The Black-White Wage Gap Has Continued To Expand

Infographic: The Black-White Wage Gap Has Continued To Expand | Statista
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rhs jr
rhs jr
September 22, 2016 11:54 am

Can you subtract out the people closest to the Zionist money spigot and just compare Blacks to Deplorable Whites?

September 22, 2016 12:00 pm

“A single parent with a couple kids can easily get $35,000 a year in total benefits between the health care and the earned income credit and the FoodShare and the low-income housing and what have you. … That’s after taxes.”

— Incoming Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-Wis.)”

Hey that’s $17.50 an hour – for not working at all – and they are not taxed!!!

If you add the value of Medicaid – about $6,000 – you have $41,000 a year which is $20.50 / hr.

It’s disgusting.

kokoda - Les Deplorables
kokoda - Les Deplorables
September 22, 2016 12:31 pm

Sure beats working your butt off your whole life and saving for retirement. These people have me beat.

September 22, 2016 12:36 pm

I would like to see the average educational levels compared along side of the wages.

I suspect there would be an answer to why suggested by them.

September 22, 2016 1:38 pm

With so many blacks having zero wages(because they won’t work) their average wage is extremely low.