Avalon has waded into the fray. She and her two best friends are at West Chester University today to attend a Donald Trump rally. The Donald is supposed to speak at 4:00 pm. I told her to start some trouble with the Black Thugs Matter protestors who are sure to be there. I want to see her on CNN. Her journalistic assignment for TBP is to record interesting aspects of the Trump phenomena and feed them to me instantaneously, so I can post them in this thread. 

Here is the first observation on campus. It seems the petrified special snowflakes are frightened by big bad Donald and are seeking safety in the office of the president. These pussies don’t feel safe around displays of the First Amendment. Imagine when these snowflakes have to make their way in the real world. With their liberal arts degrees in hand, they will feel unsafe as they man the drive thru window at Burger King or when a patron sends back a burger at TGI Fridays because it is too rare.

Remember when kids this age stormed the beaches of Normandy or got mowed down by the National Guard for protesting the Vietnam War? Now they whimper and hide in safe spaces.  

Houses on campus with anti-Trump signs

Yuuge lines forming to see Trump

Black Thugs Matter to Soros idiots are there.

Massive crowds and now riot police.