Avalon has waded into the fray. She and her two best friends are at West Chester University today to attend a Donald Trump rally. The Donald is supposed to speak at 4:00 pm. I told her to start some trouble with the Black Thugs Matter protestors who are sure to be there. I want to see her on CNN. Her journalistic assignment for TBP is to record interesting aspects of the Trump phenomena and feed them to me instantaneously, so I can post them in this thread. 

Here is the first observation on campus. It seems the petrified special snowflakes are frightened by big bad Donald and are seeking safety in the office of the president. These pussies don’t feel safe around displays of the First Amendment. Imagine when these snowflakes have to make their way in the real world. With their liberal arts degrees in hand, they will feel unsafe as they man the drive thru window at Burger King or when a patron sends back a burger at TGI Fridays because it is too rare.

Remember when kids this age stormed the beaches of Normandy or got mowed down by the National Guard for protesting the Vietnam War? Now they whimper and hide in safe spaces.  

Houses on campus with anti-Trump signs

Yuuge lines forming to see Trump

Black Thugs Matter to Soros idiots are there.

Massive crowds and now riot police.

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rhs jr
rhs jr
April 25, 2016 1:16 pm

Rule .308 helps keep me safe from Useful Idiots.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 25, 2016 1:56 pm

Jim – at this stage it’s probably the only thing left worth reporting on. Let us know what kind of shots, how many and who collapses first.

April 25, 2016 2:38 pm

Admin, get the bail money ready, you might need it!

April 25, 2016 3:14 pm
April 25, 2016 3:22 pm

SAY NO TO HATE !!!!!…………..
………………………………………………………………………………………………and keep the free shit coming

there, fixed it for that kid.

April 25, 2016 3:58 pm

“More kids will come if there’s punch and pie”

April 25, 2016 4:38 pm

Hope she has a good time. Big crowds like that are just too off putting for me. I find it hilarious and absurd that there are people who are literally going to hide in the university presidents office because they are too scared. Who the fuck raised these people? Assuming they have fathers in their loves, I cannot imagine how embarrassed I would be if one of my children did that. How the fuck are these people ever going to function in the real world? How are they going to be able to handle even a semblance of real danger if the presence of trump makes them feel the need to hide under a desk? The thought of these people one day being in charge of anything scares me, these people scare me. The desire to ban anything that makes them feel uncomfortable is not comparable with the real world. While it sounds absurd that they would ever succeed in doing so, they have largely succeeded in doing just that on most college campuses.

April 25, 2016 4:46 pm

Avalon shouldn’t give up her real job… Her journalism career looks to be doomed…Hopefully, she wasn’t on the clock…….

April 25, 2016 4:46 pm

The pro-Trump crowd has the cute girls.

The BLM/anti-Trump crowd has a lot of folks one would never hire or date, let alone marry.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
April 25, 2016 5:24 pm

I am not too concerned with the ones shot down by the National Guard during the Vietnam War. I save my tears for the 18 and 19 year-olds who died fighting that war.

April 25, 2016 5:31 pm

The shots were Jamison! They didn’t get in to the rally either. Last we saw them they were leaving to drive to Wilkes barre to try to get in to that rally. They won’t get in. Trump is a popular guy.

April 25, 2016 5:36 pm

Admin….the $20 Bill was freaking awesome.

April 25, 2016 7:23 pm

Looking at the photos, I know which group I would be proud to see my kids in, and which would have me dry wretching.

Hershel Pasternak
Hershel Pasternak
April 25, 2016 7:55 pm

A whole crowd can charge a guy just standing there in the interest of public safety, their safety from the thoughts in his head matter more than his safety from their lynching.

April 25, 2016 8:12 pm

I live a few blocks from the venue. My 16 y/o son and his pro Trump buddies went up early with tickets and could not get in. The line was probably 1/2 mile long. He said that there was a large contingent of women. He was surprised, as he thought women found him to be sexist. The crowd covered the age spectrum. A very positive crowd with one strange anomaly – some jackass standing on his “trump for president ” bus in his pink leopard print tights swinging a golf club the whole time. Wouldn’t speak to anyone. Probably sent there by the RNC.

April 25, 2016 8:22 pm

“Probably sent there by the RNC.”

Good one, Tex. ahaha

Uncle Charley
Uncle Charley
April 26, 2016 12:08 am

Awe… Poor widdle kiddies ! Their safe space has been violated ! I hope none of them ever get a job and starve. .What a totally worthless generation.

Uncle Charley
Uncle Charley
April 26, 2016 12:09 am

On second thought, I need them to work for my SS and pay 70% taxes.

April 26, 2016 2:04 am

We went to a Trump rally a couple months ago. Stood behind some college guys with signs that said, “Fuck ISIS” and “Hillary for Prison.” The lines was yuuuuuge!

April 26, 2016 9:18 am

@Tex – the guy in the pink tights was probably Lindsey Graham

April 26, 2016 1:43 pm

“Lol I’m at a bar with a libertarian blogger. Phillylawblog I think. We are going to do shots right now. Oh boy….” – Avalon

WTF? This is grounds for immediate dismissal, Admin. I hope you responded accordingly.