Zionist Israel Hides Its Crimes Behind Its Smears of Truth-Tellers

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Several years ago two very distinguished American scholars wrote a book, The Israel Lobby.

The book made a very understated case that the Israel Lobby has far more power over the US government and media than is good for America or Israel, as it silences constructive critics who are Israel’s friends. The two scholars were demonized by the Israel Lobby as advocating the return of the Holocaust.

The Israel Lobby presented itself as just a poor little weak thing unable to stand up to all the Nazis assailing Israel. Meanwhile the US Congress was unanimously passing outrageous resolutions handed to it by the Israel Lobby.

A number of former US Senators and Representatives, including Cynthia McKinney, have publicly stated that they were removed from office by the Israel Lobby for criticizing actions of the Israeli government, such as the Israeli government’s attempt to sink the USS Liberty, in which a majority of the American crew were killed or injured.

Instead of defending the US Navy, the cowardly US government was so scared of Israel that the President of the United States and the Admiral conducting the inquiry, Senator John McCain’s father, rushed to the defense of Israel and covered up the incident.

The coverup has been so successful that few Americans today know that a vessel of the US Navy was decimated by an Israeli air and torpedo boat attack, and Washington did not even file a protest. Really! The US is a “superpower,” and the cowardly government cannot even stand up to Israel?

What do you think will happen to these pussies in Washington when they confront by their carelessness and unjustified arrogance the power of Russia and China?

Little wonder that after 15 years of pointless conflict the US has been defeated by a few thousand lightly armed warriors in Afghanistan, and the “Mission Accomplished” promouncement of the moron George W. Bush now requires intervention by the Russian Superpower to be accomplished.

Only Russia can bring the terrorism in the Middle East that the dolts in Washington created to an end. The low grade morons in Washington sponsor the terrorism in order to bleed the American taxpayer of money to pay the profits of the Military-Security Complex that President Eisenhower, a Five Starr General warned us about going on 7 decades ago.

The Americans are so incompetent that they should just depart the scene and go home and hide under their beds so scared they are of “terrorists,” largely an invention of neoconservative propaganda.

But it only takes a propaganda invention, a false flag event, to scare “powerful America” out of its wits.

I became an “anti-semite” when I observed that Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians resembled the Union Army’s treatment, under Sherman and Sheridan, of the American Plains Indians. Wholesale genocide.

An Israeli official wrote to me asking me why I criticized Israel for doing to the Palestinians what the United States government did to the native Americans. In other words, the Western World, and Israel that allegedly suffered the Holocaust, were not required to make any moral progress in one or two centuries. Whatever the Union war criminals did to the American Plains Indians in the 19th century is perfectly OK for Israel to to to Palestinians in the 21st century.

So much for those who believe in moral progress.

“Anti-semite” has lost its sting, because every justified criticism of the Zionist Israeli government is declared to be anti-semitism. The word is so overused and misapplied as to be useless. Indeed, to be declared “anti-semite” by the Israel Lobby is to be declared a person of high moral conscience.

Currently the Israel Lobby is at work destroying anyone associated with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, which is an effort to sanction Israel for its genocide against Palestine. The popular musician, Roger Waters, is one of the few brave enough to support this movement.

Waters says that many of his colleagues, who protested the Viet Nam War and South Africa Apartheid are too “scared shitless of Israel” to protest what former US President Jimmy Carter called Israeli Apartheid.

Republicans, conservatives, and the Israel Lobby do not like Jimmy Carter because he speaks honestly, but that is why I respect him.

There is no doubt whatsoever that the Palestinians have had their country stolen. Now they, like native Indians in the US in the 19th century, have been confined to ghetto reservations. This is a simple fact. But anyone who states the fact is declared by the Israel Lobby to be an anti-semite who wants to kill all the Jews.

In other words, it is Zionist Israel that is committing genocide, but if a person mentions that fact that person is accused of wanting to do to the Jews what Israel is doing to the Palestinians.

Israel, thanks to the complete cowardice of the government of “the world’s only superpower” and the largely Israeli controlled US media and entertainment industry, has got away with this raw exercise of the power of propaganda and intimidation.

But not with Roger Waters.

Support Roger Waters, one of the acknowledged greatest rock musicians of this era, when he stands up for the Palestinians and opposes the monstrous crimes of Zionist Israel:

It is amazing to me how courage has disappeared from the entire Western world. Insouciant Americans have lost their liberty to disinformation and fear. Such a fearful and afraid people have no prospect of standing up to the Russian and Chinese people.

The Western World buried in propaganda and lies is now in the trash bin of history. It is no more.

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May 12, 2016 9:17 am

Some folks are starting to dislike Israel.

May 12, 2016 10:01 am

In case y’all didn’t know, Roger Waters founded Pink Floyd.


YODA_bite me (you know who)
YODA_bite me (you know who)
May 12, 2016 10:14 am

“…and Israel that allegedly suffered the Holocaust.”

PCR, this reminds me of Ahmadinejad. ALLEGEDLY ?????

May 12, 2016 10:29 am

In all fairness we must recognize that the Israel Lobby does some good work. Getting rid of Cynthia Mckinney is a GOOD thing.

May 12, 2016 10:34 am
May 12, 2016 10:36 am
May 12, 2016 10:47 am

If you think that I support the State of Israel, you couldn’t be more wrong.

I have always believed the best possible solution is for both peoples to annihilate each other.

May 12, 2016 10:49 am

Future suicide bomber.

Arabic …. such a pretty language.

May 12, 2016 10:50 am

Hey Stucky – Why don’t you read the post by non-moron Paul Craig Roberts above your hateful stupidity?
How about those photos of Israeli school children writing notes on bombs to the children of the countries that those genocidal monsters were about to bomb.
or….let’s put some beach chairs on the hill and watch our fellow human beings getting burned alive by white phosphorus?
You must love all of those dual citizen American “patriots” in OUR AMERCAN government!

May 12, 2016 11:08 am

Stucky hearts “mowing the lawn”.

May 12, 2016 11:23 am


Hateful stupidity? I resent the “stupidity” part.

PCR wants you to feel sorry for Palestinians because Da Joos “stole” their land.

—-1) Boo fucking hoo!! People/nations taking the lands of other people/nations has been going on since the dawn of human history. Deal with it.

—-2) Supporting Palestinians means supporting mooslims. You really want to do that?

I’m also calling bullshit on this — “Israeli school children writing notes on bombs…”. But, even IF true, there is a difference between Joo kids WRITING NOTES ON BOMBS ….. and mooslim kids actually BEING suicide bombers.

As I said above, mutual destruction …. let’s pray for that!

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
May 12, 2016 11:30 am

Cynthia McKinney is the only kneegrow I know of that did something in CONgress other than demand more and more entitlements for the FSA. Take the time to track down her junkyard dog attacks against Donald Rumsfeld about what happened to the 2.3 Trillion dollars missing from the Pentagon (9/11) and human trafficing. She was exposing the dark side and they sent her packing after a smear campaign.

PCR has knowledge of thing far beyond most of the maroons posting on the internet.

May 12, 2016 12:21 pm


“Israel” has never suffered a “Holocaust”. On the other hand, what has happened to the Palestinian people at the hands of “Israel” is a holocaust. And to make matters worse, it is still ongoing and the American government refuses to even acknowledge Israel’s war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and apartheid, let alone do anything to stop them. It is no coincidence that Israel has been sanctioned and censured by the UN more times than any other 10 countries in the world combined.

Robert Blake
Robert Blake
May 12, 2016 1:37 pm

Psychologists know that many children who were abused by their parent(s) grow up to be child abusers themselves. Those who grew up in a house with domestic abuse, often tend to end up as domestic abusers.
Reaping and sowing.
Israel ended up becoming what it most feared and despised. It turned into a genocidal, religiously intolerant, professional “victim” state…..doing unto others what it claims was done to it.

YODA_bite me (you know who)
YODA_bite me (you know who)
May 12, 2016 3:36 pm

What this world really needs is more bleeding heart, emotion laden Dumb Fucks. I won’t hesitate to dump on Stucky, but in this case it does come down to Israelis or Muslims. I don’t care where those MoosFucks live, they are the most evil scum on the planet.

I wrote some additional comments but they were off the charts vile (aimed at the dumb-fuck bleeding hearts).

May 12, 2016 5:41 pm

…both judaism and islam spring from the same source. The islamic koran and jewish talmud have virtually identical passages that outline the supremacy of each respective group. These two texts relegate gentiles and infidels as no better than livestock, to be used (and abused) for the nefarious purposes of each respective group.
Since judaism is much older than islam, it is apparent that islam is an arabicized form of judaism.Let’s not forget that Islam and Zionism are both creations of semitic people.
It is laughable to see jewish Zionists call muslims “anti-Semitic . . .
BOTH Islam and Zionism should be condemned in the strongest terms; its adherents required to register with the US State Department as “agents of a foreign government” pending mandatory deportation to the third-world sh!thole of their choice.
There is no room for either political system in MY country.
By the way, all American politicians who have received funding from moslems or Zionists can leave too . . .along with the 40 or so congresscritters who hold “dual citizenship” with Israel…

May 12, 2016 5:42 pm

Who the hell died and appointed Israel the “master” of the middle east?? Iran (and all other middle-eastern countries) KNOWS that any nuclear “discharge” would affect the whole middle east . . . Any country that possesses nukes is not stupid . . . Israel has over a hundred nukes, manufactured with stolen American classified technology, refuses inspections of its nuclear facilities and is, in general, a “pain in the ass” to the rest of the world, along with (blackmailed) “big brother” United States of America.
It is no secret that the U S State Department is infested with dual-nationality Israeli-Americans who form (and foment) the bulk of our neocon “foreign policy” straight from Tel Aviv. In fact there are 40 or so congressmen and senators with dual-nationality “ties” to Israel.
Most people are unaware that Israel holds a “Damocles sword” over the world. Any attack on Israel will be met with a nuclear device being detonated in a city of Israel’s choosing. Israel calls this the “Samson option” and is very real.

Israel refuses to abide by IAEA guidelines concerning its nukes as its nukes are distributed around the world. Israel would not be able to produce all of them. No delivery systems are needed as Israel’s nukes are already “in place”. Look for another “false flag” operation with the blame being put on Iran. You can bet that some Iranian passports will be found in the rubble.

Israel also threatens to detonate nuclear devices in several US cities, thanks to Dolphin-Class submarines sold (or was it given?) to Israel by Germany. Talk about total INSANITY; the so-called “Samson Option” is it.

May 12, 2016 7:03 pm

Jews and Muslims are both Semetic people
and many of the orthodox practices of Judaism
are similar the practices of Muslims.

So solly…it be true.

May 12, 2016 7:13 pm

Anon please do not use the UN(East River Commie and Cannibal Club to back your mohammedan propaganda.

Emilio Camino
Emilio Camino
May 13, 2016 12:17 am

Many members in the NEOCONgress are puppets of Judeo-Zionism.

America is deeply infiltrated everything, especially in the mass media, banking and particularly in the fraudulent Federal Reserve.

By the way, what does the Federal Reserve in the former central bank chief Jew in the Federal Reserve? Is it Jewish Jack Lew and many many others everywhere? …

Kill Bill
Kill Bill
May 13, 2016 12:42 am

I think maybe yanno that this sh crap above really has little to do with religion.

It is biblically true, that Abraham had two wives, the first couldnt give him a son, so Hagar, a servant, bore him his first son…well google that shit yoself. Anyway these are called Abrahamic religions because of this surrogate wife and why, perhaps, the divide in religious fanatics spastic ganglia. But who can know crazy without being crazy?

I digress. Im thinking that these are just economic agreements (political grab assing) sliding by under the sheeps nose by rattling their faith a bit.