The Right Lessons from Obamacare’s Meltdown

Guest Post by Ron Paul 

The decision of several major insurance companies to cut their losses and withdraw from the Obamacare exchanges, combined with the failure of 70 percent of Obamacare’s health insurance “co-ops, ” will leave one in six Obamacare enrollees with only one health insurance option. If Obamacare continues on its current track, most of America may resemble Pinal County, Arizona, where no one can obtain private health insurance. Those lucky enough to obtain insurance will face ever-increasing premiums and a declining choice of providers.

Many Obamacare supporters claimed that the exchanges created a market for health insurance that would allow consumers to benefit from competition. But allowing consumers to pick from a variety of government-controlled health insurance plans is not a true market; instead it is what the great economist Ludwig von Mises called “playing market.”

Unfortunately, if not surprisingly, too many are drawing the wrong lessons from Obamacare’s difficulties. Instead of calling for a repeal of Obamacare and all other government interference in the health care market, many are calling for increased penalties on those who defy Obamacare’s individual mandate in order to force them onto the exchanges. Others are renewing the push for a “public option,” forcing private companies to compete with taxpayer-funded entities and easing the way for the adoption of a Canadian-style single payer system.

Even those working to restore individual control over health care via tax deductions, credits, and expanded health savings accounts still support government intervention in order to provide a “safety net” for the poor. Of course, everyone — including libertarians — shares the goal of creating a safety net. Libertarians just understand that a moral and effective safety net is one voluntarily provided by individuals, religious organizations, and private charities.

Government has no legitimate authority to take money from taxpayers to fund health care or any other type of welfare program. Government-run health care also does not truly serve the interest of those supposedly “benefiting” from the program. Anyone who doubts this should consider how declining reimbursements and increasing bureaucracy is causing more doctors to refuse to treat Medicaid and Medicare patients.

Medicaid patients will face increasing hardships when, not if, the US government’s fiscal crisis forces Congress to make spending cuts. When the crisis comes, what is more likely to be cut first: spending benefiting large corporations and big banks that can deploy armies of high-powered lobbyists, or spending benefiting low-income Americans who cannot afford K Street representation?

Contrary to myth, low-income individuals did not go without care in the days before the welfare state. Private, charity-run hospitals staffed by volunteers provided a safety net for those who could not afford health care. Most doctors also willingly provided free or reduced-price care for those who needed it. The large amount of charitable giving and volunteer activity in the United States shows that the American people do not need government’s help in providing an effective safety net.

The problems plaguing the health care system are rooted in the treatment of health care as a “right.” This justifies government intervention in the health care marketplace. This intervention causes increasing prices and declining quality and supply. Ironically, those who suffer most from government intervention are the very people proponents of these programs claim to want to help. The first step in restoring a health care system that meets the needs of all people is to start treating health care as a good that can and should only be provided via voluntary actions of free people.

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August 28, 2016 10:08 pm

Tis not to be in a fundamentally transformed America.

August 28, 2016 10:24 pm

we are being looted via health care is a right. Gosh I hope I can
find at least a nurse practitioner that can identify the various body parts. This is really scary to contemplate…I have heard/read rather,
that over the age of 70 the care will be extremely limited v “insurance.” I know the medical “system” is a price fixing fraud.
A friend, radiation oncologist, has had to move hospitals twice due
to the employers demand that certain products and services be
used even though they are less effective and terrific expensive.
Medicals have slipped the rule of law. As for the poor? The dirt
poor dependents? They pile into an auto and travel to the ER as
a social experience. Trust me…it is part of the life style. If they
are not “seen” immediately, a fight ensues. I have seen this often
in the great city of Milwaukee. Our insurance/health care system
will be shittier than it is now. The O-care has been deemed as a
tax, right? I lose track. Every day of O, more things turn to shite.

August 29, 2016 9:14 am

“we are being looted via health care is a right”

That isn’t the issue, the issue is that people have come to believe that having someone else pay for your healthcare so you won’t have to is a right.

Wonder if I could use the same argument and get the government or leftists to buy me a new gun so I don’t have to pay for my own? Guns are a specified right in the Constitution, ya’ know.

August 29, 2016 6:27 am

Broward county, where i live, supposedly has more MRI machines than all of Canada. Sorry Dr. Paul, ideology, even a really good ideology, isn’t going to fix this. It’s got to be blown up first. The minute you mandate insurance, it’s a tax. In this case a tax that flows into the hands of a private cartel. That private cartel is a much bigger problem right now than government. I’ll bet you can write this sort of piece in your sleep. And it would have made total sense ten years ago. But it’s not relevent dight now. The battle i’m waiting for is when President Trump demands the repeal of obamacare, and the chamber of commerce repugs, led by lyin ryan and mitch mcconnell, who have happily faked opposition for years, have to decide which master they serve.

August 29, 2016 10:11 am

Obamacare is a failed experiment in socialism, it does not work in the US.

Hildabeast will change the doughnut hole to a 10k deductable, to keep the system limping along, while premiums increase 10x the rate of inflation.

This is how you know you are nothing but cattle to the “rulers”