College Then and Now: Letter to a Bright Young Woman


Dear ___,

You asked how college was when I was a kid, in the late Epicene, and what I thought of schools today. Herewith an answer which I will probably post on my website as I think the matter important:

Much has changed.

Long ago, before 1965 say, college was understood to be for the intelligent and academically prepared among the young, who would one day both provide leadership for the country and set the tone of society. Perhaps ten percent, but no more than twenty percent, of high-school graduates were thought to have any business on a campus.

It was elitist and deliberately so. Individuals and groups obviously differed in character and aptitude. The universities selected those students who could profit by the things done at universities.

Incoming freshmen were assumed to read with fluency and to know algebra cold. They did, because applicants were screened for these abilities by the SATs. These tests, not yet dumbed down, then measured a student’s ability to handle complex ideas expressed in complex literate English, this being what college students then did.

There were no remedial courses. If you needed them, you belonged somewhere else. The goal of college was learning, not social uplift.

Colleges were a bit stodgy, a bit isolated from the world, and focused on teaching. Most had not adopted the grand-sounding title of “university.” Professors were hired for a few years to see whether they worked out with the expectation that if they did, they would get tenure. At schools I  knew, “publish or perish” did not exist. The students, almost entirely white and with the cultural norms associated with that condition, were well behaved within the limits imposed by late adolescence.

The purpose of college was the making of cultivated men and women who would understand the world to the extent that it has proved willing to be understood. This meant the liberal arts. “Liberal” didn’t mean “lefty” or “nice.” It implied a broad grounding in languages, literature, history, the sciences, mathematics, economics, philosophy, and art and music.

The emphasis was on “broad.” For example, if the student took a reasonably rigorous course called “A Survey of Art from Classical Antiquity to the Present,” he—or, most assuredly she—could go into any museum or archaeological site in the Western world, and know what he was seeing. In discussions of politics or literature he would not feel like an orphaned guttersnipe and, having a basis in most fields, could rapidly master any that proved of importance or interest.

There was of course, the young being the young, parallel interest in beer, the other sex, and the usual foolishness that we geezers remember with fondness.

That is how things were. Then came what are roughly called the Sixties, actually the late Sixties and early Seventies.

They changed everything.

The first and worst change was the philosophy that everybody, or much closer to everybody, should go to college. Disaster followed. There descended on the schools huge numbers of adolescents without the brains, preparation, or interest needed for college. They had little notion of what college was for. The very idea of cultivation seemed undemocratic to them, as of course it was. They set out to avoid it. And did.

Since they were not ready, and for the most part could not be made ready, colleges dumbed down courses. Remedial classes proliferated. These worked poorly.  When a graduate of high school can barely read, there is usually an underlying reason why he will never be able to read.

Colleges, which had not been focused on money, realized that these swarms of the intellectually bedraggled paid tuition. Schooling became a business. Tuition rose sharply, much in excess of inflation. Banks, seeing a vast new market, began making student loans and soon learned to tie these loans to the parents’ houses. This kept  the student from escaping by filing for bankruptcy. It was a gold mine.

The universities, become businesses, acted like businesses. They cut costs by using adjunct professors, often of low quality, as academic migrant workers instead of far higher-paid tenured staff. Academic quality dropped further.

Students became customers buying diplomas.  On the principle that the customer is always right, colleges gave them whatever they wanted. One thing they wanted was grades. Grade inflation boomed.

What the students didn’t want was an education, to the extent that they knew what the word meant. They wanted courses that were easy and fun. Soon there were things like “What if Harry Potter were Real?” and “The Comic Book in the Struggle for Gender Equality.” These were vacuous, but the students didn’t know and wouldn’t have cared. They were in a USP—a university-shaped place—that had the form of schooling, such as numbered courses with solemn-sounding titles, credit hours, and buildings with blackboards. They  thought they were in college. They weren’t really, but didn’t really want to be.

College, once a passage into adulthood, became a way of avoiding it. Immaturity and narcissism flourished well into the students’ twenties. This was perhaps because they had never had the experience of having to do things, such as work in a gas station or manage a paper route.  They confused universities with their parents and worked to outrage them. With the righteousness of the still-pubescent, they demanded justice for everything and, having no experience of rational argument, or of thought of any kind, called for the abolition of anything that didn’t suit them. To their delight, they discovered that administrations would cave. Expelling them would have been  a wiser course. They became the prissiest of prissy moralists.

Many professors were products of the Sixties and saw the role of universities to be the pursuit of social change. Students with little desire for learning were content with this. Black students were a particular problem, as they were usually even less prepared than the white. Largely to hide their deficiencies, universities began to abandon the SATs which made unpreparedness obvious. This was said to foster “inclusiveness.”

Universities recruited blacks competitively as evidence of social rightness.  These trophies lacked roots in European civilization, literature, history, sciences and mathematics. They demanded, and got, departments of Black Studies, academic ghettos lowering standards yet further.

Meanwhile the federal government had taken control, almost unnoticed. Washington taxed the states and then gave some of the money back to the universities, provided that they behaved as desired. They invariably did. The Supreme Court decided admissions policies. Big schools became research centers for the government, largely the military. The education of undergraduates took third place, behind football.

Oversupply of graduates raised its ugly head. When degrees had been scare, and went to the intelligent, they carried advantage. When everyone had a college degree, they didn’t. The number of jobs actually requiring an education was far smaller than the number of young who had diplomas, though not educations. Soon there were countless college-educated taxi-drivers, parking-lot attendants, and servers of over-priced coffee at Starbucks.

Potentially far worse, though this wave is just beginning to break, employers noticed the falling capacities of graduates. They began to think of hiring people according to what they knew and could do, instead of according to possession of diplomas that increasingly meant little. Survey after survey showed that graduates couldn’t read documents with understanding, didn’t know in what century the Civil War was fought, couldn’t name the three branches of government, and had trouble with arithmetic.

The result was that students who wanted to learn nothing did so, at great expense and to little advantage to themselves or society, and were ruthlessly exploited by banks and rooked for exorbitant tuition while failing to grow up.

I hope these cheerful notes answer your question.


Uncle Rick

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rhs jr
rhs jr
June 4, 2016 2:37 pm

I can totally second this because I graduated HS with honors in 1965 but had to study hard at FSU to earn a degree in Math and Physics in1969; was drafted and completed OTC in 1970. Served 12 years and went back to college and found it incredible easy to take 20 hours of Science classes per Quarter and earn all A’s. Liberals have ruined America in every corner you look.

June 4, 2016 2:39 pm

But many of these people with the dumbed-down college degrees ended up with nice Federal, State, County, and Municipal jobs. That’s an even worse offence.

The unlucky ones, who didn’t get a government job, have to play acoustic guitar in the coffee shops for tin-cup donations.

Greece and Rome both ended this way.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 4, 2016 2:41 pm

Yep. That about sums it up.

My son brought home his interim report card the other day. Straight A’s again with 100% in English. Don’t get me wrong – I’m proud of him – he works hard and takes his academics seriously. But in all of the years I spent in school I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone bring home a 100% mark from either a middle school, high school or university setting. I couldn’t help but think that the only way this is possible is because the course material has been dumbed down to the point where even the mediocre can now achieve a B or A grade. So while I’m happy for the lad I can’t help but think that they are wasting his time. He’s as much as said so himself… sad.

June 4, 2016 2:53 pm

So now we have a population of know-it-alls who know nothing and ignorance is bliss. The population is not only ripe for control, it’s begging for it.

‘Murica! Fuck yeah!***

***our epitaph.

June 4, 2016 3:29 pm

If you don’t know you should. Most of the universities and colleges were started by Christians for the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Check the history of the Harvard , Yale , Stanford , Brown to name a few.

I went to the university of life .Got a much better education once I discovered the internet. I must say Admin , I have a debt of gratitude that I will never be able to repay.After reading your articles over and over I finally began to understand real world economics.Indentured servant motivated me to understand how the banking system really works. All wars are Bankers Wars… That phrase is what gotmy attention. For what it’s worth. Thank You indentured servant.

Muck About
Muck About
June 4, 2016 4:21 pm

bb: I understand from another post, you are ill and with a body scan I can guess what the problem is, if not where.

Your last post above sounds like :goodbye” which I hate to hear as I need you to roar at now and then. Keep us posted. I am a poster boy for kicking cancer’s ass. 20 years of Leukemia and Lymphoma and I am now cancer free, kicking and squalling.

I hope things look up for you and keep us posted, please.


June 4, 2016 4:27 pm

rhs: I did pretty much the same thing except U of Miami instead of FSU. They simply didn’t fuck around in the 60s. A guy kept his grades up and graduated in four yrs or it was 1A and a free trip to South East Asia. I went to AOCS in early ’70 and ended up doing eight yrs USN/USAF. Liberals may have ruined the USofA but the rest of us stood around and watched ’em do it.

June 4, 2016 5:14 pm


It is clear to me that Universities no longer provide solutions for modern problems. We do not travel the way we did 400 years ago. Likewise, we do not communicate, farm, fight or finance in the same manner that we did 400 years ago. Why, then, do we depend on a 400 year old method for our education? For 90% of those that attend, the time spent at the University will be the biggest lost opportunity of their lives as doing anything else would have been time better spent.

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 4, 2016 5:39 pm

Muck, if bb’s ex did go back to church, she should be praying for old bb. he’s made his peace with I-S but I-S doesn’t read his stuff. Man is not a forgiving creature. I like bb. He never said anything rude to me, I don’t know why.

bb, if those fucking doctors can’t pull their head out their ass or their dick out the nurse’s ass, here’s some music for you as you drive out to the great beyond:

June 4, 2016 7:38 pm

Thank Muck and Full Retards , no cancer but I do have Multiple Fractures in my Ribs as well as an Abdominal Wall Hematoma. I don’t have a hernia but the muscle on the right side of my stomach have collapsed.( I have a big bulge on my stomach that looks like a hernia ) Apparently I damage the nerves that tell the muscle what to do.I had a horrific coughing spell in which I could not stop.All this is a result of the pneumonia I had two months ago.Ribs will heal. I will have to have an operation on my stomach.

My advice , don’t ever get pneumonia . Full Retards , Indentured servitude reads all my post cause I’m the only one who pays him attention. He was / is right about the Banking Establishment.

Greg in NC
Greg in NC
June 5, 2016 7:58 am

The only thing 80% of the college graduates will learn after 4+ years of schooling is that they are in debt. The realization may not come for several years later though. Ugghhh, stupid hurts.

June 5, 2016 10:17 am

Engineering still teaches math, science, and some discipline as a side-product. Discipline is what is no longer taught – and its loss causes all the other losses. If you can’t find the steel inside that makes you study until you drop in your tracks in order to excel (or even just pass), how do you expect to raise a family? How do you expect to be able to save for the future, build a business, invent something new?
Ah, but wait, now the bankers steal your savings with ZIRP, the lawyers steal your business through litigation, and the State will steal your family through CPS if they don’t like how you’re doing it. Forget it, we will have to crash through the Crunch before we can come out the other side – and the Crunch (and its aftermath) may take a long, long time.
Shouldn’t drink on a Sunday? Will the reasons to drink go away on a Sunday? Hmmm….

June 5, 2016 1:29 pm

“It was a gold mine: ———- Fred

Fred could have stopped right there. It’s all about $$$$, fuck you very much, and here’s your worthless dumbploma.