Why Is The Weather So Crazy All Of A Sudden?


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June 6, 2016 1:17 pm

Snyder, you are a major league douchebag. Everyone knows all we have to do is raise taxes and all this bullshit will stop. Get a real job, you’re a terrible con man. In liberty, starfuck

June 6, 2016 1:32 pm

Planet is 4.2 billion years old. Little early to be saying you detect patterns isn’t it? Thats a human flaw called pareidolia. Whats 5000 years divided into 4.2 billion? One eight hundred and forty thousandth. How is your work day going one eight hundred forty thousandth of the way into it?

June 6, 2016 1:41 pm

I live in N. CA,, but we are having is summer of fairly mild weather,so far.. Yesterday it was 102F, but the rest of week it will be 86/97F, that is hardly a heat wave…While I do use my whole house fan at night , we have yet to turn on the AC during the day. .

June 6, 2016 1:49 pm

Mr. Synder…….Never before in U.S. history have we ever reported on the minutiae of weather events as we do today. Notice how the media in the last two years announces what used to be normal events as ‘extreme’. Gullible much. Get scared easily Mr. Snyder?; Change your diapers often?

Take your BullShit and shove it where the Sun doesn’t shine.

Just for kicks:
Over the past 10 years there have been 69 Atlantic hurricanes but during that time no hurricanes of Category 3 or higher have hit the U.S. coastline. Such a string of lucky years is likely to happen only once in 270 years, according to a NASA study.

Statistical analysis indicates that for any given year there is a 40% chance of a Category 3 or higher hurricane landing across the U.S. coastline.

Tornadic activity in U.S. has similar stats to Hurricanes.

SO, Where’s the Beef?

June 6, 2016 2:20 pm

We have had a lot of unusual volcanic activity here in Minnesota.

June 6, 2016 2:33 pm

Weather varies. By definition.

Climate changes. Gradually.

Snyder writes alarmist pieces to try and get page views. Daily.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 6, 2016 2:44 pm

This guy Snyder is a nutcase. Kokoda is right. We don’t have records going back very far – especially for satellites (~ 30 years). The Argo Array of sensors (detecting temperatures) was only deployed in 2007 – and since the buoys have been moving along with ocean tides and flows, comparing the buoys’ temps is difficult, to say the least, requiring some guesswork.

June 6, 2016 3:08 pm

What if our weather just keeps getting crazier and crazier? Then we will pay a carbon tax. The top 0.1% will buy even more yachts and Rembrandts.

June 6, 2016 3:33 pm

So we get hotter from Heat Islands, solar aging (sun will get hotter for 4 billion more years), increased Earth Fault Line contact with Seas etc but that is a problem for the centuries. We have a bigger problem NOW. I’m a rural farmer and all bugs (bees, moths, etc), frogs, mice, snakes and birds have all decreased very significantly over the last five years so I began a search for a reason(s). I believe it is linked to Atrazine; 75 million pounds are sprayed in America each year but Atrazine doesn’t kill on contact like Raid but screws up animal hormones causing a multitude of health problems especially reproduction which causes higher sterility rates which destroys populations in several generations. Unlike Glyphosate which breaks down in soil in about 6 months, Atrazine can remain many years and is now 30-100 times the EPA acceptable levels in drinking water; Syngenta has paid millions to install filters on municipal water systems. Like a dozen other Major Problems, the NYC Controlled Media SEES NOTHING.

June 6, 2016 3:55 pm

I feel like I’m the only scientists in the world saying “Look guys, either the world as we know it is coming to and end….or we don’t have as good a grasp on ancient climate as we think we do.”

Tree rings, flood deposits, ice core…these are all indirect methods of recording the climate of antiquity, each fraught with their own issues.

Climate models aren’t updates annually to make them more accurate. They are updated annually to try and force a doomsday narrative.

Much like other issues polluting the airwaves, this is essentially a non-issue. Yet another divisive “us vs. them” argument that is meant to keep people from looking at just how screwed we all are.

Did ya guys see the markets today? Jumped like crazy because they are just that confident JanetSmellin won’t increase rates. And she won’t. And the markets will stay “high” for a few days/weeks while everybody suckers more lemmings in.

Then something bad will happen around the world, and shit will plummet again. 2016 is a year of happenings my friends. What a time to be alive and belligerent.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
June 6, 2016 3:57 pm

Just finished reading a book about the collapse of the late bronze age. It was pretty interesting and the conclusion was that what brought the period and the civilizations in the Mediterranean to an end was not one single event but rather a chain of events occurring both simultaneously and over period of time. A long period of time. Marauding sea peoples who caused a collapse in international trade combined with internal rebellions, corruption and climate change (think a drought that lasted for over 100 years) all contributed.

This shit is nothing new. I get tired of reading Snyder’s crap. He writes: “If our weather continues to spiral out of control…” our weather has never been under control. The climate has been fluctuating, ebbing and flowing for as long as the planet has been around. For Christ’s sake, 10,000 years ago our continent was covered under a mile of ice. That’s some pretty extreme shit if you ask me. And there ain’t thing one we can do about it if mother nature says it’s going to happen again.

June 6, 2016 3:59 pm

The output of the sun fluctuates. There are long cycle fluctuations and short cycle fluctuations. It’s output is very inconsistent.

Next question?

June 6, 2016 4:48 pm

Five years ago, Snyder seemed reasonable. Now he believes his own bullshit.

June 6, 2016 5:06 pm

Said this before, will say it again for any newbies.

Snyder is a fundy bible-thumping religious nutjob. He believes in a literal reading of the book of Revelation …. with ALL it’s associated woes, trumpets, seals, and scrolls literally coming to pass … which will unleash hell on earth … any day now (!!!) ….. until Jeebus comes back to save the day.

ALL of his writings are predicated on this religious outlook. He is the hammer always looking for a nail. Yet, once in a while he is interesting and perhaps even factual. Mostly, though, he is full of shit.

June 6, 2016 5:09 pm

The only difference is that as this thing marches on and most have suffered doom fatigue, Snyder soldiers on. I don’t hear any of you shit hammering him when its econ matters – he’s a big believer in God’s biblical ‘shakings’ with the earthquakes et al via the shemitah. Dude doesn’t quit, I respect him for it.

Alexander Ac
Alexander Ac
June 6, 2016 5:21 pm

The only think is that ist not all of the sudden.


June 6, 2016 5:28 pm

spit it out Alex….

June 6, 2016 5:39 pm

Before you all start jumping all over Snyder maybe you ought to google HAARP and check out the ability of who the hell ever it is to control weather.

It’s not that this hasn’t happened before, it’s the frequency of the events is increasing.


June 6, 2016 5:49 pm

Stucky, sell that house yet? You’re running out of time if you really want to sell. I have 28 acres of highland with over 1000 feet of river frontage. I’ve dropped the price from 80 to 30 thousand and no bites. I could have sold it for 150,000 in the boom.

I’ll drop it until it sells, and then convert. I would rather have AG than $$$.

June 6, 2016 6:07 pm


I didn’t know volcanos were weather related


June 6, 2016 6:09 pm

Warts, that’s how you get it done.

June 6, 2016 6:17 pm

stf, of course, it’s all a matter of weather you want liquidate or not. What you can get is what the market says it is worth, what you want is irrelevant.

June 6, 2016 7:11 pm

North Central Wisconsin

June 6, 2016 8:42 pm

Warts, do any skiing at pine mountain?, used to race up that way.

June 6, 2016 8:59 pm

“Tree rings, flood deposits, ice core…these are all indirect methods of recording the climate of antiquity, each fraught with their own issues.”

But, TPC, didn’t you ever even watch the old X Files? One time it told how some asshole loggers cut down a bunch of like billion year old trees and there was this green microbe thing in the old tree rings and it came swarming out and fucked everybody up.

This shit is serious as a heart attack. You can’t just bust in here and dismiss everybody’s worst fears.

June 6, 2016 9:20 pm

@Fabulous: Yes, we have had much volcanic activity here in Minnesota. But fortunately, the heat has speeded the ripening of the water mellon crop.

June 6, 2016 10:10 pm

obviously Mr. Snyder isn’t very popular at TBP.
he does work hard though, blogs-books-videos…
he is trying to help people…alert people, warn people,
scare people?

@RHS jr

I never heard of Atrazine! Another freakin’ poison wrecking
our soil and water and killing our little critters and bugs.
Basterds…from wiki:

“What is atrazine and why do we love it? – Atrazinelovers

http://www.atrazinelovers.com/m1.html Proxy Highlight

Atrazine is an herbicide (weed-killer) primarily used on corn. Atrazine is the most common chemical contaminant of ground and surface water in the United …”

Atrazine…sounds like a psych med, (do not ever take Abilify or Risperidone)
and don’t use atrazine please. It is so dangerous to eat corn…can’t eat it
unless it is certified organic. Every bite of corn is packed with pesticide and

June 6, 2016 10:22 pm


I didn’t recognize the sarcasm first go round. Bring fruit into it and I catch on quicker.

June 6, 2016 10:43 pm

@warts, sure wish i could buy a property like that somewhere in the south. Sounds like a dream. That sounds great until I realize its in wisonsin.

June 7, 2016 10:41 am

“ust over the past few days we have seen “life threatening” heatwaves, extremely dangerous wildfires, vicious tornadoes and unprecedented flooding”

When have we not seen “heatwaves, dangerous wildfires, vicious tornadoes, and serious flooding”? Get a grip already. This guy sounds like the morons who point to every natural disaster as some proof of God’s rage at humanity’s sinful ways.

People who write rot like this forget that we have only been keeping weather records for 150 years or so, and that climate science is still very much in its infancy, and we are only beginning to understand how volatile the planet’s “normal” climate is, but anyone who reads any history at all can many periods of much more extreme weather than now.

Wildfires and droughts in California? So what’s new? Wildfires have been burning in CA for a thousand years at least, and the entire Malibu coast has been burned over 3 times since the 1930 Decker Canyon fire. But, before 1930, people did not build $5 M houses in the fire corridor, and then, when it burned down in a wildire, replace it with one costing $50M so it could burn up in the next wildfire.

Floods? The great Mississippi River flood of 1927 is still considered to be one of the worst natural disasters in our country’s history, yet the Ohio River flood of 1937 was far worse- it was a 1000-year flood that displaced over 1,000,000 people and devastated hundreds of small town and farms in Ohio River watershed, and flooded downtown Cincinnati and Pittsburg- Pittsburg’s Golden Triangle business district was under 30′ of water for over a month at least. Look further back and you can find worse floods, but there weren’t massive settlements sitting on the banks of those rivers, so no one remembers them.

Tornadoes? No one now remembers St Louis’ great tornado of 1896, or 1926, and very few people left alive (I’m one of them) remembers even the great 1958 tornado that ripped through the city’s central corridor and destroyed several neighborhoods, while toppling a television tower.

June 8, 2016 12:13 pm

The big problem is with the phrase ‘in recorded history”, which is a tiny fraction of the fraction of world history indigentandindignant calculated for us. Added to the hyper saturation of media these days, and you have a recipe for mass ignorance and mass hysteria.

From this ‘snapshot of history’ perspective, at some point, it would seem prudent to revise the defined parameters of a 500-year flood as more and more data becomes available over time…