Donald’s Electoral Struggle


After touting her pro-labor union record, the Wicked Witch of Chappaqua rhetorically asked, “why am I not 50 points ahead?”  Her chief rival bluntly responded: “because you’re terrible.”* No truer words have been uttered by any of the candidates about one of their opponents since the start of this extraordinary presidential campaign!

That Hillary Clinton is even remotely competitive in the race despite her flagrant and undeniable corruption, numerous breaches of national security, a long incompetent and bungling political career, and the utter lack of any personal charm or charisma, points to ominous trends within the American electorate that if not checked will mean political futility for future challengers of the status quo and continued economic deterioration.

Simply put: Killary is in contention despite a mountain of negatives because the “dependency class” of the electorate has mushroomed to such an extent that anyone who seeks its reform is automatically at a disadvantage, while candidates, no matter how vile, who promise to keep the gravy train rolling or expand it, will remain viable.  This is the dilemma that Donald Trump faces.

Most of the data in this regard is quite telling.  To show how far the US has fallen as an economic power, government workers outnumber manufacturing workers by 9,932,000!  The three levels of government – federal, state, local – employ some 22,213,000 people while the manufacturing sector employs 12,281,000.**   Parasitical bureaucrats outnumber those who actually create wealth by almost double.  Not only is this a recipe for economic stagnation and decline, but it creates an entrenched voting bloc and contingency for government-friendly office seeking politicians.  There have been few if any more government-friendly figures over the past century than Hillary Rotten Clinton!

Those who are dependent on the State goes far beyond mere government employees: 46 million receive food assistance, 66 million people are “Social Security” recipients, 8 million people receive “unemployment insurance.”  Federal government spending on for-profit firms comes to some $500 billion, which Charles Murray has estimated is about 22% of the workforce or about 36 million people.  Non-profit organizations and NGOs with income of $2 trillion and 12 million employees receive about one third of their funding from the government which accounts for another 3 million dependents.  This brings the total American State-dependency class to a staggering 181 million members!***

Summing up this disturbing data, the eminent economist and philosopher, Hans-Hermann Hoppe wrote:

                   . . . only 79 million people or about one third

of the adult (above 18) US population of 260 million

(or about 25 percent of the total population of 320

million) can be said to be financially wholly or largely

independent of the State, whereas close to 70 percent of

the US adult population and 57% of the total population

are to be counted as State-dependents.****

These trends will be accentuated, to say the least, if Donald Trump is defeated, which will give Hillary and the Republican-amnesty crowd free reign.  After grants of amnesty for the millions of illegals already in the country are given and opening of the nation’s borders to even more, any hope of true reform of the welfare state will be extinguished.  Moreover, it will further burden those of the productive, non-dependency sectors of society who will have to support even larger groups of parasites and free loaders.

The Left clearly understands what is at stake, which is why they see Trump’s anti-immigration stance, his talk of closing agencies (Department of Education), and grappling with federal spending as a direct threat to their power base.  This is why they are apoplectic in their opposition to the billionaire businessman turned presidential contender.  He and his constituency are, for the most part, outside of the dependency class.

A population that is increasingly tied to government largesse is obviously not conducive for economic growth.  For Donald Trump to make America great again, the nation’s burgeoning dependency class must be halted.  Not only will this mean that the “Trump Movement” will not be a passing political fad, but will have a necessary and lasting impact.

That Hillary Clinton is not significantly ahead despite her enormous advantages must be cause for a lot of sleepless nights among the power elite.  A Clinton Presidency would secure the Left’s electoral dominance for years to come.

One man stands in their way.

* Guy Benson, “Question From Hilary Clinton” ‘Why Aren’t I 50 Points Ahead?’”  Townhall.  22 September 2016.

**Terence P. Jeffrey.  “Government Workers Now Outnumber Manufacturing Workers by 9,932,000.  CNS News.  2 September 2016.

***Hans-Hermann Hoppe.  “Democracy, De-Civilization , and Counterculture.”  26 September 2015.



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September 26, 2016 2:43 pm

Welcome Comrade to Soviet America where you pretend to work and government pretend to pay you.

/sarc off

September 26, 2016 3:03 pm

Hey Meatheads of the Burning Platform : I have concluded based on my impeccable mathematical skills that Trump has got to win Ohio , Pennsylvania and North Carolina to get the 270 electoral votes needed to win.What say the rest of you ?

September 27, 2016 9:08 pm

My GOD! The smartness! It BURNS!

September 26, 2016 3:03 pm

Better if Trump is defeated by vote rigging of both parties. And forms 3rd party for congessional seats in 2018.

By then the greater depression will be in full swing.

As ive said Democrats arent going to like too many people behaving as Democrats. Detroit USA aint going to fly.

September 26, 2016 4:10 pm

This is why I think that anyone receiving funds from the government should not vote. Yes that means cops, firemen, teachers, soldiers, etc. too. If you are paid by the county then, no voting in county affairs. If your funds come from the state government then you shouldn’t be able to vote there. If they come from the fed then federal elections would be the restriction. If you are a contractor and your funds come from government contracts then the same thing goes. If you are on welfare, no vote. In that way you cannot vote yourself a raise. Once you are done with the government income then you can vote again, but while you are on the teat you don’t get to decide.

Ben Franklin: “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”

I think the biggest miss in the Constitution was allowing people to vote and get paid for it.

September 28, 2016 1:09 pm

The fact that you have 16 upvotes from that statement shows how ridiculously biased and stupid some of the readers are here…

Choosing public service – cop, fire fighter, teacher, councilperson, judges, prison guards etc, disqualifies one from having a vote? First responders to disasters (9/11), military personnel fighting for the country get no vote?

Fucking stupid, ridiculous selfish three year olds…It’s really unbelievable…

September 26, 2016 4:35 pm


Id add pay taxes either. Because in reality they dont. Its an accounting gimmick.

All school children should be taught why. Along with term limits Id adopt a no taxes for government employees at the next Constitutional Convention.

Gay Veteran
Gay Veteran
October 5, 2016 10:37 am

hey moron, they DO pay income taxes.

Jerry T
Jerry T
September 26, 2016 4:44 pm

Trump will win by a landslide if the turnout is strong!

September 26, 2016 7:09 pm

I have said this very thing for years. The free shitters have reached critical mass.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
September 27, 2016 6:42 pm

Where did I place those matches. This bitch needs to be burned to the ground.