“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they’ve been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It’s an opinion. Impossible is not a declaration. It’s a dare. Impossible is potential. Impossible is temporary. Impossible is nothing.”

Muhammad Ali

“I’m a fighter. I believe in the eye-for-an-eye business. I’m no cheek turner. I got no respect for a man who won’t hit back. You kill my dog, you better hide your cat.”

Muhammad Ali

“Live everyday as if it were your last because someday you’re going to be right.”

Muhammad Ali

Boxing Legend Muhammad Ali Has Passed Away

Boxer Muhammad Ali passed away in a Phoenix-area hospital on Friday evening at the age of 74. Ali had been hospitalized for the past few days with respiratory complications and was reported to have been in “grave” condition Friday afternoon. He also battled Parkinson’s disease for 32 years.


Ali is considered to be one of (if not the) greatest boxers of all time. He won the World Heavyweight Championship in 1964 at the age of 22, and again won it in 1974 and 1978–the only person to do so three times. He won Olympic light heavyweight boxing gold in the 1960 Rome Olympics.

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June 4, 2016 8:03 am

He was great at signifying. Never was a fan.

Norton kicked his ass two out of three times, maybe three out of three, no matter what the officials said, and Frazier beat him into Parkinson’s. And the Young decision was also a disgrace. He cheated to beat Foreman by loosening the ropes. And what he said to Frazier was a disgrace.

He was given victories over Norton in their third fight and Young that would have made his legacy modest (and maybe in the second Norton fight as well). His record of three titles was built on 2 maybe 3 judging results that stunk to high heaven. But hey, that’s boxing. Never bet on a sport where the result is determined by judges. They cheat.

Ken Norton
Ken Norton
June 4, 2016 9:15 am

Good riddance. One less negroid in the world and a particularly nasty racist one at that.

June 4, 2016 10:23 am

I grew up in a multi-cultural lower middle class neighborhood. Muhammad Ali was in the news as a big hero – “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” . Later he came down with Parkinson’s and everybody said how tragic it was that such a hero should get such a bad disease.

Dominic and his wife lived a few houses down from us. They were different, not because they were Eye-talian – pretty much every house in the neighborhood had a family with different ethnicity – but because they had two adopted kids. They couldn’t have kids for some reason and I thought that adopting kids was a cool thing for them to do.

All of us kids roamed the neighborhood wandering through the yards without much thought as to who the yards belonged to and certainly without any expectation that the cops would be called either for or against us. Nobody would have thought of doing that back then. One day when I was about 10 or 12 I stepped on a rose thorn in Dominic’s yard. He was home, so it must have been a weekend – otherwise he would have been at work. Dominic wasn’t a big man, but his hands were strong and sure as he pulled that thorn out of my foot.

Years later I learned that Dominic had died from Parkinson’s, but I always remember him as the quiet steady man who pulled a thorn out of a young girls foot without even thinking to question why she was in his yard in the first place. Dominic is a hero in my book, even though he never made the evening news.

June 4, 2016 10:30 am

Ali was brash and unconventional, the unnecessary personality to attract Rainstorm when he was a teenager. Ali lost the fastest years of his career when he decided to avoid the draft. Very few people have noted that, if Ali was born in an earlier era and had avoided the draft in World War II, he would have been castigated forever. Ali was lucky that the Vietnam War was unpopular, which attracted college students to his cause.

One cannot say that Ali led an uninteresting life.

June 4, 2016 11:32 am

Sounds to me like Llpoh has a serious case of sour grapes. heh

I totally HATED Ali growing up … especially for his refusal to go to Vietnam. All these years later, I admire him for not going. We need more men like that today.

Who was the only man to knock down Ali while Ali was still a Champion? I’ll save you from googling. It was Chuck Wepner … aka The Bayonne Bleeder. I think it was he who said if the fight went to 20 rounds he would have beaten Ali, because Ali’s arms would have been to tired to keep punching him.

June 4, 2016 11:39 am

In the Glad-You’re-Fucking-Dead-And-Hope-You-Rot-In-Hell department …

Jan Crouch died a couple days ago. YEAH!!!!!!!

If you don’t know her ….. she and her husband Paul (who died about 4 years ago) were televangelists of PTL (Praise The Lord) infamy …. raking in about $100 million per YEAR.

She’s like Hillary …. only 100 times worse.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
June 4, 2016 11:53 am

Stucky- I share your excitement over the departure of that evil (and I do mean evil) bitch. They kept it secret that her equally as evil husband and she had divorced years ago over the fact that his male lover had sued him in court as he was a homo. ALSO they lived in different states and kept up the act of being the loving couple to keep the money rolling in.

The average sheep sending money to these spawns of the devil never knew they had 37 HOMES around the world and a vast personal fortune.

June 4, 2016 11:57 am

Norton beat Ali only once, winning with a split decision, breaking his Jaw, but the fight did go on to the end.
They fought 3 times. Ali beat Norton 2 out of 3.

June 4, 2016 12:18 pm

I always thought he was a lame ass coward for refusing to go to Vietnam.My dad went .The first funeral I ever went to was a young man killed in the war.I see / saw him for what he was .A low life loud mouth God Damn coward when it really counted .Just like 95% of the rest of the black race.

He is probably the reason I Hate boxing to this day.Good Damn Riddance.

June 4, 2016 12:23 pm

After Parkinson’s hit he became easier to like because he couldn’t run his mouth anymore. He once said that his Parkinson’s was Allah’s way of letting him know he wasn’t ‘the greatest’, Allah is the greatest. Even though there is no god named Allah, I respected him for saying it.

He had to down-grade his lifestyle considerably the last 3 decades because of an affinity for producing out-of-wedlock children. Even a great champ like him can’t win any rounds against a female in an American courtroom. No MSM coverage of his ‘secrets’ of course.

RIP, champ. Nobody even knows the name of the current heavyweight champ.

June 4, 2016 1:17 pm

one more allah-snackbar in hell. a good thing for mother earth

June 4, 2016 1:57 pm

I wish more men of my generation had had the courage to jump the draft, and refuse to fight the war in Vietnam.

And if all the “hard hats” and other “conservative” middle and working class supporters of that war of aggression had known the REAL reason we were there, not a single man would have gone except, of course, the obedient, conforming sheeple-type men who need to be led. The only reason we were in that war was not for “America” , not to win “freedom” or “democracy” for the poor hut-dwellers we were killing while supporting the murderous Pol Pot regime. We were there to make another third world slave labor pisshole safe for American oligarchs looking for places to move the jobs then being done by the high-wage, union-protected “hard hats” who thought those high wages and gold-plated union-won benefits were God-given entitlements, never imagining that they were fighting for the “right” to compete with labor abroad paid a 10th as much.

June 4, 2016 2:13 pm

The Raging Bull, Jake LaMotta, is alive and well at age 94. Maybe it was the fact he has had 7 wives. Heh. Here ……

“LaMotta was a rough fighter, who although not particularly a big puncher, would subject his opponents to vicious beatings in the ring, with use of constant stalking, brawling and inside fighting, he developed the reputation for being a ‘bully’, and is often referred to today as a swarmer and a slugger. Due to his style of fighting, LaMotta often got as much as he was giving in an era of great middleweights; with a thick skull and jaw muscles, LaMotta was able to absorb incredible amounts of punishment over the course of his career, and is thought to have one of the greatest chins in boxing history.”

June 4, 2016 7:15 pm


Back in PA Mike
Back in PA Mike
June 4, 2016 9:20 pm

RIP great one. You had balls and backed up the talk!

June 5, 2016 12:24 am

The best one liner I ever heard from Muhammad Ali. In the late sixties he was on a train passing thru North Dakota in the middle of the winter in the midst of a snowstorm. At the stop in Fargo, he stepped off the train and looked around and said ” Oowee, isn’t this pretty. Gov. Wallace would love this place”. RIP

Full Retard
Full Retard
June 5, 2016 2:34 am

Stucky says: Jan Crouch died a couple days ago. YEAH!!!!!!!

Stuckers, I was wondering what happened to the old dude.

Now that the valley is growing, I see storefront churches pop up like video stores of yore, mostly in Hispanic neighborhoods. I often wonder why only recent immigrants are called to the ministry. That’s what I see in the ads showing a flashy couple, Pancho and Petra – pastors – of the Talking Donkey Tabernacle inviting you to come worship with them..