Congress Commits Treason Against the People

NSA Snowden

The arrogance of Congress & NSA knows no bounds. A U.S. congressional intelligence committee issued a critical report accusing Edward Snowden of treason, claiming, without knowledge or proof, that his leak of information “caused tremendous damage” to U.S. national security. They rejected him as a “whistleblower” and totally ignore the civil rights of the American people as if we are just cattle. They place their secrecy above all else.

They claim, without proof, that the majority of material he stole from the NSA was not limited to privacy of citizens, but concerned intelligence and defense programs of great interest to America’s foreign adversaries. Of course, they do not mention that their staff wrote programs to collect nude pictures that girls sent to their boyfriends, illustrating that these people can play and intrude into the private lives of everyone.

They openly admitted that they did not even know the “full scope” of damage caused by Snowden. Nonetheless, they have no problem calling him a traitor when in fact they committed treason by violating the Constitution, which was intended to be a NEGATIVE restraint upon government. These are real traitors for they have flipped the Constitution on its head so they get to do whatever they desire. It is up to the people to challenge them instead of making our civil liberties entirely dependent upon someone like Snowden who is sacrificing his entire life to expose these very evil people who see themselves as justified.

There is a simple solution — STOP the national building policies. Neither Russia nor China has any desire to invade the United States and occupy the nation. Communism is dead, and the Cold War should be too.

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September 22, 2016 11:27 am


September 22, 2016 1:12 pm

“Communism is dead, and the Cold War should be too.” ——- article


September 22, 2016 2:17 pm

Communism is dead. Ha ha, ha ha, ha that is some funny shit. That said I am taking the misses to see Snowden tomorrow, any reports?
T4C- Thanks for that Beach Boyz cover song, it was excellent, definitely needed video to go with it.

September 22, 2016 3:34 pm


How long have you been leading The Charge Of The Sheep Brigade?

Good ‘ol Bea, he really IS a munchkin in the cranial area … the area that can spot a commie.


T4C, I bet he DID look! hahaha It’s fun toying with him, isn’t it.

September 22, 2016 3:40 pm

The World …. according to Bea Lever

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Bea Lever
Bea Lever
September 22, 2016 5:01 pm

Stucky my close pal has attempted to bring comedy hour to the platform without much success. Keep your day job(?) as I am sure your career in comedy will not pan out. Better luck next time. Bea

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 22, 2016 11:57 pm

Snowden pulled the curtain back just a little and the powers that be will never allow the authority that constitutionally they really do not have be challenged because then a majority of us would see the truth of what has been done to us as a nation and a people . We are Americans and we had an idea that with freedom we as a people could acheive great things and we did by becoming one people from all over this world we. AK’s here to be FREE AMERICANS and the people Snowdon exposed at one time we would have tarred and feathered for snooping around checking up on us . What have you got to hide ? They ask that’s the point none of your fucking business it’s private ! Then comes the bull shit you could be planing something bad , true let’s examine the track record , every terror act committed on US soil was allowed to happen after the perpetrators were investigated so tell me who got fired for being worthless just saying !

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 23, 2016 9:13 am

To warning : A public forum like TBP is an open discussion with anonymity for obvious reasons . Just ask Snowden or Jullian Assage what happens when the domestic enemies of America have their cover blown ! We have a process to indight Americans get a warrant by supplying a judge with evidence and oath and affirmation otherwise the powers of the state are supposed to be very limited and scrutinized 24/7