BFD. Torture? Torture of peoples

is occurring here there and everywhere as we read this post. The

shenanigans of our presidential candidates and the media BS about

it all is torture also. Innocents getting blown up hither and yon, for an

oil pipeline far outweighs some dude getting waterboarded. Yikes.

March 28, 2016 10:26 am

sodium pentathol, in ever increasing doses, intermixed with a tazer, plus some IV fluid and medical staff to ensure he does not go into shock.

but, I agree, this is a plot line of a child.

if it was possible to build a suitcase nuke by non state actors, it would have been used many times by now.

rick knox
rick knox
March 28, 2016 10:27 am

let’s presume this will occur – what then do YOU do ? I for one am FED UP with the candy asses that run the free world Ask yourself – WHAT would Putin do ? I as prez would consider flattening the Arab capitals AND Mecca to put a stop to this endless terrorist crap ! Further – no matter WHAT our constitution says ~ I say to hell with enemy combatants – since it is OBVIOUS in your hypothetical story that the guy IS an enemy combatant – I say – use the most excruciatingly painful methods you can & be sure to do it GANGSTA style – take out his relatives too

March 28, 2016 11:08 am

The only thing really far fetched about this is that the Muslim didn’t detonate it immediately after saying “Allahu Akbar)”

If you substitute a dirty bomb in place of an actual nuclear weapon, it becomes less far fetched – something I actually expect to see happen in Europe soon (our borders and immigration controls are far to stringently enforced for it to happen here).

March 28, 2016 12:06 pm

Okay, so some folks don’t like KD. He pointed to the hypocrisy

of blasting Trump for “not adhering to the constitution”….while the

“constitution” is otherwise ignored. Get it?

Ponder this: Mason Wells, 19yrs….US teen/Utah

has been injured in Brussels, Boston Marathon event, and the Paris

attack. The Brussels “attackers” or “terrorists” were signed, sealed and

delivered, within 24 hours. See the Dave report, X22 report, 3/24.

March 28, 2016 12:26 pm

Far fetched whackadoodle scenario!

The real question is whether or not torture is an effective way to gather reliable information. I haven’t read about it in great detail, but I seem to recall that it is very ineffective.

March 28, 2016 2:05 pm

“it is my thinking that the Constitution does not apply to non-citizens. ”

Apparently, you’ve never read it. You should, it’s a very short document. Even a waterboarding neocon should be able to get through it in less than a day.

March 28, 2016 2:23 pm

So Karl, suppose the terrorist gives you the disarm code. You breach the laser circle to test the code, and if it’s not correct, then the bomb goes boom 2 minutes later. Wanna bet he gave you the correct code?