Ann’s Video on Diabolical Narcissism

I just don’t have three hours right now to watch this video (thanks a lot Ann for releasing this on a day I have appointments.  And I reserved that spot by my pond for your van and everything!).  Since the topic (Narcissism)  is near and dear to my current research project, I thought I’d share it here and see what kind of comments the SFM crew of TBP will fling at it before I watch it.

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May 11, 2016 10:49 am

We are all born PRIDEFUL , full of ENVY ,LUST and GREED . We are all born diabolical Narcissists.The difference is God give some of us the ability to see the SIN in our own hearts and the works of the flesh in our bodies thus allowing us to repent from this EVIL.

Take someone like Obama who said biblical sin was him not living up to his own expectations. That’s about as far away from real meaning of sin as you can get.Obama will never REPENT because he has
Been judged.

May 11, 2016 10:53 am

1. Why would anyone want to spend lot of time studying narcissism??

2. Three HOURS of watching Crazy Eyes Annie??? That’s impossible.

—— she is NOT a dynamic speaker …. she just drones on and on and on
—— waaay to much note reading …. and, really, the plant “hiding” her computer, well, how cheesy is that

3. This is not a “study” from a psychology point of view …. it’s TOTALLY a RELIGIOUS one, from a Catholic perspective no less

—— she believes Lot’s wife was LITERALLY turned into a pillar of salt (@2:43:00)

—— her solution to everything Diabolical Narcissist? —– @2:44:40 ….. “It is essential to preach HELL! It is essential to preach ETERNAL DAMNATION!”

Complete and total waste of time, imho.

May 11, 2016 11:07 am

Thanks, Stuck. You’ve saved me the time on this one. I’ll close this tab out and move on with my life.

May 11, 2016 12:06 pm

having had a close associate at work – KILLED because he was gay; I took it upon myself to study WHY are people “Gay”. It is my humble & personal opinion that it is hereditary. IF this be true – you decide – than it is simply an aberration in the lines of heredity – just as having blue eyes or red hair
As such I find it should not be condemned. My friend was murdered because he was a ~homo”.
I thus find it appalling that so called Christians can spew so much hatred against these people. For the religious zealots out there; I say to you: would Chirst himself condone this seething hatred of gay men & women? I think NOT !
further; after listening to the first 10 minutes of this MULTI HOUR DRONE – she is a wacko.

May 11, 2016 12:34 pm

What she has to say about Islam is worth listening to.

May 11, 2016 2:42 pm

Perhaps most of you just don’t know or understand Catholic theology. She is true to her convictions. So you people are ones who are really fuck up . She explains her Catholic Faith better then anyone on the internet that I have listened to and what she says about ISLAM and the coming financial Armageddon is spot on.

May 11, 2016 4:00 pm

Ann keep up the great work!I am now taking adult catechism to become Catholic.

May 12, 2016 12:51 am

Ann always has her facts straight but some of her conclusions are off the wall. Her videos on sex and islam were an eye opener. “All this can’t be true” I says. She was right, of course, on the facts. Her conclusion that islam is not a religion I disagree with. It is a religion to a billion people. And much more than just a religion to many muslims, also.
Ann had a couple videos on health insurance, which I totally agreed with. All health insurance should be catastrophic. Insurance covering teeth fillings and root canals and simple stitches at an ER should not be part of health insurance. Insurance just drives up the cost of most simple medical care to ridiculous levels.
Ann took a stand on corruption in the futures trading industry. She was right that it was corrupt, but was wrong on when the whole shebang would fall. She has paid a terrible price for her honesty. Corzine should have gone to prison. And Hillary to boot for her scam.
She has turned to religion in a big way and so be it. She is too judgemental but that’s her right. Many of the bible stories she brings up are fascinating and I enjoy much of her writings.
Ann is not a danger to anyone nor is she anything like the current SJW feminazis that jump in every ones face and screech horrific abuse. No, unless you go to her website or to her youtube channel, you would never be offended by her. She would never jump in the face of any stranger and screech. She believes in the 1st amendment and would never deny the Feminazi’s their right to speak, tho the Feminazis would certainly shut her up if they could.
I have ignored much of her work such as the piece above. But I have enjoyed lots of it and have learned some important things.
May God touch her with some luck in the coming days. She needs some and deserves some.

May 12, 2016 2:08 am

She’s bat-shit crazy. So are you BB.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 12, 2016 6:05 am

Every single time I watch one of her presentations I start out thinking “little bit crazy” and wind up concluding “she’s right”.

Intelligent, analytical, and a zealot. What’s not to like?

Her observation regarding how people treat waitstaff was brilliant. And the word diabolic has been ignored at our peril, she uses it like a shiv because it is accurate. These people are diabolical. If they ever consolidate their power completely, they will absolutely execute another Red Purge/Reign of Terror with all the technological bells and whistles of the 21st century.

May 12, 2016 8:57 am

@ Maggie –

You said, “Even the ties to the religious aspect of the coming catastrophe to mankind is accurate.”

I don’t listen to enough Ann to really know what you mean here. What, exactly, does she say about the religious aspect of the coming catastrophe?

Is she like a “Left Behind” person? The Anti-Christ rises up to rule the world?

Thanks for elaborating.

May 13, 2016 5:05 am

Well, I have to eat my words. I watched/listened to the presentation. The entire 3 hours of it. I actually thought it was very good. As others above have noted, I think she’s a little loopy in her religious views. But, whatever floats her boat is good with me.

I had a friend who was obsessed with the study of psychopaths. Apparently, a couple of them had entered into his life and made his life hell. Previous to meeting this friend, I had never given psychopathy a second thought. If I had been asked about it, I would just have assumed that a psychopath was someone like Jeffrey Dahmer or Charles Manson. Only after numerous discussions with Chris did I grow to realize the impact of psychopaths in our daily lives.

That is to say, psychopaths aren’t limited to deviant men who kill boys and eat them, they’re actually the ones running The Show.

I thought Ann’s presentation dovetailed in nicely with this idea and helped me to file away a little more information about the types of people who seek power.

I guess to answer stucky’s question about why you would study DN is to be aware of this type of sickness and avoid these types of people at all costs.

Well done, Ann. Maggie: I apologize for being so snarky about this up front. I am glad you took the time to post it.

May 24, 2016 10:58 am

This video has been banned on YouTube because it “violates” community standards. We are in Orwellian country.

Barnhardt's Latest Video Banned by YouTube for NUDITY!!

Catherine Walden
Catherine Walden
October 14, 2016 8:25 pm

Until you’ve met a physcopath/narcissist you are unaware of the level of of deception and harm that can be perpetrated by people with this disorder. They can lie continually to your face and you will never know it.I do believe that their aim is always to steal, kill and destroy and they get pleasure from doing it. They truly are the evil that walks this earth in human form. They will alter your map of reality and you will not be the same ever. The one good thing about meeting one is that it will open your eyes to the fact that evil really can have a charming face and a “mask of sanity”. It is becoming more and more prevalent. Trust your gut, because it is the only thing that will warn you that you are in the presence of one. They are all predators and very dangerous.