Russ Feingold Says Hillary Might Issue Executive Order on Guns

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GunnyHiway 1960
GunnyHiway 1960
October 13, 2016 2:10 pm

Hillary can have all my guns…
Bullets first.

Carry On,

Otto Maddox
Otto Maddox
  GunnyHiway 1960
October 13, 2016 2:13 pm

In order to have complete control they must have a disarmed citizenry.
Good luck with that.

GunnyHiway 1960
GunnyHiway 1960
  Otto Maddox
October 13, 2016 3:05 pm

No problem “Otto”…
I will gladly die while STANDING in a small pile of brass for what I believe.
Enjoy your continued servitude on your KNEES.
Carry On,
E-7 Ret.

October 13, 2016 2:41 pm

yup,don’t panic….even if she did,it would be declared unconstitutional.

GunnyHiway 1960
GunnyHiway 1960
October 13, 2016 3:07 pm

Really?? — So what?
These “leaders” use our Constitution for toilet paper…
Carry On,

October 13, 2016 2:48 pm

I think they’ve given up going after the guns directly in the short term. But it doesnt really matter. I dont think people realize how far gone things are. In 10 years, sites like this wont even exist. Only controlled web 2.0 sites will survive. Sites like facebook and twitter, where they can and will shadowban anyone who isnt a drone. In 20 years they will have brought in enough illegal immigrants and refugees to vote in supermajorities in both houses. THEN they will pass the blanket gun confiscation act. There wont be any way for patriots to communicate or coordinate because they will have effectively shut down the internet. There will be some fighting, but it will be futule. They will march an army of 1,000,000 leftist zealots from coast to coast and door to door scooping up all the guns. Hell, it might even be a robotic army by then. Aint nobody or nothing gonna stand in their way.

October 13, 2016 7:02 pm

“Aint nobody or nothing gonna stand in their way.”

I’ll be standing in their way even even if that means I get killed.

October 13, 2016 7:07 pm

You’ll stand in their way and get killed but you won’t bother to vote to avoid having to.

You openly brag about not caring what happens, now you claim you do?

Be Prepared
Be Prepared
October 13, 2016 4:44 pm

Behind their veil of a public face, it’s always clear their objective is to create a totalitarian state. Take the guns…lose what small remnants of freedom exist. The one thing we always lose sight of is…. the best path to control guns is to restrict ammo. California is leading the way…. Hitllary will require everyone to present I.D. to buy ammunition. They will create a national ammo registration database and that will be the path upon which they will track gun owners. The Supreme Court already sanctified the ability to tax American Citizens to buy private insurance from a third party….. how difficult is it to see them doing the same thing with ammunition… kind of like a tax on cigarettes. All of these avenues would have a tremendous impact on having a firearm or rather an effective firearm. Otherwise, they become paperweights. She will continue her lying, cheating, stealing… her Zionist masters will push her hedonistic tendencies and we will all suffer.
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Jason Calley
Jason Calley
  Be Prepared
October 14, 2016 8:27 am

Hey! That is uncalled for! There is a BIG difference between Hitler and Hillary! For starters, Adolf didn’t have Parkinson’s. Or cankles.

ragman the redneck from the basket
ragman the redneck from the basket
October 13, 2016 6:41 pm

Gunny: WTF are you talkin’ about? Otto simply said “good luck with that” meaning the disarming of Americans. Maybe you should “carry on” somewhere else or work on your reading comprehension.

GunnyHiway 1960
GunnyHiway 1960
  ragman the redneck from the basket
October 13, 2016 8:07 pm

Really… Thanks for your interpretation..
How about YOU read his reply again and see that it could easily be taken how I did considering the CONTEXT of MY original comment.
I assure you, my reading, grammar and English skills are beyond reproach.
Have a great day.

Jason Calley
Jason Calley
October 14, 2016 8:34 am

Most people agree that if I hire someone to commit murder, I am just as guilty as the hit man who does the deed.

If we have a right to self defense (and we do) then the sheeple who are promoting that we be disarmed are just as guilty as the men who go door to door confiscating weapons.

October 14, 2016 4:18 pm

Iconoclast421, the horse is out of the barn. One million gun collectors will be no match for the tens of millions of gun owners who will not be complicit in their own disarming…

Also, which side will the majority of the military and national guard likely take? Unlike the Whermacht under Hitler, they do not swear their loyalties to any supreme leader…

As for police, I predict an epidemic of blue flu when asked to deal with this issue…