Guest Post by Kenny Lane at Knuckledraggin

The polls in Tennessee opened on the 19th for early voting which I think is just cooler than hell, allowing us to avoid a jam on the 8th.
Lisa and I took advantage of it and voted on Friday as long as we were in town anyways.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party is the best man for the job.

He believes in the Bill of Rights, written as intended and verified by our Founder’s writings. His views damned near mirror mine.

Yeah. So I voted for Trump. Yes, I did. For the first time in my life I voted Republican instead of American Independent or Libertarian.

It damned near killed me too, man.

I had my reasons and it’s not a decision that came on just as I was fixing to mash the button at the elections office. I watched all 3 debates (sober) and listened to what he had to say, but it was the final debate that really made up my mind. There were a couple of good points made but the one that really caught my attention was when he was asked about his stance on Roe v. Wade and his reply was to dump it and let the individual states deal with it. While I’d like to see it overturned, the very fact that he was paying attention to and abiding by the 10th Amendment shocked me.

But the one thing that really swayed my decision during the last debate? That fucking grin Hillary got on her face every time Trump nailed her with something. That just pissed me off, man. There ain’t nothing funny about the bullshit her and her husband have pulled and gotten away with. Every time I saw that shit eating grin I just gritted my teeth. So yeah, part of the reason I voted for Trump was to help kick her to the curb.

I can’t say that I don’t like Trump’s personality or his brashness because I’ve never seen it – I don’t watch TV. Until he started his campaign I’ve never seen a video of him, the TV show he hosted, never even heard his voice. All I’ve seen to date are his speeches. His personality didn’t factor into my decision even a little bit. Unfortunately I’ve been listening to Hillary’s voice for what, 12 years now? Enough is enough.

I had a girlfriend slam a tractor into a shed on some property I once lived on. That shed was Tore Up, capital T capital U. The logical thing to do was to invite my friends over for a party, burn the motherfucker to the ground and then clear the remains away and just rebuild it. Unfortunately it was in November, the winter rains had started and it was going to be a wet year. So I repaired it, just patched and propped it until I could do it right when the weather cleared back up in the spring.

That’s kinda where we’re at right now. If Hillary gets into office, it’ll be like lighting that shed up and burning it to the ground. Unfortunately, between the Russians, Chinese, Koreans, Ayrabs, Mexicans and damned near every other country in the world pissed off at us, if we do that we are done. Finished. We’ll never get a chance to rebuild.

See, we all want a better future for our kids and grandkids. Castle, who could’ve given them a fine future, doesn’t stand a chance – he’s not even on the ballot in his home state of Tennessee. Trump might be too late to give the grandkids the same kind of future, but he can maybe get it pointed in the right direction for their kids. But Hillary? They might not even survive her first term if those crazy-ass Ayrabs get their way. Seriously. Hell, my grandkids and great grandkids live in California and Texas – if Hillary’s elected they may end up being Mexican citizens.

But my vote wasn’t a decision that I arrived at emotionally or without great thought. Okay, maybe the part about Hillary’s grin was emotionally driven but what can I say – you saw it for yourself. That shit would drive any normal thinking adult berserk.
And no, it wasn’t that bullshit expression about ‘voting 3rd party is like voting for Hillary’ because it’s not, it’s voting for the best man for the job. Matter of fact, I probably would’ve backed Trump a lot sooner except for the brainwashed idiots that kept whispering that in my ear. I’m a contrary sonofabitch and I’ll go out of my way to prove it. BTW, any comments with that expression in it will not be published – that’s how tired I am of hearing it and how much it pissed me off.

So there it is: I voted for Trump and those are my reasons for doing so. I’m not happy with doing it, but the situation called for it. Who knows if it did any good, there’s no way in hell you can’t tell me that the elections aren’t rigged. Hell, with the internet being jacked the other day we might not even have a timely election. My vote might not count for a damned thing but at least I can say I tried. I gave Hillary a little of my own boot leather.

I know, huh? What’s next? First I denounced the national III Percenter ‘movement’ less than 3 weeks ago and now I’ve voted for Trump. Next thing you know I’ll be wearing a tie, walking a chihuahua and opening a Starbucks franchise.

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October 23, 2016 9:25 am

Wonder if his vote would make it to the final tally. All that extra time to fiddle with the counts.

October 23, 2016 9:42 am

Better to die trying than die whimpering.

October 23, 2016 11:40 am


kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 23, 2016 10:00 am

I thought you had to be dead in order to vote early.

kokoda - 100% Deplorable
kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 23, 2016 10:05 am

I will vote for Trump and I will be extremely happy doing so.
Suggest you watch ‘Trump’s Gettysburg address’.

starfcker the deplorable
starfcker the deplorable
  kokoda - 100% Deplorable
October 23, 2016 10:38 am

You done good, Kenny. And you’re gonna have years of fun buying cute little outfits for them chihuahuas.

October 23, 2016 10:22 am

Early voting is for the elderly and the morbidly obese who can’t stand in line for a long time. The elderly don’t tend to vote commie so it is thought many of those votes vaporize.

I hope Kenny does not live to regret his choice.

October 23, 2016 11:02 am

Well,I also vote early and am not a senior(Yet!).I agree with his reasoning in rolling the dice over a known bad choice and a chance choice to perhaps have some good come from election.I would also say vote no matter what as we all must try/exhaust peaceful means to get this country in better shape.

Oh,and Kenny,since you would have censored me comment on your site,all I can say is “Voting for 3rd party is like voting for Hillary”,Hah!Actually,some votes for 3rd party steal billary votes,but,fun to needle Kenny!

October 23, 2016 12:06 pm

“Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party is the best man for the job.” – Have you looked at the seven principles of the so-called Constitution Party? They not only conflict with the Constitution, they are inconsistent among themselves. If they had stuck to the Constitution I would have voted for them.

Principle 1 – life begins at conception – Where is this in the Constitution?
Principle 3 – Marriage is one man one woman – Where is this in the Constitution?
Principle 5 – Constitution as intended – don’t 1 and 3 directly conflict with this?
Principle 6 – States rights – don’t 1 and 3 directly conflict with this?

I agree with his reasoning for voting for Trump, but it’s hard to take Kenny seriously when he’d rather be voting for the above.

October 23, 2016 12:32 pm

I would normally vote Constitution Party since in the past -at least since Regan- I have seen no real difference between the Republican and the Democrat in anything beyond rhetoric (aka “bipartisanship”).

This time we aren’t stuck with the obvious choice of one of two evils, we are presented with an evil or a not evil (maybe an evil or a good, we can’t be sure yet but at least Trump isn’t an obvious evil).

This time I see an actual choice to be made so I voted Trump over Hillary.

If I saw no difference and no genuine choice again this time I would have voted Castle even though I know he has no chance.

October 23, 2016 2:01 pm

don’t vote early, you’re just opting into TPTB’s filtering system

October 23, 2016 3:50 pm

Early or on on election day, if they’re gonna cheat they’re gonna cheat.

There’s no escape from that outside of catching them at it with undeniable proof and then getting someone in a position to do something pay attention to that proof.

Which is unlikely to happen at best, impossible at worst.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 23, 2016 4:00 pm

Voting early helps them to cheat by letting them know the degree of cheating needed. Early voting, absentee voting, touch screen voting, ID-less voting, motor-voter laws, same day registration, online voting… all progressive schemes to allow them to cheat.

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
October 23, 2016 8:54 pm

in my county all paper ballots, absentees counted after the close of polls.