Hillary Is Toast – Really, She Is

As someone who has over 10 years experience working with the FBI, I’ve stated repeatedly to those who inquire about the Clinton email investigation that the FBI will go where the facts take it AND, just as importantly, FBI employees are extremely proud of the Agency’s reputation that it is the most competent and incorruptible law enforcement agency on the planet. I know those guys. Thus, my longstanding conclusion to all who will listen: Hillary’s toast because the FBI will recommend to the Attorney General that she be charged with violations of federal law.

I am no longer alone. Read on ……..

“Former FBI agents who worked the notorious 1970s sting operation known as ABSCAM have written FBI Director James Comey to warn that nothing less than the bureau’s “reputation” is on the line as the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email practices enters a critical phase.

The agents offered their support for Comey and the agents working the email case. But the letter cautioned the outcome would have long-lasting implications. “Decisions must be made on facts alone. Much is at stake here — people’s trust in the Bureau for years to come, as well as the Bureau’s reputation among our allies, partners, and friends as the greatest law enforcement agency in the world,” wrote John F. Good, president of the Long Island Chapter of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI.

Good told Fox News a half-dozen FBI agents who worked the 1978 ABSCAM investigation – which targeted sitting members of Congress — belong to the chapter. The ABSCAM investigation included more than 30 political figures, with six House members and one U.S. senator ultimately convicted of crimes.

Good, 79, told Fox News by phone that the Clinton email case boils down to whether the U.S. is a nation of laws, where all citizens are equal under the law, or there is a different set of rules for the powerful. He said the ABSCAM agents thought it was important to show support for the bureau’s work in the email probe since they know what it feels like to face intense public scrutiny. Good, though, said the pressure the ABSCAM agents faced 40 years ago pales in comparison to what Comey and the agents are dealing with today regarding the Democratic presidential front-runner and her aides.”

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April 16, 2016 7:23 am

” the Clinton email case boils down to whether the U.S. is a nation of laws, where all citizens are equal under the law, or there is a different set of rules for the powerful”

Of course there is a different set of rules for the powerful. Look at the Congress, the Senate, the elite banks, the Fed, big Pharma, and on and on and on. They flaunt the rules and laugh in our faces jetting of to their multi million dollar second or third homes. The election is a perfect example of this, if the process is this corrupt then the people running the process, benefiting from it are equally corrupt.


April 16, 2016 7:36 am

You still have to run the gauntlet. In which every Democrat will repeat ad naseum .

Everybody does it.

What about Channy and Haliburton.

There is Classified and there is Classified.


Your still going to need a crash and burn for people to change their ingrained mind sets.

harry p.
harry p.
April 16, 2016 7:56 am

“Good, 79, told Fox News by phone that the Clinton email case boils down to whether the U.S. is a nation of laws, where all citizens are equal under the law, or there is a different set of rules for the powerful.”


I want Hitlery Cuntin to fry but that statement right there tells me she wont. Thinking she will be held accountable because the US is a nation of laws isnt even naive, its downright idiotic.
Maybe she fries but it wont be because of the integrity of the US govt, itll be because she fucked over or pissed off one of the true owners/powerbrokers along the way.
The US is not a nation of laws, its a nation of bullshit special favors and power interests.
There has been a huge “investment” in Clinton. Its highly unlikely she sees the inside of a cell even though she should be standing in front of a firing squad who intends on resolving her “lead deficiency” with a high volume of doses at approximately 3000 fps.

April 16, 2016 8:12 am

I’d like to believe, but I am having a hard time doing so. In fact, if I were to bet on this, I would bet on zero criminal charges and Clinton getting off with some fine that she could ‘earn’ in an hour giving a speech to a too big to fail bank.

April 16, 2016 9:14 am

SSS: I also believe the Fibbies will indict her. At that point, Obongo must decide what to do with her. I say nothing! She will be the nominee and probably the next president. Prepare accordingly.

April 16, 2016 9:17 am

Well, I suppose we’ll see, won’t we? Maybe special agents have a reason to trust Comey. I don’t really see how anyone would expect him to be anything other than what he’s been. He’s the guy who took down that evil mastermind criminal, Martha Stewart , remember?

As Yogi Berra said, “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.”

April 16, 2016 9:47 am

“Now you’re not naive enough to think we live in a democracy? Are you Bud?” …. Gordon Gekko – Wall Street (the movie).

April 16, 2016 10:04 am

SSS, I really really hope you are right, because that would be so much fun to watch the clintons and their followers shit bricks.

April 16, 2016 10:06 am

Charged? Maybe. Prosecuted? No way.

I have contended since last summer that Hillary will commit Hari Kari, allowing for our first jewish POTUS (Samders) or our first totally Likudist, narcissistic jew sycophant and lair, Trump, to take office and further the Elitist Jews in Israel’s stranglehold of our political state.

April 16, 2016 10:41 am

FBI employees are extremely proud of the Agency’s reputation that it is the most competent and incorruptible law enforcement agency on the planet. I know those guys.

Faux Queue
Faux Queue
April 16, 2016 10:48 am

…”FBI employees are extremely proud of the Agency’s reputation that it is the most competent and incorruptible law enforcement agency on the planet. I know those guys.”

Did you know a guy named Lon Horiuchi? Did you know any of the agents who burned children alive in Waco, Texas? Or the agents involved in murdering an unarmed man recently?

Incorruptible? They sure are. They will never be swayed to the good side.


April 16, 2016 11:05 am

Who knows? Maybe Hitlery will have an unfortunately nail gun accident, car or plane crash, or some other unforeseen “health” incident that precludes her from being prosecuted.

Or maybe not. But we can hope right? Ah never mind, I am not that naive.

April 16, 2016 11:10 am


It’s usually those people in a position to threaten her that have those accidents.

Never underestimate a Clinton.

April 16, 2016 11:18 am

One way or the other, there will be no meaningful punishment for Hillary. Just not possible. She could hang her fat ass out of a helicopter and drop a steaming deuce on the face of Lady Liberty, and her pathetic sycophantic supporters would love her even more.

Muck About
Muck About
April 16, 2016 11:19 am

This is litmus test of American Jurisprudence. If the facts are there that Hell-er-y broke numerous laws concerning the security of the United States and if not charged, tried by a court of her peers, then America is lost. Period.

Time will tell.


April 16, 2016 11:29 am

.Anon….theatlantic link is depressing.

Admin….any way we could establish a pool for being charged, dismissed, conviction by a certain date?

She will not go to jail. Fuck the FBI, it is just as corrupt as any Federal agency.

April 16, 2016 11:57 am

Never. Going. To. Happen. Think of the stuff she knows about the system, they will have to cut a deal for minimal punishment to keep her quiet if they have the guts to do anything.

God but I hope she goes to jail.

Full Retard
Full Retard
April 16, 2016 1:26 pm

They are friends with Trump, a guy who claims he knows people you would not want to have dinner with.

That sounds like they are connected.

The word teflon is bruited about.

Untouchable (not the TBP guy).

April 16, 2016 1:49 pm

I think all politicians are electorial, loony (el) chamelons. (Not the TBP guy)

Full Retard
Full Retard
April 16, 2016 2:19 pm

T4C says: On Amazon the book has a 91% 5 star rating from 319 reviews.

I expect reviews to be critical analysis, most often, they ain’t.

Polls can be tailored to the desired result. Amazon reviews can be bought.

April 16, 2016 2:21 pm

“The Republican nominee becomes a shoe-in?”

Miss T4C, dear lady, it’s “shoo-in”. Forgive the correction, please. It’s like makin a calf go into a corral, which gives it the meaning need for your context. I ain’t fussin at you. You know I love you.

April 16, 2016 2:28 pm

About Sibel Edmonds’ book, when it came out, I visited her “Boiling Frogs” blog. Some hacker had infected the blog with a click bait link leading to an attack site in the replies. They say you know you’re over the target when the flack gets thick. They were sure shooting some flak at her.

She is sho’nuff on target with her book and subsequent articles.

Besides being a real beauty, she’s also brave like a Missouri Bushwhacker.

April 16, 2016 2:42 pm

Your servant, ma’am. I left a booboo in my response so you could get me back. Gracious soul that you are, you didn’t even mention it. I wish there was an emoji for a bow. 😉

April 16, 2016 6:29 pm

I sincerely hope you are right SSS. I really do! However, if you turn out to be wrong I will be equally sincere in my hope that you see that as evidence of how captured and corrupt the institutions that you have faith in really are.

Thanks for the article!

April 16, 2016 7:00 pm

Bozo said, “there’s classified and then there’s classified” as far as the classification of emails hilary received on her private unsecured server.

Remember this gem by bill?

“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

The joke is really on us isn’t it?

Full Retard
Full Retard
April 16, 2016 7:09 pm

She’ll be OK once she’s elected. She’ll also pardon herself retroactively.

Phil from Oz
Phil from Oz
April 16, 2016 7:36 pm

If Hilary is the best candidate for the job, she will be your next President.

Just remember that those “doing the choosing” are not those “casting the votes”. Your Presidents have been Selected, not Elected, and those selecting are the ones with the money, cause we should all know by now, “Money = Power”, and those responsible for “Front-Man Selection” really do not give a hoot as to the desires of the masses.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 16, 2016 7:46 pm

…the Clinton email case boils down to whether the U.S. is a nation of laws, where all citizens are equal under the law, or there is a different set of rules for the powerful.
Come on, SSS, you still believe in that fantasy?

Should Hellary somehow get indicted, the president-whisperer Valarie Jarrett will instruct Obummer how to proceed. But it won’t come to that. Too bad though, that would be some show!

April 16, 2016 9:39 pm

@T4C I have the utmost respect for Sibel Edmunds and all TBP regulars should invest in and read her book. It’s absolutely unbelievable and oh-so true.

And if there is ANY justice left in our system Hitlery should be lodged right next to Bradley Manning, or she should take his place as her crime is worse than his; all he tried to do is tell the truth about how our military murders civilians in a war zone of our own making, then laughs about it.

But regarding your comment about the aftermath of Hitlery being convicted, you’re dead wrong about a Trump victory. The polls demonstrate reality; it’s SANDERS by a landslide.

General Election: Trump vs. Sanders
Poll Date Sample MoE
Sanders (D)

Trump (R)
RCP Average 3/16 – 4/13 — — 53.4 37.1 Sanders +16.3
FOX News 4/11 – 4/13 1021 RV 3.0 53 39 Sanders +14
CBS News 4/8 – 4/12 1098 RV 3.0 53 36 Sanders +17
McClatchy/Marist 3/29 – 3/31 1066 RV 3.0 57 37 Sanders +20
IBD/TIPP 3/28 – 4/2 819 RV 3.5 53 36 Sanders +17
PPP (D) 3/24 – 3/26 1083 RV 3.0 48 40 Sanders +8
Bloomberg 3/19 – 3/22 815 LV 3.4 58 34 Sanders +24
Quinnipiac 3/16 – 3/21 1451 RV 2.6 52 38 Sanders +14

April 17, 2016 2:54 am

Damn, looks like T4C is channeling flash. Where pray tell, did flash get off too anyway?

April 17, 2016 3:02 am

Maggie said:
“She is a Clinton. She is a top mafioso. She will not do time. She knows too many secrets.”

Consider for a moment that bitches get shanked in prison. Dead bitches stay quiet too. Even she knows that. It would be deliciously easy to control every aspect of rubbing her out in a prison setting.

She might be at the top of the political class but that is several orders of magnitude below the real ruling class and they don’t like it when people know enough to become dangerous.

April 17, 2016 3:13 am

Westie, that is one VERY impressive list of rabidly impartial polling organizations. Trustworthy, honest and all that shit too!

April 17, 2016 5:49 pm

SSS said:
“To all those who said something on the order of “I hope you’re right, SSS, but ……,” I fully understand your skepticism and cynicism. You are completely justified, and I don’t blame you one bit. My level of skepticism, cynicism and criticism of the federal government is rapidly approaching yours.”


I’ve always wondered if this day would come. It’s not that I wanted you to give up your beliefs, I just couldn’t believe so many of us could see and agree how captured and corrupt the nation has become and a clearly intelligent man like yourself could not see it. Being older than many here I figured you would see it earlier and more clearly than us younger folks.

Sadly this is clearly no longer the country any of us were born and raised in. Clearly the majority do not or never did cherish the values that made our country great.

April 17, 2016 6:03 pm

SSS & IS x 10,000. It will be interesting to see what happens.

April 17, 2016 6:25 pm

“The FBI will not fail the American public. ”

Well, that would be a first.

April 17, 2016 7:00 pm

T4C, I know. I was just flipping you some shit.

As I scrolled through the comments I saw the long comment and immediately assumed it was flash. I scrolled back up, saw it was you and realised I had not seen a comment by flash in a long time. Did he bail?

April 17, 2016 7:43 pm

Indented Fuckface – FYI – Flash flounced on the 3/18/2016 “Deism” thread, I believe, when he felt his religiosity was challenged by Admin.


April 18, 2016 2:21 am

He’s left before. He’ll be back. This is a great time of the year to live in the south. I’d be outside as much as possible until A/C season.