Clif High-Silver the Metal to Own-Huge Demand Coming

I don’t know if this video has had a wider viewing at TBP than the current comment string I’m occasionally participating in whilst between bunny thumping and egg gathering, but it is worth a wider viewing I think.  At the 12 minute point when the Bush and Gore contested election is called a spat between two members of the same crime family, his discussion of how we might KNOW if the election has been fixed is so incredibly simple it just might work.

I have studied (when in the journalism college down there in Norman) every single trick about manipulating polling data that has recently been exposed to have been suggested by Hillary herself to make the data set close enough to HIDE a stolen election. If Donald’s numbers are as high as the “rough data set” discussed in the video suggest, then it will be a LANDSLIDE and hard to explain. But if you plant the seed in EVERYONE’s little minds that it is too close to call, then rigging the vote count is NO PROBLEM with a compliant media.  But, the ramifications of EITHER happening are enormous.

Does everyone get it yet?

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Old Guy
Old Guy
October 29, 2016 1:41 pm

54 minute video. Covers myriad topics. Fascinating and well worth watching.

October 29, 2016 7:04 pm

Maggie glad to know that you’re enlightened. Saw this on Greg Hunter’s web site. Watched it three times.