When Seconds Count, a Cop is Just Minutes Away

Guest Post by Eric Peters

Last night was another object lesson in the uselessness of cops for other than random tax collecting and general harassment.Parkway pick

Traveling home on the Blue Ridge Parkway – where it seems there is always a cop available to ticket you for “speeding” – I came upon the scene of a motorcycle accident. I am still not sure exactly what happened – probably because for me the immediate concern was what to do about the injured cyclist.

There were three riders, one of them (a woman) having lost control or misjudged her line or maybe she swerved to avoid a deer or the bike had a mechanical failure. I still don’t know.

What was immediately obvious was the one rider was down and badly injured. Her companions could’t do anything more for her than call 911 – which they’d done about 10 minutes prior, apparently.

But no one appeared to be coming and time was of the essence, as it always in emergencies.

The woman’s friend and I decided further waiting was not in the woman’s best interests. We helped her into my car – and we took off to the hospital. On the way, I called a number the woman gave me – her family – and let them know who I was, what had happened and that she would be at the hospital in minutes.

Which she was.park pork

I drove the Mustang press car like Rick in Walking Dead would.

Got there in less than 10 minutes.

I hope she’s ok.

I did not get her full name. I left after the emergency room people came out and got her inside.

I drove home the way I had come and came once again to the scene of the accident.

A cop was there now.

Probably trying to figure out whom to ticket. Making arrangements to have the wrecked bike – still there – impounded.

When seconds count… .

If collecting revenue and general harassment were not the primary activities of law enforcement (their favored term, let’s not forget) perhaps they’d be more available to help people actually hurt as opposed to laws affronted.

But then, there’s no money (or power) in that.

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April 2, 2016 11:30 am

I used to drive on the Merritt parkway in CT to work regularly. There were a couple of great spots for speed traps and they got lots of use. There were also a number of young demons in their little, low slung, hole in the muffler cars swerving through traffic at 80+ never using a signal and just about clipping cars on each pass. Never saw one pulled over. The cops could have done more for safety to drive an unmarked in traffic looking for truly dangerous habits and get these guys once in a while instead of waiting by the side of the road waiting for someone going 8 over.

April 2, 2016 11:52 am

All I can add is when I crashed my motorcycle alone on a deserted road,
some passers by eventually called an ambulance. I never did actually get up, they
carried me away on a stretcher and I never did see who called. thanks.
However, hours later when I was discharged from the hospital with “only”
broken ribs and on crutches.. yep, there was a cop there waiting patiently
to give me a ticket for “driving faster than safe basic speed law” although
there were no witnesses. To be honest, I was driving way too fast considering
I was day dreaming and not paying attention to that 90 degree off camber turn
just over the crest of the hill that I didn’t know was there appeared.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 2, 2016 4:56 pm

So that’s one good Urban Jungle advantage: it takes at least half an hour to get a COP to my farm (to document a case of self defense of course).

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 2, 2016 5:06 pm

Donuts before dispatch.

April 2, 2016 9:50 pm

Why would you want or expect a cop to respond to a single motorcycle accident in the first place? You needed an ambulance with a trained EMT.
What makes you think rescue personnel are just sitting around waiting for someone to stack up their motorcycle?
Maybe they were at the other end of their jurisdiction. Possibly there was traffic because of a #blackfathersmatter protest. I suppose it’s even possible that they were across town because somebody called for help then left the scene and never let dispatch know like you did. Who the fuck knows but I’m pretty sure they weren’t jerking around when they knew someone was possibly bleeding out.
Sounds like you need a safe space.

April 3, 2016 7:40 am

So, you come across an accident and are pissed because the cops and fire dept are not there as fast as you think they should be. You decide to cram a “badly injured” person into your tiny mustang, then drive like an asshole to a hospital bragging on how fast you got her there! And this was supposed to be some sort of “lesson” on how useless cops are? Wow, what a hero.

April 3, 2016 9:49 am

” Who the fuck knows but I’m pretty sure they weren’t jerking around when they knew someone was possibly bleeding out.”

Take it easy Endomorph. So you were jacking off and got to the scene late. Nobody would have known you were the useless cop at the scene if you hadn’t started snarking out over here.

April 3, 2016 6:24 pm

Why would you want or expect a cop to respond to a single motorcycle accident in the first place? – Ectoderp

Oh, I dunno… to listen to them – cops – tell it they are indispensable in today’s society because SAAAFETY! and TERR-RISTS!

Why would you want or expect a cop to respond to an accident? Howabout SAAAFETY? Some derp driver could just as easily run over the injured party laying in the road. Or swerve around the accident and cause another accident?

It’s called “traffic control”. Actually a productive use of their time and not a colossal waste of our tax money paying their bloated salaries.

I’ve had a motorcycle accident. Bright sunny day, toodling along at the speed limit and the rains the night before had caused the road to cave in about a foot – right in a shady area. Bike bounced, smacked me in the ass and I went over the handlebars at 60mph, my bike went off the road and was doing cartwheels alongside me. Once I slid to a stop, another driver helped me out of the road and called for an amberlamps. Only time a cop was part of the equation was to decide to not write me a ticket because of the shitty road. But they made sure that I got the tow bill for my wrecked bike… from my point of view, the county was at fault because the ONE JOB that cops repeatedly tell us they are NECESSARY FOR is “safety”.

Is a shit road that is partially caved in and well on it’s way into the river their responsibility to mark as hazardous in some way? Traffic cones, tape, orange spray paint, all that shit? At least a “heads up”?

I think it is.

You needed an ambulance with a trained EMT.

Along with the cop for TRAFFIC CONTROL.

What makes you think rescue personnel are just sitting around waiting for someone to stack up their motorcycle?

Ever visit a fire department? The place where they actually store ambulances and trained personnel? That’s what they do – sit around and wait for a callout…

You’re a real piece of work, aintcha?

Maybe they were at the other end of their jurisdiction. Possibly there was traffic because of a #blackfathersmatter protest. I suppose it’s even possible that they were across town because somebody called for help then left the scene and never let dispatch know like you did.

And “maybe” you’re just playing the reductio ad absurdum card because you want to defend these guys, but can’t think up an valid reasons? So you resort to dumb shit like #blackwhateversmatter…

What? You think there’s ONE FUCKING COP? Even here in Dirtville, Kentucky there’s MORE THAN ONE county Sheriff’s Deputies, Staties… and their response time is STILL “minutes”… sometimes up to a half hour. In fact, I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve seen them drive down this road in the last 6 years.

Who the fuck knows but I’m pretty sure they weren’t jerking around when they knew someone was possibly bleeding out.

And you’re “sure” of this how?

Because state-issued costumes and shiny badges not only grant extra rights, make the wearer a Holy Avenger, grants them the most pure morals and ethics, but also makes the wearer incapable of fucking off and wasting time? Especially in Dirtville where – most days – fuck-all happens?

Sounds like you need a safe space.

Sounds like you need a foot up your ass. Right next to that really long stick.