The Mystery Revealed

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

The mystery is at last revealed: why does the field of candidates for president score so uniformly low in trust, credibility, likability? Why are there no candidates of real substance, principle, and especially of real charm in this scrim of political basilisks? (Surely there are many people of substance and principle elsewhere in America — they just don’t dare seek the job at the symbolic tippy-top of this clusterfuck of faltering rackets.) The reason is that the problems are unfixable, at least not within the acceptable terms of the zeitgeist, namely: the secret wish to keep all the rackets going at all costs.

This is true, by the way, of all parties concerned from the 0.001 percent billionaire grifter class to the deluded sophomores crying for “safe spaces” in their womb-like “student life centers” to the sports-and-porn addled suburban multitudes stuck with impossible mortgage, car, and college loan debts (and, suddenly, no paying job) to the deluded Black Lives Matter mobs who have failed to notice that black lives matter least to the black people slaughtering each other over sneakers and personal slights. None of these groups really want to change anything. They actually wish to preserve their prerogatives.

The interests of the 0.001 percent are obvious: maintain those streams of unearned, rentier, notional wealth as long as possible and convert them as fast as possible into hard assets (Caribbean islands, Cézanne landscapes, gold bars) that will theoretically insulate them from the wrath of history when the center no longer holds. The poor (and ever-poorer) formerly middle class suburban debt serfs, for all their travails, can’t imagine living any other way or putting less of their dwindling capital into the Happy Motoring matrix. The Maoist Social Justice Warrior students are enjoying the surprising power and thrills of coercion, especially as directed against their simpering professors and cringing college presidents anxious to sustain the illusion that something like learning takes place in the money laundering operations of higher ed. The Black Lives Matter crowd just wants to be excused from their failure to follow standards of decent behavior and to keep mau-mauing the other ethnic groups of America for material and political tribute.

It must be obvious that the next occupant of the White House will preside over the implosion of all these arrangements since, in the immortal words of economist Herb Stein, if something can’t go on forever, it will stop. So the only individuals left seeking the position are 1) An inarticulate reality TV buffoon; 2) a war-happy evangelical maniac; 3) a narcissistic monster of entitlement whose “turn” it is to hold the country’s highest office; and 4) a valiant but quixotic self-proclaimed socialist altacocker who might have walked off the set of Welcome Back Kotter, 40th Reunion Special. These are the ones left standing halfway to the conventions. Nobody else in his, her, it, xe, or they right mind wants to be handed this schwag-bag of doom.

On Saturday, the unstoppable Democratic shoo-in Hillary lost her 7th straight contest to the only theoretically electable Vermont Don Quixote, Bernie Sanders. This was a week after it was reported in The Huff-Po that her campaign crew literally bought-and-paid for the entire 50-state smorgasbord of super-delegates who will supposedly compensate for Hillary’s inability to otherwise win votes the old-fashioned way, by ballots cast. Wonder why that didn’t make nary a ripple in the media afterward? Because this is the land where anything goes and nothing matters, and that’s really all you need to know about how things work in the USA these days.

The Republican mandarins are apparently delirious over loose cannon Donald Trump’s flagging poll numbers in the remaining primary states. Should Trump fall on his face, do you think they’ll just hand Ted Cruz the Ronald Reagan Crown-and-Scepter set. (They’d rather lock Ted in the back of a Chevy cargo van with five Mexican narcos and a chain saw.) The GOP establishment insiders are already lighting cigars in preparation for the biggest smoke-filled room in US political history, Cleveland, July 20. But what poor shmo will they have to drag to the podium to get this odious thing done? Who wants to be the guy in the Oval Office when Janet Yellen comes in some muggy DC morning and says, “Uh, sir (ma’am)… that sucker you heard was gonna go down…? Well, uh, it just did.”

As for the Dems: they are about to anoint the most unpopular candidate of our lifetimes. The BLM mobs have promised to deliver mayhem to the streets of the party conventions and don’t think they will spare Hillary in Philary, no matter how many chitlins she scarfed down last month in Carolina. The action in Philly will unleash and reveal all the deadly power of President Obama’s NSA goon squads when the militarized police put down the riots, and Hillary will be tagged guilty by association.

And that is how Kim Kardashian gets elected president.

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April 11, 2016 10:20 am

This week’s words-of-the-week from Kuntsler:


Lots of new words you can add to your vocabulary. You, too, can sound really smart like Kuntsler.

April 11, 2016 10:42 am

Thank you for the list, Tim,

scrim…woven fabric or film light technique
Basilisks…huge snake
Zeitgeist…the reality for some
rentier…financial exploitation/this context attack-denounce for intimidation
altacocker…Yiddish word for old fart, or old guy

John Angelo
John Angelo
April 11, 2016 10:44 am

Kunstler hit a home run this week. Bravo. The only thing I don’t see happening is riots in Philly during the Democrat Convention. I expect Philly will have its usual riots and murders, but not as much for the Democrats. The cluster to end all fucks will be in Cleveland the week prior.

Kunstler's Id
Kunstler's Id
April 11, 2016 10:46 am

Zucchini trashcan mouthwash!

Jubal scrimshaw eleemosynary Harshaw!

Seax tchotchke cruciformilarian rosencreuz nitwit aa anthropocene!


Kunstler's Id
Kunstler's Id
April 11, 2016 10:49 am

I dare any of you to try me at Scrabble.

April 11, 2016 11:08 am

The reason no really qualified candidate steps up, is because anyone can see that there is no way to effect a change in the system. The MSM will just make fools of them, did up crap they did in college, find one person who claims they heard them say nigger.

It will stop, eventually.

April 11, 2016 11:18 am

No vocabulary on a Monday? Dogging the man for his intelligence on THIS forum? Buncha scissorbills.

April 11, 2016 11:19 am

The World Elite Establishment has already decided which candidates are going to be allowed to you to make a choice from.

They will all represent the Establishment’s goals and interests, but you will be allowed to choose how those goals and interests are carried out.

Anyone challenging this will be booted out in one way or another, legitimate or legal or not, even an outright coup if necessary until the public is satisfied to return to and accept the chosen Establishment candidates.

Anyone see anything like that happening to any candidate now? If so it is probably an indicator of who is and is not an approved Establishment candidate. If not, then all candidates are approved by them, no matter if they seem outwardly different or not.

So get used to it, there is really nothing that can be done about it.

April 11, 2016 11:24 am

The best way to view the reality-show-election is simply as a silly spectacle showing how useless and increasingly irrelevant Washington DC is.

Seriously. All our laws are written by lobbyists/lawyers and simply handed to politicians to “enact” as positive law that isn’t worth a damn in terms of fundamental value – either on the basis of natural law or democratic governance theories.

Our last several presidents have been chosen by a 0.0001% elite of billionaires and near-billionaires, and have been their puppets in the most meaningful ways. Obama is the worst for this, but it’s not as if either Bush, or anyone else who came close to office, was a “man of the people.”

Our economic and international policies are created by a combination of Wall Street, the Wall Street-owned (yes, LITERALLY) Federal Reserve Bank, and a collection of other corporations large enough to control politicians (defense contractors, etc.). Just for one example, no truly elected representative would give any serious consideration to TPP or the “fast track authority” for it.

In all of this, going out to vote is basically an exercise of meaningless public spectacle, like going to a NFL game dressed up in hundreds of dollars worth of advertising-cloth for “your favorite team,” which of course would pick up and move across the country for a minor increase in its profits.

Look at the situation realistically. You do not have a “vote” in the national scene, in any meaningful way. Moreover, the national scene is not the fundamental control, it is simply an intermediary between the real control and the public notions of legitimacy. This is and will continue to become increasingly obvious.

Amidst all this, a sensible path for the rational individual (other than those with 9 or 10 digits of family net worth) is to figure out the real paths, ignore the distractions, and make your own way. With the expectation that in 10-30 years all pretenses of the Republic will have disappeared, and the new de facto system will be apparent to most people.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 11, 2016 11:27 am

“Why are there no candidates of real substance, principle, and especially of real charm…?”

I laughed until I cried.

Probably for the same reason Francis of Assisi wasn’t a Mafia don.

Jim is a master of wordsmithery, but a bumpkin when it comes to human nature.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 11, 2016 11:43 am

I found JK to be spot on in his assessment of the joke that is our presidential election of 2016. A bad acid trip from the sixties would be my personal description of the candidates and the primary season so far.

If this summer should be as violent as he predicts, we shall come here to complain and point fingers of blame and throw shite to the best of our ability. Bring on Act II (the conventions) !!

April 11, 2016 11:46 am

Bumpkin he might well be but I suspect that his underlying point is actually spot on. Nobody who knows anything or cares even a little bit about their own personal history is going to take on the responsibility for this exploding bag of shit which is the usssa. They know it. Old Jim knows it. And I am surprised that there are so many TBPers who seem to think that there might be some other reason for such a horrifyingly bad field of “presidential candidates.” Oh, and rather than poking at Jim, how about taking a shot at a better reason for such a crowd of feckless, brain dead, humans. Hey look, you can use some big words too.

adjective: feckless

lacking initiative or strength of character; irresponsible.
“a feckless mama’s boy”

April 11, 2016 11:49 am

Oh and I would actually vote for Kim Kardashian before I voted for any of these people.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 11, 2016 12:11 pm

“Oh, and rather than poking at Jim, how about taking a shot at a better reason for such a crowd of feckless, brain dead, humans.”

Decent, honorable and principled people of substance have no interest in heading up an international criminal organization. That’s probably a solid reason JHK should have considered.

You either see things for what they are and eshew them or you pretend that things are not and genuflect at the shibboleth.

The last man that fit the bill described was Ron Paul and he lacked both the political acumen and will to power required of a true leader. And IIRC JHK mocked him relentlessly, both times.

As ye reap, and all that.

April 11, 2016 12:36 pm
April 11, 2016 12:37 pm

And I mean that with all due respect.

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 11, 2016 1:27 pm

The Trump candidacy has revealed that most of the Web sites I thought were Conservative are actually The Controlled Opposition. They answered TPTB call to attack Trump and make mountains out of molehills while portraying Harpy as Mom’s Apple Pie (ignoring her many CRIMES). Liberals, especially Blacks in their comments and actions lately, have revealed a level of innate stupidity and NWO brainwashing that is breath taking. Most MSM, Blacks, Muslims, Mexicans, Youth, business CEOs and Police/Military are now Fifth Column Useful Idiots pushing a head on crash with Traditional Values. There is no other better explanation for their pushing so hard for unisex bathrooms, wide open borders, importation of Terrorists; TV shows glorifying Sex, Minorities, Zombies, even Lucifer as the Hero. The Planned Revolution and Martial Law will probably begin 18Jul in Cleveland and 25Jul in Philadelphia. The UN will be invited to “maintain order” and those closed down Walmarts will be used as detention processing centers for Conservatives and Mark of the Beast Chipping centers for Useful Idiots.

April 11, 2016 2:25 pm


Love or hate him, one of the things Snowden revealed was that only people that could be blackmailed were allowed to hold the reins of power. Look at whom the establish supports – Clinton and who has more skeletons in the closet than her?

This is why a child rapist was allowed to become speaker of the house.

April 11, 2016 3:31 pm

Basilisk is a big lizard. I have them at my farm. Native to South america

April 11, 2016 3:33 pm

” Oh, and rather than poking at Jim, how about taking a shot at a better reason for such a crowd of feckless, brain dead, humans. Hey look, you can use some big words too.”

“feckless” is not a big or unusual word. JHK uses unusual words…so what?

your comment is inane

April 11, 2016 3:39 pm

Basilisk | Define Basilisk at Proxy Highlight

Basilisk definition, Classical Mythology. a creature, variously described as a serpent, lizard, or dragon, said to kill by its breath or look. See more.

Basilisk – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Proxy Highlight

In European bestiaries and legends, a basilisk is a legendary reptile reputed to be king of serpents and said to have the power to cause death with a single …

Basilisk – Harry Potter Wiki – Wikia Proxy Highlight

The Basilisk is a giant serpent, also known as the King of Serpents. It is a creature bred by…

April 11, 2016 5:48 pm

When describing the field running for President, apparently Kuntsler hasn’t heard of Bernie Sanders, whom pundits are saying is too “principled” in taking on Hitlery.

April 11, 2016 7:23 pm

But not too principled to take money you worked for to waste it on the feckless.

April 11, 2016 8:35 pm

@David: And you would rather keep the current system of wasting our tax money on giant corporations? Do you realize the government subsidizes oil companies?

Vote in your own best interests.

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
April 11, 2016 8:41 pm

Westie- I almost had a 9/11 thread going in the (Cruz vs. God’s voice) thread. HSF started it off but soon fizzled. You could try to revive it for some fun. 🙂

April 11, 2016 9:40 pm

Peak oil! Y2k! Doom!

April 11, 2016 10:19 pm