Space Aliens!: More Undocumented Immigration

Guest Post by Fred Reed


Proof of extraterrestrials. This space alien in suspended animation floated up in the Caribbean after an earthquake opened a crack in Atlantis. The CIA told me that she didn’t exist, ordered me to FedEx her to Roswell, and threatened to make me drink fluoridated water if I refused. 

I am in hiding. Write me care of general delivery, Tierra del Fuego.

Recently I  wrote a column about the variegated conspiracy theories that surround accounts of Nine-Eleven. Friends warned me against it. They said that the resulting attack on me would make the Normandy Landing look like a church picnic. It did. I believe that if you drew and quartered a conspiracy theorist’s children and even shot his dog, he would behave civilly. Question his theory, and you better run like hell.

Anyhow, it got me to thinking about space-aliens, and how they are just about everywhere, and you can’t water the lawn without bumping into at least three of them. This in turn got me to thinking about conspiracy theories in general. Such as:

UFOs are real and, in fact, the aliens who traveled here in their interstellar flying discs now work for the United States government — according to a top aerospace scientist who died in August, but left behind an extraordinary deathbed interview in which he reveals his high-level, inside knowledge of the United States …Oct 28, 2014”

Well, damn. I guess that settles it.

The story goes on: “Top Area 51 scientist reveals in deathbed video. Eighteen aliens work for US government “ (Hillary, I would assume.)

Then we have:

NASA “NASA’s image shows huge merchant fleet zipping by Sun,”

I suppose we will soon have another free-trade zone.

To be a real Conspiracy Theory, upper case, a plot cannot assert merely that evil is being done by some entity for the usual sordid purposes of money or power, such as that the pharmaceutical industry conspires to fix prices. Typically it must posit that dark forces, usually the government, particularly the CIA and the military, but sometimes Jews, are hiding something foul or of terrible importance. As I understand it, the currently favored theory of Nine-Eleven holds that Mossad brought the towers down, though it is often blamed on the US military or Larry Silverstein, the owner, who did it for the insurance.

Now, if Israel did it, a major act of war, clearly we should bomb Tel Aviv. Why do the conspiracy theorists not suggest this? Because the theories are amusements, video games without all those buttons.

Examples of theories are that, as mentioned, Israel destroyed the Twin Towers with a controlled demolition, that the government hid the existence of large number of POWs left behind in Vietnam, that the moon landings were faked, that the government is building FEMA camps for imprisoning most of the population, that the Holocaust was faked, that practically everybody assassinated JFK, that the Navy shot down Flight Flight 800, that the government is concealing the existence of extraterrestrials, and that fluoridated water is a conspiracy to lower our national intelligence, assuming this to be possible.

One notices inconsistencies. Well, normal people do. Conspiracy buffs do not. Note that on one hand, the Nine-Eleven planes were flown by remote control:

Imagining that teams of hijackers could successfully take over four jetliners then flawlessly fly three of them into relatively small targets, even though none had ever flown a jet, requires enormous leaps of faith. In contrast, robotically flying the jetliners into their targets could have been accomplished using the flight control computers that were standard equipment on the targeted planes.”

I guess nobody noticed the absence of pilots.

On the other hand, the planes s didn’t exist at all. This raises the philosophical question as to whether nonexistent planes must be flown by nonexistent robotics, and how you could tell.

Characteristically, believers in conspiracies display absolute certainty, regard pityingly those not of the faith, ignore contradictory evidence, and are made as uncomfortable by logic as they would be by an insane aunt kept in the attic. For example, the furiously held belief that the moon landings were faked would seem to contradict the belief furiously held by others that Neil Armstrong saw alien ships on the moon. A logician would think either A, or B, or neither, but not both. Nope. This isn’t  just fuzzy logic. It is a virtual hairball.

“Were US Astronauts Ordered Not To Report UFOs & Aliens?

There are buildings on the Moon. There is mining equipment on the Moon. Photos, NASA photos, do exist which clearly show both of these. Hundreds, but probably thousands, of NASA photos have been tampered with. Specifically, by careful use of an airbrush, flying saucers and other UFOs can be removed….”

This is good to know. If they invade the earth we can simply airbrush them to death, sssssssssss.


The existence of Moon Maid has been confirmed by police sources, specifically Detective Lieutenant Richard Tracy, who later mysteriously disappeared. It is widely rumored that he was erased by the CIA.

This book at Amazon ends all doubt: We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon

I have been told on several occasions that the unexplained large markings in Peru–Nazca lines–were made to guide ancient astronauts to landing fields. This assumes reasonably that space aliens with the technology to get here from other star systems cannot navigate without large mounds of dirt to help them.

Nothing could make more sense, I say.


Space-alien GPS. Certainly looks like a space-alien.

A good Conspiracy Theory is always supported by assertions that large numbers of eyewitnesses and experts confirm the theory (“top aerospace scientist who died….), that countless doctors or pilots or engineers or several astronauts have said as much, but are either suppressed by the media or threatened into silence by the government. “The Use Of Fluoridation For Mass Mind Control

“Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual`s power to resist domination, by slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain.”

Well, OK. But at least we have good teeth. I concede that the students of American universities lend a certain credence to this theory.

The theorists often are intelligent and sophisticated, and certainly common. I know four here in Mexico, all gringos. One of them believes that the passenger manifests of the hijacked Nine-Eleven planes, manifests which he cannot possibly have seen, reveal that the Arab hijackers were not aboard. Well, it was on the internet somewhere, so it must be true. Another specializes in FEMA camps, but has sidelines I think in Nine-Eleven and fraudulent moon landings.The last two believe, really, that strange reptilian creatures from space secretly rule the earth. It’s in some book. None of these people are crazy or even otherwise eccentric, and all are bright.

FEMA Camps: “There are over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. READ MORE:”


Unnoticed FEMA camps. If for arithmetic convenience we assume a figure of 33 1/3 guards on duty per camp, that’s 100 per camp for three shifts, (never mind weekends, cooks, administrators, maintenance staff) or 80,000 unnoticed, off-budget guards, kept hermetically secret by the FEMA bureaucracy as well as the surrounding population.

Those who believe in one theory usually believe in others. The theories typically view large organizations as tightly united in secret evil, as unitary globs of malevolence, a bit like the evil spirits of primitive societies, and able to keep dark secrets even though though large numbers, often of ordinary employees, would have to know of the plot. For example, one version of the attack on the Pentagon holds that a missile (type unspecified) was fired by a Navy ship (ship unspecified). This means that the entire crew, several hundred ordinary sailors–not CIA operatives or Thirty-Third Degree Masons–as well as higher-ups would quickly know that they had just blown up the Pentagon. Yet it never leaked out.

This is true of almost all conspiracy theories:  We must regard substantial populations  of unruly individuals, all thinking different things, liberals, conservatives, rebels, herd-followers, Christians, Jews, agnostics, atheists, moral, immoral, amoral, thoughtful, thoughtless, sophisticated, or rubes–as reliably being willing to hush up such things as mass murder. This is the stuff of dreams.

The Mirror: “Top secret UFO documents ‘prove Britain’s biggest alien sighting was real’ claims US naval officer:”

I think revealing top secret documents is a crime in England, and is in the US.

A major part of the theory that the Moon landings were faked is that Stanley Kubrick was engaged by the government to do the faking. According to this site, Nazi scientists during WWII invented highly advanced flying saucers (honest: read the link) which were confiscated by the shadow government of the US and hidden from the public, so that….

One more:

Buzz Aldrin “On the Moon we were ordered by aliens to move away.”

You get the picture.

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kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 13, 2016 2:48 pm

Conspiracy #102:
The Lusitania carried military weapons in its hold to aid Britain; German authorities told our government they would sink the ship if it sailed with weapons on board. The same German authorities informed several major newspapers of the potential sinking and why; Our government stopped the presses. The Lusitania was sunk and the U.S. entered WWI.
……yeah sure, this was kept secret. Brooklyn Bridge anyone.

Conspiracy #103:
The attack on Pearl Harbor was known in advance by the U.S. government, as we had solved the Jap transmission code. Our carriers were moved away because our military knew air power would be a decisive element and that battleships were no longer required. Our leaders let the attack happen and killed 2,000 Americans in order to use the destruction as an excuse for the U.S. to enter WWII.
…..Yeah, sure; our gov’t would not let our own citizens die.

October 13, 2016 3:10 pm

The hijackers had to be patsies. They thought they were taking part in a drill. They were blackmailed into working for the government, and probably did several assignments in the weeks and months before. They no doubt had no idea what was coming. There were so many drills that day. It is plainly obvious that someone ordered all those drills. Again they probably didnt even know why. They were just told, we need these drills. There was so much plausible deniability, so much compartmentalization, and potentially blackmail (“do this or the sex tape gets released!”).

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 13, 2016 3:42 pm

Aliens probably also made this one. Irishman with shillelagh. [imgcomment image[/img]

October 13, 2016 3:51 pm

Conspiracy #102:
The Lusitania carried military weapons in its hold to aid Britain; German authorities told our government they would sink the ship if it sailed with weapons on board. The same German authorities informed several major newspapers of the potential sinking and why; Our government stopped the presses. The Lusitania was sunk and the U.S. entered WWI.
……yeah sure, this was kept secret. Brooklyn Bridge anyone.


From Fortune magazine last year:

Bemis is sure the Lusitania was secretly carrying highly explosive war contraband—including nitrocellulose or guncotton, a key component in some kinds of ammunition—to Great Britain, a nation already short on war supplies. The Germans believed this, too, according to some historians. Germany certainly thought the “Lucy” was a valid target: Its embassy published an ad in New York newspapers just before the Lusitania’s last journey, warning that the ship, which sailed under the British flag, was in danger of attack. Washington, D.C., London, and Cunard, owner of the ship, all scoffed at the smuggling accusation at the time, and no conclusive proof has ever emerged.

Upshot is, is that we don’t know, do we?

No proof has ever emerged – one way or the other. And, according to the article, the Irish government is preventing the rightful owner of the salver rights to the ship from properly examining the wreck.

What we do know is that a) The Germans thought a passenger liner was a valid target and said as much by taking out a newspaper ad. That b) the Lusitania was hit by exactly one torpedo, then was rocked by another, larger explosion 15 seconds later and c) she was so badly damaged that she sank in 18 minutes.

Cunard owned the ship. Cunard still exists – they are based in England. When the Lusitania was sunk, England was at war with… Germany.

Is it possible she was carrying munitions? Yep. Certainly. In the history of Ever, you think anyone would have thought to smuggle much-needed supplies by alternative means during a war? Sure.

Especially something as huge and grandiose and famous as the (at the time) biggest, fastest, most luxurious ship in the world – the Germans would not dare to attack her, right?

George V: “Hey Cunard. Sup?”
Cunard: “Sup Kingy?”
GV: “We need munitions coz the war and stuff… help a brother out?”
Cunard: “We get paid?”
GV: “Sure!”
Cunard: “Kay… We’ll hide it on that big new boat.”
Germans: “Zup?”
GV: “Uh.. nothing.. at all…”
Cunard: “What he said..”
Germans: “On ze boat? Not zo cool, GV.”
GV: “You don’t see anything…”
Cunard: “What he said…”
Germans: “Don’t do zat, GV, oder vee vill shoot boat.”
GV: “That’s not the boat you’re looking for… ”
Cunard: “Yeah!…. I mean, NO!”
Germans: “Fire one!”

Bea Lever
Bea Lever
October 13, 2016 5:20 pm

Billy- The “Lucy” was owned by House of Morgan holding company/JP Morgan. Morgan was running munitions like a mofo to France and England. Not saying the ship was or was not loaded but it’s prolly true Churchill and Morgan colluded on that one. Big money in war.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
October 14, 2016 8:04 am

Arms on the Lusitania? Divers say they found approximately 4,000,000 rounds of .303 in 2008.

October 13, 2016 4:25 pm

I’m convinced most children are space aliens.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
October 13, 2016 5:11 pm

Part uh why me Billy go thru so much Crisco is cuz the level uh anal probin in our household is thru the roof. If uh alien wanted ter they could stick uh football sized DNA collector up Billy’s bung hole and King Billy Dipshit probably wouldn’t even stop watchin the tube. Anyways, there no such thing as uh gawd dammed alien and ever body readin this needs ter git uh life.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Billah's wife
October 13, 2016 10:04 pm

Part of me wants to know how you get the football out but I wouldn’t want to give FM any more reason to doubt my muy macho manhood.

October 13, 2016 7:58 pm

Who the fuck is Fred Reed!? He sounds like a ra-tard.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 13, 2016 8:23 pm

‘balls, you don’t sound white, are you white? How long did it take you to write that epic comment? Fred Reed has written millions more sentences than you ever will.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
October 13, 2016 10:37 pm

El Coyote is on uh them turd colored, fence jumpin, Rio Grande swimmin, pot smugglin, goat lovin, rival decapitatin, burrito diarrhea in uh concrete block latrine shittin Mexican, and we’ll be rid uh his anus oncet Donald gawd dammed Trump gits erlected. See ya beaner. It’s been real, but Billy’s about ter git his cankered anus off the couch and start doin the shit job yer ass used ter have when you was stealin white people’s jobs.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Billah's wife
October 13, 2016 11:00 pm

Not to mention you get to walk in on the lady of the house as she’s taking a shower and you say Escuus, nottin’ ay hebbent siin before, Señora. Nais herry, kooka!

October 13, 2016 10:42 pm

That pic is not a space alien. I’m pretty sure that is Megyn Kelly. She fakes being a journalist on Fox, with varying degrees of success.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 14, 2016 9:24 am

I always enjoyed his writing, but his life choices are the kind I’d expect from a mid grade civil servant- put in the minimum time required, draw a big fat pension, sit on your rear end all day drinking alcohol taking advantage of poverty stricken third world women while pretending that your ex-pat opinion is important to everyone still doing the heavy lifting.

Obsolete, brain poisoned by alcohol consumption, living on our dime.

That’s not a conspiracy, that just sad.

October 14, 2016 10:16 am

Isn’t there a term for picking out the silliest of conspiracy theories to make all theories seem stupid?

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 14, 2016 10:28 am

If I didn’t know better I would guess that someone with some Internet cred and a few money issues was made an offer by someone else and they went for it. You know, based on everything I have ever read.

But what do I know?

October 14, 2016 12:14 pm

Fred’s mexican boyfriend is supplied to him by his CIA handler. How’s that for a conspiracy theory.